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Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon nodded at Victor, whatever he'd been about to say to Evelyn and the voice forgotten.

"Good, now we can beam out of here and drop a few drones on this thing so no one can use it again."

Turning to Evelyn, he said a bit more seriously, "If you don't mind, I'd like to have you come aboard my ship, make sure there's no lingering issues or injuries from earlier. That and there's something I need to speak to you about from before. Your friends can follow us to Peltas Five in the meantime."
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

((No worries, been busy for a lot of us, I think.))

"Thanks, you too."

Turning to Alberik, she smirked. "Alright, that's handled then. Set a course?"

Just as expected, he answered with a nod. "Already set in, we leave as soon as the Draque are off board. Should be a few minutes from now, the shuttle just requested docking permissions." He answered, making her chuckle.

"I shoulda known. Alright then, you've got things nailed down, as usual. I'll go and see to our guests." She said, giving her companion a bow in thanks before heading back out.
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Evelyn was still arguing with the other individual inside the Stormhawk; she apparently didn't hear Siphon. The hatch on the shuttle swung closed, and a new voice came over the comm as it took off.

"Road from here says we'll all be headed to the station for a powwow. No desire to see the infinite darkness claim any of us just yet; keep your eye on the centerline and your bike balanced."

As the Stormhawk rose out of the atmosphere, an odd ship came around the planet's curve; it resembled nothing more than a sort of aircraft carrier in space...
Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Victor watched the shuttle depart, then shrugged. "Well, then. Guess it's time to de-ass the area before you lose your temper at it."

With that, he teleported back to the Cybershadow.
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Re: Mirvik's Planet (P3W-856)

Siphon let loose a string of words in what was probably Ancient, cursing. He'd have to hope that ship made it back to the station and didn't just vanish. Something strange was going on, and he had the feeling he was going to need to do some digging.

"Right, let's go. I'm tired of this shithole."

Standing next to Aya, they beamed out as did everyone else. After firing a couple of drones off and making sure the remains of Mirvik's device, and base would forever remain a fragment of history never to be seen again, the Nasara broke orbit and set course for Peltas Five at maximum speed.

((Moving it over there and also making Atlantis for Shrike since I forgot to make a new one.))