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Mitsuko X Space Escape

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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape


Bug squashes and everything

wolf got stuff

and Uriel, about that UI, do we have to place it on the older one? because there isn't any buttons for OK or CANCEL in the main menu. ENTER works fine but S (that was suppose to be like the OK button doesn't work anymore) and there is no way to select anything.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

My issue is that I don't have a directory like the one he listed in his 'solution', so my game just stopped working entirely when I downloaded the update, and I have no idea how to fix it.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape


Bug squashes and everything

wolf got stuff

and Uriel, about that UI, do we have to place it on the older one? because there isn't any buttons for OK or CANCEL in the main menu. ENTER works fine but S (that was suppose to be like the OK button doesn't work anymore) and there is no way to select anything.

Gonna copy/paste Uriel's solution for this:

Ok, so for the ppl that can't use the menu, wich is pretty much everybody; you will have to delete your save file in order for the game to set up a new file. I totally forgot that I revamped all variables to optimize their use code-wise, so old saves won't work; sorry about that.

To delete your save look for MitsukoX.sol in this folder:

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Repair is on the blog.

You have to erase a file from macromedia flash (Your save file of the older versions)

Uriel posted on his blog where to find it.

Thoughts on the updates and bug spotting.

Bug report:
-Somehow on the potrait of mitsuko (Top left) when the hair changes color a spot of the hair doesn't turn the color
-STAIRS BUG AGAIN when you are climbing on the stairs and you almost reach the end (does the animation) DON'T JUMP, this will stuck you on the stairs and will have to close the game
-The dialogue you get when you are getting raped has sonic's speed

Thoughts on the update

Great awesome stuff for the wolf (All animations) and the dialogue idea. Hoping here it has a special one for each enemy (and some more stuff for the horse)
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

is the speech/text at the bottom with the first dog messed up / garbled up for every one else too? not sure if that accurs every where, just tried it on the first dog.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Are there any other fixes for this? My appData > Roaming doesn't have anything with "MitsukoX.sol" in the title and I can't play the game. I have no previous saves and no previous versions (I deleted the previous version before even pressing start).

Any ideas?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

it didn't have it in plain sight for me either. once you get to the shared objects part, you just search for "mitsuko" in the to right search bar. that's how i found and deleted it.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

New "bug-report"

-Casual clothing using the gun, spear and sword causes her right leg (?) to clip over her belt.

-Casual clothing with idle animation (Holding the spear) causes some parts of the suit to dissapear

-Seems that the new turned animation is for both positions, but, on the progress bar uriel has, theres something about wolf's animations. Guess that the turned face up animation is on the work?

-Regarding the turned animation, it seems that when it happens it resets(?) to the normal animation, then the turned animation triggers.

-Did the explosion and masturbate skill WITHOUT actually having them

-Boss still has issues with his music theme


So, the save room no longer regains health/clothing unless you spend points on something? also clothes repair no longer in there.

Also what happened to the blue pill? can't seem to get it
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Layout gets funky after it does recalculation things

E.g. - start the game with the default window size;
- maximise the window;
- trigger a scene switch (whatever makes the loading screen show up)
- observe!

UI redraws wonky. In the case of maximising the window, the UI looks zoomed in on the upper left. "fix" is to reset the window size to the default and trigger another loading screen transition.
Seems the UI positioning calculations are a bit off :p

Running on a 1920x1080px display.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Are there any other fixes for this? My appData > Roaming doesn't have anything with "MitsukoX.sol" in the title and I can't play the game. I have no previous saves and no previous versions (I deleted the previous version before even pressing start).

Any ideas?

same issue but I never had the game on this computer
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Ok so this is a really stupid question, but its starting to frustrate the living hell outta me, and skimming through the thread didn't help me out this time. Where do I get the freeze gun? I've already looked through the entirety of the map like three times and still can't find it. Also I'm at 15/17 though I probably should be at 13-14/17 (this is because I kept re-getting skills randomly). I've got the sword, daggers, all three keys, both fire and stun gun as well as all the skills and the swimsuit undies. Can anyone help me here?

Edit: Does it have anything to do with the brown switch thingy? I can't seem to figure out what it does...
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

The freeze gun is really easy. In the caves you go around to the right and then up. Drop down after you get past the ledges to the left.

There's also an ability above the starting room but you need double jump for that.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Well I'll be. A hidden file... Cheers, that's fixed it. Now if I could only figure out how to get past this green door on the first level I'll be laughing!
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

curious if anyone has a full save of the latest version yet? dont really feel like unlocking the gallery again. (yes im being lazy i admit)
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I feel like the up + attack thing is too strong. Enemies can't retaliate and you can keep doing it til they're dead.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I have a wierd bug. The ui is moved to the right and most of it its out of screen. I dont know what causes it. Anyone else?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I have a wierd bug. The ui is moved to the right and most of it its out of screen. I dont know what causes it. Anyone else?

This and the textbox while getting assaulted are both wonky. I don't think there's anything we can do about the textbox, but the UI can be fixed by triggering loading screens and changing the window size of the program, such as maximizing, making it smaller and then maximizing again and vice versa.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

buggi game XD

not goes XD

door goes not open ec. to many buggis not playable.
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Just kill it through wall i think.
Or press right button, but i think u need to kill it with kick
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Repair is on the blog.

-STAIRS BUG AGAIN when you are climbing on the stairs and you almost reach the end (does the animation) DON'T JUMP, this will stuck you on the stairs and will have to close the game

Tried to reproduce it, but I couldn't, was literally spamming all buttons while going up and dow near the end of a ladder, maybe it's a specific one? All I triggered was that on time I couldn't go up, but stll be able to go down.
-The dialogue you get when you are getting raped has sonic's speed

It's a very early WIP, something I forgot to mention when I switched to this more constant updating scheme, is that the game will have broken things here and there, as I will be uploading the game as I left it last time I worked on it, whereas before, I more or less cleaned the thing a bit so it was presentable.
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