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Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)


Evelyn looked confused.

"Oh...But how...Oh..."

She grabbed an obviously manufactured piece of debris, thought for a moment, and scratched something into it; then, running over to the collapsing anomaly, threw the bit through. She then looked up toward the sky expectantly, as though waiting for something.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Shortly after the anomaly closed, a semi-muffled "What the FUCK?!?" came from inside the device, followed shortly by something white getting tossed out of the open panel on it. "Of all the things that skidplate had access to... PLUMBING PARTS?!?"

"Lol, #LifeHacks?"

"Stow it, before I shove your optics up your exhaust port!"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon let loose a groan.

"You're lucky my blaster doesn't work on you Ravage, I'd be sorely tempted to shoot you for that one. And you, knock it off."

This last bit was to Evelyn, though the look on his face suggested he wasn't really serious.

((Gonna have to talk with you at some point Chris on how her device works, audio, 'visual' as in text or what.))
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Breaking atmosphere, the falcon entered space proper, lazily weaving around drifting remains of the space battle, making her way back towards the larger ship they had launched from earlier. The bay door opened without a request, letting them slip inside.

"You mentioned you wanted to get to Atlantis, right? It would take a day or two longer, but we can skip Peltas and the crowds entirely, fly you there directly." Ariana said as the ship settled into a stop, the hatch on the back opening as before, letting those in the bay file out. "Dont really have any plans myself, now that Mirvik is dealt with."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Evelyn didn't respond directly; just continued to watch the sky expectantly.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Might not be a bad idea. Will definitely help with the crowd control back at the station. And it's not like we can't let them know what we're doing. That, and we can always get back easily enough."

"Provided nothin' goes sideways," Ian chuckled.

Sho's "That's not even funny" got another laugh out of him.

"Just radio Siphon. Let him know where we're going. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out but the last thing we want to do is make him worry."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

*The ship settling to a stop Zale would open her eyes again and the increased electrical output returned the small zaps of energy jumping from her to the nearby metal as she looked to the open bay door. *

"where are we now?"

*She would move to stand starting to step to the open door curious as to what was outside the craft. that and she felt power running in the larger ship drawing her attention also wondering what it was as well*
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

After a moment, Victor crawled out from the device. He repositioned over to a side panel and began removing it. As he worked, he asked. "Okay, what's with the skywatching? Someone trying to orbital strike us or something I didn't get to hear?"

"Also, the connection to the gate is severed. But it looks like there's some weird tech incorporated into a different part here, so I'm going to try to remove it before we destroy the thing."
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Ariana answered Zale first, sounding bemused. "Welcome to... My Other Ship. I really should get around to naming the thing. Asgard made, a gift from them when I first arrived in these parts." She explained, climbing out herself, the rest of the ship filing out and milling about.

Turning to address them both, she continued. "Place is pretty big, and pretty empty. Feel free to wander around, I think everything but my own quarters and the engine core are unlocked by default. Only other resident is likely on the bridge, I'm heading there now to message Siphon and organizing the drop off of the squad before we go."

"There is another transport on the way to receive the Draque. I havent informed Siphon of the change of plans, thought you may want the pleasure." Another voice said, broadcast into the bay. It sounded male, and older.

"Well, there you have it, then. That's Alberik, Al for short. Definitely on the bridge." Ari commented with a chuckle.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Eh, name her when you figure out something fitting for her," is Sho's suggestion. "Big is good. I prefer big on ships."

"Just somewhere ta pahk is fine f' me," Ian remarks, happy to be free of the harness and the transport vessel. "Might be a good time to bring Zale up ta speed. And us up ta speed on her."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

After some rummaging around, Victor suddenly muttered, "How did that scrapheap get a hold of one of those?!? And what the hell is that other bit attached to it?"

In a moment, he extracted something that looks like a large, highly dangerous turbine-like wheel... and a smaller unusual box-like component attached to it. As he sat studying the connections, he added, "Okay, Mirvik's device should be safe, now. Just let me disconnect the Inducer-" Here he rapped a flat section of the larger component with a knuckle. "-From this thing, just to make sure they don't fuse during the bounce, and then we can get clear. Unless you want to try to figure out what the slag she's watching for."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

With a roar, a large shuttle-type craft flew down and landed a short distance away.


As she ran up the ramp, voices floated down out of the cabin of the craft.

"What took you so long?!"

"Well, if you hadn't written the message in SUMERIAN, maybe the archaeologists would have noticed sooner that something was off with that tablet! Nobody ever even bothered to do that age-dating bit on it until just recently. Sixty-five million years, really."

"YOU try writing Hieratic with a combat knife!"

"AND, you quite neglected to say WHERE you ended up!"


"Caity contacted that colonel on the station - what's its name? Hoplite or something? - and he sent us here to find someone named 'Siphon' whom he claimed could help us with our search..."
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

*Much of the surroundings seemed foreign to her as she seemed to wander a little this way looking at something or someone then a little that way to look at something else. She wasn't sure of anyone or anything and it was so different from what she had gotten used to the past years in a void of energy that she wasn't sure what to do or say about anything she started to move back closer to Sho since as of the moment that was the only semi familiar one about any of this.*
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Sho actually doesn't seem to familiar with the ship, either, so she's not wandering all that far. Zale gets a quiet "Hey, sis," as she approaches. She's got a look of quiet study on her face, watching the other woman's reactions to their environment and what's going on. "Can I...test...something?" She'll hold up her hand and her fingers twitch a little in a manner that indicates she'd like to touch Zale, likely on the arm. Seems all the crackling from before has her curious.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Right, well. There's a mess hall down that corridor, third or fourth door on the right." Ariana explained pointing out the relevant passage. "That should do well enough. Help yourself to whatever's in the fridge there, though I think if nobody feels like cooking, that pretty well restricts it to plain bread, or MREs. I'll head to the bridge and back, there's a comm unit on the wall of the mess if you folk need anything before that."

Heading off in the opposite direction, Ari hit an elevator and went towards the bridge, giving Al a short wave as she entered.

"Ready to send your message to Siphon." Al said simply.

"Let's do it, then." She responded, waiting for his nod before speaking again. "Siphon, we've decided it's easier to avoid the crowds at Peltas, and head to Atlantis directly. There's a shuttle on the way to my ship to pick up the Draque, then we're on our way. Can you send a message to Atlantis through a gate so they know to expect us? It will take a bit longer than simply gating there, but yeah, avoiding the crowd for Zale."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

"Copy that Ariana, I'll send word ahead ASAP. Good luck and safe journey."

He turned his attention back to the new people, finally speaking up when his name was mentioned.

"What search would that be now? If you're looking for someone named Siphon, you've come to the right ... outpost. I make no promises we won't end up seeing another T-Rex though."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

The voice came from inside the transport again:

"T-Re- No, on reflection I DON'T want to know."

Evelyn didn't respond; instead gesturing vaguely toward the weapon.

"So, are we going to, like, leave, before things get all, y'know, boom-ey?"
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Zale turned a curious eye to Sho wondering what she wanted to test though she wouldn't back away or say anything as she watched Sho. though getting close enough to touch her might not e the best ideas yet Sho would find the closer she came to actual contact she might actually feel the charge. Especialy when close enough a small little static discharge once more arcing from where ever Sho was reaching to connect to her hand giving her a brief shock and not a pleasant or even annoying one it might have a bit of a punch to it. Touching Zale fully might end up being not the best of ideas at the moment. the blue tint to her skin was still there with the little zigzag arcs across her skin. She still had a lot of power racing through her body given her current condition.

(sorry work this week had been kinda hell)
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

About as soon as Evelyn asked that, Victor spoke up. "Okay, that's got those to pieces disconnected."

The two pieces of technology he'd been working on soon vanished in the prismatic shimmer characteristic of the Cybershadow's transport technology. "As for things getting boom-ey... They probably won't until Siphon gets back to his ship. Both the trap and the device have been disarmed, for a couple of minutes now."