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Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

As Victor was calling that out, Evelyn had already taken a panel off the DHD pedestal and was starting to say

"This isn't connected to that" (she waved vaguely in the direction of the weapon) "at all...This isn't...connected to...anything...?"

As Victor cut her off with his statement about the trap, she looked up quickly, ran over, and glanced in the open panel on the weapon.

"Trap...? So, work quickly. Right."

Running back over to the DHD, she began frantically assembling a device next to it and connecting it to the unconnected DHD.

"Wire...wire...I need a wire..."

The glyphs on the DHD began rapidly lighting up in time with the pulsing of the anomaly. She began slapping certain glyphs as they lit up.

"Now...we play...Whack-A-Mole..."
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

*so much stuff was going on around them another person walking up saying her name had her look at ian curiously no recognition on her face..hell very little emotion at al for that matter. She might have small flashes of anger and confusion but for the most part it was a very blank look.

"Home? where is home?"

*She cast her eyes at the T-rex and its loud roaring and thundering about seemed agitate her a moment little bits of lightning arcing off her shoulders and arms. Though when it ran off the other way finally quieting down the immediate area she calmed again*

"I leave here. this place.. is annoying."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Give her some time. She's readjusting," Sho will state to the other metahuman. "For now, the Peltas Five station. Course, if you're finding this place annoying, how do you think you'll be with crowds?" There were going to be a lot more people eager to see her sister. Might be safest to keep that she was back under wraps, at least until she got acclimated. Of course, knowing her sister, that was probably going to be difficult but worth a shot.

Ian seems inclined to not press the issue with Zale, his expression a little more concerned than anything else. But given that the issues with the device and the gate and all were starting to come to, he indicated Victor's crater with a nod of his head. "We may not want ta be at ground zed, folks. Not unless we're sure Ari-girl's shields and a little teke bubble will protect us if that thing goes boom. Not that Ah don't have ev'ry faith in ya!" The last will be hollered to the two working on the issue but tech, unfortunately, wasn't his expertise.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The pseudo-dish on the device Evelyn had cobbled together began pulsing toward the anomaly. As she heard the rhythm created by the pulses and the glyphs activating, her eyes lit up and she began happily bouncing as she continued to tap the glyphs, and even began to sing.

"Domo Ar-i-ga-to, Mister Ro-bot-o...Domo Ar-i-ga-to, Mister Ro-bot-o...Thank you very much-o, Mister Rob-ot-o, for doing the jobs nobody wants to..."
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Ariana had retrieved her jacket once Zale made her own apparel, remaining off to the side as the sisters reunited, letting her defenses fall as Mirvik's forces, and then the gigantic lizard, trampled back through the portal. "Slug or energy fire, easy. A grenade or two, doable. Trap meant to take out a gate, not bloody likely, sorry to say." She said with a chuckle, nodding back towards the crater.

"I'm gonna bring the Falcon up here, so we can all hoof into it if we have to leave in a hurry." She explained, making her way back to her ship and moving it out of the crater, landing it closer to the group at the gate, it's landing repulsors blowing a bit of dirt and wind about.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor began ranting, slightly muffled by the device he was working on. "...slagging -kshi- -gerfu- SLAGHEAP!"

After a moment of shuffling, he came across the comm channel. "Okay, might want to start getting off planet, just in case. The ingenious little scrap-pile decided to use some very intricate wiring to rig a sort-of booby trap. If I don't get this done carefully, it's going to trigger a cascade overload in the gate. And still have to get to the main mechanism. Ravage, get the Cybershadow ready to pull me out fast."

Ravage sighed, imitated rolling his eyes as best he could, and teleported out.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon nodded to Ariana.

"Go for it, and thank you. That'll help speed things up."

Aya shook her head in response.

"Peltas is the last place she should go, too many people knew her and would ask questions, it'd overwhelm her I think. Atlantis would be better, there are places she can go to be alone, or with few people and be able to relax."

Siphon nodded.

"I agree, we'll take you there Zale, if you're willing that is."

He'd wait for her to reply before replying to the radio.

"Copy that. All personnel, begin planetary evacuation. Rendezvous back at Peltas Five. Anyone who doesn't need to be here to work on keeping that thing from blowing up, get out now while you still can, that's an order."

As he closed the channel, he spotted Evelyn and her contraption.

"Now what in the hell is she doing?"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Not like folk in Atlantis aren't going to ask questions of the newcomer, either, but probably far less stressful, no doubt about that." She doesn't need to be told twice to evacuate. "Guess the question is just how we're going to get her there without too much fanfare." The question below the obvious one being who was going to take Zale and then where, exactly.

"Like Ah said, rubbish with tech, so once the taxi's up, Ah'll be on it. Want me to save you gals a seat, Sho?"

Seems the answer to that was going to be once she knew where Zale was headed.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

*She didn't remember or know either place and in her mind one was as good as another and with no information she didn't care there was but the faintest of shrugs given towards Sho and Siphon as much an answer as she could give right now. she wasn't indecisive she just didn't care.*

When she ship came closer and the debris started coming to them from the ships thrusters little tiny sizzles and pops could be heard as parts of the debris seems to get zapped as it made contact with any of Zale's skin and yet she offered no notice of any of it. She did seems to start approaching the ship maybe she was curious.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The woman nodded at Siphon, jogging off to get her ship.

Once she flew it close enough, she gently swung it around and opened the bay door again. "Welcome to the Express route! Destination; Orbit. No stops, arms and legs inside the vehicle, please and thank you." She called down from the cockpit, smirking.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Ian doesn't really need to be told twice. He'll head for the ship and strap in. Sho, on the other hand, will hesitate. "Zale, you going to come with us? Me, that is? Ari'll get us back to the station, then we can go from there."

It might be a better idea to bring the girl back on the other ship, since she's less likely to garner attention than, say, Siphon will when they dock, which will mean less inadvertent attention Zale's way. Still, she's leaving it up to her sister to decide. A situation like this, probably best if she feels comfortable.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

*had been ready to walk on not caring where they were going but she stopped turn to Sho if anything there was something familiar hat at least made her consider her course. She would change her course to stand next to Sho then figuring this may at least indicate she was ghoosing to go with Sho. She didn't have much to say right now as many different things seemed to be going on and none of which she understood. She would do what she was used to doing...go with the flow..and for now the flow of things took their course at Sho's side for her.*
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon nodded.

"Alright, I'll radio ahead and have Julia get things set for her to go through the gate to Atlantis when we get back, still having a little issue with getting the gate bound ships to actually dial outside the galaxy they're in. Even if you don't remember anything Zale ... it's still good to have you back. If you'll excuse me, I think I need to go see what our newest guest is up to before she gets herself killed."

He nodded to Zale, and as he passed her a strange feeling might run through her. For a brief moment, there seemed to be almost some kind of tingling sensation within her, as if something inside her core, way down deep were 'resonating' somehow, but only when he was near. The moment he'd stepped more than fifteen feet or so away, it would stop as abruptly as it had begun.

Meanwhile the Draque who'd come with Ariana piled into the ship, though a few elected to stay behind and wait for transport, to allow Zaleia and her sister a bit of extra room, thanking Ariana before stepping away.

After a few moments of walking briskly, Siphon would be near Evelyn, close enough to call out to her and be heard, as well as hear her.

"What in the hells are you doing?"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Communications array."

She began assembling another junk contraption.

"I have this mind-bashingly hot IQ, and I get bored easily. So I invent things."

A couple of straps from the destroyed portion of her vest, and the new device attached to her arm.

"Sent a covert encoded signal back to Earth. I think...At least, I hope so..."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

A couple of clangs and clatters came from inside Mirvik's device, followed by an "OH, SH-"

This immediately trailed off, then was followed up by a slightly calmer, almost relieved comment. "Wait... Whew, okay. So, that wasn't something important."
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Good to have you back, sis," Sho remarks quietly as Zale comes to stand with her. She'll indicate the ship with a nod of her head and make her way over to get in. "Probably best we get out of here before something irreparable happens. Or the inevitable boom."

Given how packed they'd been and from what she's been noticing about Zale, probably best that she have a bit of room, so some of the Draque staying behind will hopefully make the place a tad less cramped. They'll get a bit of a salute from Sho before she straps herself in. This might be a bit of an acid test right here.

"Might want to secure yourself, Z. Ride gets a little bumpy between the ground and weightlessness."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Hopefully somewhat less, now that we shouldn't be shot at." Ariana called down from above, glancing back to make sure people were all inside before shutting the bay door, and starting to climb, streaking off into space at a reasonable clip, though not as full-throttle as their entrance had been. There was a rumble and shake as they left atmosphere, but that was the majority of it.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

*When Siphon passed her eyes had shifted and watched curiously at the pull...though when he had gotten far enough and it was gone Sho's speaking to her drew attention back and she followed into the ship. Stepping onto the metal rampways starting causing little static discharges to arc between her and the nearby metal just tiny little sparks nothing dangerous.. even as she sat down watching Sho strap in the little tiny static jumps continued. her own note of it made her draw inward and the static finally stopped. but during the time she was drawing herself in it would be hard to get her attention short of shoving her around some. It was sort of like meditating to lower her aura of electrical energy she was giving off.*
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Sho watched as Zale came aboard the ship, noting the crackles of energy. Not unexpected and probably a good thing they weren't as cramped as they had been. Less chance of her getting jostled or anyone accidentally bumping into her. Given they're not expecting any problems, there shouldn't be a reason to get Zale's attention, save once they get back to the station. Seems Sho does think the centering is worth noting, though, since she watches Zale while she does it. Something to talk about when her sister was a little more 'present,' perhaps.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon started to say something after Victor's proclamation, then glared in that direction.

"For fucks sake man, you trying to give some of us a heart attack?"

He shook his head, laughing slightly, clearly not really angry at all before turning back to Evelyn.

"I can relate to the inventing stuff bit. Although with that T-Rex having come through that anomaly, which is where I'm guessing you directed your transmission, I hate to break it to you but that was 65+ million years ago. There won't be any humans around. In fact ..."

He trailed off as suddenly the 'light' of the anomaly grew visibly fainter, and it seemed to warble slightly.

"I think it's about to collapse."

((Will let you run things with Guyver and Copper, Shrike. At the moment with no one shooting at them, not really much I can toss out to further things with your characters, unless you want a Pteranodon or something to come and try to play ram each other with the ship :p. Also, Hardware, if you want to have that device come back with the signal we talked about go for it. Can't remember how the thing works off hand if it has visual or only audio, and didn't want to hijack your toy lol.))