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Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The room is fairly large, about a dozen pod's are in the room, positioned in a circular fashion. Connected to the pod's are computers that monitor the status of the test subject inside. Monitoring these computers are a few scientists, to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Inside the machines lie Suzy, Samantha and Lila, Sarah and Sandy had been taken to another Mind Wipe Chamber higher up in the building as the other's were taken up by some other test subjects.

"How're they looking so far?" One scientist asked another as he walked into the room.

"All good so far, though the program is only just booting up," He replied.

"Good good. Hopefully the Director will be pleased with the results of todays experiments." The scientist then sat down in front of one of the computers.

Nothing happened for the next couple of minutes, though quite suddenly an alarm started ringing throughout the complex as well as a red light flashing in time with the siren.

"What the hell is going on!?" One of the scientists shouted, confused by what was happening.

"How the hell should I kn- Oh god, no." Another scientist cut himself off, reading the report that flashed on the screen. "A creature got out of its cell, and its destroyed the main power generator..."

As the scientist read out the report the pod's opened up, waking the girls up in the process, and as the program didn't have time to start up they awake with all their memories of the events of earlier.

((feel free to post))
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"-ay for that..." Suzy says as her conciousness returns, before jolting slightly where she lay, observing her new surroundings uneasily, and the scientists at their computers, the alarms going off, she pulled herself to a sitting position, legs crossed and arms folded across her chest, saying nothing else as she remembers all that has happened to her in the past... however long it was... she shakes her head from side to side, attempting to push away the thoughts, and concentrate on the matter at hand. "Hey! What's happening now? Why am I in here? What the fuck is wrong with you people!" she called out to the nearest scientist, unheeding of his panicked expression, upset as she was.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Lila too wakes up from her stasis. Her memories intact as well. Though she looks around, her vision blurry at first, then with a few blinks, her eyes clear up.

"System Startup."

Lila then realizes she is in another place. She looks to Suzy in curiosity. She tries hard to process what is going on, yet failing.

"Hello? Are you a client as well, query.wav?"

Her red eyes focus onto her. She ignores, yet is still tensing from the volume of the sirens.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Samantha screams as she looks around, clutching herself tightly as she keeps whispering to herself, "It's just a dream... it's just a goddamned dream... why can't I wake up..." She doesn't seem to notice the others as she still feels a little bit of the creature's poison in her.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

A short scientist storms into the chamber, his hands behind his back "What the hell is going on?" he asks one of the scientists as he adjusts his glasses, then notices the girls are awake "And what are THEY doing awake?! Weren't you supposed to be doing your JOB right about now? Do I have to get the Director down here to chew you out?!" he yells, obviously stressed and angry. It would be then that the ladies would notice a needle clutched in his right hand, and a strange red liquid inside. If they looked carefully enough, they might even see a small black spot moving around inside of the liquid. The scientist would then turn to the ladies and bow "My humblest apologies, ladies. I am Doctor Michael O, but you may call me Doctor. Now, if you would be so kind as to lay back down, we can fix your bodies up perfectly." he says, his head dropping slightly so that the light reflecting off of his glasses shielded his eyes from view, a smirk creeping over his face.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Suzy turns sharply to Lila, and says to her "I'm hardly sure 'client' is the right word, but if you've just been raped, then yes, we are in the same position", she then turned to 'Doctor' taking note of the syringe in his hand, and says to him "Like fuck we'll just lie back down, I wanna know what you people are doing to us!"
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"W-what the hell are you lot doing out of the pods?" The scientist rants, his voice coming out in a rushed garble. "Oh fuck, we're gonna be in the shitter now." He says quietly to himself as he ignores the girls and turns to face the computer he was working from.

"Oh thank go- Hey, it's not our fault one of the monsters escaped, it's not my job to make sure they're safely secured," The scientist replies to Michael, affronted by his accusations.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Still angry and confused, Suzy turns back to the panicky scientist, "And why should we stay in them? You know what, fuck you, I'm done here. Coming?" she says, before starting to climb out of her pod, beckoning to Lila as she does.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"Stay where you are if you value your life!" Michael says as he points his left index finger at Suzy "Would you prefer to die? Or to live? Surely, you'll take the second option." Michael says as Suzy attempts to exit the pod "You may value your life, but we do not. Should you disobey us, you will be killed on the spot. So get back in that pod and lie down." he says, raising his right hand to look at the syringe in the light and smiling, whispering to himself "This is everything I've ever wanted. A perfect gift to myself." he says, twirling it around and holding it as if to inject it into someone "Have the guards handle the monster. We need to start the process."
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"Yeah? Fucking care to do it yourself?" Suzy replies, voice rising and face flushing as she gets angrier, she climbs completely out of the pod, dropping to the floor and storming towards the Doctor, rational thought completely disappearing from her mind as she went to knock his precious syringe away.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Michael chuckles at Suzy's comment, then notices her storming towards him, releasing the syringe as she knocks it away, then crying out as he made a lunge for it. "NOOO!" he screams, grasping at it and missing, the needle burying deep in his arm, automatically injecting him "What have you done?! Do you know how long I have been working on that serum?!?!?!?" he screams to Suzy, as he stands to his feet and looks at her through his glasses, the skin and muscles all across his body tightening, as long streaks of raised veins run down his neck and pulsate from his blood flow, the serum obviously fast-acting. Michael would approach Suzy, grasping the empty syringe and yanking it out of his arm, tossing it to the side, before raising his right hand and slapping Suzy on the cheek, his strike fairly powerful for some reason, most likely knocking her down from the sheer force behind it. "That should teach you to interfere with MY experiments." he says, looking at her and adjusting his glasses with his left hand
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Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"And why would I care, when you do such sick fucking 'experiments'?" Suzy replied to him, though she quavered under his approach, wondering what the serum was actually doing to him, yelping as he struck her across the face, going instantly to ground, stars springing up in front of her eyes as her head connects with the floor, completely missing his final statement.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

As Michael grins at the fallen woman, his back begins to bulge, at first only a few inches, whilst the machinery around him begins to slowly shake, Michael himself going wide eyed and falling to his knees in pain, groaning as the computers fly off of the desk and begin to absorb into his body, his back growing larger and large with each machine absorbed. When his back was almost twice his own body size from absorbed machines and technology, four large bumps began to poke out, his back slowly shrinking as the bumps broke, four large metallic tendrils slowly reaching out, causing his back to return to normal, the four massive tendrils draping over him and onto the floor, his breathing extremely slow and labored. "This.....This......is evolution...." he says, using his hands to push himself up into a kneel, looking down at the appendages and then to the girl on the floor "I suppose......I....Should thank.......you." he says, his breathing still labored.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Suzy pales even further than her usual skin tone, as she watches the machinery flying into the Doctor, and she starts edging backwards away from him, until she reaches a nearby desk, a trickle of blood flowing from where her head hit the floor, while she gave a small shriek as the Doctors new appendages pushed themselves out of his back, shrinking away form his look, her anger draining as fear retook control of her mind. "Thank me for what? Mutating you? What the hell is going on in this goddamned place?" She cried out, feeling around for the edge of the desk she had her back to.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"You really think I have much control over the guards?" The scientist half-shouts at Michael, the situation getting too much for him. "I'm only a low-level scientist!"

The scientist tried to find something, anything that would help in the situation, though as the serum injected into Michael and started transforming him he stood and watched in horror as machinery grew out of Michael's back.

"Oh-oh god, oh fuck! I can't take it anymore!" The scientist shouts, Michael's transformation having pushed him over the edge. Pulling out a gun he aims it at the now mutated Michael. "Quickly, get the fuck out of here!" He shouts at the girls as his finger squeezes the trigger, his first shot going wide.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

It was by this time, the sitting Lila realized what this place was for. Her scientist from her own lab mentioned governmental injustice. Though she only thought that was her evil side talking. She tilts her head, looking to the monster. She then looks to the scientist with the gun.

"... I think it is best that we do get out of here, definite.wav."

She looks around and hops down near Suzy. She helps her up to the best of her ability, which may not seem like much.

"We must hurry out of here. If we've any chance of escaping, urgent.wav."
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Samantha continues to cry uncontrollably as she keeps quietly whispering to herself, "It's a dream... it's all just a dream..." Her hands holding onto her head as she semi-lays down on the floor, quietly mumbling to herself, barely noticing what was going on.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

With Lila's help, Suzy scrambles to her feet and starts to make her way to the exit before noticing Sam still lying in her pod, "Hold on, there's another here!" She calls to Lila, before coming up to Sam's pod, and pulling her up to a sitting position, "Come on! Are you just gonna sit there forever?" she says to Sam, shaking her shoulders.
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

Sam lets out a scream as she's grabbed, then stops briefly, noticing it wasn't a guard, or a scientist, or that... thing, she finally takes the time to look around and recoils as sees what was going on, looking up at Suzy, still feeling rather iffy, "L..let's get out of here..."
Re: Mind Wipe Chamber [BF 69]

"What a pity." Michael says in response to the gun firing at him, two of his tendrils shooting up and grasping the ceiling, a third grasping the scientist with the gun, and tossing him to the side, before he turns around and begins to move towards th girls, the two tentacles onm the ceiling moving to help him "Easy, ladies. You don't want to get hurt, now, do you?" he asks, now approximately five feet from Suzy "Though it does look like I'm hated too. The guards will probably shoot me as well." he says, his right hand on his chin as one of his tendrils moves up and stroking Suzy's cheek, cold to the touch "I might just help you escape, if you don't mind being a fugitive from the entire world. That all depends on what the Director has planned for the situation and myself."