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Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
At the outer fringe of the galaxy sits a planet well positioned for strikes in both the Milky Way, and the Pegasus Galaxies. This is the planet Mirvik has chosen to be his 'strong-hold'. A lovely planet that seems to have never been occupied by a humanoid species, and with little native life, it is perfectly suited for a base of operations. A hidden gem as some might say.

The planet is Earth like, about 60% water and 40% land, with few active volcanos on it, making it ideal for stability as well. It has a handful of deserts, many open plain type areas, and several jungles. The section Mirvik has chosen spans an open plains area, with a forested area to it's North and East, and a desert to the South and West, some distance away.

In orbit of the planet sat a massive Hive Ship, controlled by Mirvik. The hive was accompanied by five Cruisers, and spaced in such a way to defend the planet from an attack. A typical Yellow Dwarf star was visible in the distance, as well as the outlines of several other planets.

The relative stillness around the planet was broken as suddenly a massive ship exploded out of Hyper-Space. The ship, called the Nasara, cruised towards the planet, yanking the attention of the Hive Ship and it's fellow Cruisers by opening fire immediately on the Hive, a triplicate of powerful blue plasma energy beams impacting it's hull. The hive in turn altered course, and began to open fire on the attacking ship, beginning phase one of the plan.

Meanwhile, on the surface of the planet, Mirvik's forces came to attention as suddenly the Stargate activated, ensuring there would be no quick exit via the gate.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The Cybershadow appeared, almost touching the planet's atmosphere. It made a slight sweep down into it, before rising back out. A quick flash, a second jump, and suddenly the craft appeared near the Nasara. Soon, it was darting through the fight, blasting when it could with the Plasma Cannon... Although it seemed mostly to be relying on its Null Ray to scramble systems on the hostile ships.


Planetside, Mirvik's forces might pick up a metallic object, falling through the atmosphere. Soon, some manner of energy build-up readings could be detected, and the track of the metallic object would be aimed straight for a large cluster of the troops.

As soon as the object impacted the ground, a massive explosion would erupt, leaving a large crater. Rubble from the ground, as well as any structures in the blast zone, filled the bottom of the crater, almost as if a small cairn had been left to cover something.

((If they know about it, the energy signature from the build-up is nucleon. And the crater's probably a bit bigger than normal, once someone else gets down. He double-fisted this Punch.))
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Two of the Crusiers immediately began altering course, attempting to engage the Cybershadow. Meanwhile the Nasara was absorbing a ton of firepower from the hive, as well as three other Cruisers.

On the surface, some of Mirvik's forces were wiped out by the blast. However, it seemed the numbers might be larger than they'd been expecting, as a number of those that fell were soon replaced, as more began filtering in from somewhere ....
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Up in space, Ariana's asgard ship appeared as well, shortly after and behind the Nasara. Alberik was a tthe helm, keeping the two ships close together, and using it's weapons to great effect, targetting them on the same spots the nasara itself hit, compounding the damage at those locations.

Down in the bay, Ari and the others who came with her were in her falcon. The cargo bay had been emptied into the larger ship, with the exception of the cryopod in the corner, and the walls had been lined with benches and some hastily-assembled straps to tie folk down. Ari herself was up the short rampo to the pilot's seat, strapping herself in. "Alright folks, no guarantee that the inertial dampeners are gonna stand up to what I'm about to do, so hold on, trays in upright position, and I hope people that need it brought barf bags." She called down in an amused tone, the ship shuddering lightly as it lifted off from the bay floor and shot out into space.

She quickly left the larger ships behind, diving straight towards the planet through the defending ships. She pulled the falcon through barrel rolls and tight corkscrews, dodging the larger fire, smaller arms from the swarms of fighters lighting her shields up, but she gave as good as she got, several fighters exploding as the pulse cannons and missiles she carried found their marks, the small ship cutting it's way through the blockade and hitting the atmosphere, her shields flaring again as the heat of reentry washed over them.

"Well, that's the hard part done, folks. I'm locked onto Victor's location, should be there shortly!" She called down to the hold, hovering along the edge of the crater and opening the bay door. "Shield should cover you at first, but I'm parking soon as everybody is off! I'll catch up!" She called out to the back, watching down the ramp behind her seat to make sure everyone had offloaded before flying deeper into the crater, settling it near the bottom of the slope and leaving the shields running as she locked the other controls, heading out through the bay herself and starting up the hill.
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Sho and Ian sat in the hold along with Sivok's forces that had come along. The former was used to the dip and roll that came with flying and the latter sat with his head back, trying not to think about the jury-rigged straps that were basically keeping them all from pitching hell-mell about the ship.

When the ship landed, it would look like it was just offloading the two humans thanks to the cloaking the other fighters possessed. Sho would delay disembarking long enough to let some of them file off, making it look like she was just hesitant to pop out into the middle of the fight. Once she did, though, she did her best to find cover in what was left around the crater. She was going to need time to whip up a storm like she was thinking and didn't fancy being a target in the process. Around her, anyone paying attention would see untoppled trees starting to sway and any cloud-cover that happened to be above the fight was starting to coalesce.

Ian, meanwhile, spaced his departure from the ship to put himself almost with the rest of Sivok's men. Of course, his objective was cover as well, though spaced away from Sho. Definitely didn't want to be at ground zero when she brought up the winds but getting to where he could see the opposing forces was kind of important for him to be able to use his powers on them.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Sivok's men were out the doors quickly, having shrouded even before the doors had opened. Mirvik's forces might even think it was just Ian and Sho on the transport, at least until suddenly a Draque popped up and gutted one with hardly any effort. That caused quite the commotion, leading to wild firing of weapons...

Meanwhile, in orbit, the battle continued on. The Daina Eil'Mori and the Scalerious exploded out of hyper-space, joining the fray and, between them, combined to take out one of the Cruisers, leaving four now, plus the Hive, which was taking every bit of a beating as it was dishing out to the Nasara, which, for the time being, seemed to be effectively tanking everything the Hive could throw at it.

((Few more posts and then the real fun begins))
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Those still inside the crater would see the pile of rubble at the bottom shift, tremble, then slide as Victor extricates himself from the mess. The armor's jumpjets fire then, launching him out of the crater and to the fight outside, the Riot Cannons and shoulder launchers "teleporting" in and attaching during the leap.

As he leaps, Victor scans the assembled enemies, noting where it seems like Sivok's forces are, as well as looking for signs of Mirvik. Once back on the ground, he opens up on clusters of enemies away from Sivok's troops.


Meanwhile, the Cybershadow continued its hit-and-run harassment strikes. Ravage seemed especially to be targeting the sensors and weapon clusters of the ships.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Ian and Sho were, of course, keeping their distance rather than engaging in anything close-quarters. Mirvik's men, in addition to having the Draque in their faces and dodging the barrage from Victor, were in constant danger of having their weapons wrenched from their hands or being thrown into trees or just flat out thrown. Or pieces of the rubble would come flying at them. Or drop down from above. Didn't help that Ian could use his power from anywhere and didn't have to give away his position while he was doing it. Didn't stop him from moving, not wanting to get caught by surprise, but he does a fairly good job of keeping out of the way while still harrying the enemy troops.

Sho, on the other hand, was stationary but, again, hidden as best as she was able. Above the fight, the clouds were starting to coalesce into a funnel cloud, the area around it taking on that odd quiet that precludes a storm. Sure, there was still the sound of gunfire and other combat but it also seemed like that might be the only noise, at least until the cloud touched down and started whipping things up.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

In orbit the battle raged onward, the Daina Eil'Mori and Scalerious taking out another of the Cruisers in tandem, before the former began launching drones. In short order, the remaining Cruisers had been dealt with thanks to the tandem fire of the two ships, and Ravage taking advantage of every opening there was to add a few shots himself. This of course left only the massive hive ship, which somehow was still in one piece despite the hellacious bombardment of weapons fire, and drones from the Nasara that it was taking. It became clear that the hull was far too dense to be penetrated by even the drones, and that sooner or later, they were going to have a problem. The shields of the Hive however had chosen a perfect moment to give out, and there was only a brief communication from Siphon before it went to hell.

"I suggest everyone gets clear. I'm gonna take this hive out with it's own strength."

Once everyone was clear, there was a small delay, and suddenly the hive ship exploded in a bright flash of blinding blueish light. Sensors would indicate the explosion had come from WITHIN the ship, and not an external force. Now, with no ships left to guard the planet, Siphon would call down to his allies, and to the other ships.

"Backup is on the way, assholes have been dealt with."

On the surface, several of Mirviks men attempted, and failed to shoot down Victor, instead deciding to try and flak the area, probably hoping to limit his effectiveness.

Meanwhile, Mirvik himself had partially become visible, heading for a well guarded area by what appeared to be a weapon of some kind. It was huge, and likely their target.

The others found themselves in a hell of a firefight, taking out a number of Mirvik's men, though several soldiers of their own were cut down by weapons fire, as a new blaster type weapon was being used by Mirvik's men. Several Draque and Alveran soldiers were literally vaporized when hit with them, meaning even a glancing blow could possibly be fatal to any struck.

Off to one side of the fight, there was a sudden golden flash of light, unseen at the moment by the others... ((Hardware, you're up. gonna call in a bit to talk with you on this as well, see how this wants to be played out.))

Elsewhere, nearish the battle, but well away from it there was a sudden spark of light. It might seem like lightning at first from Sho's storm, but any who would see it would recognize it didn't repeat. In the meantime though, a surge of electrical energy would pour through this tiny, unseen 'crack' in the fabric of the universe. ((Guyver, you're up!))
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor quietly chuckled to himself at the attempt to flak him out of the sky during his jump. When he received the call about backup being on the way, which happened right as he caught sight of Mirvik, he responded with a call of own. "Better hurry up. Douche sign detected. Confirmed visual."


Meanwhile, once the call about clearing the area went out, the Cybershadow jumped again, reappearing in an empty space in one of the Nasara's bays. "Borrowing a parking space. See you on the ground."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The small crack in space seemed to be letting the electrical energy pour in. A small almost condensed cloud of it forming in front of the crack; the small wisps of electricity arcing out of the cloud would bend themselves back into it. The cloud would grow larger until just over the height of a normal human being but would remain stationary for now simply pulling in energy as the crack remained open. Any close to it may notice two spots near the center glow brighter and begin shifting about almost as eyes in the cloud scanning the environment about it.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Several things happened at once.

Not too far from the now open anomaly, which appeared to be a golden orb with bits of white colored glass swirling inside it, Siphon and Aya would beam down. The moment Aya set eyes on the anomaly, she stiffened, while Siphon just blinked.

"The fuck is that thing?"

"Bad news. I ... LOOK OUT!"

A massive head suddenly came through the anomaly, which had grown in size to be large enough to admit a jumbo jet. Said head was armed with numerous teeth. As the massive beast stepped forth and into it's 'new world', it set eyes on the fight around them. Spotting something off in the distance, as open food, it scented the air, and then let out a thunderous roar loud enough to be heard by everyone on the battlefield, causing quite a few heads to be turned, and weapons fire to briefly stop. The beast then thundered off towards Mirvik's location, it's intent rather clear. FOOD!

Siphon and Aya jumped back, the former's eyes widening in shock.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. THAT'S not supposed to be here!"

Aya meanwhile was letting loose a string of curses in Ancient, getting tenser and tenser by the moment.

Mirvik meanwhile had reached the weapon, and was getting ready to press a button when the roar was heard. Looking up in surprise, the hybrid had just enough time to see a massive maw coming at him before it was upon him. There was an unbecoming scream as said maw closed down upon him, chomping him into gidbits. It's first kill secured, the massive Tyrannosaurus Rex turned in search of more food, and began to chow down on Mirvik's men, who only just now began returning fire with weapons that didn't seem to be doing anything but further piss off the beast.

In the meantime, those scanning actively around the area would notice a sudden massive surge of energy, followed by a massive magnetic reading coming from the area the anomaly had opened, and practically right on top of Siphon's position.
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Ravage, now in a larger state of his panther form, had just appeared next to Victor from a transport effect similar to the FTL-ish jumps made by the Cybershadow when the T-Rex roared. Victor sighed, and started to turn towards the noise. "Slaggit, Ravage, I thought I told you to warn me if Quint activated Grim..."

Then he saw the T-Rex. "That's not Grimlock..."

Ravage had turned to look as well, watching it chomping on Mirvik and his guards. "I think I'm just going to work on the stragglers away from that..."

Something suddenly caught the attention of the recon specialist, though. "Hey, wait... There's something else that came through."

((Ravage is now approximately the size of a full-sized pickup truck.))
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

What Ravage saw was the smear from something that had been stomped on by the T-Rex as it came through the rift.

Approximately ten feet away, a misshapen, bloody lump was piled at the foot of a tree, thrown there by the T-Rex.
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

((I really need to name the asgard ship, sounds like it was forgotten about in the space battle above. Ah well. XD))

Ari slogged up the hill after parking her ship, coming up to the ridge of the crater with Sho and Ian. Drawing a pistol from her hip, she fired a few shots into Mirvik's men, having little effect. "Right, well then." She said ruefully, holstering the aged slugthrower and reaching out with her bare hand instead, mimicking Ian as she grabbed a wraith and tossed it about, smashing it against the ground before throwing him at his fellows. That drew their attention however, and she was forced to duck some return fire, quickly motioning a shimmering wall into being, covering all three of them.

And then a T-rex joined the fight, an incredulous look on her face as it stampeded through the wraith and chomped down on a fleeing Mirvik with seemingly no issues. Surprising, given the damage she had seen the wraith's weapons do to their allies. Still, one shouldn't complain, especially since it seemed to be helping.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The electrical energy disturbance began to move now moving along into the wake left by the T-rex. The two center points within the energy mass seemed to be shifting back and forth scanning the havoc. After enough "watching" the electrical energy began to condense slowly growing smaller and those closest might swear it began to outline a humanoid shape with the two brighter spots moving to where a human's eyes would be.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The lightning does get Sho's attention somewhat, especially since, despite what she's doing, she doesn't generate it along with the tornado. Wind-witch, not weather, which might make it a bit alarming. Still, at the moment, she can't spare too much time to concentrate on it, so long as it doesn't appear to be threatening the others. Directing a tornado was difficult work and keeping it away from her allies at the same time tended to require all of her concentration.

Ian, meanwhile, was glad to have Ari's help, despite the attention she seemed to draw. Seeing as how the weapons in Mirvik's forces were a little too dangerous to go unchecked, he focused on them more than the men, who might recover and start shooting again. In a moment of confusion, his intent was to pull one to himself, giving them something to look at later and possibly use against Mirvik in the future.

At least until the other company showed up.

"Gotta be kiddin' me," he mutters, seeing the tyrant lizard emerge from the rift. It's one of those things that, had he seen it in his youth, it would have probably stopped him dead. Instead, after everything, he was willing to roll with it, so long as the thing didn't get close to him or the others.

Those paying active attention to their radios would probably here a slightly laughed, "Tahget's down." after the T-Rex bore down on Mirvik. "Spectacularly." Still, best to still keep an eye on things, since their opponents still had their blasters and, well, wild dinosaur on the premises.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The T-Rex definitely was having an impact to say the least. In short order it had chowed down on about an eighth of Mirvik's men, seeming to enjoy every moment of it.

Sivok came over the radio, a stunned sound in his voice.

"So I can see. I'm content to watch that T-Rex take the load of things and play sniper, how about you guys?"

Siphon and Aya meanwhile had seen a blur of movement, but it wasn't until Aya set eyes on the prone, bloody blob by a tree that it sank in what they'd seen.

"Gods ... Siphon. there's someone over there, looks like Earth gear hurt. Might be one of the captives he had that escaped?"

Siphon turned and saw the woman laying there, letting loose a curse.

"Move with me, we're going to check on her. Hopefully she isn't already dead."

The two began moving quickly towards the prone body by the tree, their speed slowed only slightly as Siphon made sure Aya remained close to him, and that he was between her, and the firefight to provide protection with his shield.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The woman by the tree slowly dragged herself into a sitting position and pulled off her helmet. Loose strands of hair flowed in a chaotic maelstrom as she shook her head rapidly, as though to shake off water. Then she grabbed the back of her head and groaned.

"Ugh...This feels like that last frat party I made the mistake of going to..."

She glanced at the ruins of her combat vest, sighed, and began to cut the damaged portion off.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

About the time the woman removed her helmet, Siphon and Aya would draw in range to hear her. The look the two shared said it all, they knew she had a bad concussion, and was probably pretty busted up inside if the blood were any indication.

It was at that moment the air filled with a charge, and the injured woman might see a blast of energy flying at her. Instead, as it reached the male near her, it impacted off some kind of shield that flared a golden color, causing the man to whip his head around, drawing his own weapon.

Seeing the offending Mirvik soldier, Siphon growled, then yelled at him, "My turn asshole!"

The shot he fired was loud, and bright red, flying out of his pistol and impacting the enemy soldier between the eyes, effectively leaving a hole where his head USED to be. This done, he handed the weapon to the woman with him, before turning back to Evelyn.

"You've got a nasty head injury, I can help you, but you'll need to relax. My name is Siphon, and that's my wife Aya. What's your name?"

This was both to calm her down, as well as get to know her, and to show her they weren't her enemy.