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Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Rolls:

Mira: 29 vs. Plant: 15

Mira kills the plant with ease!

Cat: 22 vs. Dog: 6

Cat lands her spell for 400 damage, and her golem lands for another 200, KILLING the Dog too!

Both women gain 300 XP!

Loot Phase:

Dog: HP Potion for each Woman!

The fight goes by fast, with both Mira and Cat striking down their respective targets in record time, Cat nodding happily.

"See? Just need to get into a groove, hopefully that did it. Oh, here, take this."

She handed one of the potions to Mira before taking the other one herself.


1: Move On.

2: Stay for one turn to max your stamina out and then move on.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira stared in wonder as they hit their foes hard and fast making short work of them. She smiled at her friend as they shared the potions putting it away as she rose to her feet. Filled confidence again, she wouldn't be some horribly corrupted monster, she would get through this.

With a smile she nodded to her friend and they proceeded onwards trying to find the exit.

-Move onwards.-

(Did we get a map piece before and not move forward with it? I feel like we did.)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((You are correct, moved into the Burial Grounds now. I somehow forgot that, you can assume that Cassidy showed them how to read the map and they moved on, I'll start changing the scenery descriptions to match!))

Smiling back, Cat walked with Mira, moving into an area lined with Tomb Stones eventually. As they moved their way through this new area, Cat spotted something else, her eyes lighting up. Stopping to go grab it, she held up a pair of devices that looked like Grenades!

"Awesome, extra protection! You get grabbed, stuff that down their throats and it'll back 'em off real fast."

Magical Grenade - "EAT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Deals 150 shadow damage. Allows you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.


1: Take one and move on.

2: Other? (Stats are full by the way)
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"Oh that's really nice." Mira said with a smile as she moved forward and took one herself, the ability to break one grapple would be really nice. She smiled at her friend and they continued onward, deeper into the corrupted terrain.

-Move onward.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Moving onward after taking the devices, the two women soon found themselves in another tomb stone lined area with trees. As they moved through this new area they spotted a Shrine!

Almost immediately, Cassidy appeared to explain what they had found.

"You have found a shrine of rejuvination. Normally they restore your health, mana and stamina, but because you are topped out right now on those, it does something else. If you choose to fight the guardians and win, this shrine will remove 10,000 units of corruption from your bodies. If you choose to fight, you must face off against Ashlynn Spiderfriend and her pet Arachne. If not, you should leave now. I ..."

Suddenly her expression changed to one of horror, and she suddenly vanished like something had yanked her away!


1: Let's do it!

2: Get me outta here!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"Uggh Ashlyn again, she did a number on us the last time. If your up for it I'm up for doing it too, or we can just head off." Mira said turning to Cat getting a gauge on what she wanted to do. That would be an annoying fight to do again, but she was certainly ready for it.

--Really mostly feeling move onward, losing corruption is nice and all but Ashlynn was a bitch last time. Although if you think we can take her without too much worry I'm down for doing it again. Otherwise move onwards.--
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Cat looked even less thrilled at the prospect, shaking her head.

"I think we could do it, but honestly, I'd rather establish some kind of flow between us, get used to each other's fighting style and fix any weaknesses we have before we face her again. These creatures seem to know all of our weaknesses, and they exploit them. I'd like to have an idea of where our strengths lie so we can play to them before fighting a foe so familiar with us already."

Making the decision to pass on the shrine, the two women pushed onwards. Eventually they came to another grave marker lined area, and as they started through it ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Mira: 19 vs. Trap???: 15
Cat: 26 vs. Trap???: 7

... Cat suddenly reached out and grabbed Mira, making a motion to stay silent, and then pointing up to one corner of the roof over them. In said corner was some kind of strange creature that looked like it could easily ambush them. In fact, there were quite a few of them in that corner of the room, which fortunately seemed avoidable. Each one had a penis like attachment on it's body as well.

Whispering silently, Cat said, "those things are nasty. Let's quietly get past them shall we?"


1: Move by silently.

2: Do something to aggrivate the creatures and see what they'll do.

((You probably could take her, but Cat feels they need time to mesh together.))
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira nodded her head to Cat and they silently moved past the creatures. No sense making their journey harder then it needed to be. Mira felt oddly interested in the little creatures but she let her curiosity fade as she figured it would be more frustrating then it needed to be.

-Sneak past-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Slipping past the creatures quietly, they soon found themselves in a more secluded area. Quiet, with few markers and some trees, it seemed almost too quiet ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Mira: 24 vs. Trap???: 7
Cat: 17 vs. Trap???: 14

... and suddenly Mira realized that the ground they were about to step on was fake! Reaching out she was able to stop Cat from walking into what had to be a trap, the woman looking down and rolling her eyes as she saw the fake bit of ground.


1: Go around it and move on.

2: Let's see what this trap is!
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"This place is horrible." Mira whispered to her friend as they moved around the trap slowly, progressing onward keeping a keen eye out for more of the traps.

-Onward and upward-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Moving onward again, they soon came to a new grave lined area, where the markers went on for as far as the eye could see. As they moved through this new area, Cat suddenly spotted something, and pointed to Mira.

"Hey look, is that a map piece?"

Sure enough, laying on the ground, seeming to have been dropped lay what seemed to be a map piece!


1: Try to take it.

2: Move onward and ignore it.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira took Cat's hand and pulled her back slightly as she slowly approached it. She looked back at her friend and spoke calmly.

"That is certainly a trap, I'm going to grab it, what ever comes out and starts raping me endlessly. Please try to save me from it." She said with a chuckle as she steeled herself and progressed forward to take the Map piece and deal with what ever negative things would come with it.

--Take that map piece--
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Nodding once, Cat stood at the ready to help her friend.

As for Mira, she reached out to grab the map piece, expecting it to be a trap. She might be pleasantly surprised when her fingers closed around a real map piece, and nothing appeared to jump out to attack either of them! Instead, Cassidy appeared again, a somewhat concerned look on her face.

"That map piece tells you where to find the commander of this area, a ... I believe the best term is, boss fight. You must face off against Blood Raven and her three pet Apes in order to continue onward. When you are ready, I will show you how to read future maps like this, and I will help you get to your next battle ground."


1: Let's do it!

2: Wait a turn and formulate a plan with Cat before moving onward.
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira turned to Cat and smiled at her. "First boss fight, so what strategy do you wanna use for this? I feel like just going all over the place is going to end with us pinned down and raped for quite a while. So do you want me to fight the boss or should we team up and take down the apes first?" He asked hoping Cat would have some good advise as well.

--Strategy time, time to determine the best boss fight strat.--
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Cat thought for a moment before nodding her head.

"The Apes sound like they're just run of the mill common foes, probably low amounts of life. We should try to take out her support first as fast as possible before we try to deal with her. If we go for her first, chance are she's going to be tough to kill, and if we're too busy focused on her while she has support ..."

She trailed off for a moment before turning slightly red and adding, with a bit of guilty admission, "well lets just say if I have to be corrupted by sex, I don't intend on it being some damn dirty ape that fucks me."

((Going to move them into the battle area, you'll get a 'prompt' in a second on what to do.))

Enemy Encounter:

Level 4 Ape 1: Level 4: Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 600. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical). Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 3 Ape 2: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Damage: 5. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical). Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 3 Ape 3: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Damage: 5. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical). Anger Slots: 3/3.

Blood Raven: HP: 10,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 40.

Initiative Rolls:

Mira: 4 (Last)
Cat: 17 (4th)
Ape 1: 7 (5th) DEAD
Ape 2: 20 (2nd)
Ape 3: 18 (3rd)
Blood Raven: 22 (1st)

Stepping into the next area, the two women found themselves in the middle of an actual graveyard. In the middle stood Blood Raven and her pets, who almost instantly spotted them! Cat had barely enough time to call out for Mira to use her Weakening Blows on the two slightly weaker looking Apes to kill them fast before they were under attack!

Grapple Attempts:

Blood Raven: 20 vs. Mira: 9

Mira is grabbed by Blood Raven, but uses her Magical Grenade! Blood Raven has 9,850 HP left.

Ape 2: 23 vs. Mira: 12

Mira is grabbed by the Ape!

Ape 3: 23 vs. Cat: 14

One of the remaining Apes grabs Cat but is sent packing as she uses her Grenade. The Ape has 450 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Cat: 25 vs. Ape 3: 27

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 1: 30 vs. Cat: 13

Cat is grabbed by the Ape, who begins to instantly thrust his cock into her, but runs into the protective barrier she has from the shrine. It never penetrates her, instead almost literally being poofed out of existence!


1: Try to get free.

2: Ape Rape?
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"God damn ape let me go!" Mira screamed as she struggled against her would be rapist. Doing her best to struggle free, at least that buff from before was helpful. Kept both of them from currently being pinned down and a cock thrusting into their bodies. Now all she needed to do was actually get herself free and fuck up the enemies.

-Struggle to get free.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 27 vs. Ape 2: 12

Mira gets free!

Grapple Attempts:

Blood Raven: 16 vs. Mira: 24

Ape 2: 2 vs. Mira: 29

Ape 3: 6 vs. Mira: 3

Mira manages to dodge her first two would be rapists, but the third one manages to take her by surprise, taking her to the ground!

Attack Roll:

Cat: 16 vs. Ape 2: 4

Cat deals 400 damage to the Ape with her attack, and her Golem kills it! The odds are now even!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 17 vs. Ape 3: 8

Mira breaks free again!

Grapple Attempts:

Blood Raven: 12 vs. Mira: 23

Ape 3: 2 vs. Mira: 6

Mira dodges both foes!

Attack Roll:

Cat: 21 vs. Ape 3: 14

Cat hits the Ape hard, and her golem finishes it off, leaving only Blood Raven to face!


1: Attack! (what skills to use?)

2: Other?
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira was grabbed and managed to dodge her foes time and time again. Happy things were going actually rather well for them thus far. As she got hear bearings again, and she grabbed her blade and charged back into the fray. Swinging her blade and doing her best to get the upper hand again.

-Attack like a boss, weakening strike (I think that's it's name, the extra shadow damage attack if the debuff is not already on the.) If that debuff is there Furious chain.-
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((Weakening Blow, close enough imo :p))

Attack Roll:

Mira: 23 vs. Blood Raven: 12

Mira smacks Blood Raven with a mighty blow, briefly staggering the corrupt Ranger. Mira deals 600 damage and places Blood Raven in the Weakened State. Blood Raven has 9,250 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 17 vs. Mira: 8

Blood Raven retaliates by tackling Mira to the ground!

Cat, thinking ahead, casts her Spiteful Spirit Spell, just in case things suddenly go south! Blood Raven is cursed for 5 rounds!

Free Mira Attempt:

Cat: 1 vs. Blood Raven: 13

Cat is unable to help Mira!


1: Try to struggle free (would she give in at any point if unable to free herself/Cat not being able to help her?)

2: Give in and let the bitch damage herself until the spell runs out, then try to struggle free.

3: Other?