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Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Thorjak the Green
Council Grove at the Sacred Oak, outskirts of Veikanger
Tag: Malena, Gretta, Brennor and a whole crowd of people

The Grand Druid Thorjak the Green sat in the Council Grove, in front of the Sacred Oak - the oldest tree of its kind in all of Hogunmark. It was a font of powerful magic, whose leylines stretched from the east, to the old land of the Sorcerer, whose rule now fell to the dreaded White Witch.

Overlooking the Council Grove, within sight of the borders of Veikanger, the capital city, stood the Tower of Winter. A gift for an elven bride from the King Aethelbald, praise be to his name - which was now the holding belonging to Malena Aethelbaldsdottir, the half-elven and only scion daughter of the king.

Due to her specific elven heritage, Malena was a natural born sorceress - a rarity in nature, and an almost impossibility for full blooded humans. Sorcery was feared greatly by all Northerners... and especially so in Hogunmark, for the White Witch was a practitioner of magic and had made war on the men of the west. But before her had been a terrible elf known simply as The Sorcerer, whose malice and hatred of humanity had caused terrible sorrow until he was overthrown by the woman who would become the White Witch with the help of the previous king... King Gunnar.

That Sorcerer had been Malena's grandfather. King Gunnar was her other grandfather. It was an awkward point of contention therefore, that the half-blood princess should be an heir to the throne of Hogunmark... Evil blood ran in her veins. Inhuman blood. Witches' blood.

Sorcery was not well-liked in the North.


The Grand Druid cleared his throat. Before him were the many ranks of younger druids, and three rows of human children, dressed in the leaf cloaks and laurels of thistle that marked them as druidic acolytes. This was a rare treat for the locals, to hear the Grand Druid, who had come all the way from his personal grove in Fjoltyr to speak on this day that proceeded the Spring Festival.

Normally the King would attend, but he had fallen ill recently and could not leave the city. And so Princess Malena represented the royalty and looked on from her raised dias in the back. Gretta, her childhood friend and loyal houscarl stood by her side. Most people accepted that Malena was the officially invested protector of the Council Grove and the Tower of Winter, but her elf heritage made people afraid to meet her in the eyes. After all... it was said that witches had power over those who met their eyes...

"Our world is Aebrynis." The Grand Druid began.

"And it was crafted for us, lovingly, by the gods. I do not speak of our current gods of course. Not Erik, god of nature, nor the others of our current pantheon. No.

"I speak of the old gods. Of noble Anduiras, clever Brenna, wise Vorynn, far-seeing Masela, the radiant Basaia, and of course, the most sacred to our people, Reynir, the god of the woods and streams, whose blood flows through our great King... and within our noble princess."

There was a solemn nod from about half of the crowd. For those who did not bow, some seemed nervous. Others seemed rigid and stoic, and perhaps angry.

"These gods gave up their very existence to vanquish the last Old God. The Face of Evil, known as Azrai."

"Him and his bloody elves!" Shouted an anonymous voice in the back of the crowd from the peasantry.

There was an awkward silence, but the Grand Druid rose his staff and slammed it down with an echoing boom that could not have happened naturally.

"If not for the wisdom of the elves, who in the moment of truth realized that they must put aside their hatred of human invaders to their ancestral lands... all would be darkness." Thorjak intoned. The were murmurs from the crowd and heads shifted between the Grand Druid and the princess. So it seemed the Grand Druid had declared for Malena...this was news. But was his hand being forced by her mere presence?

"When the old gods sacrificed themselves to destroy Azrai, the land was shaken, and their divine blood was invested into their mortal followers who stood with them upon the field of battle. On that day, every footsoldier who survived was given divinity... the birthright of a king. A power to change the land for the better, and to guide people into peace and prosperity - and the greatest of the surviving champions became the new gods themselves, who now guide us directly, through grove and temple. Our god of nature, Erik, was once a man, once a druid of flesh and blood, like myself or yourselves... and this is a good thing. The new gods know of our mortality and the struggles we go through. They have given our royal bloodline the power to protect ourselves and forge our own destinies. Never forget the power and the presence of the gods. Erik is now in every tree in every stream, in every rock and gust of wind. He is with us, and he blesses us as he blesses our King... and his daughter."


"THAT could have gone better," Brennor grunted from his horseback. He was the closest thing Hogunmark had to knights, wearing a houscarl's mail and light helm as he rode onward. His cavalry battle axe looped in his belt, his rounded shield slung over his shoulder and his great spear in his hand, resting in the saddle sheath and bearing the Princess' banner.


"How do you mean, Brennor?" Asked Gretta, from her own saddle on the opposite side of the Princess Malena, who was riding her snowy white courser in between the two of them.

"Well we all heard it, the shouting and the lack of support. If this is the sort of backing we can expect in our own province of Gundviir... then imagine how the other 12 provinces will react to the idea of Malena's succession?"

"If she wasn't right in front of us now, I'd smack you across the lip, Brennor." Gretta said flatly.

"What for?"

"For that defeatist attitude, or for bothering Malena with what she's already had to deal with for every year of her life. And also for completely ignoring the fact that Thorjak the bloody Green, the high-tootin' Grand Druid of the Oaken Grove just publicly legitimized her.!"

Brennor clammed up at that for a bit, but couldn't help himself from adding "Yeah, it's good, but... the Oaken Grove sect is only popular in the cities. Most provinces listen to the druids of the Emerald Spiral... and they don't see it the same way that Thorjak does."

"I changed my mind..." Gretta said, holding up her horse and getting it to come around the other side of Melena. "I AM going to smack you! Now hold still and--"


An outrider with leather armor and a lightly armored horse was galloping up the road.

"FIRE AND FOES! A raid from the Bloody Skull Barony! They bypassed our rangers and are headed in the direction of Wjulfsdatter!"

"How long ago was this? And how many? What's their make up?" Brennor asked.

"I've ridden flat out from the outposts four hours ago. It's mostly goblins and hobgoblins. They've got trained wolves and wargs, twice as many as they have riders."

"Blast, it's a slaving raid then. There's not much time either, not enough to rally the city forces before they strike the town. We need to go now!" Gretta said, then turned to Malena.

"My lady, protocol dictates that you seek safety in the Tower of Winter... but... if there's one way to get the province's support, it would be to use your magic in defense of the realm," Gretta said with a gleam in her eyes.

Her oldest friend had seen Malena's spells in action before, and unlike most Hoguns, was not terrified by the power of the spells, merely respectful of it.
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Council Grove at the Sacred Oak, outskirts of Veikanger
Tags: Gretta and Brennor

Standing again in front of the Sacred Oak, Malena felt the pulse of the land. Her mind feeling the tangible prescence of the Land's flow in front of her. Her imaginings likening it to a confluence of rivers flowing all together and merging to become a bigger and mighty river before flowing off to deposit.

This place always filled her with a sense of stillness. A place of respite before the next hunt. Malena opened her cold blue eyes as she looked upon the great oak before her. In front of her, the Grand Druid began with clearing his throat. The attention of the younger druids and rows of children in front made her remember when she turned out years ago as a youngling herself.

She hoped her attire is proper for this. She had been assured by her seamstress and the old nan that her cloth is fine and proper. A hearty cloak of soft grays and blue with her family's symbol emblazoned on her back. A silvered pin on her front with the same emblem and underneath it, a fine dress of green decorated with patterns of vines. Underneath that a skirt with decorated patterns in grays, greens and soft yellows. Her hat she currently held, a wide brimmed dark blue hat with a pointed tip.

(Basis of her outfit in spoiler. Not using outfit in her base picture just yet. Not until I get enchanted clothes.)

Standing on the Dais, her friend at her side, she watched onwards as the Grand Druid began. His words wafting and tinged with authority as he declared the truth of the worlds making. Malena kept her form rigid, stoic, a form of nervous tension as she heard his declaration. Her heartbeat just faster at the mention of Reynir. Her blood sang at the mention of him.

Her eyes zeroed in on where that voice came from in the back of the crowd. She didn't incline or move her head but tried to find who shouted in the crowd. Planning to take note of who is angry enough to disturb the Grand Druids words.

(Perception Roll: 15 (13 + 2))

Malena heart thumped in time with that boom as she turned her attention back to the grand druid. Thorjak's intoning words the suspicion of him being forced with her being here. There had been pauses in his speech, a beat of time before declaring about from whom her blood flowed. At least his finishing words were nice. She prayed inwardly to Kriesha and Erik for strength.


Malena remembered the name of her courser, she call her mare Heleg or Ice in Sidhelien. She thought of calling her mare Snow but that sounded like Loss in Rjurik.

"Did either of you see which amongst them shouted out?" Malena's softer words coming out after Brennor's grunt as she rode on horseback. Her hands holding the reins skillfully. "I wish to have a talk with that person. To learn his grievences with me." She didn't look back to the Sacred Oak, instead looking at the Tower of Winter. Her keep.

Malena kept her composure at Gretta's spirited defense of herself. "Brennor, your words hold the weight of truth." Malena allowing leeway for her housecarl's rudeness. "The people, my people, know the tales. Some of them still remember the times of The Sorcerer. While all of them know of our neighbors to the east. I just need to prove to my people that they are holding wrong knowledge of me." Malena's simple assertation, as if all she needed to do IS showcase her skills as a ruler and her people would begin to trust in her.

Malena smiled softly, a small smile, as Gretta brought her courser closer to Brennor's, to give her other housecarl a smack. Only to be interruppted as an outrider rode up.

"Sound suggestion Gretta. Brennor any suggestions? Outrider, is the raid from that direction?" Malena motioned with her hand pointing at the way he is coming from. After listening some more she breathed in and issued her commands.

(Basic command below. I'm assuming sending Brennor or Gretta off to the tower of winter to grab some of her personal soldiers is going to take too long.)
"We cannot tarry here and wait then. Outrider, ride ahead and warn the city forces. Get them roused and prepared to reinforce. Brennor and Gretta, lets us go." Malena commanded in sharp tones. Breaking protocol is not good. But leaving her people to be captured and used by the goblinoids is far worse. She snapped the reins on Heleg, pushing her snowy courser into a trot. Malena assuming that following the path the outrider came and his horses track would lead to where they needed to go.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Brennor and Gretta
Gundviir Province, Woodlands
Tag: Malena

While at the Council Grove, Malena had attempted to sense where the voice had come from, but without turning her head, she wouldn't be able to focus on the area from which the voice had come. As it was, she doubted that he had acted alone. Likely there were many in the crowd who distrusted her simply for being who she was. She did not fit the Rjurik people's idea of a Hogunmark princess. At least not those who roamed with their tribes in the provinces, away from the major cities of Veikanger and Aaldvika.

She was a known sorceress - which was tantamount to being a blood-drinking, baby-stealing witch to some who knew no other possibility for a practitioner of magic. For some reason, the benefits of magic were not seen in the same light as what the Druids did... but that was how it was in Hogunmark. No one had yet convinced the majority of tribes otherwise, and foes like her own grandfather or the White Witch, or the various tainted bloodlines of Azrai only reinforced their fears.


"I doubt you would get much out of speaking to someone like that, other than a potential dagger in your belly," Brennor said referencing the individual who had shouted.

"Those are still Hoguns, Brennor. Some of our finest warriors come from those tribes, and certainly our best trackers," Gretta said.

"Well if their skills are being put to use to weaken our rightful future queen, then I say let them stay in their hovels," Brennor muttered.


Later, when the Outrider had come he listened to the princess and dutifully responded.

"Yes, my lady. In the direction of Wjulfsdatter. It's a fortified town, but it hasn't recovered from the last raid, and there are holes in its defenses. Any help at all might drive the goblin cowards back into the woods... as they will fear more reinforcement."

He pointed in the direction that Malena had already guessed.

Heleg whinnied and galloped away, letting Malena's simple cloak flutter in the wind. Beside her Gretta and Brennor galloped on their chargers, and ten more riders from Malena's personal retinue joined in the race across the countryside.

I will need an Animal Handling roll to determine how well and fast she rides over the course of the next hour.

I also need you to determine if Malena will be the Tactics leader or if she will elect either Brennor or Gretta to be the captain. Both are equally qualified. Brennor's tactics tend to be cautious while Gretta takes greater risks for greater reward.

There is an additional Skill in Birthright, by the way. -- Knowledge: Warfare (INT).

It will determine Malena's ability to direct troops and assess matters related to tactics and strategy. I would allow for her to select it in place of something else at character creation. It is an option for all martial classes as well if she ever dips into one of those.

IF Malena elects to declare herself captain for this combat then you must do a Warfare roll each round to determine how the battle is generally going. If you're doing a risky/aggressive maneuver, the rewards/penalties for success/failure will be higher. If your unit takes too many casualties, then you'll need to make Charisma checks to hold morale steady.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Gundviir Province, Woodlands
Tags: Gretta and Brennor

The shouting of the man reminded her of her lessons she learned at hand and knee of her father. Lessons she learned from the few tutors that were allowed in her prescence. The crowd, many of them would distrust her. She is far from their ideal Princess. Far from being the great hunter or the learnt druidic Princess. She could even be seen as an evil seed starting to blossom, roots unfurling to drink dry the land and curse the Rjurik people. The other druidic sect, the Emerald Spiel would not doubt paint her in that manner.

At least Thorjak is giving her a chance to prove herself. Albeit she still felt suspicion needled at her heart alongside a small worry that she quenched. Not even hotheads and drunken oafs in the crowd would dare strike or harm a druid. Her hand squeezed the side of her dress as she listened and watched.


"A dagger into my gut?" Malena said, pausing for a few seconds before continuing "I don't see any of them doing that to me with both of you by my side." As Malena smiled.

She refrained from saying more, listening to the both of them arguing.


"Thank you Outrider, pray tell me thy name." As Malena looked at him, trying to not purposefully stare into his eyes and set fear into him but instead allowing him to look her in the eyes.

"Gretta, you are the captain for this defense. To Wjulfsdatter!" Malena called aloud as she pressed Heleg, sending her white Courser into a trot and then into a gallop once her soldiers had rallied up behind and aside her.

Her cloak fluttered and whipped behind her, her breasts shaking and jiggling against her outfit even as her hair whipped and waved in the wind, her hat bouncing at the side of her horse and saddle.

(Animal Handling Roll: 13 (11 + 2)
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Outskirts of Wjulfsdatter
Tag: Malena

The outrider gave his name, Sorund, and made haste to ride on and rally the city. With luck, Malena's band of fighters would hold the raiders at bay long enough for the full force of Rjurik cavalry to hound them all the way to the borders.


"Yes, your highness!" Gretta said, acknowledging that she would be given command.

"Your highness, I intend to take us towards the mines at the edge of town!"

"What for?" Brennor shouted above the thundering of hooves. "The battle will be at the town gates. The goblin forces will be pressing our men at the barricades! We should link up with our forces to present as solidified a force as we can!"

"That might be true, but the goblins aren't here to conquer. They're here to bring back slaves! Last time the struck our defenses and to see how we'd react! Our non-fighters ran to the mines, guarded by our spear maidens. That's where the goblins will target while our main force is busy! We'll charge at them, and scatter them before they can rejoin their forces, and we'll steer clear of alerting the enemy's reserves!"

"But you don't know for sure that there'll even be any forces there! Or what if they bring their heavy hitters back to the mines instead?"

"Don't worry! I've got a good hunch!" Gretta said, before urging her horse onward.


The Rjurik warband reached the outskirts of the town, whose roofs were ablaze and whose palisades were still in a stage of half repair. The gaps in the walls had been filled with spiked barricades, but they were still open enough to require stalwart fighting from the town's militia.

Leaving the militia to continue to fend for themselves, Gretta led the warband north of the town, heading towards the mine, where as good fortune had it, Gretta's ancticipation proved true. Goblin wolf riders were bearing down upon a trail of spear women who were guarding the old and young alike. The goblins were trying to slay the non-combatants and throw nets onto the spear maidens.


"For Gundviir! For Aethelbald and the Mark!" Brennor roared, tipping is spear down and sending it flying through a goblin, unseating the green scrapper from its wolf, killing it in an instant.

"Hyahh!" Gretta unhooked her great sword and let it fall in an arc, using the momentum of her charger to split open another unwary rider.

Following up with her troops, who were cleaving their way through the unsuspecting goblins, turning their ambush of the weak humans into a rout of their own men. Undisciplined wolves howled and ran off into the woods, Brennor's axe and Gretta's sword felled goblins left and right, and with a few well placed icy cantrips, Malena also took down her share of goblin slavers.

Her icy blasts were noticed by the old, young and fighting fit alike, and thankful for their lives, they cheered as they continued toward the safety of the mind.

Gretta took her horn in her hand and blew it to rally the riders to her. All in all, they had killed perhaps 15 goblins without a single loss!

"To the gate! To the gate! Relieve the defenders! Drive the enemy back!"

The riders of Gundviir rounded the palisades and hurled themselves into the flank of the enemies' main force. Another twenty or so goblins, led by an elite pack of five hobgoblins upon worgs. One hobgoblin with a spear and a larger shield bearing the insignia of the Blood Skull, marking him as a captain.


<<Blue hair! Do you see her?! A bag of gold to the gob who captures her!>> The captain of the hobgoblins shouted in the goblinoid language, pointing his spear towards Malena.

Brennor blew upon his own horn, signalling the call for full attack, and an acknowledging blast came from the palisade. The gates flung open and spear fighters rushed out, engaging the goblins with renewed fighting vigor.

Brennor, Malena, and Gretta could charge towards the hobgoblin captain and his elite, or try to circle the goblins and link up to the defenders. As a third option, Malena might allow her own men to fight up front, and seek to find a place from which she could cast from afar to try to snipe targets...

The battle odds have been evened thanks to the tactics of Gretta. Now about 20 defenders total fight against 25 attackers. The goblins' morale is holding currently, bolstered by the hobgoblin captain and his offer of coin for Malena's capture. The defenders' morale is high for the moment, but that may depend on how swiftly the warband can continue to tip the odds to support them and the actions of Malena herself.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Outskirts of Wjulfsdatter
Tags: Gretta, Brennor and Enemy Warband

Malena nodded, keeping a smile from blooming on her face. She hoped that this is not a mistake. The proper choice should be her more veteran captain, Brennor, but Malena had a hunch that the goblins were not expecting a reckless attack on them. Something that Gretta excelled in.

The horses hooves thundering in the background, her cloak streaming behind her even as her hat fluttered against her saddles side, she acknowledged with a nod. Brennor asking why Gretta planned there.

"A good hunch... heheh." Malena's low whisper caught on the wind with a small giggle.


Seeing the town with blazing roofs and the palisades knocked askew or outright broken here and there, Malena saw Wjulfsdatter in a vunerable state. A pang of uneasiness went through her heart even as she saw the Militia presenting a steady resistance to the goblins already there.

Following Gretta, her white course with a small tug, had her mare following Gretta's horse's lead. Gretta's hunch proved more then true, Malena's heart feeling relief and then feeling hardness, steely resolve to protect her people and prevent their capture or death.

"For my father! For my Wjulfs!" She shouted, her high voice pitched to carry as she gathered the cool frostiness. Feeling it surge within her heart and feeling it crash through her veins as a mighty avalanche. "Winter's Fury - [Frost Ray]!" She yelled, watching her icy blue beam soar from her palm. Her arcane focus glowing brilliantly. The inset quartz crystal with hints of blue and carved with blowing snowflakes glowing with light which reflected off of her latched wristlet.

Her icy blue rays aimmed squarely at the goblins torso's to freeze their infernal beating hearts.

The fight fierce. Her eyes glittering, her hair swaying around her head, her palm held outward, icy light flickering in her palm as she looked for anymore goblins seeking to take her people. She looked around, only to hear the horn blow, her head turning as she saw Gretta shouting.

She snapped her reins as she pushed her mare, following behind her housecarl as they pushed their horses and rode quickly back to the gates of Wjulfsdatter and the sight of fierce wargs being ridden by goblins stood stark in her mind.

Shouting loudly back in the rough language of the goblinoids <<Be frozen! [Snilloc's Snowball Swarm]!>> Malena yelled in the rough goblinoid language she learned from her tutors, already casting magic from this far away. Pumping out a powerful burst of energy, feeling her heart thrum! Her aimming at the lead goblin, trying to angle where the attack burst to hit at least the leader and his warg plus one other. (Trying to aim to hit all 5, but otherwise, mostly centering her attack on the goblin warleader.)

(Casting Snilloc's Snowball Swarm. Doubling its range by spending a sorcery point. 2/3 remaining after this cast. Range: 180 (90x2) Used up 1 2nd Spell slot. 1 Remaining.)
[Spoilers]Dex Save DC: 13 | 3d6 Cold Damage: 9 (4,1,4) / 5 on save. [/spoilers]

"Prepare for their charge! I'll soften them." Malena breathed out after her casting of magic, feeling a tiredness touch her mind. (Long Range attack, trying to bait the goblins into splitting their forces and come towards them.)
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Hobgoblin and Goblin Raiders
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tag: Malena

Pulling up on Heleg's reins, Malena cast her icy ranged spell, using her sorcery to pelt the enemy leader and his nearby minions with ice, nearly unseating his two nearest lieutenants from their worgs.

With an infuriated battlecry, the Hobgoblin elites rushed towards the oncoming humans, who met the battleline with a clash of spears and shields. The neighing of horses, the growling and snapping of worg jaws, and the shouts of human and goblinoid alike filled the air with the ringing of steel.

Brennor led the way into the fray and was the first to bring his axe upon the hobgoblins. Unfortunately, their shields and armor were thicker than the regular goblin grunts. The diminutive goblins were not reliable troops, but the larger, rust and orange-skinned hobgoblins were another matter entirely. They fought disciplined and relied on each other to fight effectively. One hobgoblin blocked the fall of Brennor's axe, allowing the other to thrust with a sword strike that caught the Hogunmark knight upon his side. He howled, but stayed seated on his charger, sweeping his axe side to side to look for another opening.

The Hobgoblin Captain led from behind his men, shouting orders effectively to guide the flow of battle. His men responded to his urgings and within earshot of this leader, the charge of the humans was being repelled effectively.

Gretta was fighting with two other humans against the two fresh hobgoblins that had not been hit by the snowball spell and were now trying to close the distance between themselves and the sorceress.

A flurry of blows led to no resolution, as shield and armor and parrying blades won out over effective attack on either side. Recovering from her own spell, Malena was ready once again to cast in aid of her friends.


Current situation - battle is met, and we are now zoomed in to this confrontation between warband leaders. How well this personal fight goes will have an effect on the overall battle.

Hobgoblin Captain, only slightly grazed by your spell is behind his men, using leadership abilities to increase fighting capabilities.

Two (very injured by your spell) hobgoblins are fighting against Brennor and have cut him.

Gretta and two normal human soldiers are trying to hold off a pair of healthy hobgoblins that are trying to break through to get at you.

You are safely behind the line of battle. Casting an area of effect spell on anyone other than the Hobgoblin Captain risks hurting your own soldiers.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tags: Hobgoblin Raiders

The Hobgoblin captain is strong but his underlings is not. She knew that he is the greater threat here and yet... With battle joined fully by both sides. Thunderous clashes ranging out. Her steed standing calm amidst the storm of steel and shouts, the training is good for Heleg. Allowing her to be as calm as her namesake.

"Haah..." Malena breathed out as she focused inwards, feeling the icy swirl of magic from her. She knew that in a few seconds that she'd be in the thick of it. "The cold in the air, swarm around the goblin captain once more. [Snilloc's Snowball Swarm]." She intoned as she looked at the Hobgoblin Captain. The burst of swarming snow roiling around him and his mount.

She tugged on the air around her to freeze her surroundings, giving her a safety precaution. (Bonus Action: Cold Magic - Making small objects to create difficult terrain. Broken and Slippery ice.)

(Using up Sorcery Point again. 1/3 remaining. Using last 2nd Level spell. Rolls and DC in spoiler)
Dex Save DC: 13 | 3d6 Cold damage: 8 (1,3,4) | 4 half damage.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Hobgoblin Captain and forces
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tag: Malena

"Hwwraaaaggh!" bellowed the Hobgoblin captain. His worg mount also howled as they were barraged by a flurry of sharp, freezing magical snow that assaulted their skin and eyes. The worg tried to scamper forward and slipped and slid, its movement hampered by the magically created ice.

It made its way slowly, but entered into short range Malena's spells as the Captain entered combat, facing down Gretta. His massive, crude looking sword crashed against her finely forged greatsword, forcing the smaller fighter backwards, her mount rearing up in the face of a mean looking black worg with a hideous scarred mouth. Gretta swung back wildly, but was easily blocked.

Again the two healthy hobgoblins traded blows with the Hogunmark riders, neither side finishing off the other.

With a battle cry, Brennor buried his battleaxe into one of the Hobgoblins' heads while batting the other away for a moment with his shield. He noticed that Gretta was in trouble and outmatched by the fierce, massive Hobgoblin captain, but he couldn't quite disengage from the remaining fighter.


The hob captain has definitely been injured by the snow spells, but he's still looking tough. He got a nasty hit on Gretta and has forced her back for the time being. If he gets through her, he'll be able to ride directly towards Malena.

The human fighters and other two hobs have been whiffing against each other.

Brennor just killed one hob and only has a very injured hobgoblin fighter left to kill, then he can ride to help others.

The overall battle is still in the balance, but both rank and file sides are very aware now that the two generals are in hand to hand combat, with the princess not far away (roughly 50 feet now from you to the evil captain).
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tags: Hobgoblin Raiders

"Haah...haah.." She felt her blood thrumming inside of her, the casting of that second spell. She shan't be able to cast again like that for a while. Not until she had some way to recuperate. Her breathing evening out even as the bellowing cry of the captain echoed across the battlefield. Her eyes noted the enraged captain steadied himself.

Focused and brought himself closer! Striking at Gretta! Her friend's blocking his blade straining greatly before pressing it aside, only for her return swing to catch nothing but erstwhile shield and knocked her blade aside. The two sides, the clash of steel not as great as they all watched the fight between Gretta and the evil goblin captain.

She knew what she had to do. Brennor is strong. He has already taken care of one of the weakened goblins and is now taking care of the other. "Ice within me, heed my call and thrum. Shine upon my foes! [Frost Ray]!" Focus flashing as she held and fired off a ray of frost at the Hobgoblin captain. Blast aimmed central at his body.

(Rolls in spoiler.)
Roll to hit: 18 (13 + 2 + 3). If successful hit, damage roll: 3 (3)
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Hobgoblin Captain and forces
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tag: Malena

Malena's wintry ray of frost strikes the hobgoblin leader in his arm, slowing his heavyblow just enough for Gretta to duck her head out of the way as he cleaved toward her. A rime of frost covers the enemy's body as he rounds on her, only to feel her blade bite deep into his chainshirt, drawing a bloody gash across him.

He howls and wrenches on his worg's reins. And the semi-intelligent creature speeds him away in the direction of Malena. Prepared for the enemy to dash away, Gretta swung again, this time decapitating the rider, his grimacing face falling from his shoulders and the body tumbling lifelessly the other way off to the side of his mount.

The worg itself rushes maddeningly towards Malena and Heleg, even as the goblins, seeing their leader fall in battle, immediately begin to cut and run. As soon as they do this, the battle is effectively over, as they are either scattered or swiftly cut down as their defenses are dropped.

The beastly, dark-furred worg mount rushes up to Malena, but there is enought time for the sorceress to take action before it is upon her.

"Your highness! Watch out!" Gretta calls, spurring her horse after the worg.

"I'm coming!" Brennor said, having killed the other hobgoblin he had been facing off with and now riding back to rally around his princess.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tags: Crazed Warg

The sight of her ray cooling and slowing the evil captain that offered gold for her pleased her and shamed her in equal measure. PLeased at defeating her foe. Shamed at taking pleasure in the fact. The emotions were shelved as she watched Gretta slice him handily.

The clang of chain against sword and him snapping his reins, she prepared herself only to watch in satisfaction as Gretta claimed his head. Loping it off with practiced ease but! The warg howled, maddened and ran at her. The speed of which the evil creature approached. She pulled on her innerself, coiling heat different from her coldness. Tingling and arcing inside of her blood as she held up her hand above her head!

The spell prepared in her mind! Casting it as the warg entered her range! "BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT! [THUNDERWAVE]!" She shouted loudly! The boom of a thunderstrike echoing out from her!

(Action: Prepare Spell Thunderwave and cast it as a reaction once the warg enters its range of 15 feet. On the safe side, casting it at the 14 foot mark.)

Con Save DC: 13 | 2d8 Thunder Damage: 9 (7,2), 5 halved dmg. If failing save, knocked back 10 feet. Also the spell echos out a 300-ft thunderous boom.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

The Worg
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tag: Malena

The Thunderwave booms out, echoing through the valley and making the trees shift in the resulting sonic wind. The worg is certainly hurt, but it is a big and veteran beast, perhaps tougher even than its former rider was. It keeps its feet by dropping low to the ground, and then once the spell is past, it springs at Malena, ripping her down and threatening to drop her into the snow and mud.

Gretta and Brennor each call out in unison and with dismay, and are dashing towards their princess.

[It barely made its CON save. It hits easily with an 18 and does 9 damage to Malena. She must make a DC 13 STR save or fall prone.]
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Battle of Wjulfsdatter
Tags: Crazed Warg

The wave of sound rushing from her upheld hand petered out just after it flared over the warg. The creature hunkering down and letting it flare over it! The blast wave flattening and kicking up the land around the worg. But the vile dog! The vile hound of that goblin! Resisted.

Malena's eyes widened as the fierce claws ripped into her calves, catching and pulling her out of saddle and tearing her skirt and dress. Leaving shredded clothes that revealed hints of pale legs and faint red marks.

"Ungh!" She grunted, hitting the ground and rolling with the blow and gaining herself back up, still in the range of the snapping jaws and fierce claws of the damned worg. The noise around her quieting as she looked her enemy in the eye.

Hands snapping out, thrusting at the worg away, cold light seeping from inside of her. Heart pounding she snapped out "....uck! [Ray of Frost]!" Malena feeling the flash of cold leap from her veins through her focus and out at that worg!

Strength Save DC: 13. Rolled: 6 (6). Fail. Spent half movement getting back up to feet.
Ray of Frost: Roll to attack: 22 (17 + 5). If successful hit, DMG Roll: 8 (8).

The ray of frost blasted from her palm outwards! Crossing the distance between them in an instant. Smashing into the snapping fangs of the worg, the ice flowing into its open mouth. Her icy powers swirled on the insides of the worg, coating its head in hoar frost and freezing its throat and lungs. The massive worg hacking and coughing before her! "Haaah..." She breathed out as the worg... fell in front of her, cold ice leaking from his mouth.

She looked up, peering to see the battle, already gathering her energies...
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Tag: Malena.

With her palm extended, the worg had desperately attempted to bite the sorceress' hand clean off, but this in the end had been its undoing, as the icy blast issued forth, straight down the monstrosity's gullet. Its jaw froze immediately, unable to continue the snapping motion that would have cleanly severed the hand at the wrist. Instead, the beast's momentum now carried it forward and on top of the wounded, but very much alive princess. Its bulk caught on her dress and ripped it down the seam, causing the right shoulder and arm of the dress to split away from the rest. This had the effect of tearing down her cleavage, exposing her bountiful orbs.

Fortunately, the men and women of the militia who had been watching were unlikely to notice this from afar. They were only aware that the princess had helped in the battle with her ice magics and had killed a worg on her own, despite having been bitten and pulled down off her horse. A cheer rose up among the town defenders who weren't busy chasing off the remaining goblins.

Brennor and Gretta however swiftly came to either side of her, and noticed the mishap with the dress. They both heaved the worg's weight off of her and Brennor shifted off his brown bear's fur cloak to drape it over the princess' body.

Both of her captains seemed embarrassed to have seen her like that. But Gretta helped her to feet and adjusted Brennor's cloak.

"Nothing to say, really," Brennor said, looking around. "A good fight, we all picked up a nice scar or two. And the people of Wjulfsdatter are safe."

"Thanks to the magic of the princess and my brilliant leadership!" Gretta grinned, though she winced and held the wound at her side. Brennor had been right, they would all need to have a visit with the town healer to get patched up.

"Har! Well, there's no doubt you had the killing blow. A nice trophy you have for yourself, houscarl," Brennor said, then added "And a warg head for the princess, if she's a mind for it."

Now on her feet, with the danger passed, Malena was able to walk Heleg into the town of Wjulfsdatter. Over the next few hours the fires were put out, and runners were sent to bring the non-combatants home. The rest of Malena's regiment, two score of mounted houscarls, along with another score of outriders arrived after having been alerted in Veikanger. They were relieved that Malena was alive, and that casualties were relatively few.

The chieftain of Wjulfsdatter, Jarl Kohneg, had been injured in the fighting, but his son, Crassus, captain of the militia, saw that the princess and her captains were brought to the longhouse, where druids were tending to the injured and already, plans for a victory feast in Malena's honor were being prepared.

"We were thankful that you came when you did. Your spells are rightly feared, your highness, but the people of Wjulfsdatter will not soon forget that they were used in defense of our sons and daughters," Crassus told Malena with a smile and a bow.

Malena would have time to rest and would be healed fully by a tending druid before the night time and the coming feast. She would be able to do as she pleased. Meeting with either or both of her captains, speaking with the Jarl's son or the Jarl himself from where he was being tended to by healers. She could also walk through the town as well, to see the people. Or anything else that might occur to the sorceress.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
After Battle
Tags: Gretta, Brennor, Militia, then Crassus

The fierce fangs of the worg glistened in front of her, the sunlight shining off of the yellow teeth frosted over. Her heart pounded as time seemed slow, the icy light reflecting within the maw of the worg, her hand and focus about to bitten off! Only for the worgs death to be true. Time resuming to her mind as the creature fell onto her.

"OUF!" She grunted as the worg slammed into her, feeling the heavy creature slam into her! Falling back onto her ass, the shock racing through her even as she stared at the downed beast, head stuck on her stomach and her legs stuck underneath the bulk of its body. Sitting on her rear and back, torn dress unnoticed by her but flapping in a soft breeze. Her right breast fully exposed, her underclothes torn to reveal her highly pink virginal nipple and rosy pink areola. She stared at the downed creature as she breathed out. Her other tit hung lower with the missing underclothes but only teasing hints of her areola and nipples are visible. One soft pull on her other side would easily bare them. Her right breast wildly visible while her left breast teasingly visible.

"Haah...haah." She breathed in and out, the shock and rush of battle wearing off of her. This is far different then the hunts she had been on. The play matches she had trained in. Far different. She felt... warm. Happy. Excited and fearful. The tumultuous of emotions running through her as she stared at the dead worg. It also stank. She felt a gurgling in her stomach and sickness, when great weight is lifted.

Suddenly a cloak, made from bear and quite worn, as she looked up questioningly at Brennor. "Whats wrong? Did something happen beyond our victory? Our the goblins rallying around another one of their foul leaders?" She questioned her awkward captains looking at both of them before heaving herself up. Feeling... extra bounciness even as the rough cloak had her shivering.

Feeling roughness and... something missing. She looked down, before her captains could respond and saw... Her cheeks colored. Stiffening as she pieced together the sudden awkward silence. Putting on a brave face and trying to not let her... broken dress bother her she whispered "Thank you Brennor." Carrying just enough for both her housecarls to hear. She fastened the bear cloak a bit more firmly.

"Gretta, do you think it is possible to run down any the goblins with our riders before they get too far? To capture and interrogate them for any knowledge they may have." Malena started speaking as she looked at the worg, inclining her head at Brennor's suggestion. "As for a trophy... Would it be better to mount the whole body or just the worgs fierce head?" As she looked at the dead eyes of the creature.

Walking while holding a conversation with Gretta and Brennor, she made her way to the militia. She looked amongst them and walked amongst. Her horse being sent with the first stable boy she could find to a stable for a brushing and food. Malena looked amongst the militia and is just among them. She looked at them all, not intruding on their private moments but making herself available for them to talk to.


Seeing the captain of the Militia, Jarl Kohneg's son Crassus. She wasn't sure if she had heard anything about him but he seemed well-liked amongst his city.

Malena accepted his bow with a nod of her head. She smiled as she spoke "I am glad that the raid did not do more damage. Nor were any of our people taken. My thanks to you Lord Crassus." She waited a beat before saying "And thankful to my housecarl as well." As she indicated both Crassus and Gretta before looking at the Son of Kohneg. "My lord, which among your men is the most valorous in todays defense?" She looked at Gretta as well, wanting an answer to the same question she asked Crassus but for her own personal retinue. With the implications of excluding herself. (Excluding Malena, so if Gretta nominates herself then that is who Malena will lead a toast too.)

Once, having finished her conversation with Crassus, she went to the druids to be patched. Getting herbal remedies and bandages applied to the angry scratches on her legs and fixing her dress.

While at the druids, she looked amongst the wounded and personally thanked them for doing their duty. After that she looked around for the Jarl of Kohneg, to speak with him about the days defense and questions about the Bloody Skull Barony Goblins.
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Tag: Malena

Gretta nodded to the princess.

"Our men are already on it. we'll get a few back alive to interrogate. Not that I imagine we'll get much out of the sniveling greenskins. They'd sell their own grandmother's into slavery and death just to escape the tickle of a torturer's knife. Sadly, their commanders know that. So none of them get much information beyond what's necessary."

Brennor meanwhile indicated the worg's head.

"I'd not bother with the rest of it. Just the head would do for a trophy, though it's up to you if it merits a space in your father's halls, or indeed, in the Tower of Winter."

The trio made their way to the town's gate, where the militia of Wjulfsdatter met them. Heleg and the other horses were seen to by the younger settlers, who brought them to the stables beside the Jarl Khoneg's longhouse. Many of the people who saw her were busy with putting out fires and tending to the wounded, but she received a healthy dose of glances from everyone. Her magic and her half-elven heritage had made her stick out, and she was regarded with curiosity more than anything else.

It was the Jarl's son, Crassus, who offered the most direct thanks. Like most Hoguns of the mark, deference to a bloodline did not mean that he did not speak freely, nor did he refuse to make eye contact, like the southern folk of Anuire did.


"Our scouts did their job to give us time to prepare. And our warriors held the line at the gate, as was to be expected. The goblins' knives and spears are designed cruelly however. The druid healers will be busy tonight. They would be busier without you, your highness. And to your brave houscarls." He nodded to Gretta and Brennor. He then held up his hand to the half-elf regent.

"I would not pick any man or woman in the defense over another. All did their part as expected. Our lives and continued freedom are reward enough. We will heal. We will rebuild. And tonight we will feast. My lord father is a hardy man. No doubt he will be giving a rousing speech at the head of his table even as the healers continue to stitch him up. Perhaps if it is recognition you desire to bestow, look no further than your own houscarl. Twas she who took the head of their leader."

Gretta grinned and allowed herself to preen slightly. Malena would notice Brennor roll his eyes ever so slightly.

"Or perhaps yourself, for riding to our aid and facing down that worg as you did. It does my heart joy to know that our future queen has the nerve to thrust a hand into the very jaws of the enemy to send death down its vile throat. If you will grace us with your presence at the victory feast tonight, it would honor me greatly to speak with you and learn more of you. The news we get from the capital does you no justice at all, now that I see you in person."


Soon the non-combatants had come back to the town and the old woman's circle was more than happy to give a fine, reinforced battledress to the princess, with riding slits and underbreeches to make it practical for fighting and riding, while still managing to be pleasant looking for a feast and showing off the female figure once the hardened leather armor top was removed.

[Malena receives Studded Leather Battle Dress (AC = 12 + DEX), with a removable top that makes it into regular clothing.]

[Bandages are applied, Malena will receive full HP after a standard long rest and no risk of infection]


Crassus found Malena later, after she was bandaged and dressed and offered to escort her to her father's presence in the Longhouse, which rested on the highest elevated point inside the walls, towards the center of the town. A semi-circle of pines ringed the back of the house, and the wood of the beams was carved in many animals sacred to the domain of the God of Nature, Erik, who was the patron god of the North Highlands of Rjurik.

The Jarl sat in his ring mail, a bloody bandage over his head and right eye. His light brown beard was bushy and slightly matted. Attending to him on either side were a pair of druids. One was a man, dressed in white robes and had a shepherd's staff. She recognised him as being of the Oaken Grove sect. The other druid was a woman, wild looking and had a sharpened sickle hooked into her leather belt and was donned in animal furs and tribal markings. She bore the insignia of the Emerald Spiral, the more traditional and nomadic Druid tradition.

(Like this, except her eyes aren't yellow unless she's casting spells.)

Upon seeing the princess, the druids stepped back and the Jarl stood up, despite an older woman attendant clucking her tongue and advising him not to do that while his wounds were being cleaned. He simply grunted dismissively at her.

"So, the King's illness has not prevented his daughter from picking up the duty of a regent in his place. I am pleased to see this. Though I wonder at what cost, if we must turn to give our thanks to winter, even in the late summer months."

"Father, the princess and her houscarls scattered our foes and showed great skill and honor in coming to our aid."

"Hnnh, that may be so, my son. But our people have given as good as we've got from the goblins and gnolls and orogs of the blood skull barony throughout my lifetime, and many times before. At this moment, I would expect no less of any Hogun. I am thankful of her doing her duty. But unless her magics can sweep away the Scarlet Baron himself - which I highly doubt, for the White Witch herself has not done so - then our problems will continue. The goblins breed quickly. They will be back, and in greater numbers. Necessity drives them to raid, to rape and breed, and to eat, if the fancy takes them. It's good at least that the Princess Malena has ridden to the border woods to see this first hand. Some in my halls suggested that she was only interested in staying in her magician's tower all day, trying to unlock the secrets of her dark elven witchery."

"Father..." Crassus said, knitting his brows in anger and embarrassment. The Emerald Spiral druidess raised her chin slightly higher, as though not appreciative of something the Jarl had pointed out either.

"Don't 'Father' me, Crassus. If her Kingly Father were here, I'd say the same. I know Aethalbald. I fought with him in many battles. My levies have never failed the king's call to war. When you spill blood with a man against the hordes of goblins out of Hrukk, and against the summoned undead along the Solung Bank, when the White Witch made her last war on Hogunmark, then it gives you a certain right to call him on his errors. And he should never have married that elf."

An awkward silence filled the hall, with Crassus looking down at his feet, his ears seeming to burn and his jaw tight.

"But it seems today that I can never again argue that the human half of his daughter is not the stronger. I suppose that's no surprise, given the way humanity has shown its superiority over the elves. The princess will feast in my hall, if she's a mind to eat with us humble, unblooded folk. I, however, am told that my wounds from today run deep. So I am to retire to bed. Crassus, you will sit in my chair and entertain our guest. And I shall leave Sigrunn here as a voice of balance."

The Emerald Spire druid smiled for a moment and squared her shoulders, looking intensely at Crassus and Malena, as though challenging them with that stare.

"...She's the weaker healer, so of little use to me right now," the Jarl Kohneg continued, resulting in the druidess' face falling and looking exhasperated once more at the Jarl, who didn't seem to be winning points with anyone as he continued to talk. Thankfully, it was at this point that he allowed the older servant to take his hand in support and lead him from the hall and to his rooms where he would be seen to by the Oaken Grove druid.

((OOC: Feel free to have Malena respond and ask questions, I'm just trying to keep the scene moving what with lots of people to potentially talk to.))


Crassus invited Malena and her houscarls to sit near the end of the table, with Malena to his right as he took his father's chair. To his left, directly opposite from Malena, would sit Sigrunn. Gretta took the space at the table next to Malena, and beside her was Brennor. Down either side of the long table, the riders from the capital sat across from the defenders of Wjulfsdatter.

Hearty food and strong drink were brought in, and Crassus finally spoke.

"I must apologize for the way my father speaks. He has always been, ah... blunt and without reserve. If it makes you feel better, he does it to everyone about nearly any topic you could imagine. It's like he desires to push people's buttons. But he'll never fail in his duty. It's the one thing he holds sacred. In any case, I hope you'll stay the night at least and enjoy our food and drink. Allow me to introduce the person to my left. This is Sigrunn Gunnvorsdotter, one of father's two druid advisors. True to his nature, my father has annoyed both druidic circles by never declaring which sect he belonged to, so they each have a representative in residence here. Sigrunn actually shares some distant blood with you, as her grandfather was brother to King Gunnar, your father's father."

The druidess was clad in a relatively revealing outfit, and her tribal markings made her seem much like the many Hoguns who lived the traditional nomadic lifestyle in the other provinces. The truth of Hogunmark was that aside from the Gundviir province, which was fed by tributaries of the Hjarring River, and the Djaalfund province, which had the great trade city of Aaldvika to give it life, the other 11 provinces of the nation were very sparsely settled. Most civilians were a part of nomadic 'barbarian' tribes that more or less ignored the rule of law from the cities and for whom the Emerald Spiral was the only source of authority beyond the word of the chief. Old oaths to the crown bound the tribes to send warriors in times of war, but beyond this, the expectation was to let them rule themselves. Sigrunn appeared atheltically built, with short brown hair and a finely developed figure that she didn't seem to mind showing off. She wore the trappings of a competent fighting druid.

"Yes, our grandfather's slaughtered invading elves together to keep our tribes alive against an undying winter meant to end all human life in Rjurik." Sigrunn smiled sickeningly sweetly across the table at Malena.

"And King Aethelbald has defended Hogunmark at every turn, and so too the Princess Malena today, Sigrunn Gunnvorsdotter." Gretta growled. "Mind your tongue in the presence of your future queen. Or I swear by Erik I'll cut it out. You're not a Jarl and this isn't your longhouse. There's no law that protects you from me if I deem your words insulting to royalty."

"If the Princess truly intends to be a protector of right-thinking Hoguns, then she would have no problem undoing an elven curse then, correct? Erik is our protection from the eternal blight of arcane magic that has poured across our borders from both elves and from the hateful blasphemy of the White Witch and her Kreisha worshippers. The foes from the east have long ago blighted our groves, protecting their spells with charms that recogonize only elven blood to bypass them. These groves belong to our people. She has the ability to break the curse. Why does she not do so?"

"Perhaps because she hasn't heard of this before? Or perhaps because curses that entire druid circles can't handle aren't exactly the sort of thing you have the only heir to the throne take care of personally?" Brennor added in annoyance.

Crassus interrupted, raising his hands to try to diffuse the animosity.

"I'm sure that Sigrunn would not fear to undo the curse herself, if it was in her power. I assume you are referring to the Grove at the top of Vanarukk's Den?" The Jarl's son turned to Malena. "There is a series of broken hills near the border of the Blood Skull Barony that recently we wrested back from the gnolls who prowl that area. It is the site of an old battle from the time of The Sorcerer's reign. The enemy blighted a tomb of Emerald Spiral druids, haunting it and preventing the grove from reflowering. It is said that the enemy used a complex charm to ward against non-elves. If we could retake the tomb and destroy the blight, it would be of help to the druidic order."

"Hang on a second," Gretta interjected. "The Emerald Spiral has done nothing but hurl insults against the princess and her father the king for more than two decades. Why should we think twice about helping your sect reclaim a grove?"

"Because it would help Hogunmark," Sigrunn said simply and crossed her arms, which in her revealing furs made her cleavage squish together. "The single greatest threat to our tribes started with the war with the elves. It wasn't the goblins. It wasn't even the cult of Kreisha, although they are horrible. It was the cruel mastery of the elves that threatened to wipe us out. They saw us as little more than ants, and crushed us as easily and without a second thought under their feet. Without the forces of nature and the Emerald Spiral, we would not have survived. So you can see our slight concern with our rightful king, ignoring tribal traditions in favor of the southern Anuirian ways, trading away our rights in treaties with the Taalshore, making peace with the White Witch, and then taking an elven magic user as a bride. Now maybe the Princess Malena is a good soul with a mind to aid us. But she uses the magic of winter. She has been raised without the knowledge of true Hogun lifestyle. She knows little of Druidism, beyond what the Oaken Grove might show her in their burdensome ceremonies, and yet she is regent over the most historic grove in the nation."

Sigrunn finally leaned across and addressed Malena directly, and in doing so showed off a goodly portion of her flesh. "The only way I could ever support you as a future queen, would be to see you learn what true life is like in the wilds outside of your city and tower, among the real people that you would one day rule. This town hardly counts. It is still in Gundviir. It actually has walls and patrols to protect it. Not so the other provinces, which the city folk often forget about."
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Tags: All

Gretta's blithe informing her of the wretched goblinoids and their doings. "And none of them can be trusted to act as turncoats for us." Malena mused aloud as she thought through what benefits doing something like that could.

"This is..."
She paused, contemplating Brennor's words. "The first kill I've taken in heat of battle while not being coddled by my fathers soldiers. Brennor. Hand me a sword or axe to do the deed." As she held out her hand. As she shifted her arm, the bear cloak shifted, teasing hints of her breasts becoming visible. The undersides of her heavy breasts peeking out below the lifted bear cloak. Visible easily to anyone looking at her.

After the deed is done, frosted warg head clothed in some bag, she glanced at the Hoguns that were working on putting their town back to rights. Looking at Crassus, Malena gazed at his face. Her eyes sliding over the cheekbones and chin. His jaw is strong and rugged. A nice looker on her eyes even with the stress of being a Jarl's son.

His words and mentions of Gretta and Brennor had her eying him in the eyes. Looking into his brown eyes as she listened. "Hm. So there goes an easy excuse to toasting to the person for the best kill." The soft mutter only hearable to those immediately around her. The half elven sorceress smiled at Gretta's preening, her childhood friend soaking it up.

When he mentioned her directly. Malena blinked in surprise at the... she wasn't sure if he is being forthright and honest. But his tongue certainly held skill and flattery. A warm blush faintly covered her cheeks at his compliment. She isn't use to such direct compliments, her composure taking a soft blow. "T-thats." She stuttered, embarressment creeping up her neck and cheeks as she spoke a tad more quickly and forcefully. Her posture shifting, oncomfortable at taking a compliment at her beauty so directly. Her nervous shifting had the bear cloak on her slide, dipping more firmly and falling more firmly onto her chest. Giving Crassus a scintilating view of the shape her womanly bust.

"I dare not be presumptuous. To push myself so forward for merely doing my duty is arrogance." As she regained her composure and firmly placed herself not in the place of recognition. With her composure regained "Do you even need to hint at that? But now, I must go and get these scratches looked at." She spoke warmth at thought of the victory feast and with much more calmness as she left Crassus, to go see the druids for healing. Her turn is quicker then usual and her dress that had been ripped when the warg had pulled her from her horse slid and tore a bit more. Her shapely thighs visible and hinting teasing of her butt.


Receiving such a thoughtful gift from the Old Woman's circle, she thanked them kindly. The battledress she gratefully changed into with some help from Gretta. "How flattering is it Gretta? Does it become me? Annnd do you want to try it on too?" Malena asked her housecarl/best friend.

She posed in front of Gretta even as she asked her questions, taking on a pose as she placed one hand on her hip and another behind her. Chest thrusted forward and back arched to give her hips and chest a very noticeable boost and shift.



"Lord Crassus." She acknowledged as he found her once more, having just left the Old Circle. Perhaps even getting Gretta to change out of her armor into a more flattering dress much like she wore.

She stopped, pausing for a few seconds at the entrance to the longhouse, ignoring other people around her as she looked at the wooden beams, looking at the sacred animals and whispering softly "Give me cunning." After the whisper, she squared herself and walked forward with grace and preparing herself to look into the eyes of one that knew her Father and had obeyed him for far longer then she had been alive.

Stepping into the Longhouse, dress swishing around her with trained grace befitting her raised as the heir to her father, she looked firstly at Jarl Kohneg, only letting her eyes, not her head, sweep to the two standing at his sides. The one dressed in white, she recognized as the Oaken Grove, the sect that had publicly supported her and held up her right to rule. To the woman dressed in revealing clothes, she saw the emerald spiel, a wildwoodswoman that screamed at everyone around her to dare take her.

She looked fully at Jarl Kohneg as he stood up. "Greetings Jarl Kohneg." She spoke clearly and loudly as stopped before him.

The Jarl's words. Malena inclined her head at his words. She had seen only the barest of troubles. Still his forthright words showed that he isn't one to show her a piece of shit and says its gold but call it like it is. At least, that is how she is taking it.

Now the mention of him never marrying her mother. Malena narrowed her eyes, her looking at him at his blunt words indeed. He hadn't insulted her mother and knowing the stories of her mothers people, they'd not want her to have touched her father at all. "Will I have the honor of you having certain...rights to call on me in such a manner?" Malena's words could be construed in a different manner.

She didn't turn to look at Crassus as she heard the shift of his movements but instead kept her eyes trained solely on the Jarl. His next words had her straightening. Acknowledging that, even if it is only half of her, that she is her father's daughter had warmth inside of her. "Rest well Jarl Kohneg, I'll make sure to toast to your good health." As she finally turned her eyes off of him and onto the mentioned druidess.

(Don't really have much to question Kohneg on. He seems the type of character to say his piece and then sit there and think on it.)


She gracefully sat in the chair to his right, quirking an eye as Sigrunn sat on his left. Gretta sitting close to her as Malena felt that a jape would be appropriate here. At least to her own mind with the way both she and Sigrun sat across from one another with Crassus between them.

She smiled appreciatively at the sight of the strong food and drink.

"He is a...firm speaker. No need to apologize for your father, Lord Crassus. He spoke with no intention in insulting me." As She smiled, thinking back to bit earlier at the conversation. "Pleasure to meet you, Druidess Gunnvorsdotter." As she nodded her head towards Sigrunn. "Is the words spoken earlier by Jarl Kohneg true, Druidess? That you are not... as gifted in the healing lore? Does that mean you are gifted in a different strength then?" She didn't acknowledge the blood ties between them just yet. After all, she hadn't known till today.

Malena straightened at that sickly sweet words thrown casually her way. The casual mention of elves. Her eartips warmed at that mention again. Malena's blue eyes iced as she glared at Sigrunn. The druidess words... The implications of them.

Gretta springing to her defense again. She better have a purpose to these words Malena thought. To utter it so frankly before the festive mood of a victory feast of a successful defense with no people being taken. Biding her time and waiting as she peered at Sigrunn. The only sign of her discomfort is the hardness in her eyes and small hue of red in the tips of her ears.

Albeit at the mention of the curse, Malena's glare lessened as she looked at Sigrunn. "If this is your way of enticing help, you should work on your manner better. Perhaps the other druid can help you in that. Still, a curse that only allows Elven Blood to pass? Where is this grove located?" Malena showing sudden interest at those words. Through... a sudden sly idea niggled into her mind.

She kept the idea quiet as she peered at Sigrunn but now... she had an amusing smile on her face now at that thought. Brennor backing her up as a proper housecarl. Crassus barging into the conversation to lessen the animosity as well. He answered her questions peppered at Sigrunn quickly. The knowledge of what lays there. Emerald Spiel lore in the grove along with a complex matrix of magic laid there. Mayhap something to help her learn more of the power inside that flowed in her veins.

"Gretta, they know me perhaps as well as you. Especially since I believe my household reports to many ears on how I am raised. You should know my answer already Sigrunn Gunnvorsdotter. But." Malena raised her hand as she looked at Sigrun's close face. Her body on display and cleavage exposed, causing minor hints of discomfort to form in Malena's posture. "Lord Crassus must be willing to spare you from the burdens of advising him and his Lord Father and come with my retinue and we to this cursed grove." The royal we being used in her words. For her help to come forth to them, Sigrunn must go with her.

"On an entirely unrelated note, who did your tribal markings? Especially this one here." As Malena leaned over the table in an unexpected manner and pointed at a pleasing symbol to her eyes. Her own heavy breasts straining against her dress, taking on form and shapeliness further in front of Crassus's eyes. Her face coming suddenly and closer to Sigrunn's face. Icy blue eyes staring into the druidess own.

(Pleasing Symbol can be whatever is pertinent. Mostly doing this to tease Crassus >:3.)
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Crassus, Sigrunn, Gretta
Feast in Wjulfsdatter
Tag: Princess Malena

If Crassus noticed Malena being flustered at his initial compliments upon their first meeting, he gave no notice. He merely bowed respectfully, casting his eyes downward and let the princess be guided to the healers, who would later provide her with new, form-fitting clothes that were practical, but still becoming of her natural beauty and full figure.

Gretta shook her head at Malena as she posed in her new battle dress, sticking her breasts out for her old friend.

"You're a shameless flirt, you know that right?" Gretta chuckled. "And no, I don't want to try your dress on. I prefer my breastplate."

Malena knew that Gretta's breastplate had been especially made for her; a gift from Gretta's father to his daughter. Her dad was a houscarl in direct service to the King. Like her own father, Gretta's dad had suffered from old age and the perils that can come from the long winter. The old warrior had wracking coughing fits and wheezing breaths, which the healers said were pooling with water in the summer and freezing in the winter. Winter's Lung, as the disease was called. Gretta and Malena had spoken in the past about how their fathers seemed destined to die together, if not in battle, than swiftly in old age. Gretta had mentioned more than once that she hoped such would be the same for her and Malena. Their families were linked, she said. A Regent's blood and a bodyguard's blood running through them. And there was honor enough in that for Gretta, who had never once been jealous of the divinity that ran through her childhood friend's veins. After all, did not the druids say that it was to those loyal to their gods that had received divinity upon the slopes of Mount Deismar?

The housecarl approached Malena and put a familiar hand upon her. Something that would not dare be done in public, but between the two of them, was all right, so long as Malena allowed it.

"Can I ask if all this posing is for a certain lordly fighter's sake? I saw the way you blushed for Crassus. He's a handsome man. Not the most ideal suitor your father might hope for you, but certainly a nice face, and hard, firm body to warm up against. Mm?~"

Gretta grinned and cheekily teased her princess about the handsome lord.


Jarl Kohneg's mannerisms were blunt, but he nodded to Malena after he rose, doing his utmost to not show the pain that he was in from a goblin's errant strike. Despite all his uncouthness, the Jarl did nod his head respectfully to the princess before he was led off, with the warriors of his hall clattering their spears and shields together to honor his exit.

Then Crassus took his father's seat and the meal was joined. Despite Malena's assuaging words, the young lord still looked slightly uncomfortable and embarrassed for his own father's actions.

"Firm speaker... yes, that is a kind way of putting it, your highness," he said with a sigh. He did not have much time to dwell on this, for Malena began her conversation with the provoking druidess quite quickly.

Sigrunn smirked at the question of her healing abilities.

"We each have our strengths and weaknesses. The healers of the druid circles are always a blessing, but those of us who dwell next to the borders of Hogunmark have to develop other skills. My magic aids with the gathering of food, the protection of nature, and the dissuasion of enemies to approach our settlements. Before I arrived here, I lived with my tribe in Valkheim, to the east. That is where the heaviest skirmishes are. Our people there deal with many raids from the Blood Skull Barony and the Realm of the White Witch. That ruler says she has a signed peace with your father, but among her most loyal servants are the Trygvaar tribe, who raid us freely and constantly for food, tools, trade goods, and slaves. They claim to be an independent tribe that lives within the White Witch's realm and pay her tribute for that right, but are unanswerable to her. In such a way, does she get away with weakening our fighters even in times of so-called peace. I am specialized in making the very woods and rocks rebel at their incursions. But it is much work, and we druids are not enough in number to be able to do this alone. Having access to more groves would allow us to gather more power and train more druids."

Despite Gretta's warning, Sigrunn seemed to stand her ground, though she grew less antagonistic and more concerned with relating the details of the state of the borderlands, and of this grove that she and Crassus spoke of.

"Vanarukk's Den was once known as the Hemlock Grotto before the Sorcerer conquered it," she continued, looking towards Malena and perceiving what she meant when the princess had requested that Sigrunn be relieved of her charge as advisor.

"Gladly would I go with you there and reclaim it for my sect. If you break the charm with your elven blood, I can determine if I can cleanse the blight that was left there and bring the Grotto back into existence, to use in Hogunmark's defense."

She held her chin up proudly, and in that moment, Malena perceived perhaps a bit of that noble blood in her distant cousin, for she seemed genuinely intent on proving herself in danger. Perhaps doubly so, if she felt she could outshine the princess. She was caught off guard though, by Malena's question about her tribal markings.

"I uh... my markings? They are... from many things. This is the mark of my tribe, the Aegilsgaard of Valkheim Province. This one here is the runes associated with my father's family. He is Gunnvor, our chief... named after his uncle, the former King Gunnar of Hogunmark - your grandfather. These are given to me for my trials in joining the druids. But uh... the one you're pointing at... I just thought it looked pretty."

Her eyes followed Malena's, and then she looked at Crassus, who stared between the two of them.

"Ah, well, I suppose they are pretty. Though one doesn't need markings to draw attention." Crassus said.

"They're for me, not... not for others to look at. I'm not trying to draw attention." The druidess protested, growing slightly flustered.

"Say, Lord Crassus. What draws *your* attention in a woman?" Gretta said, suddenly interested in something other than the rival's challenge that the druidess posed for her princess.

"Uhm, wh-what do you mean, Gretta?" Crassus asked.

"You know~ What do you find attractive in a woman? Do you like them hard and toned warriors, like me? Or maybe the wild and tribal girls like Sigrunn? Or do you find that you prefer the intelligent and refined beauty... say of someone like Princess Malena?"

With all three womens' gazes turning onto him, Crassus rested his chin on his fist and started to grin. "Are you asking me to judge between the three of you, then? Is that it? I'm sure there is positively no way this could end well for me."

"What are you afraid of? No one will blame you if you are simply honest. The royals won't be THAT offended if you acknowledge that you prefer a fighting woman. That's natural for a Hogun."

"Wait, what?!" Sigrunn said, shocked. "You think he would pick you over myself or the princess? You're not suitable for him!"

"Not suitable? I slew the hobgoblin captain that led the raid today. Crassus took notice of me for that, didn't you, my Lord? Doesn't that make me your preferred woman?"


[If Malena would like to join in to a contest to draw Crassus' favor, she can do an appropriate roleplay and then do a Charisma (Persuasion) roll. If your RP is good, I'll let you roll advantage if you're not happy with your first roll.

Crassus is attracted to anyone who beats a DC of 13.

Gretta achieves a 17 total
Sigrunn achieves a 16 total]
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Feast in Wjulsdatter
Tags: All

"Mhmm! And you are my ever loyal student who helped me." Malena chirped out sing songedly as she smiled at Gretta. The princess knowing her exact words as she teased back as she tilted her head. "Mm. This is a victory feast Gretta, I know you take your duties quite seriously. Well not entirely true. I do remember a few times when I went reading you went elsewhere... Was it that stable boy I caught you with? The one you swore that you were only with him to teach him how to." Malena paused her lips, as if pulling the correct phrasing Gretta used. "Fight like a man and teach him how to use his sword?" Malena's teasing words floating in the room as Malena smiled at Gretta.

Gretta's father being a housecarl, a protector of her royal father. And like her father, ailing in the present and fading with him. She hoped that the same held true for her and Gretta. That when they got old... Malena pausing that thought, not want to think that long term ahead. Burying it.

Keeping that startling thought out of her mind and the impending darkness that lay ahead. "Hm? Gretta? You changed your mind? You want to wear a dress as well to the feast?" Only her eyes to sparkle at Gretta's words.

"Oh. So thats the types you like."
Malena mischeviously spoke as she turned, folding into Gretta's hand. "Mmm. Yes. He is what I'm posing for. I want to tease and fluster him. Get a few dances with him. As a suitor? That didn't cross my mind." Malena blinked at Gretta's words before she smiled.

"Ideal Suitor... Crassus a suitor..." Malena plucked out the words, tuning her thoughts to them as she leaned against Gretta, wrapping an arm around her friend into a halfhug. Her left breast being bumped as it pressed against Gretta's frame. "I don't see him as being a suitor for me. Not yet. He'd need to get himself known in war before those in the city would welcome him. Not sure on the clans roaming outside of the cities." As Malena thought some more. "Your thoughts on him being my suitor? What about him being your suitor Gretta?" She asked the last part with small teasing hints in her voice.


Sigrunn's words flowing from her earnestly. Malena looking at Sigrunn and focusing. Her whole posture shifting as she is listening to Sigrunn. Her eyes alighting at the thought of the Valkheim province. Dimming at the knowledge of the skirmishes there. Taking on a hard look as Sigrun told her in scant words but filled with passion of her tribes dangers and the knowledge of the white witch and her fell tribe. "The Trygvaar tribe..." She put that in her mind to ask one of her diplomatic personages at her father's castle about. She wondered on how long this tribe had been marauding freely and what retaliation would happen if she made her nation move onto them. Shelving that thought she nodded her heaad at the tail-end of Sigrunn's strengths.

"We accept your agreement. Lord Crassus, you are witness to this verbal agreement of We, Princess Malena Aethelbaldsotter, agreeing to help the druids of the Emerald Spiel on Vanarukk's Den with Sigrunn Gunnvorsdotter of the Emerald Spiel." Malena stated. Insuring all around heard clearly of what had been discussed here and making more witnesses.

Satisfied with annoucing that, she looked at Sigrunn as she watched her explain. "Aegilsgaard of Valkheim Province." Malena spoke softly keeping that firmly in her mind and would try to see if she could run into others that proudly displayed that mark.

"Mmm." Malena hummed softly at Sigrunn's reasoning. Through, she allowed a flash of envy to steal across her face at the sight of it. It is indeed pretty but she couldn't have markings marring her skin yet. Not until after she knew she wasn't going to be marrying someone from Tealshore or further away from the north.

"To be so openly displayed. What wonderful courage." Malena spoke happily as she smiled at the flustering druidess, feeling pleased with herself at putting Sigrunn off her game and moving onto less serious matters and more fun and victorious matters!

Until Gretta asked that question. Her head turned and looked at Crassus. Her eyes peering straight at him. Her smile still on her lips but now... A curious feel around her. She spoke "Do not worry my lord. There is not one of the fables where any answer you give ends in punishment." Her own words meant to be reassuring as she sat stayed standing up and leaning right alongside Sigrunn.

Allowing her own womanly assets, clothed but formed and shaping her dress to appear alongside Sigrunn's own. A wonderful compare and contrast as Malena opened with her words "Gretta has my confidence in being more then suitable. Through I do feel some shock of my own that you are so, fearful, of Gretta putting herself forward. What do you have to fear, Sigrunn?" Malena giving unspoken permission for Sigrunn to call her by her first name.

She waited a beat for Sigrunn to say something as she turned towards Crassus and spoke softly "My lord..." As she turned softly on the table, slight posturing, her arm moving softly, giving her a shy appearance even as her breasts are subtly pressed together from her arms. Her heavy breasts being pressed together as she spoke "Do not worry about suitably. Be firm with your words here." As Malena smiled at him, her choice of words implying earlier on how his father talked.

"My Lord, if you humor us and judge amongst us who is most to your likes, would it not be better if we are all standing up? Being close to you to duly influence you of all of our charms? Gretta's firm... poised strength. Sigrunn's musky...earthen pride. My exotic...refined looks?" As she looked at him and glanced from the side of her view at Sigrunn.

(EDIT: Forgot Persuasion Roll)
Persuasion Roll: 21 (16 + 5).
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