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Mitsuko X Space Escape

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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I am having problems finding the last skill. I have: Dash, double jump, explosion, and masturbate.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I don't know if it's my crappy playing, but I had to cheat on normal to get past that second corridor. There doesn't seem to be hitstun anymore. I feel are dirty and stuff for cheating. I personally didn't have issues with doors and stuff, but the ledge grab did seem unresponsive at times.

I like this game. Needs more tentacles, though.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I am having problems finding the last skill. I have: Dash, double jump, explosion, and masturbate.

Remember the ''container room'' at the 1st part? jump towards the left and you will find a hidden way. you will need to kill the wolfs on the hallways so the doors can open, also, to get into that room double jump onto it
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Remember the ''container room'' at the 1st part? jump towards the left and you will find a hidden way. you will need to kill the wolfs on the hallways so the doors can open, also, to get into that room double jump onto it

ahhh thank you very much sir
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

the game is pretty good man, good job and thanks you!
there are some problems like the clumsy way of changing weapons without the menu, the gallery having no voice/the old voice, con actually raising the damage you take and whatnot but i'm sure it's gonna be fixed for the release. keep up the good work

also, make it so bosses and mini-bosses always drop their chips, both the h-chip and the exp chip, it kinda feels off when you kill a boss and gets nothing for it heh
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Am I blind? I'm not seeing a download link anywhere on his blog. Might someone assist me, please?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Ditto. Can't seem to find any links on his blog anymore @_@
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Few comments for feedback on the new demo:

-The enemy respawn theshold is still really annoying. If you move back at all when fighting something, they will be respawned when you try to move forward again. This leads to a situation where the player will just run past everything unless trying to get gallery drops or such. There needs to be a much larger distance travelled before enemies respawn.

-The 2 wolves you must fight at the start are insanely hard on Normal and basically not possible to beat without glitching them out on Hard. Basic combo not causing hitstun + no way to avoid their attacks without triggering the first isssue (respawn) = frustration for the player barely a minute in the game. Either you need guard availible at the start, or the wolves need to be hitstunned by the basic combo.

-The upgrade system needs some work. Your character becomes way too strong with just a few upgrades, and without any sort of enemy scaling you can quickly reach the point where you one-shot stuff. Also as noted defence seems to be bugged and you take MORE damage putting points in there.

-It's too easy to escape grabs at normal status, and there isn't any real reason why you'd ever be above that unless you intentionally avoid escaping. I would suggest revising the arousal system such that it becomes increasingly hard to escape every time you get grabbed, but once the full animation plays out it will reset.

-Guns felt really useless, I didn't see a need to use them at all beyond breaking capsules.

That sounded all negative, but the game is improving and it interested me enough to actually type out all that. If you can improve some of the mechanics this really looks promising.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Am I blind? I'm not seeing a download link anywhere on his blog. Might someone assist me, please?

Right below the progress update, right side, you can see the date of update and 3 Download sites


Few comments for feedback on the new demo:

-The 2 wolves you must fight at the start are insanely hard on Normal and basically not possible to beat without glitching them out on Hard. Basic combo not causing hitstun + no way to avoid their attacks without triggering the first isssue (respawn) = frustration for the player barely a minute in the game. Either you need guard availible at the start, or the wolves need to be hitstunned by the basic combo.

Hahahah, you should see the wolves on HARD, friggin' annoying
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Right below the progress update, right side, you can see the date of update and 3 Download sites


Neither of those sections contain a link or address of any sort.

*Edit* He made a new post saying he left in the debug mode by accident so I guess that's why the links aren't currently available. He's also saying to delete your old save from past versions which seems to need to be done manually if you ever played one of the demos.
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Going by the mega link that was still on his blog a while ago, it seems the files are no longer there :confused:.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Going by the mega link that was still on his blog a while ago, it seems the files are no longer there :confused:.

Ahh ok, so it wasn't just me. Starting to get worried there. Already been proven that I'm too tired to function...thought it was just example #2.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Ok found them all that 3 skill was a pain. But anyone know were the gallery is after beating the game?
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I dunno about you guys, but I can see the link.

It would appear he has re-uploaded it. Link is now visible for me as well.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

For the Gallery, you need to beat Normal mode, then Hard, then Easy mode. Hope you have time on your hands :p
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

For the Gallery, you need to beat Normal mode, then Hard, then Easy mode. Hope you have time on your hands :p

And i can do that with new game plus? Or start from scratch for each one.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

Apparently I have the debug stuff when I start the .exe version of the game. Is there any way to get rid of it?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I can't even start this game really. At the title screen it says something about old save data being deleted to avoid corruption and tells me to press enter, but when I press enter (or any key for that matter) nothing happens.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I can't even start this game really. At the title screen it says something about old save data being deleted to avoid corruption and tells me to press enter, but when I press enter (or any key for that matter) nothing happens.

I followed the instructions to delete the old data. But as soon as I start a new game. I get this debug overlay.

Also if you haven't deleted your saves already:

For vista/7/8 Users: Go to this location: C:\Users\"HERE GOES YOUR USERNAME"\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\"HERE GOES A RANDOM BUNCH OF LETTERS"\localhost And delete the file "mitsuko.sol"

For Xp users: C:\Documents and Settings\(here goes your session user name)\Data program\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\GZVJV6EU\localhost And delete the file "mitsuko,sol"
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape (original canceled)

I actually realised that I failed to delete them after I made the post. The game works now. Anyone else notice that if you increase your health, you seem to take more damage?
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