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ACT [ミラクルハート] ふりふり魔法戦争/Magic World Rape Incident (RJ187283)


aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score

A sidescrolling beat 'em up game with very generic gameplay, animated rape scenes and annoying voice acting. The good thing is that the animations aren't
that bad. Demo has one level, and 3 different enemies, but only 2 different animations.





[2048] Tokyo
 Japan's capital Tokyo was in an unprecedented crisis due to the cult cult's fierce fight.
 In the background of the disparity society and the isolated society, there was a group that continued to expand by brainwashing
people who came to seek a person who appeared to save salvation people, to show miracles of God in the table and to seek salvation.

 The name of the group was already unable to deal with when "sacred peace & healing true cult" became a social problem, the number of believers exceeded 300,000.
 The cults gradually proceeded in a cult-oriented direction, and became to dominate people with fear and fear.

【2052】 The Congregation begins to administer zombie medicine to followers, said to have been stolen from military research facilities located in the national National Bio Strategy Special Zone. Successfully zombieize human beings and animals. With this, people who stopped thinking circuit overflowed into town, civil war broke out in Tokyo and in Japan in Tokyo.

【2054】 While the civil war has become muddy, the government decided to send a single magical girl "Yuina" to the forefront.
 Yuina confronts the cult from love and justice. It is a girl who is convinced that you can use magic to defeat zombies.
 And for the corruption of the cult, it was going to fight alone.

◆ Magical girl fighting love and justice!?

 Yuna is usually an ordinary female school student ...?
 Such a girls school student wears pretend clothes and heads to fight.
 It may have been an image of a magical girl who was a young man who used to love animation since long ago.

 As Yuna heads towards the battle, the next successive scandal comes to light.
 Masturbation in the school building, prostitution mat play, bullying, alleged bitching, adult video appearance, public obscenity, etc. · · ·
 Magical girl 'Yui' saving the world can save the world while being covered with the scandal?








Arrows to move around
A to attack/confirm menu
S to jump
F12 to skip cutscenes
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I tried the demo : gameplay is easy (only one attack and jump). G allow you to pause the game. I only got one animation (the armless guy and the same animation with the broken face). It's a shame that animations are not bigger, but I'm looking forward to it as per the video other animations seem nice.
You did a God-awful job selling the game! lol. Thanks though, think I'll pass on it.
I honestly can't write anything better about it, I tend to be honest with my overviews haha
It seems a few people on anime sharing seem to have it now. Checking validity of this as we speak.

Yes Velka has it in it's entirety but broken up as always. Just letting ya know. ;)
Shine's also got it, and doesn't fuck around with their downloads like Velka does.

It's actually laughably easy to play. I didn't have a death until the game dumped an screen-full of enemies on me twice in a row.

Edit: And yeah, it's crap. Heh. There's 8 enemies or so but only 3 animations between them.
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Saw this one a long time ago on hiatus, I thought this would never make it but somehow... Well based on that I don't even need to play to know it sucks.
Honestly, that preview video on DLsite...just made me not to want to play this (even...erm...privated).
Having "mahou shoujo" said 15x times in a one-minute portion of the video, didn't help much either. lol
I'm compelled to comment because of how astonishingly lazy this one is. It's the same background for each of the 6 levels I made it through, just recolored. What's your favorite? The blue one? The slightly more blue one? Perhaps you're feeling daring and enjoy the ORANGE city street.

I was even able to continue playing at one point while having a sneezing fit; covering my mouth with my right hand and hammering the attack button with the other while standing in place, letting the brain dead enemies just walk into my attacks. The enemies all go flying off screen on the last hit, and then take forever to come back onto the screen, that is if they don't decide to walk back off the screen on their own for no reason. Oh, and if you do still decide to play, you'd better do so in one sitting because I played up to stage 6 (in about 20 minutes) and then exited the game, losing all progress.
And he's charging what for this? This one should be stolen out of principle only to be immediately deleted from your hard drive.
Press tab on the main menu to unlock the gallery. The h-content in this game is so bad though...