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Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

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Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon shrugged.

"Not if the water keeps rising at this rate we can't. How long can you keep it at bay and from drowning us? If we have a few moments, I want to run some scans up close. Last time I was this close to one, I was being hurled through it by a pissed off Gorgonopsid."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Tricky, but Ah might be able ta keep it off'a us fer a few minutes, anyway. Gonna have one helluva headache at the end'a this." He scrubs his face. "Crickey." He'll continue to push on, leading them slowly closer and closer to the source of the water. Once they get there, Ian braces himself against one of the walls, taking in a deep breath and letting it out just as slowly. The only outward sign that Siphon has that the other man's powers are working is the split that seems to divide the water pouring out. He's still however deep in the water, but there seems to be a bubble of sorts around him, which will hopefully give him enough time and space to get the readings. "Just try not ta take too long, a'ite?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon didn't waste time replying, he just started his scans. He knew he wouldn't have time to process them until after they got out of this deathtrap, but that didn't mean he couldn't gather data just the same. After an indeterminate period of time, he decided he had enough, and it wasn't worth staying in the water any longer.

"Alright, let's get the hell out of here before it overwhelms us. I'll analyze this top side, but let's go!"

He'd wait to make sure Ian had heard him and was moving before falling in line behind him, wading their way up the stairwell which would begin to flood at any moment.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ian's concentration on the bubble never wavers, not until Siphon's voice cuts through to him. The bubble "shatters" and Siphon might have to brace himself when the water surges against him for a moment, Ian doing the same thing. "Good idea. Lead tha way." There is still that slight push to part the water in front of them, but the force behind it is decidedly weaker. Ian's attention is pretty much fixed on the ground in front of Siphon, so counting on him to be alert, at least until they're clear of the anomaly, is probably not going to happen.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Simply nodding, Siphon works his way up the stairwell with Ian, not stopping until they were safely above the potential rise of the water, at least for the time being. Vanessa came running up to them, shaking her head.

"What the hell took you guys so long? I was starting to worry you drowned."

Siphon half shrugged.

"Getting some readings as well as trying to get around the thing without going through it. Let me see what we managed to get here while we have a safe moment."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Once they are clear of the water, Ian thumps down to a sitting position, leaning forward enough to rest his elbows on his knees and tipping his head down between them. "This one wanted ta do science." He's also sitting, facing down the steps, so that he'll have advance notice if anything comes up from the water or through the anomaly.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Vanessa let out a sigh.

"Did you at least get anything worth the time and risk?"

Siphon slowly nodded as he went over his scan results.

"I think so, yes. There's definitely a strong magnetic signature coming from that thing, but over the course of a few minutes there the signature began to weaken. What's really interesting though is that the magnetic signature of the anomaly is the exact same as the magnetic signature around this base right now. As you know, magnetic fields on a planet change based on solar outputs and where the planet is in relation to it's star. Well right now the pattern around us is an exact match to the anomaly, but it's beginning to lose that identical matching. I'm guessing when the magnetic field of the planet changes enough to be different from the signature of the anomaly, it will close. We might have just accidently found a way to determine how long they'll stay open for."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Still no way ta predict when they'll open up, but it's a staht. Though if we know it has somethin' ta do with the magnet waves, might give us a clue on what frequencies allow 'em ta open. Willin' ta bet the Klarnell know a bit about that, too. Otherwise, they'd be stuck a lot more often." He looks thoughtful for a moment, which is interesting, given the slight grimace, too. "Maybe with a little experahmentin', we might be able ta find a way ta jam it. Slam 'em shut early."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon opened his mouth to reply, and then suddenly stopped, his mind working out something.

"You know, maybe we already have a way of closing them. A strong enough magnetic pulse, or electrical wave might actually collapse them, or destabilize them enough to semi-close them until they close on their own. Think of it like the Iris or a gate shield in a sense. As for knowing when they open, I'd be willing to bet that it has something to do with magnetic frequencies. If we can figure out which magnetic frequencies allow for these rips to open, we'd be able to figure them out pretty fast and predict them hours before they opened. Maybe even figure out how to open them ourselves. Actually, I wonder ... Wait here, I'll be right back. I'm going to go do something that's probably stupid, but now I'm curious. Vanessa, let me borrow one of those zats please?"

Vanessa blinked a few times before unhooking one and handing it to him, and as she did recognition dawned on her face.

"You're going to try and swim down there and zat the damn anomaly aren't you."

Siphon nodded.

"Yup. I'm curious since it's designed off an energy, almost electrical element if it has enough juice to 'lock' an anomaly like Ian suggested. If it does, or has enough to even temporarily block it, then we're on to something big."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Yer on yer own," Ian states. "Least ya swimmin' down there'll give me enough time ta get mah feet outta th' watah." He slowly pushes himself up and moves to higher ground, well away from any that might accidentally carry the current from the zat. In fact, he'll take a bit of extra time and 'squeegee' any water away from where he and Vanessa are standing. "Just don't do somethin' stupid enough that we gotta explain it ta Julia, Sho and Aya, a'ite?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Chuckling slightly, he nodded back to him.

"I'll try not to. Hopefully I'll be the only thing swimming down there. Maybe I'll get lucky and the water is flowing back into the anomaly and draining, but I doubt it. Be back in a few."

Taking off back down the stairwell, he soon vanished from view.

After he was gone, Vanessa looked at Ian.

"You know, I just thought of something. How does he plan not to get zapped by his own shot in that much water? And you know he's probably going to get himself killed again sooner or later if he keeps this up right?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Ian looks over at her. "Think we oughta stop him or we gonna let him learn from his mistake?" He'll edge toward the stairs. "Siphon!" Probably best to get his attention before he starts shooting things and they're in the water with him.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

After a long moment, they got a reply.

"Yeah, down here. Looks like the water is being sucked back through the anomaly, it's only ankle deep now and receding fast. What's up?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Remind me again how intelligent it is ta fire electricity at somethin' while yer standin' in watah." Given there isn't as much water to wade through at this point, they can probably catch up with him quickly enough.
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

There was a long pause, then what sounded like a groan.

"Well, I really didn't think that through did I? Well, in a minute or two, it'll be low enough to fire at it without hitting us. Care to join me and see if this is a total failure?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Good theory. Poor execution." Ian flashes him a grin. "Eh, we're heah. Might as well see if it works."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Nodding once, he stood there until the water had almost completely receded, and then carefully took aim at the anomaly, and fired a single shot.

The effect was almost immediate. The anomaly flashed brightly, and then seemed to half collapse in on itself before taking on a more solid shape and appearance. Blinking slightly at it, Siphon carefully walked up to it and poked at it with the closest object he could find, which happened to be a broken piece of wood.

Once poked, the wood seemed to make contact with the anomaly, and literally slam into an invisible wall, instead of passing through it.

"Son of a bitch, it actually worked. I really didn't expect it to."

Vanessa stood there in shock for a moment before she spoke.

"Well, this is good right?"
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"We couldn't've figured that out when we were waist deep in the stuff, huh? Though, uh, if this is the same anomaly, how are we goin' ta get the raptors beck through it?" Vanessa's not the only one being the pessimist, it seems. "Still, good ta know next time we've got those big nasties pourin' out of one. Or the Klahnel."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

Siphon thought a moment before replying.

"I'm going to guess this isn't the same anomaly that the Raptors came through. That much water coming through, my guess is it opened up on the other side into some sort of tidal pool. There's no freaking way those Raptors could have swam into water that deep, no reason for them to either. My guess is we either haven't found the one they came through yet, or it already closed. Speaking of closing ..."

He pointed to the anomaly in front of them, which began to dim slowly at first, then rapidly lose it's color and glow. After a moment, it suddenly vanished.

Vanessa shrugged.

"Well, at least we know how to block anything from getting through to our side or vice versa now. That's a win in my book, if we can keep the bastards in their own time. Only drawback though is how do we lock space-borne ones if they show up again, and we still have to find a way to detect them and respond to them before anything takes advantage of the opening."
Re: Mirton Six: Nirrti's Planet (Orbital and Planetside)

"Modify the frequency of any type of enahgy weapons that might be available? Or the shields?" Ian offers. Just suggestions, given he's admittedly not the most tech saavy. "Maybe somethin' on one of the jumpahs we saw in Atlantis?" He rolls his shoulders in a shrug. "But, now that we've got this infahmation, we prob'ly ought ta be reportin' in with it. Before we get eaten by dinosaurs."
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