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Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)


Victory Feast
Tag: Malena and others

The young lord and soldier of his people looked from face to face of the three women before him. Many of his men had quieted down their conversations to listen in on his proclamation, where he would have to judge between the three influential women of Hogunmark - a fighting druid and daughter of the chief of the Aegilsgaard, an elite warrior and royal houscarl, or the exotic half-elf princess and heir to the largest human kingdom in the Northlands.

"Each of you have already a way to strike through to my heart. All of you are defenders of Hogunmark, and as for your beauty, to compare you is to compare the rising dawn, the zenith of noon, and the sacred eve. All are different, and all have inspired the skalds to sing and wax poetic."

He turned to the Druidess.

"Sigrunn Gunnvorsdottir, woman of the tribes, unfettered by the influence of outside politics, you are grounded in nature, a voice of spiritual guidance for our people and the exemplar of what an Aegilsgaard woman should be. No chieftain could be more proud, nor a sect of Erik more gifted, than to hold you as their daughter and sister of the woods and taiga. You have courage and a warrior's heart, not balking where other druids would hesitate to use the sword - or sickle - to bring low a foe. If you were to ask it of me, I would travel the wilds by your side, for you are worthy of my heart."

Crassus' gaze then moved to Gretta.

"My lady Gretta. Houscarl to the house of the King. Right hand of our royal princess. Captain and leader of soldiers. If every warrior in our army had your heart and your beauty, we would win all wars, but never need to raise a spear, for the enemy would be in awe. I have only seen you in battle, but your stand at the gates today against the hobgoblin captain was worthy of song. You are a valkyrie out of legend. I would follow you into the very jaws of the White Witch's realm, or lay siege to the Gorgon's dark cities, and gladly die upon the field of battle while riding in your company. Were such a woman to ask of me to be her partner in love, I would count myself thrice blessed."

Lastly, the young lord spoke to Malena.

"My princess. The Hoguns are a proud people. We are isolated here in the far north, where winter draws a curtain and shuts us off from nearly all the world. The north remembers the old wars with the elves... but I think too few of us are able to see beyond our own traditions, and respect our old enemies. The elves are graceful, beautiful, and endowed with a magic that few humans can understand, and you have all of their gifts in abundance. I have witnessed it firsthand today, and I can say that your power and beauty do not frighten me. For a woman so fair and so possessed of such bravery and a willingness to face down a charging worg in defense of her people, is as true a Hogun than any of our warriors who fight with spear and axe. I believe you would use your powers always for a good purpose. I trust in my heart when I hear your words, see your face, and stand in your presence. Even if your rule meant a change in all of Hogunmark, I would trust in your guidance as our queen. Just the same, I know that you are one of us, and respect the tribes of the north. You need but ask anything of me, for my sword, bow and heart are yours to command."

He paused and took his cup of mead and raised it high.

"A toast to the beauty of our Princess Malena, for it wins the day, against the very best that Hogunmark has to offer."

After a brief pause, there was a cheer, and a raising of glasses. And all drank to Crassus' announcement. Gretta and Sigrunn held off in saying anything until Malena, the winner of the lord's decision, gave her response.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Victory Feast in Wjulsdatter
Tags: All

The silence in the hall, the quietness as Malena felt eyes from behind her. Felt them looking at her and her housecarl. At her cousin who had taunted her for help. She peered at Crassus, the handsome youth in front of her. She watched him, a smile on her lips. She watched as he breathed in, preparing to speak and she wondered. Will he pick her to not offend her royal sensibilities? Will he pick Gretta, her favored friend? Or would he pick Sigrunn, the one he knew?

She listened to his words as he called out to all Hoguns in the room. Her ears perking as he spoke. Flowery words falling from his lips. Like silken strings being plucked by a wonderful harpist.

She kept her eyes focused on Crassus as he spoke of them each in turn. Sigrunn worthy of his heart. Gretta is blessings unto him, thricely. As for herself, she smiled at his description. Speaking of her as a noble and her position. Her of all Hogunmark and her father's kingdom. He phrased it all so well, they just need but ask.

As he raised his mead cup high and toasted her. Toasted her as the winner of the impromptu judging. She rose her own cup, and took a sip of mead, enjoying the honeyed alcohol. With the drink warming her throat. She spoke clearly "A toast to Lord Crassus for his flowing words and bountiful drinks."

She took another sip of her mead as and then spoke softly, her words meant to be heard only by Crassus, Gretta and Sigrun "I must admit, my heart skipped a few beats at those words my lord." Before she spoke up louder switching to being heard by everyone "To hear such praise of myself, even with me having done so little. I will rise to the expectations you have voiced here in this hall tonight."

"Since my housecarl has gotten you in pinpointing your interests Lord Crassus. Will you be my dance partner? And... what liberty do you wish from me? A touch? A...kiss?" Malena asked him as she looked at him, smiling and showing a willingess to allow him a freedom on her person if he so desired. Also leaving an implication about Sigrunn and Gretta.

Waiting for his answer before she spoke again, this time addressing Gretta "Valkyrie out of legend? I need to remember a turn of phrase like that. So Gretta, how does it feel to be a valkyrie?" As Malena smiled at her friend waiting a beat for her to answer.

She turned to Sigrunn next to ask her as well. "A warriors heart. Not a very, eloquent phrase but I can see it. Through I will call it more a desire for glory."

Malena sat and waited for Sigrunn and Greta's response. She tried to be gracious in her victory, through darkly, she thought to herself she came off as far too much stiff and brought a solemn note to this competition.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)


Crassus, Gretta, Sigrunn
Feast Hall
Tag: Malena

The princess' toast was followed by a cheer and a raising of mead, as well as a general stomping of feet and fists upon the table boards. Crassus smiled and laughed lightly at some of his fellow soldiers who spurred him on with various gestures. It seemed that the young lord was well liked for his wordsmithing - certainly the polar opposite of his lord father in that sense.

He grinned and had the humility to blush slightly at the princess' return of praise.

"Men and women will call me far too bold for my lowly upbringing, should I dare to ask anything of you, your highness. But if you call for a dance, then a dance you shall have, and I could not deny your request. But ours is not the slow courtly movement of the south. Men! To the drums! Skalds! Your horns and your voices. Women of Wjulfsdattir, sing of the victories of Breyana, first Queen of Hogunmark. And we'll dance upon the tabletop!"

Crassus scraped his father's high chair back and then leapt upon the table with agile grace. He extended a hand down to the princess, pulling her up onto the table top with him as the drums began to hammer and thrum, echoing off the walls of the longhouse. Deep skald voices in bass and baritones joined together in harmony, providing a backdrop for the chuckling spear maidens at the far end of the hall to coordinate their singing... three... two... one... and then their female voices merrily singing the tale of the warrior queen Breyana, who had learned the power of shapeshifting and chose the form of a man, before proving herself worthy at Jarl's Council to be named the first successor - then revealing herself as a woman, much to the other jarls' surprise and fulfilling the first of her father's seven prophecies. It was Breyana Wjulfsdattir whose namesake this town was given, and it was she who had formed the settlements of Veikanger and Aaldvika.

The song was happy affirmation of the wisdom of unity and the ability of a Queen being equal to that of any King. The male and female dancers around the room were meant to represent Breyana in both her natural and shapeshifted aspects. It was wild and whirling and the movements full of teasing and showing off. As Crassus and Malena twirled down the long table, laughing soldiers lifted plates and platters and most importantly, their cups, out of the way, to let the lord and princess dance together the full length and back. Others got out of their seats to dance as well. Though Sigrunn declined to dance while Gretta ended up dancing with Brennor.

The dancing lasted for a good seven minutes, for the verses were long, and once the song was begun, it was considered bad luck to not finish them all. At last, sweating and drawing deep breaths, the dancers and singers collapsed back down on their seats and drank deeply to happy applause from all those who could muster the energy to do so.

Gretta grinned and slapped Malena on the back, breaking protocol in doing so, though none really blamed her for it.

"Hah! Good moves there, your highness! Though not as good as this valkyrie here!" Gretta jabbed two thumbs up to her own grinning face. It seemed she had no problems taking on Crassus' descriptive word for her. She was truly a shameless bravo sometimes.

Sigrunn sat back down and took a bite of her food.

"I seek glory in Erik's name, and for the preservation of nature. And it would seem the Princess Malena is not afraid of the spotlight, nor for the attention of a handsome man she's just met today..." Sigrunn shrugged, and chewed.

A minute later, as Crassus used a rag to dab the sweat from his brow, he leaned over to Malena and whispered.

"My princess, it occurs to me that I do indeed have a favor to ask of you, but I would feel awkward doing so here in public. When you are done with your meal, perhaps you would allow me to escort you to the hot springs? There is a natural bath where I could tell you of my request in privacy."

Crassus looked at her in earnest. His request for a private conversation was certainly bold, but then, they had just done something quite bold already, to the delight of the warriors of Wjulfsdattir and her own retinue.
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Victory Feast in Wjulsdattir
Tags: All

The smiles and laughter with her toast. The festive noise in the room becoming louder as the Hogun's, the axemen, the houseguards all banged on the table and ground. The excitement feeling so vibrant in the air with the second toast, Malena felt flattered. Still, she chalked this up to their winning of the day. Especially the winning of the day.

The blush that colored his cheeks at her praise, seems she is not the only one that gave visual cues at being praised.

She kept quiet, letting Crassus ordain the pace of the happenings. She reached out with her hand, grasping onto his and pushing on her feet, got pulled up onto the table. She stepped close. Her legs rubbing against his own, even as her breasts bounced in the sudden movements, the fabric stretching teasingly calling attention to her firm, large, assets. As she whispered softly "Lead well Lord." Her soft whispers with a teasing hint in her eyes.

As she pressed against him with her body, purposefully teasing as they danced along the table. She kept it on the low side, wanting him thinking that this is accidental the way their bodies swept closer then normal in the dance they did atop of the table. Her feet stepping and sliding and following his lead even as her thighs touched a mite too close. Her breath came warmly across his cheeks and ears. Her laughter bubbling out of her as she spun.

Her dancing movements, she tried to sweep alongside close to him, her breasts accidentally rubbing on his arms. Even on one occasion his hand may even have been able to squeeze her breast. Her turns and slides looping around with her luscious derriere teasingly and accidentally rubbing against him on the few turns and spins in their dance.

(Attempting Stealth and Performance Rolls to sneak in accidental rubbings against him and doing a show for the watchers without it looking like it is on purpose.)
Stealth: 17 (17 + 0)
Perforamnce: 21 (18 + 3)

Breathless, red in face and a dazzling thousand sun smile on her face! "Thank you for that my lord. The dance had been very fun." As she smiled at Crassus happily, her heart beating from the exertion and the pleasure she took from being in his arms.

Malena jerked at the slap on her back, small breaths coming from her. Turning her head as she looked at her friend as she smirked with her lips.
"Really Valkyrie? Prove it! Show me a dance that will impress me!" Malena challenged her friend with glimmering mirth. "Here here!" She called, excited from the dance and being far more relaxed. "A toast to my housecarl! She is going to be the next dancer across the table. Lord Crassus, do you have the endurance to continue another dance with my housecarl? To see who is the better dancer?" A smirk on her lips as she looked at Gretta with a look in her eyes. While breathless and tired from the dance, Malena didn't mind getting up to dance again, even with another partner if only to see Gretta dance in the spotlight as well!

"Are you afraid of dancing in the spotlight? Of not allowing anyone to see you flowing up and down the table in joyous delight and allowing all to see your dedication to Erik?" Malena's words quiet but filled with challenge that she couldn't dance as well as her atop the table. Couldn't handle being on Crassus's arm as well. And her intention to call on the skalds for a song-verse about Erik, Old Father of the Forests.

One minute later or perhaps more minutes later, Malena heard Crassus's whisper with her own breathing calm and her lightly and delicately eating at the food before her. Manners that had been drilled into her.

"My Lord Crassus, an escort is fine." Malena gave her assent, tilting her head in a soft nod before adding a caveat "Do you mind if I have Gretta along with? And... is the hot springs available for bathing in and having a discussion?" She queried, giving a soft explanation "I wish to talk to Druidess Sigrunn a bit more at a... relaxing place." The implications to all of this taking place after the favor Crassus asked of her.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Crassus and Gretta
Victory Feast in Wjulsdattir
Tags: Malena

Malena's efforts during their dance had a noticeable effect on Crassus. Her apparently innocent brushes against his body combined with her talented ability to keep up the flirtations of the dance had the young lord becoming more and more entralled by her movements. She felt certain by the end of the dance, that she had Crassus' eye, and his body as well seemed to be reacting to her, if she chose to glance down and notice the bulge in his trousers.

"The pleasure was mine," Crassus breathed heavily and adjusted himself as he sat down in the jarl's chair.

Gretta, who had been dancing this whole time, only with Brennor, cocked her head at Malena.

"Prove it? I was just doing so! Or were you to distracted by only what was right in front of your eyes? But if it's my stamina you're questioning, then you're a fool!" Gretta stood up and with a wide smile, gripped and pulled Crassus out of the chair. For his part, the lordling was looking fatigued, and surprised by the idea of dancing once more.

Considering the command by the princess to be an order, the various singers and musicians in the hall decided to begin a more laid back song that was a typical bit of Rjuven minstrelsy, talking about the hero Erik's deeds before he ascended to godhood to take the mantle of Reynir as God of Nature. Gretta and Crassus danced together upon the tabletop, for a short time, and Gretta performed decently, though all who were watching alongside the sorceress agreed that Crassus and Malena seemed to be the better couple when it came to dancing.

When the dance had concluded and Crassus had once again caught his breath, he dared to ask Malena of his request. Hearing her response he paused a moment, as if weighing a decision, and then nodded.

"Very well. Since you trust her and as no doubt she would not want to leave you alone with just anyone... I'll lead you both there. We can, ah... bathe there of course. But wouldn't you... care to do that when I am not there? Or have I misunderstood why you would ask Gretta to come along?"

He smirked, still gesturing for them to follow as they left the hall and moved to the far side of the town, where a walled off portion of the pallisade obscured the heated water and natural rock pool from public view.

Once they had some privacy, the young lord turned and with a heavy sigh, spoke to Malena, with Gretta listening closely.

"I apologize for having to draw you away from the feast, but what I would ask of you, I would appreciate it not getting back to my father. At least, immediately. Firstly... I would like your permission to join you and Sigrunn when you go to Vanarukk's Den. It is a forsaken place, and the gnolls that were driven off have been sighted in those woods.

"Secondly, I would ask that you seek an order from the king to grant me entrance into the Hall of Valorous Deeds. This is the training ground for Skalds. This would normally not be a problem, but for my father, who sees it as my duty to train only as a soldier and take up a place in the Hogunmark Dragons. It is tradition for the eldest sons of my clan to seek this high honor. But my interest lies in the histories of our people and the prophecies of King Wjulf. I would inspire our troops to glorious deeds, and aye, lead them upon the field of battle too. But I would prefer to be allowed to train officially as a skald, rather than... well... I have been seeking lessons from a retired skald, but that has been found out by my father. He has squashed the idea of my further training and will hear no more of it. Only a royal decree could change his mind... and so... well, that is what I ask of you, your highness. And were you to grant me this, I would make any pledge you would have of me. Anything."

Crassus knelt down upon one knee and bowed his head. Malena's power of the blood perceived no lie in what the handsome man was saying, including the notion that he would do anything - barring perhaps an unforgiveable sin - to be given the opportunity to continue training as a skald.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Victory Feast in Wjulsdattir
Tags: Crassus and Gretta

Thrills ran up her spine and warmth pooled in her stomach at the sight of her... accidental and no way on purposefully done teases that were meant to elicit a reaction like this from him. That specific denial and thought inside of her mind had her flushed cheeks flushing darker. Making all that looked at her as she stood close to Crassus that another compliment, a bold one at that, had been paid.

"Yes I was! Dancing across that table is something perilous. If I wasn't careful, I'd be falling into someone's lap." As Malena said easily and without much worries on how her words would be taken as she giggled "Good luck Valkyrie! Don't slip into someone's lap!" As she called out to Gretta as she grabbed and pulled the fatigued looking lord. Malena giggling as she sat down with relief. Across from Sigrunn once more as she eyed the druidess.

The half-elven winter sorcessess inwardly cursed at her words being taken to those lengths as a song is played for Erik, God of Nature. She watched Sigrunn as it played, her own foot merrily stepping and tapping against the ground to the wondrous voices intoning his divinity.

Malena tilted her head at his words. The princess with her head tilted, her blue eyes peering at his own, looking straight at him. Waiting for a few moments before finally answering.

"Gretta is coming along as my bodyguard. My Lord Crassus, if you wish to bathe with me and my bodyguard..." Malena's words soft but hearable to Crassus, Sigrunn and Gretta. Even as she felt her ears burn at voicing this thought. She tried to maintain a facade of composure at voicing such a thought, but the cracks are there for those that looked. "Invite Druidess Sigrunn as well to make sure nothing... improper happens without the blessing of Erik. After all, the more... chaperones, the more at ease everyone can be." As she smiled at him, looking at him with teasing eyes. Implications that nothing untoward would happen between the four of them without a blessing from a certain druidess.

(Persuasion Roll to convince Crassus, and maybe Gretta and or Sigrunn for bathing experience together)
Persuasion Roll.
--Above roll is lucky o.o. I rolled after I finished and revised talky stuff to crassus.

Is Sigrunn also following behind too? Am hoping for bath scene with all of them without demanding it!

She held out her hand, fully expecting him to take her hand and help her from her seat. She followed behind him with good steps, hearing Gretta walking behind her. The sounds of the victory feast fading.

He spoke his piece. His words with pauses in them and as if a burden and hope he is placing upon her. She stood still as she looked at him. "Are Skalds not one the ones that promote the honor and glory of our clans?" She spoke that question aloud looking at him, knowing it is a rhetorical question and not giving him time to answer as she started speaking again.

"For Jarl Kohneg to not hear of this. This tradition must be strong. Very strong indeed. Lord Crassus, is it possible to become a warrior skald that travels too and fro from battlefields and writes down the glories that happen there? Or... Do you intend to become a Skald that stays within safety. Within city walls or deep in Clan Holdings telling tales and honoring our ancestors and the clans there?" A torrent of questions coming from her as she looked down at him...

She knelt down to his level. Close enough to reach him. Her heavy breasts straining against her dress, sticking closely on her from her recent dance. She reached with her hands, touching his chin, gently proddign him to raise his head and look her into the eyes and answer her. She isn't about to address his want to come with her and her personal retinue. Not yet at least.

"I shall not ask for a pledge from you until my curiousity is sated on where you see your future going. What IS your dream as being a Skald? What do you SEE yourself doing?" She spoke these questions last. Her voice loud and clear. Demanding an answer from him.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Hot Springs
Tag: Malena

Sigrunn blanched at the suggestion that she join the others at the hot springs.

"You - you cannot be serious? No. I don't have a desire to be a part of that." Sigrunn said, crossing her arms and looking away. Color adorning her cheeks that suggested she might think otherwise, but would not be persuaded on this issue.

"It's just as well. What I would say, is for your ears alone, and perhaps your bodyguard, for she is loyal and would be discreet, no doubt." Crassus added.

It would become swiftly apparent to Malena that the druidess and Crassus were not enthused by the idea of the both of them being at the hot springs, and so part of the princess' plans would have to be put on hold.

Sorry, but the druidess isn't quite there yet. More seduction or trust would have to be achieved. The good roll is indicative of making her even consider it. So she is attracted to the idea of bathing with all of you, but she can't yet overcome her preconceived notions.


At the hotspring, Crassus spread his arms wide, as though he too thought the question a simple one to answer, and yet, it would appear, the Lord Kohneg did not agree.

"Skalds are honored members of any fighting force, it is true. My desire to be counted among their number is not a coward's excuse to get out of fighting. No indeed, I would consider it my duty to fight and gladly would I charge into battle. But my father thinks that such training is better left to those who are not his sons. According to him, we are meant to be nothing less than captains of the Hogunmark Dragons - the elite royal guard - and captains must hone their skills with blade and spear constantly, in a way that learning the tales and songs of the Skalds would distract me... according to my father.

"But it IS an honorable position. Just not one for me, so says my lord father. To be a proper Skald, and be accepted into the Hall of Valorous Deeds, I must go on a quest, accompanying other heroes and defending the land. It would take me away from my training as a soldier, but it would not be away from danger. Indeed, I think that I could be of most use if I train as one. My private tutor says that I have the skill for it. As you say, my way with words has not gone unnoticed. Skalds have the ability to harness the power of fate - the tapestry of heroism and glory is woven so they say, in part by the power of song and great words. It is a sort of magic - not true magic like what you wield, my princess, but still, magic enough that it could aid my brethren in the fight to keep Hogunmark safe."

When Crassus spoke of his desire, Malena could feel the passion deep inside him. She felt certain that Crassus did not want to disappoint his father, yet at the same time wanted to prove that his desire to be a Skald would not diminish his capabilities on the battlefield.

"My princess. You ask what my dream is? Before tonight, I would have said that it was my dream to carve my own path into glory and to prove to my father that a skald could become a great honor to my clan, just as much as becoming a captain of the Hogunmark dragons. Yet after today, I say my dream has become clearer. I have seen the Princess Malena in the fury of battle, and I am convinced that fate will see you as queen of our people one day. Jarls and nay-sayers may stand against you, and it may be that you will require a skald to collect details of your works. I may be of only a minor clan, but we are proud and if it meant securing your regency, then I would be honored to be of use. I now dream to be your companion, in your presence through danger and adventure. In the cities and upon the taiga. In winter and in summer. My princess, I am struck by your beauty and you vigor... and though your bodyguard may cut me down for saying so, I am enamored of you. When we danced, my heart leaped faster than it ever had before. I'll not say more than I am certain of - and indeed, that may be saying little enough - but I know that I would give dearly to remain in your company, in whatever fashion I could be of use."

He bowed his head again, then rose his grey eyes up to hers. If she accepted his offer, he would smile broadly and rise, so that he again stood above her, looking down upon her. With a gesture he would move her towards the hot spring, and motion for her to find a rock where she might undress. Then in front of her he removed his tunic, and rolled down his breeches, showing off a lean, hardened body. He wore just his undergarments, and waded into the warm thermal waters, taking a spot on the far end of the pool. Then he looked away from the princess, to allow her and Gretta to not feel leered at as they prepared to enter the pool.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Victory Feast in Wjulsdattir
Tags: Partial Sigrunn at Top, then Crassus and Gretta

The Princess realized as she looked at the two of them that Crassus is unwilling to be so bold and Sigrunn is not as wild as she mistakenly assumed that Sigrunn would be.

Malena dipped her head, acknowledging their words even as she spoke "Tis alright Lord Crassus and Druidess Sigrunn. It is only a teasing... jape." As Malena small smiled at it, leaving the implication of intending to say an entirely different word there (offer). But only on the caveat that Sigrunn chaperoned.

"I understand Lord Crassus still..." Malena paused and turned towards Sigrunn. "Druidess Sigrunn, I will send a servant to fetch you after I listen to Lord Crassus. I hope, that since we are to be travelling together, that we may get to know one another better. And what better place then bathing in a Hot Spring between only us women?" As she indicated herself, Gretta and Sigrunn. The implication that Crassus wouldn't be there with them.

With that last piece spoken, Malena intending quite well to rope Sigrunn into a more personal and private talk, she followed behind Crassus.


"Well spoken." Malena said at last. Her ears flushin even as smiled at him. His words were... he knew what he wanted to do. He planned to fight as a soldier, just another type of soldier not unlike how his own father fought but this time able to properly celebrate his soldiers. So long as he lived, his soldiers would have freedom from being forgotten. For a Skald came with them in the fights and glories and honor spoken of them.

She rose from her crouch, staying graceful as he walked and led her. She spoke softly "I shall hold you to your word. For what I wanted could not be asked and you gave it to me. I shall endeavor to secure you a royal degree." Her implications were that she wanted his loyalty. But knew she could not ask for it.

"Greeeettttaaa..." She squeaked softly, her voice rising in pitch as Crassus unrobed before her. Her eyes seeing his well-trained body. A blush on her cheeks. Once Gretta joined with her, even with her calling again or Gretta hearing her at first call she whispered fiercely to her friend "Sh-should I really go through with this Gretta? T-t-t-tooo be down only to m-my only clothes underneath?" As she looked at Gretta, gripping her friends shoulders, face extremely close and looking directly into her friends eyes. She thought Crassus would bathe without them! While deeply... inside she wanted to be convinced. Rationalized as not going back on her jape in good humor and be taken at her word.

Looking at him at the far edge of the pool in the thermal waters she turned to Gretta and nodded as she slowly begin to pull away her new dress. Unbuttoning, unfastening, undressing, etc. Her fingers stumbling at her clothes, making the rustles of her cloth are loud and carried across the waters. She slowly undid the dress until it dropped. Sliding down her body, her heavy breasts coming into full glorious view. Rosy Pink nipples visible on her tits and untouched and unsucked on bright virgin pink areola. As she flushed, clad only in underloins as she oft did not choose to wear smallclothes on her breasts. Arms pressing around, an arm bra forming and pressing her luscious cleavage together she slinked into the water, the warmth rolling up around her.

"Ahhhh..." She moaned erotically. The water soothing her aches and pains and making the cold winter inside of her feel slow and worming through her with loving relaxing touches. She waited for the water to be disturbed by Gretta again as she mused softly aloud "Ahhh now that were in the water... it would be quite hard to talk from this far away." Malena voiced aloud.

She did have a few questions for Crassus. "Do you have an idea of what Skald shall teach you? Or shall you be earning and learning the craft straight on the fields against the Bloody Skull Barony and the evil goblinoids?" As Malena nudged Gretta, seeking some nervous help on starting a conversation without it... verging to awkwardness.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Crassus and Gretta
Hotsprings (When I get that feeling... I need... sexual healing.)
Tag: Malena

Crassus seemed unsure of what Malena meant, when she indicated that she desired his loyalty. Perhaps he guessed that was it. Or maybe he misinterpreted her words and thought that she had wanted something else from him that he had felt he'd given to her.

"Thank you, princess," he inclined his head, and when he rose, he smiled down at her, his confidence back, as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Well, are you coming in?" He asked lightly as he kept his eyes looking away from the princess and her bodyguard. "The water is fine. A good temperature. These late autumn nights are perfect for the hotsprings. A good way to wash the sweat from our bodies... and to enjoy the moments of peace that come all too rarely, before winter truly sets in. If you don't mind my saying, your highness. You looked cold before. I noticed a shiver. Perhaps you would allow me to wash you?"

As Malena turned to her bodyguard, concern squeaking out of her voice, she was greeted only with a mocking grin from her valkyrie-knight, who was disrobing herself, stripping down to only her thin panties.


"The way you were rubbing yourself all over him? Princess, if you don't go through with this, the whole court of Wjulfsdottir is going to just assume you did anyways. You might as well have some fun. Now, my instinct with anyone else would be to wait politely outside, but for one, you tried to outshine me on the table back there, two, the guy said he digs me as well, and three, if you're not going to put the moves on him, then I will!"

So saying, Gretta slipped into the pool, topless, and sank so that her tits were just barely underneath the surface of the water as she made her way towards the fit lordling. Next to him, Gretta seemed as though she could slightly outmuscle the young man, but then again, he was more dextrous and wiry, it seemed. Both of them were stronger in body than Malena however, who was soft by comparison, though she still had curves in all the right places.

When they were both in the pool, Crassus turned and his grey eyes were taking both of the women in. At the request to come closer, he slid gracefully through the water and came quite close to the princess, standing up and letting the rivulets of water pour down the front of his body. He was standing just close enough so as to make the princess blush a bit more, for the surface of the water was clear enough that if it weren't for the night sky, he might be able to make out the shape of her beneath the liquid surface. Gretta swam in close so that the three of them were each facing one another.

"My private tutor, whose name I shan't mention, for fear of a reprisal by my lord father, has been teaching me the basic histories and songs in private for over a year now - but I'd been listening to him for some time before that and paying attention to his tales. All that is required of me now is to test myself on a proper quest. Yes, I've used some of my abilities in battle, but if I were to journey with you and your elite companions, I could keep you safe and develop my abilities fully without word getting back to my father too quickly. If I prove myself a full skald before my father can prevent it, I can earn my title in the Hall of Valorous Deeds and he won't be able to withdraw me after that. So yes, I intend to be fighting down the goblinoids, hunting spiders and winter wolves, clearing out ice troll dens, and journeying to the far ends of the mark and beyond if need be. The greater the tale, the greater the legend. And what better tale could I be a part of then the proving of our future queen?"

He looked at Malena closely. "Are you still cold? You seem to be turning red. Here... I have a cloth. Let me wash you and ease your tension."

With a glance to Gretta, who merely smirked and nodded almost too eagerly, Crassus slipped to Malena's side and pressed a soft, soaked cloth against the small of her back and began to rub it in circular motions. His other hand came to rest on her stomach.

"Your pardon..." he said, though whether he was truly sorry, it was hard to tell, for his hand stayed put. She could feel his leg brush (innocently?) past her own as he stepped around behind her and began to massage her neck as he rubbed.

Gretta stepped to the side of both figures and in a deliberately innocent and uncharacteristic voice, said:

"Oh, why don't you give the princess a two handed massage, and I'll wash you, my lord? After all, you had to dance with us both... you've certainly gotten all sweaty."

Stepping around, Malena noticed that Gretta's breasts bounced momentarily above the surface before settling back down again as she took the clothe from the lordling's hands and began to rub the front of his chest, putting her other hand around his neck and closing in to his body.

"Do you find the princess' half-elven skin to your liking? She's quite smooth. Not a natural hair on her her arms or legs... and not much anywhere else really."

Now, Gretta had managed to bring a blush even to Crassus' cheeks, to say nothing of what both of them might be achieving with the ice sorceress.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Victory Feast in Wjulsdattir
Tags: Partial Sigrunn at Top, then Crassus and Gretta

Pleased with herself as she smiled up at him, unknowingly looking like a handmaiden that received praise pleasing her lord.

(Malena near naked with only towel/panties. Replacing top picture with current one in this spoiler till out of bath scene.)

Crassus's words echoing within the hot spring. Malena's ears burning at such... boldness. He wasn't misleading her with his words. To be so open with her so quickly. Especially when she had made this teasing words before. She hoped to have Sigrunn here through. Especially to serve as a shield and other things.

Gretta's outright declaration at her! Her friend's words having Malena jolting, and staring at her friend with large eyes before narrowing them. A pang of selfishness inside of her telling her to make her friend back off! Tingling with the confrontational way Gretta had just spoken to her, Malena embarressing shame flittered away, a bit.

"Those were accidental!" Malena hissed that out quietly, looking at Gretta even as her friend walked away from her to sit into the water. Malena following shortly and... tad faster. She didn't want to expose herself so wantonly. She wanted to tease him! Tease him not... not end up having to pay dividends to him.

Even with Gretta's competitive words, Malena sunk in deeply into the waters. Only her chin above the waters as she slunked inside of it. She smiled above the water as he came closer even as her eyes gleaned both Gretta and his bodies. Musingly inwardly that her housecarl would definitely beat Crassus in an armwrestle. Maybe even bend him over.

"I pray that my... provings will alight your soul in verse. I know Gretta will undoubtly earn her verses. Especially with the way she acted in today's fight." As Malena smiled towards Gretta. She shifted in the water, making the hot springs lap and... surfaced a bit. Her breasts now cleaving close to the top. Her cleavage visible to anyone looking down but her nipples and areola were covered by the way she held her arms.

"Ah. Yes. I do feel a bit..." Her words stopped as she peered as he came even closer, pressing against her side. "Eaah." A low warbling voice came from her as he pressed against her.

Stiffening as she felt that hand roll against her back. Her heart hammering increasing a hundredfold at his hands and then!! "Thi-this is n-nor-normal for helping someone get warm?" Her voice stuttering as she felt his hands pressing against her back and neck. Rubbing into her skin and the tension. Her stomach full of warmth and butterflies that pulsed with each touch.

She looked at Gretta, staring at her housecarl with a begging for help! This is too fast. Too quickly for her. Only to be shot down as Gretta set her up for further touches. "Gretta!" She yelped at her words, standing up! Breaking the waters surface and turning around so quickly!

(Malena is attempting to do the blow, if successful...)
Surprising Crassus. Her heavy breasts shaking in front of his face as she leaned in hard against him. Cleavage pressing all around his face and obscuring his vision and filling his whole sight in her cleavage. Heavnenly soft flesh, pressing around his head as she stared at Gretta who is behind him!

"D-do-don't say that out loud!!" Malena panickedly said, the ice princess now more of a panicky slurry princess! Even unknowningly rubbing hard against Crassus, her thighs pressing against him and her barely clad cunt rubbing against his thigh or... other parts. As Malena tried to slap her hands ontop of Gretta's mouth before her friend can spill more secrets about her! "No-no-not like that! Just not... whisper it instead!" As Malena failed to come up with some reasoning as to why Gretta shouldn't. All the while her breasts rubbing and jiggling around Crassus's head.

Malena said nothing on the two handed massage but her silence of that matter is more accepting of it.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Gretta and Crassus
Hot Springs
Tags: Malena


Gretta smirked back at her old friend and liege with a playful challenge in her eyes.

"Accidental?" Gretta snorted lightly and rolled her eyes. "Puh-lease... As if I don't know how greedy your body is for him. You want this handsome man as a nice winter bedwarmer... you'll have to take him.~ She who hesitates is lost!"

Gretta winked and then went tight lipped as the jarl's son arrived from his side of the hot spring pool.

Crassus approached Malena with seeming confidence, but as he placed his hands on her, his initial touch was soft and tender, as though he were concerned with gripping her too hard. As such, his fingers traced along her skin gently, until he began to massage her muscles, to perhaps break down her fear of his touch.

"Princess Malena, you and Gretta are both beautiful and worthy of song for that alone, but even a simpleton and a fool could see that you are both so much more than your looks. To be so close in your presence is an honor. Perhaps I am being bold in being this close to you. But when we danced this evening... the way you looked at me, the way we held each other close, and the contest forcing me to choose favorites...you must know that you have played with a young Rjuven's heart. Please be not offended if I should be excited and eager to be next to you. Your presence compels me, confuses my senses and leaves only the raw emotion and instincts of a young stag to guide my actions."

Crassus' eyes were shifting between Malena and Gretta on either side of him, both of them becoming more and more brazen with the amount of flesh they were willing to show. Beneath the surface of the water, close as she was to the skald in training, Malena's thighs and hips would pick up on a tight bulge forming at the lordling's crotch. He in turn seems to notice the way Malena trembles and yet is receptive to his touch, and it encourages him to go further, albeit Gretta's presence entices him too, adding a new, uncertain layer of eroticism to the situation.

Suddenly, Malena stood up higher in the water, her breasts pancaking against the young lord's face. Crassus gave a surprised grunt and his hands went up, however he did not push her away. His vision was obscured as he was lost in the princess' heaving bosom, with Gretta's fit figure pressing against his back on the other side of him. Malena could feel his undergarments grow tighter still and tent against her belly.

Gretta grinned mischievously as her mouth was covered by the princess. Like a cheshire cat, she casually and easily removed Malena's hand from her mouth and bent forward to whisper in Crassus' ear, but loud enough for Malena to hear.

"Sorry, now that the princess is all wet around you, she's become very nervous. Please won't you give us a moment? Big breath now, big boy!"

So saying, Gretta's hands went onto Crassus' shoulders and plunged him down beneath the warm water's surface, so that his face slipped down Malena's cleavage, kissing her navel, and then ending up sandwiched between the princess' and the valkyrie's pelvises as Gretta stepped closer and hugged the princess' waist forward, forcing Crassus' lips and nose to be buried against Malena's pubic mound, only her thin panties separating his lips from her 'lower' lips. Also, the man was now slightly surprised and floundering to find himself wedged underwater and unable to breath, while also being very aware of where he was being wedged between. He struggled briefly, but then seemed to settle as Gretta didn't let go of the pressure on his shoulder.

"Oh, Malena~ this is simply ridiculous! Why be so coy now? We've got this hunky bard who'll do anything for us. *Anything* that we ask him to.~ Why confuse things... don't tell me you're trying to be like those southland Anuirians with their 'courtly love.'"

She chuckled. Then some steps were heard as Sigrunn, the druidess rounded the hot springs.

"Oh. Good. The lord Crassus isn't here." Sigrunn said, as though relieved. She immediately without a word discarded her top and bottoms, entering the pool entirely nude.


"So. I am here, as you requested, Princess. What is it that you wished to talk to me about?" The hard eyed, yet beautiful druidess asked as she waded closer to where Malena was in the water. Between her legs, the clueless Crassus began to twitch and give signs that he wanted to come up for air. Gretta looked a bit unsure at Malena, and kept her hand on Crassus' shoulder for the moment, not wanting him to come up, but it didn't seem like Sigrunn was going anywhere very quickly.

"I simply didn't want to see the Lord Crassus as he bathes... out of respect for him and for myself. I must be blunt... I enjoy the sight of him, but it is clear that he favors you. I doubt I could bear being compared to you a second time in the same night." Sigrunn said.
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Hot Springs in Wjulsdattir
Tags: CGS: Crassus being Sat on, Gretta chesire confused, Sigrunn stronking in

Gretta's light snorts and her outright dismissal of her words. Malena's cheeks burned. Flustered at how her friend is riling her up on purpose either by guessing correctly or just saying that TO rile her up. "Thats n-not untrue!! But! Those were accidental and I-" She paused in her words as Crassus approached.

A sense of botherment roiling around Malena. The Half-elven princess conflicted between two separate emotions. Flustered and embarressed.

Her neck and back muscles feeling those touches with him behind her, working her from skittishness into a state of... Very sensitive to his touch. She felt the warmth leaking from his fingertips inside of her or was it the hot spring? Her mind felt so muddled. He is speaking to her.

"I...will admit that I may be... trying to one up my housecarl and I got a... tad excessive in dancing with you my lord." Malena's words coming out fluttery and slow, unusual for her but indicating her shyness of this situation. Hypocritical with the way she danced and talked with him earlier. Even with her saying that, she felt that hunger for teasing bubble in her heart. "Still... I wonder how you'll react once I switch places with Gretta to... massage you. Will you be able to hold yourself back? Or will the young stag feel the need to take?" Ears burning but her words becoming more direct.

Only for Gretta's next words to ruin Malena's words and cause her to panickly try to SILENCE her!

Her belly feeling that rubbing heat even as her eyes burned with panicked embarressment. "Gretta don't you dare! Not another word about anymore of my-- EEEEEIP!" Her voice going loud as Gretta pushed Crassus down, feeling him suddenly placed there. Her thighs snapping around his head, inadvertently pushing his nose and mouth harder against her pubic mound. Her thin panties wetten and shear. She clenched around him.

A deer in headlights looks. This had gone so fast, so quickly and he is already down there. Mouth open and a very unrefined picture of her in front of Gretta. The shock of this even as Gretta's breasts smushed against hers. Tits rubbing against tits. Her arms trembled ontop of Gretta's shoudlers.

"Ah nbuh!" Malena whimpered, confused noises as she desperately rallied herself. "H-h-h-have to be coy! I-i-it would be against..." She squirmed, rubbing herself deeper against Crassus's nose and lips, stiffening as she felt her panties turn aside with that rubbing. His lips pressing against her labia while his nose still pressed inwards her panties. Only a slight scootching of her undergarments.

"This- I... I won't take advantage over him like that!" Malena rallying now even more, entering a state of panicked correct speech. Her words echoing as Sigrunn entered. No doubt hearing her panicked speech.

Freezing in place as she heard Sigrunn's words even as it looked like she and Gretta are... hugging far too close.

Wait!? Did Gretta send a servant to get her before coming in!? A panicked thought raced through Malena's head even as her heart pounded furiously. The idea of getting caught... Her belly shivered in delight, warmth leaking from her cunt into the hot springs and onto Crassus's face.

(Assuming Sigrunn doesn't ask about what Malena is saying earlier...)
Malena looked at Sigrunn as she waded closer. Adrenaline flooding her body and her mind snapping to clarity. She couldn't let herself become bogged down in shame and embarrassment. Not right now. Not when it had the strings to destroy any budding chance between her and Sigrunn being on amicable terms. Especially with her going to be a companion.

"I.. erm." She cleared her throat. Something very unfeminine to do in public but allowing herself to focus. To come together with that bad habit of an action.

"Sigrunn, allow me to be frank, I wished to get to know you while bathing and in turn, share parts of myself with you. Give some trust and receive some trust. Mayhap even discuss, Crassus, and which of us could tease him the most..." Her voice loud clear and direct. Crassus still between her legs and thighs. Her eyes sidling over to Gretta who has even on purpose or accidentally harpooned that plan of hers.

"And..." Malena beckoned Sigrunn over, to come much closer. She whispered only for Gretta, Sigrunn and herself to hear. "Sigrunn, please do not panick. Lord Crassus is still here. In the Hot Springs. Very close." As she tried to keep herself from shivering from stating that aloud. Ears burning even as she looked directly at Sigrunn's eyes.

Privately, Malena thought that her ears were going to be burning for a long while after this night. "Please stay and help? I am... not sure I can...satisfy him." Embarressment and shame coloring showing in her face and body. She didn't have experience when it came to any practices of love. Not beyond those she heard in stories and the gossip of her woman circles. It pained her to admit this to a random stranger in hopes that Sigrunn could help her.

(Persuasion Roll to convincing Sigrunn to help.)
Persuasion Roll: 24 (19 + 5)

She stepped away from Crassus, shivering running up and down her spine as she looked at Sigrunn. She stood still above the surface of the water, her steps back putting her at a corner, making all three girls form a triangle around Crassus.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)




Crassus, Gretta and Sigrunn
Hot Springs in Wjulfsdattir
Tag: Malena

Crassus' reaction to the somewhat timid half-elf sorceress suddenly claiming she was going to switch places with Gretta and massage him was one of relief and playfulness.

"I could make no promises that the stag would not want to pounce. But will the doe accept? Or will I be frozen for desire, or have my bones broken by-"

He was interrupted as Gretta brought herself up and whispered to him. And then soon enough he was underwater without time for another word. Malena felt his initial struggles as her thighs held him tight, but as her underwear was shifted away, and combined with her last bold statement and her apparent willingness to hold him there with her legs, the young noble soon stopped struggling.

"You won't take advantage? Have you been listening to yourself? Or him? He couldn't desire you more. But if you're going to pass on him... I'm going to make him take me on that rock right over there~" She pointed to a stone that broke the surface in the center of the steaming pool.

At that moment, the becalmed man's lips opened, and through the warm water, Malena felt against her flower the soft stroking of his tongue. His hands ran up the lengths of her thighs and held her gently by cupping the underside of her butt. She would have the ability to jump back from this if she wanted to, but it was at that moment that Sigrunn entered the pool, forcing the princess to stay in place and be licked underwater if she didn't want to alarm the druidess before having a chance to explain. Gretta's hold on her waist also kept her still, though Crassus didn't know that.

"You wanted to... share parts of you with... me?" Sigrunn asked, confused, tilting her head slightly. She drew her arms across her chest for a moment, then for some reason thought better of it, and smirked, letting her arms drop to her sides as she listened further.

"Heh... you want to tease Crassus more? I'll admit, the idea was fun, but... I don't know... wait, what? Crassus is here?!" Sigrunn's eyes went wide and she looked around, drawing her arms across her breasts and stepping closer to Malena.

"You mean he's out there right now watching us bathe? What? You wanted him to see us all naked to judge who was most pleasing? That's so irres--!!"

Crassus needed to come up for air, and Gretta, hearing Malena admit that the man was with them, saw no need to keep him down further. The lordling emerged between both women's sleek, steaming bodies in the early winter's night, his long brown hair damp and clinging to his skin.

Sigrunn had moved so close to Gretta and Malena to hide herself from potential peeping, that Crassus' errant hand slipped along her body as he rose and when he shook off the water and turned, he had his palm resting upon Sigrunn's left breast. The druid's face was rigid in panicked, gasping shock.

"Sigrunn?! You've joined us too?" Crassus said. "Now I am convinced that I have died and gone to the heavens."

He looked from one girl to another as the three stood around him in a triangle, though Gretta stayed relatively close, her eyes locked on the way Sigrunn and Crassus held each other's gazes. Crassus was still touching Sigrunn's breast, and she seemed borderline catatonic.

"I... I... I..." Sigrunn said, her cheeks going beet red.

Crassus just smiled, perhaps having truly convinced himself that he was in some sort of private paradise.

"The fighting druidess... I've thought about you since the moment you came to our hall. Truly the world is a strange and wondrous place." Crassus embraced her, holding her body close to his.

Sigrunn gulped loudly, resting her chin on his shoulder as she clasped his back with her hands, her heart racing. Her eyes darted wildly to Gretta and then to Malena. She was still having trouble forming words.

"I look around and in every turn, I behold a living goddess," Crassus continued, and then he picked Sigrunn up and planted a kiss on her lips. His eyes were closed, but hers were opened as far as they could be - at the beginning. As the kiss continued on, Sigrunn slowly gave up the fight and her anxiety calmed, she allowed her eyes to soften and her lids to droop slightly, kissing him back slightly before pushing him away for a moment.

"I uh... I... didn't know you would be here. I n-never would have... if the Princess hadn't tricked me into being here, I wouldn't have had the courage to face you like this.... but... since this has happened, I don't want to just push you away. The truth is Crassus, I've liked you since I first saw you. But tonight... with Malena and Gretta here, and all the dancing... I worried I would lose you to them. So... I'm not going to give you up without a fight!"

She glared at Malena challengingly, and then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss, this time with her taking the initiative fiercely and Crassus wide eyed, though slowly surrendering.

"Hey, hey! No fair not sharing!" Gretta said and pulled them both a part.

"My turn!"

Holding him tightly, Gretta planted a kiss on Crassus' lips and leaned him backwards into the water, so that they dove under the surface with a sploosh!

Sigrunn turned to Malena.

"Just what is your game anyway!? You ride into this town and take the most eligible bachelor for your own!? I saw him first! And you just want to share him with your slutty bodyguard!" She pointed a finger accusingly.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Hot Springs in Wjulsdattir
Tags: Crassus, Gretta and Sigrunn

Malena looked at Gretta, her mind in turmoil and her actions and words becoming mildly irrational. Sea-sawing back and forth in her mind, she growled in her throat at Gretta's outright challenging words! Seducing him and getting him to bang her right on that rock right there in front of her. Her best friend breasts bouncing and being fondled, ass being spanked, cunt being split in twain by Crassus's cock... His sweet words whispering into her ears..

Malena eyes glittering like hard ice as she stared at Gretta. Not quite a glare. But staring at her friend hard. "I just wanted to...tease him. Maybe even have fun with him after knowing him more... alongside a river... behind a house... Or just behind a curtain. Not this quickly! I... I feel like I'm being a slut and putting myself out for the first handsome man I come across and I'm blaming you for it!" Irrationally saying the last part as Malena poked Gretta in her stomach hissing. "So by the Erik, you best help me with this and tire him out! I'm... no-aaah!." Moaning softly, surprised heat as her flower is licked.

The sudden soft stroking, her body bending forward, grabbing and leaning hard into Gretta. Holding onto her.

Sigrunn's confused asking her question filling the air. Malena adrenaline pounding head and heart having her not realize the implications that Sigrunn is getting at. Thankfully she seemed on board with the idea of teasing Crassus some more.

Crassus popping out of the water, his hand on Sigrunn's breast, the druidess gawping like a fish out of water. Malena now had a very good idea an inkling of how she looked for the past few minutes. This... this is very fun to watch, an inadvertent giggle bubbling out of her throat at Sigrunn's face.

Relief, envy and jealousness all flashing across her face at Crassus's words. At him no longer atop of her and causing her stress, happy warm runny feeling stress that made her melt, but now instead focusing on Sigrunn. She took a breath, as Crassus talked, complimenting Sigrunn. The half-elven princess gathering herself as the attentions of the heir of Wjulfsdatter focused solely on Sigrunn.

Until he picked Sigrunn up and kissed her. Sigrunn melting into his arms like ice melting. Warmth flowing off of her. Malena feeling a pang hitting harder in her heart. One that had been ignited by Gretta. It didn't show on her face but in her eyes it flared, for a few seconds before she calmed herself.

Sigrunn's declaration. Her words to fight for him. Her worries expressed and her desire. Malena looked back at her eyes, having been quiet this whole time since her asking to Sigrunn for help. "!!!!" Malena gasped at Sigrunn's sudden pulling of Crassus into the kiss. The heir surrending to her kiss, Malena frozen at this moment!

Gretta's interjection and barging him, ripping Crassus from Sigrunn's arms and pulling him under the water. Bringing him deeper into the waters. Malena staring at the ripples in the water left from the sploosh. She stared at the water even as Sigrunn rounded at her. She felt that finger pointing and... Her brain shut down. She didn't know what to do anymore but a war had just been declared. A war for Crassus. And she hadn't even tasted him yet!

Malena turned to Sigrunn and just moved closer, her breasts bouncing and she twisted slightly, her breasts purposefully pressing against Sigrunn's pointing finger. The half-elven princess taking refuge in audacity now. She considered herself drunk. Drunk for the fact she hadn't run out of the hot springs when Crassus had stripped. Malena's swaying walk closer, her walk indicating her confused, excited, and jealous mood. Her eyes darkening and she looked at Sigrunn with eyes of... hunger. Staring at her lips.

She attempted to wrap her arms around Sigrunn's waist, dainty hands resting above her rear as she stepped close. Breasts smushing against Sigrunn's own as she breathed out "I must be drunk. I wanted to tease him only. Lay with him when I knew him better. And be the first one to kiss him but... the first one to taste him IS you." As she leaned in close. Nose tip nearly against Sigrunn's, eyes staring right into her own eyes. Malena's heart beating wildly as whispered "Let us share in taste. You and him." The unsaid part her own as she kissed Sigrunn on the lips, lips pressing close to her mouth, a chaste kiss that showed Malena's inexperience. Her leg pressing against Sigrunn's own, her heavy breasts pushing onto Sigrunn's. Arms wrapping around Sigrunn into an easily breakable hug.

(Attempting to Kiss Sigrunn to get indirect taste of crassus (not at all to also kiss Sigrunn >:3) What do I roll?)
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)


Tag: Malena

Sigrunn froze as though Malena had cast a spell over her. The druidess' lips were surprisingly soft, and her tongue was warm and wet and it was difficult to tell what she might taste like and how that might differ to Crassus. All Malena knew was that kissing Sigrunn was a very enjoyable experience.

The druidess' frozen, tense form, gave way after a few moments into a more relaxed, more receptive posture. Although she did not passionately return the kiss, she did allow Malena to move foreward, rolling her tongue over Sigrunn's to swap their respective tastes.

When Malena pulled back, a ribbon of saliva ran betwen them, and Sigrunn's eyes had gone soft.

"Whuh-- why? I..." Sigrunn mumbled, confused. "I don't understand."

At that moment, Gretta and Crassus surfaced again, with the man gasping for air and the female fighter giggling and swiftly looking over her shoulder.

"So the princess was the first to feel your face all over her body.~ And Sigrunn was the first you shared a kiss with. I guess that means that if *I* want a first with you, I'm just going to need to be a bit more forward!"

Beneath the water, something happened that couldn't be seen, but Crassus grunted in surprise, as Gretta's arm began to move back and forth.

"Mmkay! Here we go!" Gretta announced, then took a big breath and disappeared into the water right in front of Crassus, who followed her blonde hair down into the water with his eyes. Then a second later, he twitched and grunted, his eyes rolling back and looking skyward.

"Oh... by Erik! Hnhh..." He grunted, then looked over at Malena and Sigrunn, holding each other and facing one another after having just shared a kiss.

"Is- Is she really... doing that?!" Sigrunn asked Malena. "I'm not sure what it is you two want... Are you both intent on sharing Crassus between you? Is that how this is? And... did you invite me here to share him with me too? Please... before this goes any further I have to understand your motives."

She looked at Malena imploringly, showing for the first time perhaps a true willingness to listen.
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Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Hot Springs in Wjulsdattir
Tags: Crassus, Gretta and Sigrunn

Her arm wrapped tighter around Sigrunn as the druidess relaxed, her kiss deepening, her tongue pushing deeper, teasing out Sigrunn's and sharing saliva as she pulled away.

The ribbon of Saliva strining between the their lips, the torchlight rarefracting off of it. She looked into Sigrunn's eyes. "I know how you taste now..." Malena spoke softly at Sigrunn's confused question. "And that is my first kiss that isn't chaste." Those soft words tumbling out as she looked at Sigrunn.

She hadn't intended for this to happen but the way it had spiraled out of control. To just leave, to flee like a coward. That did not fill her with any pleasant feelings and it would be wrong. That is all inward thoughts as she spoke, ignoring Gretta popping up and Crassus moaning cries behind her. Still holding Sigrunn in a hug.

"Ignore my friend. I... had forgotten how free she is. She has only become more daring after that victory..." As Malena let out a sigh. "I wanted to tease Crassus. Selfish and small thinking but should have been harmless fun. I wanted to...do something with you..." She leaned in suddenly, nibbling at Sigrunn's lip, going along her jaw to her ear to whisper "Only now after...kissing you... I realized I wanted to something... much more intimate."

She leaned away from Sigrunn, once more looking at her in the face. "Lord Crassus... Yes. If you are willing, would you join us? I can promise you now... right here and now... That is he desires ONLY a relationship with you, I won't interfere." She said the last part in softer voice.

She pulled away from, breaking the hug and a walking a few steps towards Crassus and holding out her hand towards Sigrunn. Giving her the chance to leave... but if she came forward and took her hand, Malena would lead her to where Crassus is getting something done to him by Gretta and sitting purposefully having her breasts bouncing on one side of his face and motioning for Sigrunn to sit on his other side of face. "Well, shall we tease him?" Smiling at Sigrunn, her eyes imploring Sigrunn to start the kiss this time.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Sigrunn, Gretta and Crassus
Hot Springs in Wjulfsdattir
Tags: Malena

Sigrunn visibly shivered and blushed when Malena mentioned that she new how she tasted, then she seemed shocked by the second declaration - that this had been Malena's first unchaste kiss.

"You can't mean... with me? B-but..." the druidess stammered, her cheeks still flush. She didn't fight to pull back out of the hug, she simply seemed lost in what Malena was saying to her, even enough so that she didn't mind ignoring what was going on with Crassus and Gretta.

"They say that some warriors equate the thrill of battle with sex... that it's a tradition. I... I don't understand it personally, but, oh...~"

She felt Malena nibbling tenderly at her lip and the druidess stopped speaking to close her eyes and kiss back, timidly, but encouragingly.

"I don't know what to say. I had thought you were interested in Crassus and then I found you here with him - and now, I find myself utterly disarmed. I had not thought that the Princess would feel this way about... about other women. And to give your first kiss to me, that just seems so crazy."

She looked meaningfully at Malena.

"To hear you say that, and yet, what did your kiss with me mean? Lord Crassus is handsome yes, but you are beautiful. There is a reason why he chose you at the feast tonight. You are obviously the most graceful, the most unique. I didn't think I would have a chance competing against you for any man's attention. But... now you seem to want to share him."

She looked over at Crassus and bit her lower lip. Then she nodded to Malena.

"Okay. I'm not really sure what we're doing or how we're going to do it, but - Erik help me, I must be crazy - but I will join you."

Sigrunn took Malena's hand and allowed herself to be led to Crassus' side, slipping around to the opposite side and letting her more suntanned breasts push against Crassus' face while Malena did the same from the other side. The lordling, who was moaning in ecstasy from what was going on below the water's surface, now sighed happily as the soft flesh pressed against him.

Nodding to Malena, Sigrunn then sank down and began to kiss Crassus on the lips, but as she did so, she took Malena by the hand and pulled her down so that the princess would join too, and their tongues danced together along with the young man's lingual muscle.

There was a parting of water, and intake of breath, and then several seconds later, a fourth tongue - which had a musky taste to it - joined them. Gretta's taste mingled with Malena's for the first time, as her sexually liberated bodyguard dared to join her old friend in teasing the same man.

"So you have three beauties with you in the hotsprings, Crassus." Gretta said once the four way kiss broke apart. "I wonder, if you're going to be man enough to satisfy us all?"

"It will be the challenge of my life, but I'll not shy away from it!" Crassus grinned, letting his arms slip around Malena and Sigrunn's waists, holding each of their naked bodies to his side.

"Does the lord still favor the Princess Malena?" Sigrunn asked. "If so, it would only be fair that she decide what we do with you next."

Crassus nodded. "I did say that she was fairest... if only by the barest of margins. So I put my fate - nay, all our fates - in her hands. Princess! What would you have your subjects do for you? Or to you?"

"Aye, command us, Malena~" Gretta echoed with a grin.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Hot Springs in Wjulfsdattir
Tags: Crassus, Gretta and Sigrunn

Sigrunn's words. Her sayings on what warriors did. An errant thought bubbled through Malena's head. Did that mean Gretta? Did she? The thought of her housecarl after a sparring match with one of the guards... Pouncing them, forcing them to her wiles, dragging them away into a secluded location and riding them till nothing remained.

That errant thought bubbled incessantly at the back of Malena's mind as she spoke "I do have an interest in Crassus... Why else would I tease him?" Malena question coming out with hints of confusion. "It is just... this moved far too fast and... I really don't want to lose to my housecarl." A flush on admitting a very petty emotion, but one she isn't afraid to admit. There is hundred of ways she could've stopped this from going further. She could've laughed it off, ridiculed Gretta, or even tease Crassus and leave both him and gretta alone in the hot springs... peeping on them maybe too. But she didn't, the reason why she didn't want to look at just yet. Or think on.

"Lets find out."
Malena simply said at Sigrunn's question on what her kiss meant by... Kissing Sigrunn again. Purposefully leaning in to press her lips against the druidess, not so much to shut her up as just to, have fun. To taste her again, to see her shocked and surprised and mayhap a little annoyed at dodging the question. Breaking that soft short quick kiss, she whispered "I would like to find out what my kisses with you meant..." Malena's answer, for the half-elven princess did not yet know what her emotional turmoil meant beyond the singes of sexual pleasure that heated her stomach, made her nipples stiff, had her flower leaking her juices...

With both her breasts and Sigrunn's pillowing Crassus's head, Malena's eyes flashed in eagerness as Sigrunn led the way. Kissing Crassus, Kissing Sigrun, a three-way kiss... Her tongue dipping into Crassus's mouth, swirling and dancing to Sigrunn's exchanging saliva. The fourth taste, Malena jolted eyes peeking to her side to see Gretta...

The quad kiss breaking as Malena pulled her head away but... cupped her arms underneath her breasts, nudging them firmly against Crassus head. "Mmmm challenge of your life?" Malena questioned with a coy underhint. "The mighty stag challenged to satisfied the doe, the kitten, and the she-bear?" Malena's words purposefully teasing at the idea of a story.

The decision placed onto her immediately. This made her feel quite...honored and prideful. But she wanted to be the dessert of this course. With the main appetizier and entree of Sigrunn... "Mmmmmm" She hummed, pulling on that sound outwards as she said slowly "Crassus, if you will... allow me and Gretta to prepare your first course..." As she looked directly at Sigrunn as she spoke that.

Her intentions quite clear on what she meant. Her free hand dipping over Crassus's chest to boldly rubbed against Sigrunn's flower, fingers sliding up and down her lips as she locked eyes with Sigrunn's own. She intended to make this a fourway with Sigrunn being the start and... her being the finish. Whispering softly "Be strong Crassus, for you can only have me if you satisfy Sigrunn..." She left out Gretta as she figured that her housecarl would get her satisfaction no matter what.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Hotspring Party




The second kiss to shut Sigrunn's questions down worked as planned. The druid melted away at the princess' insistent kiss, and this time she composed herself enough to kiss back.

"You must be working some sort of enchantment," Sigrunn said, though she had a pleasant tone in her voice, as if she were content to be bewitched by the sorceress' spell. She pressed her lips against Malena again, and their bodies mashed together, flesh sliding along soft flesh in the warmth of the hot spring.


Later, the four figures were coordinating a messy group kiss. Everyone getting a chance to sample the three other partners, before they drew away. Gretta shook her head.

"That won't do, princess. I am no mere kitten. Or did you mean to call me the she-bear?" Her bodyguard chuckled. "I think the druid a fairer target for that nick name. The Aegilsgaard totem is a bear after all."

Sigrunn grinned. "That would make the pair of you eagles then, being of clan Heimdjor."

Gretta chuckled, and then kissed Sigrunn suddenly, bending her backward in the water. The druidess spluttered and mmphed, surprised by now having been intimately kissed by everyone in the pool.

"You settled folk are crazy..." Sigrunn whimpered, obviously overcome by the nose dive into sexual conduct with practical strangers, yet she seemed powerless to resist.

"Never question a good thing," Crassus responded and pulling Sigrunn close, continued the kiss that Gretta had started, making Sigrunn swoon in his arms, closing her eyes and letting her tongue drag out to dance shamefully with his own.

The lordling then opened his eyes a slit to return Malena's seductive gaze and words.

"Seems you're to be prepared by the princess, Sigrunn." He chuckled and then slid Sigrunn over to Malena, with Gretta and Crassus each taking a leg and lifting it wide for the princess to access with her hand. Sigrunn mewled and shivered.

"Pl-please... I've never...Ah! Oohh~~" Sigrunn blushed furiously as she was splayed wide by the two stronger warriors and the princess herself was sliding two fingers into her wet and receptive flower, which tightly squeezed around those digits.

"Guh! Eeiih...Nnhh!! So... uh, hot... I feel so hot!" She mumbled, as Crassus then cupped her breast and began to knead it, making the druidess' head roll back in satisfaction. For the next minute or two, Malena was able to play with Sigrunn, working her up and making the young druid purr like the kitten that she had been named as.

When at last it seemed that Sigrunn had been stirred up enough, she was turned around to face Crassus. Eye to eye they stared at each other as Gretta lined the woman up with the man, and then slowly let her sink down onto him.

"Go slowly, please! By Erik... oh! Oh! Hanh~~" Sigrunn squeaked pitifully as she was lowered onto a man for the first time. Crassus was gentle with her, steadily letting her drop at her own pace, until she had adjusted to the new pressure and was completely lowered onto him. With her eyes still shut, Sigrunn began to twist and squirm, then rock steadily back and forth on top of him. Gretta and Malena were able to watch as she acclimated to the sensations, and then tentatively began to go faster and with more energy. Crassus started to buck his hips, and Malena and Gretta would be able to watch and tease the pair as they shared their first experience with one another.

Plith. Plith. Plith. Splash. Plith. Plith. Slosh.

It was not frantic or rutting sex. But it did pick up pace. Afraid that they would make too much noise, Sigrunn kept her moans stiffled, biting down on her own finger as she neared and finally did orgasm.

Crassus winced. "Hngh... want to cum too... shall I?"

Sigrunn opened her eyes. "I-inside me? But what about the others?"

The skald looked towards the princess, wondering if there would be any indication or suggestion from her before he made his own decision.
Re: Mists of the North (A Birthright Tale)

Malena's Aethelbaldsotter The Half-Elven Winter Sorcereress
Hot Springs in Wjulfsdattir
Tags: Crassus, Gretta and Sigrunn

"Help me- mmmm!" Malena words ending at Sigrunn's returning kiss. Eagerness playing in her now with all these new... feelings and the warmth flaring in her belly.


Malena smiled secretively. Being coy as she did not allude further as to which is which. That is for Gretta and Sigrunn to figure which they were. She knows Gretta thinks of her as the doe, named so by Crassus just earlier before Sigrunn arrived. While Sigrunn may not know and think of herself as the doe. The amusing thought whipping through her mind.

"An eagle me? Soaring high unto the sky and seeing all below as my roost and perch." Malena mused softly aloud as she placed hands on Crassus. Sigrunn's sudden... capture by Gretta emboldening her and making her feel... high. As if some euphoric is coursing through her. "My lord, I beg some pardon-" As she leaned in and kissed Crassus, eying him alone while Sigrunn is dipped.

Her tongue pierced his mouth as she aggressively kissed him. She broke the kiss shortly, nipping on his lips and pulling away minxfully. Acting far different after her... icy exterior had broken. "Mmmm, you taste far different then what I expect... I imagined honey and southern pears to match your words that roll from your lips." Malena's gleeful tone as she looked at him from above with hungry eyes. Baiting him to try further in the small amount of time Gretta and Sigrunn are... occupied.

Malena eyed Gretta after her blonde housecarl passed Sigrunn onto Crassus's arms. "Are we crazy like Sigrunn says Gretta?" As she looked at her best friend. Looking at towards Sigrunn and Crassus as if pondering whether to sandwich the two of them between her and Gretta's bodies just to emphasize the crazy.

The half-elven princess opted to not follow through on that thought as she got asked about whom goes first...

"I wonder where you got this marking..." Malena hummed as she traced one of Sigrunn's marks on her back her breah ghosting across Sigrunn's skin as her finger finished toying with Sigrunn's flower...

The show happening before her. Sigrunn and Crassus rutting in front of her. Fucking eachother. Malena's hand dipped softly below the water as she watched, eyes seeing of all it. Her stomach flip flopping even as her eyes watched Crassus's hips buck. Sigrunn's belly bulge softly at each shoving in deep. "Thats... ahhh... nmmnn..." Malena breathed out, her fingers toying with her own cunt as dipped in and out of her flower. Light thumbings against her clit as she breathed harder as she watched.

Cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling she splashed closer, almost intimately closer to them both as Sigrunn shuddered in orgasm. Watching as Sigrunn's stifled moan and then that question... "Inside all of us..." Malena breathed out, her words coming out with a thrill of... delightfully dangerous pleasure IF that happened. When man and woman joined together a child resulted but...

She knew there had to be something to drink that prevented heat of passion couplings from resulting in children. She'd ask Sigrunn afterwards. She watched as Crassus came inside of Sigrunn, watched his whole body shudder. Watching as Sigrunn took him all...

She wondered how that felt and if Crassus still stood ready... After Sigrunn and Crassus parted or something else, "My lord, do you need a break...or are you ready for the second course?" She asked softly as she indicated with some teasement at Gretta for the 'break' and herself as the second course