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Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Mira awoke to the sensation of either falling, or stumbling. Instinct taking over, she lunged out with her hands, managing to grab hold of something and catch herself. Slowly, her senses came to her, and her head stopped spinning. As she took in her surroundings, she realized three important things.

First, the room she was in had a sword that looked familiar to her. The second, she was standing in some kind of device that might have been a cryopod, or some form of restraining table. Third, and perhaps most disturbing was the fact she was 100% nude.

As these realizations sank in, a hidden speaker activated, and a voice filled the room. What it said might turn her blood to ice.

"Welcome Mira, to the Planet of Pleasure. You have been brought here to provide entertainment, and a means of reproducing with my friends and I. You have such a lovely body, and I already know just how tight your insides are. You are quite the fighter, but you were no match for me. Ah, but it would be rude of me not to give you something to help you in your futile endeavor to not get raped again. So, I have enhanced your natural abilities, given you a taste of the power dormant within you. It should allow you to provide true entertainment, and not be taken down too easily. After all, there's no show if you get raped too quickly. You are a fighter though, and I've no doubt you will put on a most excellent show. The weapon you see is yours, you will need it haha. Now, run along my lovely Mira, begin your sex filled journey, and come to me. I'll be waiting. Oh, and you can't hide here forever, we'll come for you eventually."

The speakers shut down, and a few moments after they did, one of the walls across from her collapsed, and sunlight filtered in from the hole. She couldn't see much through the hole, but it was clear it led outside. Try as she might, Mira had no memory of how she'd gotten here, or of having been raped. Still, the way that he'd spoken to her indicated he'd raped her, so perhaps she'd been drugged somehow?


1: Grab the weapon and move on.

2: Grab the weapon, and wait to see if something really will come for you.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira started at the world before her she could remember so little. She raised her weapon and swing it starting at her arms as they moved. "I really am stronger then I was before." She said with a smile as she rushed out of the room into the perverted world that would try it's best to rape her into submission.
(Grab her new sword and head out.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Heading outside, Mira found herself standing on a world clearly not her own.

Two suns were visible in the sky, while no fewer than a dozen moons were also visible despite the bright sunlight. The grass at her feet was blood red, like someone had spilled gallons of blood all over the ground. What drew her eyes though was the sight of the ocean off in the distance and below her, completely pure in appearance, and sparkling green. She could spot no clouds at all, though off in the distance she saw what seemed to be a gigantic tentacle out to sea.

Suddenly, she had the feeling she wasn't along. Turning slightly, she saw a ghostly looking woman, who spoke to her.

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

As quickly as she'd appeared, she just simply vanished, like she'd never been there to begin with.


1: Move out.

2: Sit and process all of this (chance to be caught)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira watched the world honestly dumb struck by the world she was not standing on. It was beautiful, and so completely alien she could not help but stare and take in the sight. The ghostly woman breaking her from her trance like state as she turned and picked a direction, moving onwards, she figured the world would do all it could to rape her until she gave in. But corrupting her sounded honestly rather terrifying, she pushed those thoughts from her mind, she needed to get moving. The sooner she got to where ever she was going to, the sooner she was off this rock.

(Move onwards!)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Heading out, Mira began to explore this strange, potentially hostile world.

Soon she encountered the first two real looking inhabitants of this world, what appeared to be a person, perhaps Mathosian, and a blob of ... slime.

Enemy Encounter:

Level 1 Slime Blob: Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300. Special Ability: Stuck On You - This ability allows a slime to perfectly mold to your body, preventing you from resisting rape for that turn. This ability has a fifteen turn cool down regardless of success or failure and only activates when you are penetrated. Weakness: Lightning.

Level 1 Possessed Human: Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 30. HP: 700.

Initiative Roll:

Human: 21 (3rd)
Blob: 27 (1st)
Mira: 23 (2nd)

Before Mira could react, or say anything, the Slime Blob lunged for her with frightening speed!

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Blob: 15 vs. Mira: 4. Counter Attack = YES!

Acting mostly on instinct, Mira was somehow able to bring her weapon up just enough that the Slime literally carved itself in half! She wasn't sure how a weapon like this could kill a blob of slime, but it had, and it was probably a good thing.


1: Attack the Human.

2: Run away.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira smiled as the blob of slime fell away from her severed in half as it came at her. She honestly expected the transit or what ever had brought her here to have dulled her skills. It seemed her fear was unfounded, although the voice said it made her stronger. Maybe it was just that, Mira pushed the self doubt away from her mind as she focused on the corrupted human.

She said nothing to him solely rushing at him attempting to end the battle as quickly as she could before it could grab her and start doing anything to her.

(Rush him with Ferocious Strike Chain,)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Roll:

Mira: 1 vs. Human: 8. Counter Attack = YES.

Everything that could go wrong suddenly did. Too late Mira realized the Possessed Human was more intelligent than he appeared to be, as he baited her into an attack that, as soon as she swung, she knew would miss. Worse still, it left her wide open to his attack, and a fast one at that. Before Mira could react, the human had undercut her, disarmed her, pinned her to the ground and shoved his dick inside of her pussy! Mira suffers 30 pleasure and gains 50 KP from the sudden rape! She has 180 Stamina left, while the human has 145.

Possessed Human used it's turn for the counter-attack.


1: Try to get free.

2: Enjoy being filled with meat for another round, or more.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Her blade moved forward, confidence in her mind as she took on her first opponent. The confidence evaporated as she watched terrified as her attack was deftly turned against her, her sword flying from her hands. As he mounded and penetrated her in one swift motion.

'Oh god, oh god it's raping me.' She thought in a moment as she remembered. 'everything is going to do this have to get free.' She said as she began struggling against her rapist, she didn't want to get pinned down in the first encounter. Good lord this place would end her if this thing was more then a match for her.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 6 vs. Human: 1.

Mira manages to struggle free!

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 14 vs. Mira: 7.

The human lunges at Mira and tackles her down again!


1: No means no asshole.

2: Fuck me please!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira pushes free of her rapist screaming in triumph as she kicks his stupid corrupted ass away. Only to stand up and having him boll into her once again taking to the ground.

"God damn it let me up you stupid horny shit." She screams in frustration as she struggles against her would be rapist, she needs to get free of grasp then destroy his stupid ass with her sword, that she needs to find somewhere.

(Option 1 no does in fact mean no, if escape find sword and use Ferocious Strike Chain again.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 20 vs. Human: 24.

The human is able to hold Mira down, but only just.

Penetration Attempt:

Human: 29 vs. Mira: 24.

Despite Mira's struggles, she suddenly finds herself impaled by the cock again, her body shuddering slightly in response to the penetration. Mira suffers 30 pleasure, and gains 50 KP from the sex. Mira has 150 stamina left until she has an orgasm, while the human has 115.


1: Get out of me!

2: Fill me!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira flails against her captor starting to make ground before he shifts his weight and she is back under him again. And with it comes his hard cock penetrating her tight rapidly moistening folds. A moan escapes her lips as he begins fucking her again, she shakes her head and keeps fighting, she can't lose focus now.

Mira struggles against her captor again and attempts to get free, glancing around as she struggles keeping the location of her sword in her mind as once she get's free she needs to rearm herself.

(Option 1 no does in fact mean no, if escape find sword and use Ferocious Strike Chain again. Keep struggling until orgasm, we'll then go from there.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 25 vs. Human: 24.

Mira escapes.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 27 vs. Mira: 28. Counter Attack = NO.

Round 2:

Mira: 14 & 25 vs. Human: 12 & 26.

Mira lands only one hit, which lands critical for 140 damage! The human has 560 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 4 vs. Mira: 27.

Mira dodges!


1: Attack!

2: Try to rape HIM! :p

3: Run away!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

With a struggle and finally finding some leverage Mira manages to kick the corrupted human from her body. With a sign and a lunge she pushes herself back to her sword coming back up to her feet.

"Finally god your stupid ass off me." She said as she swung for him attempting to end this rape fest in a single attack, to her dismay she only lands the first attack. But keeps him off her, with a breath she calms herself and moves in to attack again.

(Same attack as before, hit him with the chain, he'll either go down for it's back to rape town.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira has regenerated stamina and has 171 now.

Mira prepares to attack, but as she starts her attack, she almost immediately realizes it was a mistake to repeat the same attack. Before she can react, the Possessed Human has ducked under her attack, and lunges up, under her guard, slamming her back first into the ground, disarming her, and penetrating her! In seconds, Mira is being raped yet again, suffering 30 pleasure, and gaining 50 KP. Mira has 141 stamina left, while the human has 85.

((Ouch, counter attacked. NOTE: Doing counter attack rolls prior to the actual combat rolls, saw no need to list rolls that became a moot point if a counter was made, and it saves posting time.))

The human has used it's turn for this round, leaving it up to Mira once more.


1: No! Get off me!

2: Oh god, fuck me til one of us cums.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(ouch this is going kinda poorly for Mira.)

'Oh good god why can I not hit him. He's just countering everything I do.' Mira thinks to herself as the pleasure mounts on her, a moan of lust escaping her lips. She shuddered as he kept raping her she could so easily get used to this, getting fucked over and over. She shook her head clear again and returned to her struggle. She needed to end this fight or at the very least mount some sort of offense aside from getting on her back getting fucked every time.

(Resist the rape and ideally counter attack, gonna go with Cleave Chain, hopefully she does not get her sexy butt countered again.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 15 vs. Human: 29.

The human isn't letting it's prize go any time soon!

Pleasure Roll:

Human: 2 vs. Mira: 23.

Mira refuses to give in!

Round 2:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 14 vs. Human: 27.

Mira can't get free.

Pleasure Roll:

Human: 3 vs. Mira: 13.

And Mira won't give in!

Round 3:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 6 vs. Human: 13.

Mira gets closer to freedom, but not free.

Pleasure Roll:

Human: 16 vs. Mira: 14.

Mira's luck finally runs out, and the human finds a 'vulnerable' spot to thrust against inside of her, stars of pleasure exploding in her brain once more as she is raped. Mira suffers 30 pleasure, and gains 30 KP from the sex, and has 111 stamina left.

The human has 55 stamina left until he fills Mira with his seed!


1: Keep struggling.

2: Give in until he has his orgasm, and see if he'll leave you alone.

3: Give in and have an orgasm yourself.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(wow my luck is horrible, can't get free this thing is gonna rape her until it impregnates her more then likely.)

Mira struggles with all her might finally making some ground getting her knee between herself and her rapist. But as she lets her mind slip for an instant he pushes it aside and plunges himself back inside her, she feels her orgasm building. It's rape she should hate ever second of it but her mind is slowly getting clouded by the pleasure building inside her.

"Not on the first thing I met." She whines out as a moan escapes her lips barely able to keep her mind together she struggles onwards, hoping to get free and cut this thing to ribbons although her mind is faltering.

(Resist the rape and ideally counter attack, gonna go with Cleave Chain, hopefully she does not get her sexy butt countered again.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(Gonna run this until it fills her, or she gets free and lands/misses an attack)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 14 vs. Human: 27 (Goddamn your rolls DO suck ...)

Mira isn't getting free anytime soon.

Pleasure Roll:

Human: 28 vs. Mira: 6

Mira''s struggles left her open again, and the Human plunges deeper inside of her, his thrusts becoming more erratic as his orgasm continued to approach. Mira suffers 30 pleasure, gains 30 KP and has 81 stamina left!

The Human has 25 stamina left until he fills Mira!

Round 2:

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 26 vs. Human: 12

Mira, perhaps sensing the Human's time to blow inside her is near, finds a reserve of strength and manages to shove him off of her, denying him release for the moment!

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 17 vs. Mira: 14

Unfortunately, she is too slow to dodge him, and ends up tackled again!

Round 3:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 27 vs. Human: 11

Mira shoves him off again, a little more forcefully this time.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 27 vs. Mira: 7

And once more the Human tackles her!

Round 4:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 17 vs. Human: 22.

This time the Human keeps Mira pinned down, and she can't get away!

Penetration Attempt:

Human: 2 vs. Mira: 9.

Mira manages to keep him from getting inside of her.

Round 5:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 8 vs. Human: 3.

Mira is barely able to get away!

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 12 vs. Mira: 9.

Letting out low lusty moans and other noises, the Human continues his unrelenting string of being tossed off, and then tackling Mira yet again.

Round 6:

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 19 vs. Human: 12.

Mira, likely fed up by this point, tosses the human off of her AGAIN.

Grapple Attempt:

Human: 29 vs. Mira: 1.

And once again Mira gets taken down.

Round 7: (This is starting to look like a Welterweight Title fight with all these rounds ...)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 7 vs. Human: 27.

The Human easily keeps Mira pinned, the length of this fight possibly beginning to get to her.

Penetration Attempt:

Human: 28 vs. Mira: 18.

Mira's 'luck' finally runs out as the Human not only manages to keep her pinned down, but finally finds the leverage to force his way back inside of her, beginning to rape her once again. Mira suffers 30 pleasure, and gains 50 KP from the sex and penetration. She has 51 stamina left.

The human meanwhile, happily pounds away inside of her, his thrusts getting more and more erratic, plunging deeper and deeper inside of her as his climax approached. Despite Mira's best efforts, she couldn't prevent him from reaching climax, and with a sudden, final DEEP thrust inside of her, he buried himself to the hilt, letting loose inside of her. Mira could feel as his hot seed flooded her pussy, filling her wholly.

Impregnation Roll = NO (Lucky)

Despite how wholly filled she got, Mira somehow is able to tell that she got lucky and wasn't impregnated. More importantly however is that the human suddenly dismounts her, walks a few steps away, and then turns back to her, waiting. It took Mira a moment to realize that perhaps this THING was taunting her, waiting for her to make a move. It was as if it's gaze was saying "I took you easily, and I can do it again. I dare you to try and resist me again."


1: Make him PAY!

2: Run away before he rapes you again.

3: 'Beg' him to fuck you to an orgasm of your own!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira laid on the ground as he stared at her, taunting her after fucking her and cumming inside her. She felt so close, god she really was letting this place get to her she wanted him to make her orgasm. She pushed the thoughts out of her head as she got back to her feet recollected her sword and squared off against the corrupted human again. If she couldn't beat something this easy, then she was truly doomed.

-Cleave Chain, who knows maybe this time she wont get countered to death. Either way if she orgasms she's going to stop resisting and let him impregnate her, or at least use her until he gets bored. Her luck is trash tier right now.-