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Mind the Gap: Excerpts from a Touhou CYOA


Jungle Girl
Jun 20, 2010
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These are excerpts from a CYOA that I write on an image board. I'm posting them here because I'd like to get some alternate feedback from an audience that hasn't become accustomed to my work. I realize there is a CYOA board, but I felt this belonged here as there are no choices to vote on. I have also posted this in another location or two, so there's always a chance you've already read it. :)

For a bit of background, I've been writing this story for a bit over 2 years now, on and off. The premise is that the male lead (known as 'you', because I feel second person is good for immersion) has been pulled into Gensokyo by Yukari for a number of reasons. Her entertainment being paramount, of course. The goal of the story is to cover every character from the Windows games, with a wide variety of fetishes, as well as a few of the PC-98 crew.

This is one of my more recent H scenes. For context, the male lead is currently climbing Youkai Mountain to visit Kanako. Yukari requested that he pay a visit to Aya along the way and attempt to blackmail her. In typical Yukari-like fashion, she made a point of not telling him what Aya's secret was, instead telling him to threaten her with exposing it. This starts right before he reaches Aya's home. In addition, Yumeko is present and currently residing in the main character as a spirit. Other characters generally won't be hearing their conversation. I had to break it into two posts due to length and character limit.

Any feedback is appreciated. As I stated above, I'm looking for fresh opinions on my work. :)

Also, I am leaving the CYOA formatting in, in case people are curious what the vote choices were and what was chosen. Let me know if I should keep or drop this formatting!

NOTE: Contains femdom, transgender, bisexuality.


A small home, residing at the top of another plateau, looms ahead. Given your prior experiences, this must be Aya's home, as well as Momizi's by association. If you're going to blackmail Aya as instructed, you hope that her friend is not home. She mentioned patrolling the mountain, so you should be safe until evening. “Do you have any advice, Yumeko?” you ask aloud.

“Not a bit, I've never met or even heard of this woman until your master brought her up,” she answers. “All you can do is rely on Yukari's information at this point.”

“What if it's another game, though?”

Yumeko pauses for a brief moment. “From your point of view, her games would seem to benefit you. Of course, you could use your own judgment. Some people appreciate the truth.”

“Thanks, Yumeko.” You continue up toward her house, slowly approaching the front gate. Her house is in the traditional Japanese style, much like many of the others around. It's a comforting sight; you don't mind the western style homes, but they feel out of place here. You push the gate open easily, stepping into the yard and heading toward the entrance.

With a sigh, you bring your hand up to knock on the frame of the door. You hesitate, standing there for a few moments and trying to decide how to handle the situation. Should you go along with Yukari's plan? Before you can decide, the door slides open. “Ah! You're that human!” a woman suddenly speaks. You nearly topple back in surprise at her sudden appearance before you. “Yeah, I saw you in town, running from the crowds of humans and such with a hot date in hand,” she says. “Aya Shameimaru, at your service.”

“Pleased to meet you, Aya,” you respond, recovering your balance. She thrusts a hand toward you, which you take. Her skin is soft and supple, but her grip is firm and commanding. You shake her hand, taking a moment to appraise her now that things have calmed down. She's about as tall as you, with short, raven black hair. A tiny red cap tops her head, sporting a pair of long red strings that bear a number of fuzzy white balls. What an odd piece of head wear. She's dressed in a simple white, short-sleeved dress shirt, along with a short black skirt and matching thigh-highs.

“I'm glad you showed up, actually, come on inside,” she offers, releasing your hand and moving aside. She gestures you in, shutting the door behind you. “Shoes off, if you'd be so kind,” she asks, watching expectantly as you remove your footwear. “Now, I had a few questions about that night.” The entrance to her home is a fairly open dining-room-slash-kitchen, and she points towards one of the seats.

You settle down, Aya positioning herself across from you. “I'd be more than happy to answer your questions, but I'm here on business.”

She blinks a few times in surprise. “So, you came looking for me, then?” she asks, her initial exuberance beginning to fade. She narrows her eyes, tapping her chin with a small brush. “That's interesting,” she says, taking on a more serious tone. “What kind of business does a human have with me, then?”

Aya is staring at you curiously, awaiting your answer. You've got no idea what kind of woman she is, so you don't know the best way to handle this. Should you go with Yukari's plot, or should you tell Aya everything? Regardless, you still need to fulfill your master's request.

[ ] Go with Yukari's plot. Safe is better than sorry.
[ ] Tell Aya the truth. Perhaps she'd appreciate the honesty.
[ ] Write-in.


[X] Go with Yukari's plot. Safe is better than sorry.


You take a deep breath in order to steady yourself. You'll stick to Yukari's plan, although you feel guilty about it. “I know your secret, Aya,” you state simply.

All of the color seems to run from her face. “Y-y-you, what? My secret? How do you?”

"It doesn't matter how I know," you say, after a moment's hesitation. No going back now. “I need something from you, Aya.”

She's quite scared at this point, which simply adds further weight to your guilt. “Wha, what do you need from me?”

You feel absolutely horrid now. You didn't realize threatening to out her secret would have this much of an effect. It must be something incredible to cause such a stir. You swallow nervously, trying to recollect yourself. “Well, I, uh,” you stammer, starting to lose your nerve. “I need to have sex with you?”

Aya pauses and stares at you. A slight smirk comes across her face, and she startles you with a sudden laugh."So, you came here to blackmail me, then? Well, I suppose I deserve this."

“Wait, what?”

“No, it's alright. I realize what's going on. I'm not even mad, it's simply amusing to me,” she continues, shaking her head. “I built up a lot of bad karma, so to speak, blackmailing people much like you're doing to me. I stopped, but I guess it finally came back to bite me.” Aya leans over the table, propping her chin up with the palm of her hand. “I'm also not angry because I realize you're just a middle man.”

"A, a middle man?" you say, tilting your head and trying desperately to look innocent. Damn, this woman has your number.

“Come on now, don't insult me like that. Someone set you up to this, and there's only a few people who know my secret.”

You nod and let out a slow sigh. “You're right, someone did put me up to it. But the point still stands, Aya.”

She nods firmly. “Right, my secret. While I don't think you'll go spreading it, I have to admit you have a lot of guts to try this.” A wide grin crosses her face. “So, I'll indulge you. Tell me, what did you really come here for?”

You pause and swallow nervously. “I told you, I came to sleep with you.”

Her expression suddenly drops. “W-what? You were serious about that? Well, I, uh,” she stammers, taken off guard. “That's... That's a surprise since you know about me. I've never slept with someone, or even had them want to sleep with me.” She turns her head away, glancing at you from the corner of her eye. “Do you actually want this, or are you just saying that as part of the whole blackmailing bit?”

You start to answer immediately, but stop yourself. Then, slowly, you begin to nod. “Yeah, now that you've made me think about it, I actually want it for myself,” you answer with confidence. You don't know her very well, but you'd certainly not turn down a cute woman like her.

She turns back toward you, blushing profusely. “That's something else, huh?” she says, not addressing you in particular. She smirks again, feeling a bit more confident. “Well, I'm surprised, but if you know what you like, you know what you like.” Aya shrugs slightly, standing from her seat and draping herself across the table, her face inches from yours.

Whoa! You've heard of whirlwind romances, but... "Just, uh, just like that, Aya?"

“I'm a bit scared, but it'll be a new experience for me. Besides, I'm not picky over gender,” she answers, reaching back with one arm to pat her rear. “You'll get what you want, we'll both have a little fun, and then I can ask you those questions.”

“All business, huh?” you ask, standing from your seat and walking around the table.

“Regardless of what anyone says, there's nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure,” Aya says with a giggle. She pulls her hand away from her ass, propping herself up on the table with both hands. You stand behind the crow tengu, placing one hand on her hip and lifting her short skirt with the other. “It's a pleasant surprise, actually.”

“What is?” you ask her, kneading the soft, supple flesh of her ass with your fingers. You slip the tip of a finger beneath the waist of her panties, slowly tugging on them.

“Finding an ass man. Like I said, you know what you like,” she replies bluntly, not a shred of shame in her voice. An 'ass man'? You can't possibly be that transparent, could you?

[ ] Aya has you pegged, doesn't she? Start with her ass as expected.
[ ] She's making a lot of ass-umptions. Give her a surprise and start with her pussy.


[X] She's making a lot of ass-umptions. Give her a surprise and start with her pussy.


“An ass man, Aya? You're making a lot of assumptions there.” You grin and slip the front of your pants down, freeing your half erect cock. You rest the length atop her smooth butt, continuing to massage her cheeks.

“Oh? I am? I guess I'm just not sure what else you'd do with a girl like me,” she replies, your prior comment lost on her. She wiggles her butt beneath your grasp, pushing it back against your lap.

You push the tip of your penis beneath her panties, stroking it against the soft material. You gently peel down the top of her panties, your cock now fully erect. “That's a simple answer,” you say, leaning over her body to whisper to her, “I'm going to start with your pussy.”

Aya doesn't immediately respond to your comment. She slowly pushes herself up from the table. “My pussy?” she asks aloud, beginning to laugh quietly. “You're going for my pussy, you say?”

You blink a few times, dumbstruck. What's she getting at? "Well... yeah, of course."

“You came here looking for a cute tengu girl to blackmail..." Suddenly, she pushes off from the table, sending the pair of you flying backwards. Your back hits the wall of the entryway hard enough to hurt but not enough that you're worried about any damage; at the same time, Aya spins about in mid-air, landing face-to-face with you, pressing against your body, trapping you in place. "...but you don't even know her secret, do you?”

“Wh-what are you doing, Aya?” you gasp out, trying to catch your breath. She stares at you, grinning from ear to ear, watching you squirm beneath her grasp.

She leans in closely, parting her lips and letting her hot breath tickle your face. One hand reaches down, grabbing the hem of your shirt and dragging it up and over your head, effortlessly pulling it from you. The other slides down your bare chest, slowly approaching your crotch. You're stunned, unable to fight back against Aya. She runs her tongue across your lips, letting out a low, throaty giggle. "Were you wondering what it'd be like," she says, pausing to squeeze your penis in her hand, "to feel a tight, juicy tengu pussy?"

She rolls your foreskin down your shaft, revealing the sensitive tip. Aya brings her other hand to your crotch, firmly gripping your testicles, rolling them between her fingers. Not wanting to let you free quite yet, she presses her small chest to yours. You swallow nervously, letting out a sharp gasp as she slowly pumps your length. “Y-yes, Aya.”

A loud thump and a crash can be heard outside, but it does nothing to ruin the moment. You stare into the crow girl's eyes, mesmerized. All you can feel at this point is a ravenous hunger and desire to be pleased by her. Her hand is rough, giving your cock long strokes and squeezing it firmly every time she reaches just beneath the head. “Tell me what you thought my pussy would be like,” she says breathily.

You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. “I, I've never been with a Tengu, I don't kn--”

“Surely you've had some fantasies about this encounter,” Aya interrupts, giving your shaft another firm pump. “You came all this way for, above all else, my tengu cunt,” she teases, pressing a brief kiss to your cheek, “and you mean to tell me that you haven't imagined what it'd feel like?”

You shake slightly, quivering from her rough handling of her cock. No, not just from that. You want to melt into her arms. She's strong, proud and confident. She knows exactly what you want. “W-warm,” you stutter. She slowly nods, eagerly anticipating more. “Tight and slippery, squeezing me inside of you.”

She suddenly picks up the pace, rhythmically stroking your hard cock. With every stroke it makes lewd squishing noises, precum rolling down from the head and coating your length. “You have taste, I've often heard that tengu pussy is some of the finest around,” she giggles, rubbing her chest against yours, leaning in closer to whisper in your ear. “Do you want my warm, tight, slippery tengu pussy?” she asks. You respond with a few short nods, shuddering and letting out a sigh as she molests your penis. “I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up.”

You moan sharply, nearing your limit. She responds by roughly squeezing your balls, her hand not letting up for even a moment. “Yes, yes, Aya, I want your pussy,” you cry out, submitting and letting her break you. You cry out, emptying your cock into her warm, soft hands. Your cum splatters onto her black skirt, staining it with your desires, while she just laughs. You let your body slacken and buckle, slumping to the floor, stunned by your orgasm.

Aya brings her hand up to clean your semen from it, making loud slurping noises. “You said you knew my secret.” She begins to unclasp the front of her skirt. “I'm sorry to disappoint, but I have no tengu pussy to offer you,” she taunts, dropping her skirt to the floor and pushing her panties down in one, smooth motion. The sight of Aya's thick cock, about as long as your own and perhaps a bit wider around, fills your view. It's throbbing and fully erect, slick and shiny from her precum, with a fat pair of testicles hanging beneath it. But even from this angle, you can tell there's no labia behind them, so she's not a hermaphrodite like Orin... but she's obviously not just a man, either.

The front door of Aya's house flies open. “Hey, Aya, guess who I caught snooping around again,” calls out the voice of Momizi. The two of you turn your heads in her direction. She's holding a struggling woman in her arms. “A-Aya?” she stammers, quite clearly staring at the long piece of meat between her friend's legs. Momizi drops the woman with a loud 'thud', stammering incoherently and slowly backing away. She bolts out the door, slamming it behind her.

“Wait, Momizi!” Aya calls out after her. You turn your attentions back to the dripping penis hanging in your face. All you can think about is this magnificent tengu cock, mere inches from your lips. You can smell Aya's lust and desires. You open your mouth, slowly leaning forward. “M-maybe I should go aft--” she starts, cut off by a loud moan as you swallow her cock.

You bring one hand up and grip her penis around the base, grabbing her balls with the other. She snaps her head down toward you, a look of shock on her face. The shock quickly turns into a pleased grin, Aya gently placing one hand on the back of your head. You slowly withdraw from her cock, letting it flop from your lips. You can taste her precum on your tongue. It's warm and salty, with just a hint of bitterness. “Aya,” you moan.

“Oh? Something the matter?” she asks with an amused smile.

You nod slowly, returning her smile. “I was just wondering something,” you reply. She tilts her head curiously. “Why would I want tight, slippery tengu pussy,” you start, giving her penis a slow lick, “when I could have hot, thick tengu cock?” You slowly pull your hand up her length, rolling her foreskin forward. You rub her slick penis across your lips and cheek, smearing it with her semen.

“So, does that mean this is better than your fantasies about my pussy?” You give her another nod. Gripping her shaft in your hands, you point it directly at your lips. You lean forward and kiss the head, slowly peeling the foreskin back. You take a deep breath through your nose. Her cock smells like semen, sweat and her own natural musk, and it drives you wild. Aya gently nudges your head forward. “Since you're so honest, you can taste as much of my cock as you like.” Her voice lacks its prior dominance, taking on a more affectionate tone.

You part your lips once more, allowing Aya to push your head onto her length. You moan and sigh happily, your hot breath tickling her penis. She responds with her own pleased moan, slowly pushing your head closer to her crotch. You relax and let her do as she pleases, gagging slightly as her cock pushes against the back of your throat. “Aya,” you groan, her name coming out muffled and nearly unintelligible.

“Just relax,” she says sweetly, continuing to gently push at your throat. You moan and suck hungrily on her cock, rubbing your tongue along the underside. Her length forces its way down your throat. You don't even resist, feeling nothing but lust and satisfaction at this point. Your face is buried in her crotch, nose first into a light patch of pubic hair. You take another breath through your nose. The air can't fill your lungs, but you can still catch her scent. After a few agonizing moments, she pulls your head away. You withdraw from her cock and gasp for air. Strands of cum hang from your lips, dripping onto your lap.

For a brief moment, you glance back toward the doorway. The woman that Momizi brought in is sitting there, watching you and Aya. She's wearing a whitish-purple dress shirt, with a loose tie around her neck. A short skirt, much like Aya's covers her lower body, marked with a purple-and-black checkerboard pattern. Her hair is brown and done up in twin tails, topped with ribbons and a small, purple hat. She's also wearing a pair of black thigh highs, though with the addition of a crisscrossed purple ribbon running up the length of them. She's watching the scene and masturbating, rubbing her slit through the fabric of her panties.
Re: Mind the Gap: Excerpts from a Touhou CYOA


“Yes?” she asks. You cock your head in the direction of the newcomer. “Oh, that's just Hatate. Don't worr...” Aya begins to answer, pausing and turning back to you with a grin. “We'll get to her, but right now, I believe there's a thick tengu cock that needs your love.”

Aya's right. Why are you worried about this Hatate girl? You've got what you desire right in front of you. Opening your mouth, you descend once more upon her. She moans and coos happily, stroking your hair with one hand and pushing you down with the other. “You're such a strange human, aren't you?” she giggles.

You glance up to Aya, watching the expression on her face as you taste her penis. She shuts her eyes, taking one hand from your head and using it to brace herself against the wall. You pull your head back, running your tongue across the tender and vulnerable head of her cock. A low moan escapes her lips. She can't stand your teasing. Her hand gently nudges you forward again, forcing her shaft to the back of your mouth. You move your hand away from her testicles, repositioning yourself on the floor to give you access to your own penis.

Aya suddenly opens her eyes, spotting your change in position. “No, why don't you let me handle that? Just focus on what you're doing,” she chuckles, gently pressing her stocking-covered foot down on your cock. You groan and close your eyes, eagerly returning to your duties. Her fat, throbbing cock head dribbles cum down your throat, twitching inside of your mouth. You squeeze the base of her shaft with one hand, slowly beginning to bob your head on her crotch. Her hand grips the back of your head, pushing slightly on it with each thrust you make. She giggles and moans in pleasure, taking your penis in between her toes and rubbing the fabric into your flesh.

“You love tengu cock, don't you?” she says with a satisfied laugh. You respond with a low groan, sending vibrations through her shaft. Aya moans and takes a deep breath. Her thick length throbs and pulses between your lips. “Taste me, make love to my cock, and maybe I'll cover your cute face with hot tengu cum,” she giggles, voice filled with pleasure and delirium. “Would you like that?”

You respond in the only way you can: speeding up your motions. You make a fist around the lower part of her cock, rapidly sliding your mouth along her slick, hot length. She cries out happily, roughly grabbing your head and thrusting her hips forward, fucking your mouth and trying to force herself into your throat once more. With each thrust you make loud, nasty slurping noises, moaning and groaning happily into her penis. Aya makes one final thrust, pushing her cock into your tight throat. She squeals in pleasure, the first shot of cum pouring down your throat and into your stomach. You pull back, gasping for air and receiving the second load directly in your mouth. She reaches between her legs, pulling her cock from your mouth and giving it a few short strokes. Another shot of tengu semen splatters across your face and soaks it in her juices.

You swallow her cum just as Aya presses her cock against your lips. You allow her inside, moaning happily as you clean the remnants from her half-erect piece of tengu meat. “You're quite the little slut, aren't you?” Aya asks. Her voice isn't rude or condescending, though. She's being quite affectionate, petting your hair and watching you clean her up. She takes her foot from your cock, stepping back and letting hers pop free from your mouth.

Aya glances to Hatate and shakes her head in disappointment. “Were you spying on me, Hatate?” The other girl, presumably a tengu as well, doesn't answer her question. She's moaning and squealing, eyes shut tightly. You can see now that she's discarded her panties, spreading her pussy and fingering it in plain sight of the two of you. Aya turns back to you with a grin. She reaches down, extending a hand, which you gladly take. You stand slowly, legs wobbling. “Why don't you give me a little kiss, just for Hatate here?”

You blink a few times in surprise. Is she trying to tease Hatate? “What's wrong?” Aya asks sweetly. “You've had a taste of my cock, why not a taste of my lips?” You nod and lean forward, eager to press your cum-stained lips to Aya's. She puts a finger up on her lips, preventing you from kissing her. She places one hand on your face and gently pushes it away. “Mm, there's one little catch,” she says playfully.

“A-Aya? Please, let me kiss you.”

“You're so adorable when you beg,” she giggles, stroking your cheek with her thumb. “I'll kiss you if you turn to Hatate and tell her that you're my slut.”

You glance from Aya to Hatate and back again, almost in disbelief. But you want this, it's what you came here to do, wasn't it? “Hatate,” you call out. The tengu girl on the floor stops what she's doing and looks up at you. Aya reaches between your legs, pushing your hips forward and exposing your cock for Hatate. “I'm Aya's whore, for her to use as she pleases.”

Aya releases you and claps her hands together excitedly, her cock bouncing slightly at the sudden motion. “You're so sweet to add that on, and since you want to do as I please, go give Hatate a kiss,” she instructs you. You nod and drop to your hands and knees, crawling on the floor towards Hatate. She seems frozen in place, watching in surprise as you slowly approach. You climb atop her, pressing your lips to her mouth. She moans and slides her tongue inside of your mouth, scooping out the remnants of Aya's semen. “Now, tell her how much I'd like her to be my slut as well.”

You pull your mouth away from the frightened tengu girl and begin to speak. Before you can do so, Hatate finally speaks up. “N-no, he doesn't have to tell me, Aya, I want to be your slut.” You look back to Aya, who is now openly stroking her shaft.

“Good girl, Hatate,” she says with a laugh, gesturing for you to return to her. “I'm not quite ready to play with you, though. You see, I've taken quite a liking to this man.” You return to Aya's side and stand up. She places her hands upon your bare chest, smearing into your skin some of the semen she dripped on you earlier. “You know, he came here looking to blackmail me, and now look at him. Begging for my hot tengu cock, swallowing my cum, and announcing his submission.”

Hatate stares at you, her eyes burning with jealously as Aya begins to fondle your penis. “I want you, Aya,” she whines, fingers returning to their work between her legs.

Aya laughs softly. “And I want him, strange how that works, isn't it? You aren't jealous, are you?” she asks. Hatate begrudgingly shakes her head. Aya knows exactly what she's doing, and she's trying to rile Hatate up. She turns back to you with a smile on her face, leaning forward to kiss your lips. She slowly pulls back, licking them as she retreats. “You tasted my cock, and my lips.” Aya slowly pulls away from you, sitting upon the dining room table. She spreads her legs, proudly showing off her erect penis. She waves you over, patting her lap. “I was thinking I'd reward you with the feeling of having a tengu inside of you.”

Without hesitation, you move to the table in front of Aya. She gestures for you to face away from her, which you do so. Her hands gently come to a rest on your hips. Her thumbs dig into the skin on either side of your ass, parting your cheeks. The tip of her thumb presses slightly into the tight opening of your anus, causing you to jump. “Aya,” you groan, wiggling your hips.

“Yes? Is there something you want?” she asks, to which you nod in response. “You have to tell me, then.” Aya firmly pulls your hips backward, pressing the tip of her hard penis against your opening. “Tell me how much you want me inside of you, and how much you've come to love tengu cock.”

You groan and try to push your ass back slightly. Aya holds you firmly, shaking her head. You want her inside of you, it's all you can think of at this point. “I want you to fuck me, Aya,” you blurt out shamelessly. “I love your hot, slippery tengu cock, and all I want is to have you inside of me.” Without warning, your tengu lover impales you upon her length. The thick head, slick with your saliva and her juices, spreads your asshole with ease. You let out a cry of pleasure, nearly melting in her arms as she hefts you into her lap. Aya leans back, allowing you to rest atop her thin frame.

“You came here for tengu pussy, climbing this mountain with the single thought of fucking me, didn't you?” she teases. You groan and relax on her shaft. She's surprisingly strong for her appearance. “Instead, you end up wanting nothing more than to suck on me and be fucked by me.” Aya giggles, thrusting her hips up into you. You moan sharply, sitting up and letting the weight of your body drive her thick cock deeper inside. “Hatate, why don't you join us?”

Hatate looks up in surprise, her face covered in a blush. She's clearly embarrassed, but doesn't hesitate. She scrambles to her feet and quickly crosses the short distance to Aya, dropping to her knees. She buries her face in Aya's crotch, eagerly licking and sucking on her testicles. You can feel her hot breath on your skin from below.

“No, Hatate,” Aya says with a disappointed sigh.

Hatate pulls back from the crotch of her idol, looking up with surprise. “N-no? What do you mean, Aya? You just asked me to join you.”

“I asked you to join us, not me,” Aya says with a soft giggle. “I want my two sluts to get to know each other a bit better.”

“B-but, Aya,” Hatate whines.

“You want to make me happy, right?” Aya asks. Hatate nods eagerly. “Well, he has been an awfully good slut, and he came all this way looking for tengu pussy. Nothing would make me happier than rewarding him, Hatate.”

Hatate glances up to you for a moment, and then back to Aya. “If it makes you happy,” she answers, smiling slightly. She slowly stands up, beginning to undress herself. She's a thin, lightly framed girl, with small handfuls for breasts and a patch of hair just above her slit.

“Isn't she beautiful?” Aya asks you, reaching around with one hand to massage your penis. “It may not be my pussy, but you're going to get what you came for. Doesn't that excite you?”

“Yes, Aya,” you answer, grinning from ear to ear as Hatate begins to climb atop you. She begins to lower herself, Aya holding your cock firmly in place and guiding it inside of the somewhat tight, dripping tengu pussy. You let forth a long, deep moan as her cunt envelops you. Hatate winces and groans, filling her body with your length.

Aya rolls her hips slightly, grinding her penis against your asshole. “This must be heaven for you. Caught between the tengu cock you've begged for, and the tight tengu pussy you were seeking.” She couldn't be more right. You groan and shift about, feeling her thick cock inside of you on one end, and the tight pussy of Hatate on the other. Aya restrains your arms, pulling them back and bucking her hips slightly.

Hatate rests on your lap, wincing and moaning softly, wiggling about with you inside of her. “Aya,” she whines.

“Hatate, show him a bit more love than that.” The tengu girl on your lap nods and slips her arms beneath yours, pressing her small breasts to your chest. Her tiny lips slowly approach yours, the hesitation apparent in her face. She finally kisses you, sighing quietly. “She's such a sweet girl, isn't she?” You nod dumbly, your senses overrun by the scent of sex, cum and the musk of the two tengu humping you. “She's trying so hard to please you, and you're just sitting there,” she says with disappointment, clearly offering you a suggestion. She releases one of your arms, allowing you to bring it up to embrace Hatate.

You place your hand on Hatate's rump, gently pressing her down against your crotch. She moans into the kiss, shifting as your cock moves about inside of her. You can tell she's holding back, desiring Aya instead of you. But you're going to give Hatate all of your love, simply because it'd make Aya happy. You slowly knead her butt, digging your fingers into the soft flesh. You inch your fingertip closer and closer to her anus, Hatate none the wiser.

Aya seems to notice, however. “Oh? You're getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren't you?” she giggles. Once more, she restrains your arm, pulling it from Hatate's body. “I think I've changed my mind. Hatate, how would you feel about making him our pet?” Hatate moans in agreement, too busy with your tongue to form a proper response. Aya lays back on the table, pulling you along with her. She twists her arms around yours, holding both of your hands. The sudden shift in position drags your length from Hatate's body, your erect cock slipping free and standing up, dripping with your desire.

You moan as the kiss is suddenly broken, the thick cock inside of your ass throbbing and pushing deeper into your body. “Aya!” you cry out.

“He loves to call my name out, doesn't he?” Aya says, chuckling quietly. “Now, Hatate, I think he deserves your pussy. He came all this way, didn't he?” Hatate nods, the look of jealousy on her face beginning to fade, replaced with lust. “Maybe if you ride his cock, he'll say your name with the same lust that he says mine.”

Hatate, now seeming to be as broken as you have become, nods eagerly, crawling up your body. She straddles your crotch, positioning her dripping pussy above your length. Her hands push against your bare chest, fingernails gently scratching your skin. Then, without warning, she takes you. Not with hesitation as before, but eagerly, desiring to have your cock inside of her. “Tell me! Tell me how much you want me!” Hatate cries out.

You let out a loud moan as her slippery tengu cunt claims you for herself. The force of her body pressing down upon you serves to only drive Aya deeper inside of you. “Y-yes, I want you,” you respond, gasping for breath. Hatate seems slightly disappointed, having expected more from you.

“Is that it?” Aya asks. “Hatate, I think our pet isn't being honest with himself. Perhaps he needs more convincing.”

You look up to Hatate with a smile on your face. “You're right, Aya, I'll just have to convince him,” she replies, grinning from ear to ear. She slowly lifts herself, forcefully pushing down upon your crotch once more. Her hips grind into your crotch, dragging your cock against the walls of her pussy. Aya bucks her own hips upward at the same moment, pushing your body up into Hatate's. You groan and arch your back, wiggling your own hips back and forward, trying ineffectually to take both of them at the same time.

Aya laughs at your predicament, reinforcing her grip on you. She presses her tiny breasts against your back and moves her head beside yours. “Relax, and just drown in your desires,” she whispers to you with a quiet giggle. You take a deep breath and let your body relax, Aya slowly lowering you back down. “Hatate, look at him, isn't he a strange man?”

Hatate smiles and nods. “Yes, he is. I've never heard of a human coming to the mountain just to have sex with tengu,” she speaks up, now getting in on the act herself.

“You're right, Hatate,” Aya says with a grin. She pushes her hips upward, grinding her cock inside of you. You let out a sharp gasp, groaning in pleasure. “Is that why you came here? To submit to tengu and mate with them?”

You nod weakly, unable to form the words to answer her. Hatate smiles wickedly, pressing her hips down and forcing Aya deeper. “Oh? That's why you came here? Did you want to mate with me, too?” Hatate asks in a teasing tone.

“Maybe he came here to let me claim him for myself?” Aya chimes in. You can feel her thick cock slowly scraping against your insides, the shaft pushing up against your prostate. “Be honest, tell us how you came here,” she starts, pausing to let her penis withdraw a few inches from your body, “to mate with Hatate and give yourself to my cock.”

You take another deep breath, steadying yourself. “Yes, yes, that's why I came here,” you answer, voice filled with lust.

“What is why you came here?” Aya taunts.

“I... I came here to take Aya's thick tengu cock, and to have Hatate mate with me!” you cry out, your mind muddled by desire. “All I want is to be Aya's slut and to be loved by Hatate.”

The two tengu go silent, resting inside of and atop your body. Aya breaks the silence, laughing softly. “Honesty should be rewarded, Hatate. Let's give him what he wants.” Hatate nods, leaning forward to lay down atop your body. You're firmly sandwiched between two tengu women who want nothing more than to tease, berate and fuck you. Hatate's lips force themselves to your mouth, her tongue sliding inside of it. You shut your eyes and moan into the kiss, offering no resistance to either of them.

Aya finally releases your hands, confident that you won't make any efforts to resist. Her hands slip into the space between you and Hatate, groping your chest for a moment before sliding down to rest on your hips. You give off another content moan, relaxing your body. Hatate is the first to move, slowly and clumsily sliding her hips up and down. Her pussy gently squeezes your cock. It's not as tight as some of the women you've encountered, likely loosened a bit by her own ministrations.

The thick tengu penis inside of you slowly begins to move as well, Aya wasting little time in joining in on the fun. You can feel your own asshole contracting around her cock as it slides about inside of you. The hot shaft throbs with her desire, precum dripping into your anus and lubricating it further. With each slow thrust, the presence of her length pressing on your prostate can be felt. You groan deliriously, caught in absolute heaven.

Hatate begins to pick up the pace, seeming to have found her footing, in a manner of speaking. She breaks the kiss, reaching up to place one hand on your cheek. You open your eyes, watching as she gently strokes your face. “You're going to mate with me, and cum inside of me,” she says with a giggle, her voice drunken with lust. “Aya keeps saying you came here to have sex with tengu. Is mating with me everything you dreamed it would be?”

You nod slowly, a slight smile upon your lips. By now, you've come to understand what they want from you. They want you to bare your soul and make known your every desire. “Yes, Hatate. All I could think of when I came to Aya was mating with her. Instead, she claimed me, and you've done the same.”

“Aya's right, honesty should be rewarded,” Hatate says to you, leaning in to take your lips. She doesn't relent, keeping up the pace and needily humping your crotch. Her pussy contracts and loosens around you with every thrust. You can feel your foreskin being roughly pushed and pulled, tugged on by her walls and rolled across the sensitive head of your cock. Aya takes the opportunity to quicken her own pace, thrusting her shaft inside of your body and grinding it against the walls of your anus. Each thrust causes you to gasp and tighten your asshole, moaning as the head forces itself against your prostate.

Hatate pushes herself up from your chest, straddling your waist and riding your hard cock. You watch blissfully as her hips bounce up and down atop your lap. With each thrust, Hatate exerts her ownership over you, using her pussy to claim you for herself. You can feel your desires beginning to rise. Your shaft twitches and throbs inside of her. The pace of your moans quickens, interspersed with sharp gasps for air. The room is filled with the sounds of mating, the flesh of the two tengu women slapping againt yours, Hatate's pussy squishing noisily as she thrusts it upon you.

“Hatate!” you finally scream, calling out her name with the lust and appreciation that she so desired. Her pace only seems to quicken as you cry for her, the walls of her cunt clamping down as if they were trying to drain you. You shake and quiver, feeling your orgasm quickly approaching. Inside of your asshole, you can feel every inch of Aya's cock. You can feel it as it throbs, much like your own, preparing to spill its seed into your body. “Hatate!” you cry once more, unable to hold yourself back.

“Yes, yes! Mate with me, cum inside of me!” she yells back, drowning out your cries of pleasure. She slams her crotch against yours, locking them together in an effort to let none of your semen be wasted. You arch your back, groaning blissfully as your orgasm finally arrives. You spasm and convulse, curling your toes up and stiffening your body. You can feel every inch of her pussy contracting and sucking on your cock. You empty your testicles inside of her, thick globs of cum filling her cunt. Hatate moans and collapses atop your body, her own pleasure boiling over. You can feel her juices pouring from her body and streaming down your crotch.

Aya isn't finished, however. She's strong enough to lift the both of you with little issue. Without any restraint, she plows your asshole. Her arms heft your body up, allowing her to withdraw her cock, leaving just the tip inside. She drops your body, filling your asshole with her length. Aya finally releases her own cry of pleasure, pushing her back up from the table and lifting the two of you. You gasp and shiver as her hot cum floods the inside of your body. You feel pleasantly full, much like your prior experiences. She gasps and groans, relaxing back on the table. Slowly, Aya rolls you from her body, dumping Hatate and yourself on the table.

Hatate sits up, slides from your cock and grabs your arms. She tugs you forward, dragging you from the table and pulling you onto the floor. You collapse atop her body, trying to catch your breath. Aya laughs and sits up from the table. “He's so different when he's honest with himself, and us, isn't he?” she asks.

Hatate grins and nods, wrapping her arms around your waist. “He's our pet now, Aya.”

“Of course, but even if he is our pet,” Aya starts, sitting up and sliding to the edge of the table, “it doesn't change the fact that you're both my sluts.” Hatate's eyes light up, watching eagerly as Aya spreads her legs. “You haven't even had a chance to service me yet, have you?” she asks Hatate, gently massaging her softening length. “Maybe that can come a bit later,” she teases, giggling to herself. With a long sigh, Aya slumps back, draping herself across the table to catch her breath. It seems her body finally caught up to her. She's clearly exhausted and seems unable to even move at this point.

Hatate seems a bit disappointed, but doesn't waste time sulking. She presses her lips to your cheek, giving it an affectionate kiss. Closing her eyes, she relaxes beneath your body, content to enjoy the warmth of her 'mate'. Minutes pass without a word being spoken, just the soft sound of breathing.

Finally, the silence is broken. “Momizi,” Aya says breathlessly. “Need to find Momizi.”

You slowly slide from Hatate's body and begin to sit up, much to her dismay. “That's right, she ran off earlier, I...” She reaches out, grabbing at your waist.

“Too tired,” Aya cuts you off, sitting up from the table. You get a look at her face; she looks tired and drained, both physically and mentally. “It's not your fault, if that's what you were going to say.”

Actually, it is partially your fault. You slowly stand, pulling yourself from Hatate's grip. She whines quietly, but relaxes on the floor. “I've got some left in me, I could go look for her,” you offer.

Aya smiles slightly and gestures for you to come a bit closer. As you approach, she weakly reaches out for you. Placing her hands on your shoulders, she pulls herself up and kisses you on the lips. She's a completely different woman now. Nothing like the confident and dominant Aya from just moments ago, teasing you and making you... You shake the thought from your head, indulging her in the kiss. She finally allows her lips to depart, smiling the whole way. “You're a good man, and I'd appreciate that. I think Hatate might be up for looking as well, but you'd have to ask her.”

[ ] Go search for Momizi alone. The extra company might just spook her.
[ ] Take Hatate with you, she knows the area and Momizi. It should make things easier.


That's the end of this chunk. Thanks for reading!