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Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Agreed, we should be inside momentarily, ah there's the doors."

Entering the facility, they took note that the doors seemed to have been smashed off their hinges, completely busted.

"Well, so much for locking them out. You think they came from inside here?"

Siphon shrugged.

"I don't know, possibly. Keep your eyes open, let's head for the gene device. Vanessa, you know where it was?"

"Yeah, follow me, it's a couple floors down, this place is much bigger than it seems, goes a ways into the ground, maybe a mile or so."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

One way to find out, especially if it means there might be an anomaly inside the building, is to check the way the hinges are bent. At Vanessa's question, Ian will take a minute to examine the state of the doors. He'll also look for something to move in front of them to possibly keep the things out, or at the very least, slow their progress.

"Ah'd make a remark about buryin' inta the sand but that seems a bit redundant at this point. Lead on."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

The hinges, what remained of them, seemed smashed outward, as if great force had been used to slam the doors open from the inside. There didn't seem to be much of anything to block the doors, save for some debris that may have come from a wall or something.

As they continued on, Siphon shook his head.

"What I want to know though, is why are anomalies on other planets linking to Earth's past? One of the files we recovered from Janus' lab indicated a thought about connections via the stargate somehow having a bleed through affect, but it has to be something more than that. It's almost as if the very fabric of the universe itself is suffering from a case of multiple personality disorder or something. Or falling apart at the seams."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Well, that sinks it. Someone was lookin' ta get out of here in a hurry. Prob'ly bein' chased by raptors in the process. Or the raptors themselves busted out ta get at the folks topside."

As they walk, he ponders the question. "Maybe whatever's creatin' 'em is limited to...Ah'm hesitant ta say 'personal experience,' but maybe it's someone or thing from Earth that powers it, focuses it, whatevah. An' because of that, it can only open things ta Earth's past and not, say, yours or Nessa's here."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon paused for a moment at the last bit, nodding his head.

"Certainly seems plausible enough of a theory, which sadly to say is about all we can go on at this stage. Whoa what the ..."

The last was said as they rounded a corner, spying two bodies on the floor, part of their backsides ripped open. They were wearing a slightly altered form of Wraith armor, which had also been shredded in the back.

"Looks like the Raptors got these wraith pretty good huh?"

Bending down, Siphon looked over the bodies, and blinked.

"Well, I don't know what got them, but they aren't exactly Wraith. They've got no feeders on their hands at all, but their features are definitely like a Wraith. I ... I don't know what we have here."

Each body had the distinctive eyes and slight wrinkles, as well as the skin tone of a Wraith, but their hands had no feeders, nor did their face seem Wraith like, instead they appeared almost human.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Let's just hope the the'ries don't become fact."

He'll stop when Siphon does, not really feeling like pawing around at more dead bodies, especially given the raptors were hanging around their last kill. It'd pay to be diligent.

"Ya don't think their cross-breedin', do ya? Ah've heard of playin' with ya food, but that takes the cake." Ian will wisely keep away from Vanessa after that remark, not really feeling like getting hit for it.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Vanessa shot him an icy glare, grumbling something under her breath at Ian's remark, though she snapped out of it as Siphon replied.

"No, wraith don't reproduce like that. No this ... Sivok may have been right. There's been a rumor going around that someone tried to forcefully change the rebel wraith into humans with some kind of retro-virus, to end the wraith civil war once and for all, not to mention stop the rebels from feeding on humans. Supposedly, some of those test subjects escaped, and began reverting back more to normal. That however made them completely human but this ..."

He trailed off, shaking his head.

"It looks like someone has changed that. Someone, somewhere is trying to create a human and wraith hybrid with all the strengths of a wraith, but without the feeding. The real question is, why?"

Not able to resist playing off Ian's remark earlier, Vanessa chimed in.

"Maybe they're trying to find a way to make their species better, and be able to reproduce with humans. You know, instead of egg laying like an insect?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Jokin' aside, 'Nessa's got a point. Ain't survival at the core of the Wraith's tenets? Hells, isn't it that way with anyone? Food, sheltah, makin' babies?" He ticks off each point with a finger. "Eithah that or wasn't there somethin' in the works at one time, durin' the war where they were doin' things ta folk to make 'em poisonous ta the Wraith? More human means ya can grab a hamburgah and not have ta worry about dyin'."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon actually stopped dead in his tracks as Ian spoke, nearly causing Vanessa to run into him.

"Actually, there was a rumor going around that a group of humans in Pegasus did come up with something designed to kill a feeding wraith. Now that I think of it, the damn thing was rumored to do exactly what it's been doing here in this galaxy with the rebel attacks. We might have to take a trip to that planet, assuming the rebels left anything standing. I know the address this went down on supposedly, it was at the time a seemingly unprovoked attack. Maybe not so much huh?"

Vanessa nodded slightly.

"Device should be down that corridor. I'll uh, I'll keep an eye on things down here, you two go ahead. Not sure I want to see that thing again."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Which, of course, stops Ian in his tracks, too. "Somethin' worth lookin' inta. Though let's not juggle too many plates at one, aye?"

As they approach the chamber, he lays a hand on Vanessa's shoulder. "Shouldn't be too long, dahlin'. Holler if'in, uh, one of those unfriendlies shows up and we'll be right with ya, okay?" He'll tip his head close enough to touch foreheads with her before continuing to follow Siphon. "So what're we pokin' around in heah for again? Got a little distracted by the dinosaurs."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"We'll be looking for a big device, probably in the center of the room that can be used to manipulate DNA. Can't possibly ..."

As they entered the room and looked inside, he trailed off, surprise showing on his face. The room was completely empty, only a severed power line indicating anything had ever been there.

"Well ... I think we know why those other wraith came here. Bastards stole it. Why though, they can't even use it!"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ian barks out a laugh at that, waving a hand in front of his face. "Sorry. Sorry. That's just too damn funny." A few chuckles pepper in with his words. "Maybe they stole it fer Anubis. Or ta keep Anubis from gettin' his hands on it. Or maybe they stole it ta screw around with the nearly human ones Deeunay." He's quiet a minute. "That thing have any othah uses?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon paused.

"If they knew about Anubis maybe, but lord knows the Ancients made more than one of them, they could never hope to locate them all. I don't picture them working with Anubis at all. Other uses? Well it can read and rewrite DNA, holds a copy of everything the Ancients did while they were here, but beyond that no. Those wraith can't even use the damn thing though, it's coded to keep the wraith from using it. Only reason Nirrti could even use it was because we're pretty sure her original host had the Ancient gene. Unless ..."

He trailed off, genuine disgust, and possibly fear in his eyes.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Unless someone else has the Ancient gene, too," Ian finishes. "Like one of theah almost humans."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon shook his head.

"Not them, but they might have a prisoner or a target in mind to force into activating it for them. One of the Vorians claimed they came across a handful of rebel wraith worshippers who'd been brainwashed by them. Said something about repeated feeding and restoring of ones life force could eventually break the mind. If they found someone with the gene and did that to them .... Only a matter of time before they broke."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Well, fact of the matter is, they cleared it outta heah and headed off for pahts unknown. There any chance we can track 'em? Cuz othahwise, we should prob'ly get outta heah before them raptahs smell dinnah."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon shook his head.

"Not likely. Not unless someone tagged it with a subspace transmitter, and I doubt that. Unfortunately, we can't figure out exactly what, if any lasting side effects might have been afflicted upon Vanessa without that device either."

Vanessa's voice suddenly called out to them.

"Guys! You need to get out here now! One of those things just opened!"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"And Ah doubt Nirrti would've. Prob'ly didn't think it'd evah be moved." Several curses come out at Vanessa's call, some of them even in English. "An' why would we wanna get closah to it?" he calls back, though he will move to join her because it's best to know what you're facing rather than have it surprise you. "If it's anothah tee-rex, Ah quit."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"I'm cut off from you by it. It's about half way down the ... oh shit!"

Bounding down the hall, the two suddenly found themselves slogging through water that was rising up in the hallway. After a moment, Siphon let out a curse of his own.

"Water, pouring in from the anomaly. We've got to get around that thing, have to squeeze by it somehow. Vanessa, get back to the stairwell!"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"And watch out fer lizahds!" Ian calls. It takes him a bit, but with some concentration, he can put something of a wedge between the water and the two of them, at least so they're not slogging through it as they're heading for the anomaly. "Think we can wait it out?" He's also studying the area around the anomaly, trying to determine the best way to soldier past without actually going through.
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