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Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Samantha Harrison was not having a good day. Her unit had recently been sent to the area near her hometown to take on new recruits after a particularly brutal tour overseas. As one of the senior NCOs, Sam had been enjoying her privilege to rest a bit more then the lower ranks, listening to a fellow sargeant speculate about some new rule changes or something equally monotonous when the alarm started to blare. The next hour or so was a blur, atleast it seemed that way now. Her squad had been loaded on a truck in record time, tolding something about monsters, then sent towards the city.

Things went well at first, most of the newbies though this was some really messed up training exercise and really wanted to impress the higher ups. They disembarked a few kilometers from the city, took one look at it, then realized something was seriously wrong. The fires and large freakish monster standing right in the middle of the skyline were a big clue. An even bigger clue was the sudden artillery fire hitting their position. Artillery unlike anything Sam had ever seen, big glowing blue balls of plasma falling from the sky, destroying vehicles and seriously burning people. The unit was forced into a drainage canal and used it as a makeshift trench.

After the initial action things slowed down. The officers made sure the chatter was kept down, no rumors were allowed to be discussed. As a NCO Sama had to help enforce that order quite often. She was met with mixed feelings, some were just scared, but the eager ones gave her alot of trouble, almost going so far as blaiming her for the unit not being sent further in. Keep the General's daughter safe or something like that. No proof of course, but the thought still stung a bit.

Eventually a few monsters did show up, those that'd gotten past the first line. Sam was called back to the command tent a few hundred meters back over the radio, probably to assume command of a patrol. As she was on her way the sky was filled with a bright flash and Sam was thrown into a small depression in the landscape, temporarily knocked out cold. When she awoke, the sky was on fire with a strange orange-blue glow. The outline of the monster was gone, but utter devestation surrounded her. Dead personel, ruined vehicles, the command tent overturned, and everything deathly still. No one else was moving. All that remained of normality was Sam's rifle at her feet.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Deserts. Why were they always fighting in goddamned deserts? Next time, Sam resolved as she woke in the morning, I'm gonna get myself sent to a beach or forest or something. She yawned as she finished getting ready for the day, not looking forward to having to teach more rookies how to march in formation correctly, and how to walk 10 miles in full gear without puking. This was not going to be a fun day.

Fuck, I hate when I'm right, the Sergeant groaned inwardly. When the siren started making that annoying "WHA-WHA-WHA" sound it makes, she was almost thankful to have something to do other than discuss her job with her coworker. She made sure her squad was prepped to go, then had to clamp her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing in her superior's face when he said they were going to fight monsters. Monsters! Of all the shitty excuses for a training exercise, this had to be the worst. She kept that opinion, right up until the behemoth came into view.

*BOOOOOOOOOOM* One of those blue balls of...something had landed directly on their truck, destroying it instantly and utterly. If anyone had been inside, they'd be dead. Like, really dead. She knew her squad needed to get out from under that artillery, and they needed to do it five minutes ago. Luckily, one of the rooks had inadvertently drawn attention to a drainage canal on the way in, by asking what it was, of all things. As she shouted for her squad and the others to follow her to it, she hoped to be able to thank him for that. Then she passed his corpse; his legs had been badly burned, or at least his stumps were badly burned. Well, shit.

If you don't shut your mouth, Private, I will ram that gun so far up your ass you'll be tasting metal for a week. Why were rookies always so stupid? Sam was quite content to be holed up somewhere, she'd seen enough of combat to know it was not something to look forward to. She'd been trying to get this lout of a man - Jenkins, if she remembered correctly - to stop jittering his rifle around with the safety off when he'd leaped up, and half asked, half accused her why they weren't being ordered farther in. She'd been about to do something foolish, like answer him, when suddenly there was shouting and screaming and shooting near the entrance. When she'd turned to look, she was stunned silent by the sight of a monster.

"Great, patrolling, I fucking *love* patrolling," the woman muttered, mostly to herself. She immediately thought better of the sentiment; walking, searching, hunting, they were all better than sitting, waiting, and hoping nothing found you. That first beastie was a scout, Sam thought, and so were the second and third. The fourth had been attracted by the noise, and she'd been called back for new orders - probably combat patrolling - before there'd been a fifth. At least heading back to the command post, to the rear lines, meant she probably wouldn't have to worry about encountering any monsters. Well, any inhuman ones, at least. She paused and looked towards downtown to try and get a better view of the big one, the alpha, the monster to end all monst

What just happened? Sam was lying face down in a ditch; funny, this is how Zack always said she'd end up. Except, the word he'd used was "dead" and, as she checked herself, making sure she could still move all her limbs and digits, she discovered she certainly was not. Whether that was a good thing.... Ugh... she groaned, then rolled over. Heh. Should've stayed face-down. The sky had never been that color before, nor, as far as she remembered, had the city ever been that on fire before. Where are the sirens? That much fire is clearly an emergency. In fact, where's all the noise? The woman paused as she concentrated on listening, and was rewarded by silence. Finally, she sat up, and then lay back quickly, settling on the ground with a "Whump!". Ohfuckohfuck, fucking fuckfuckfu- the girl covered her eyes, as though the devastation could be unseen that easily. The jolt of adrenaline, however, finally managed to set her straight, and after a few deep breaths, she was able to score a major victory: she stood up and opened her eyes.

Nothing's here. She hadn't moved yet, still transfixed by the destruction surrounding her. There is, literally, nothing here. I've been shelled before, but it didn't do anything near this.... Waitaminute...what could cause damage like this? Hadn't there been a bright flash at some point...? Could a Fuel-Air Bomb cause this much damage? No, not unless it was the size of a city. Cluster bombs? Maybe, but it'd take a lot of them, and there would've been more than the one flash. Unless the first one was what knocked me out. A nuke? There should be more destruction, right? And wasn't the flash in the air? Sam shook her head vigorously, clearing away the rabble. Doesn't matter what caused it. HQ's been taken out. Need to check for survivors in the general area, take what supplies I can find, then find some shelter. Should follow protocol for being trapped in hostile territory with no immediate evac. Nodding once, the soldier bent down to pick up her rifle, then started trotting towards the command tent. After that, she'd check on her squad's last known position, then begin gathering medkits, ammo, whatever else seemed like it could be useful before heading out of the area.

After all, there were still monsters afoot.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Despite knowing right where it was and what it had been, it was hard to identify the command tent. The blast had totally flattened it. Only a few small lumps were left to show where the bodies and larger remains of the equipment resided. Sam was lucky enough to find an intact medkit a little ways away up against a large rock, but that was about all she'd get out of this place. There were a few weapons around, with ammo, but dust was coating everything, it'd take awhile to clean it all to a usable condition. Everything else must have actually be physically thrown away, now laying someplace farther North from the city, away from the blast. A cold wind swept by as Sam was left in the middle of the ruin.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Samantha's pace slowed as she came closer to the command tent, then stopped as she realized she couldn't tell which fucking tent was the command tent; everything was flat and lumpy, like pancake batter. Mmmm...pancakes. Wait, when was the last time she'd ate? Breakfast? Had they even had pancakes?

She shook her head, then groaned into her hands. Her mind was still muddled, but she busied herself by picking up as much ammo was in her vicinity, then one of the guns. Once she'd bunkered down, she'd take the time to clean them. Never hurt to have another gun, though it was better if there were someone to man it. With that in mind, she ignored the possibility of finding anything useful to the north, and instead opted to head towards that drainage canal. Hopefully at least someone was still alive in there. She paused just long enough to grab the medkit that had been blown into a rock, checking to make sure the goodies inside were intact before stashing it in her backpack. ((She does have a backpack, right?))

That done, she set off once more. She couldn't tell what time it was for sure, but she knew she didn't want to be outside come nightfall.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(Yeah, you can store a reasonable amount of thing)

As Sam walked back the wierd lighting played tricks on her mind, the strange glow was just so unnatural. The formerly run down but distinctly first world surroundings now looked just like something she'd come across in a war zone. Nothing moved as she made her short journey.

Arriving at the canal, Sam was greeted with a messy sight. Several bodies had been flung back against this side of the feature, hard enough to injure but not kill. However in the chaos, it looked like something had come along and finished off the troops as they were knocked out or still recovering. Odd, she hadn't heard anything. The weapons and supplies in the area were only in slightly better condition then they had been at the command tent, though the choices were a bit better. A squad machine gun was laying on the ground, ready for someone to use it, though Sam would have to drop her other find to carry it.

One overriding concern this presented, however, was the possibility that Sam might not be alone in the immediate area. Perhaps it was a good thing there was nothing to warrent lingering too long, lest she fall prey to whatever else had gone through here.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

To be honest, she wasn't expecting much. She figured that most of the troops would be long gone, maybe a few corpses, maybe a couple injured. The slaughter that she found took her quite by surprise. What was worse, someone-or-thing had come along after they had been hit by something, and butchered them. Something was niggling at the back of her mind, and as she surveyed the scene, it finally came to fore. The bodies...aren't eaten. In fact, they haven't even been touched. It's like whatever killed them, was just here to kill them. Whatever these monsters are, they're not like any animals I know of.

Then something else caught her eye: the machine gun. Heh, never know when a freaking machine gun could be useful. I just need to figure out some way to carry it.... After a very brief time spent deliberating, Sam chucked her old and busted rifle to pick up the new hotness. Now, she just needed to find some more ammo for it...these things chewed through more bullets than they did enemies. After scrounging around for what she could, the woman then had a very difficult choice to make: where the hell did she go from here? Where *could* she go from here?

Oh fuck. FUCK. FUUUUCCCKK! Zack! Her mother was somewhere else, her father would have been at the preserve since this morning, but her brother could still be in the city! Shitshitshit, I've gotta get home, he could still be there, I've gotta - wait. How do I even get to my house from here? Dammit, calm down Samantha. Running around like a goddamned chicken with your head cut off won't help anyone. Removing her palm from where she'd slapped it against her face, Sam finally settled down and surveyed her surroundings. Well, if that building's what I think it is, then home should be...that way. She took one last look around, to make sure she hadn't missed anything, then set off in the direction she'd deemed most likely to take her home. Jumping over a corpse, she was reminded to try and be quiet, lest she end up becoming one herself.

((Also, what kind of ammo does the machine gun use? Same as the rifle? Is it a belt-fed, tripod sort of machine gun? Oh, and I forgot to ask this earlier, but does she have a sidearm?))
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(Think of the machine gun as an M60. It isn't exact, but pretty close. The standard rifle is also based off a M16, though crossed with a G36. Therefore, not the same round)

Upon picking up the new weapon, Sam found a box of ammo for it, and an inspection revealed that only a few rounds had been fired from it, so the ammo situation was decent.

Sam's momentary panic attack was quickly put to rest when she realized that pretty much everything important was in the same direction from this point. Up ahead was a simi-industrial area that serviced the docks, then right up to the historic district. The neighborhoods there were compact, full of small old buildings. A few skyscrapers between here and there, but for the most part she was going to be passing warehouses, then mom and pop shops, as well as a few low rises. She had to decide on her pace, however. The North side of the city had lots of open ground and small hills and rough areas before starting the urbanization of the landscape. Sam could stick to cover, but it'd take longer. However if she rushed things, she'd be wide open for anyone, or anything, looking for her.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam opted to stick to cover as much as possible as she made her way further into the city. Who knew how many monsters could be out there, and she wanted to attract as little attention to herself as possible. She just hoped her brother would be fine by the time she got there, and that she could make it home before dark. Just in case she couldn't, though, she would make notes of buildings that seemed in decent shape and were easily defensible. And somewhere to grab some food, she thought. Rather, was reminded, loudly, by her stomach.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

There was a winding path for the trucks to service the various industrial buildings of the area. Mostly medium sized warehouses, but a few small brick offices for those companies that did not integrate those positions with the warehouses. Plenty of cover was along the road and Sam had a peaceful, yet eerie walk along the deserted path. Strange noises were carried on the desert wind. They were not close enough to indicate danger, but creepy nonetheless.

After walking for about thirty minutes, Sam came to three wrecked trucks in an intersection. She had seen plenty of burnt out vehicles along the road, but something was different here. Despite being painted corperate colors, with a stange logo painted on the side as well, these trucks were a standard military type. Fortunately, they were not on fire, perhaps they would contain something useful.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam creeps along the building towards the truck, eyes and ears straining to detect anything amiss. She does a quick sweep of the area she can see, checking up and down the road for movement, then hustles toward the trucks. Civilians with military gear? No, some sort of corporation. Don't recognize the logo. But, they're not on fire, at least. Should check them for supplies.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The area was just as still has the places Sam had passed through. It seemed safe to inspect the vehicles. One truck had the front end smashed in, as if hit by a large object, the driver dead against the wheel. On the far side of the second truck, or in other words, where Sam had not seen on aproach, was the body of a second driver. A short ways away, down an ally, were four more bodies as well as the husk of a very large man sized spider. All the bodies were in the same style of corperate jumpsuit.

In the back of the trucks were large crates with the same logo on them. They were bolted shut, a crowbar or something would be needed to open them.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam checked the corpse of the first driver for items of interest, then cautiously moved around to check the other side of the second truck. As she came around the side of it, she saw the second driver's corpse. She searched it, then noticed four corpses and the husk of a man-sized spider down an alley. She resolved to check those bodies once she was done here. Moving to the third Wait, WHAT?

Sam did a double-take, then stared at the spider corpse. She'd never been particularly afraid of spiders, but that was before she'd realized they could grow to be man-sized. She shuddered. Swallowing back her new-found fear of man-sized spiders, she did another visual sweep of the area, including a long inspection of the rooftops, before continuing on to the third truck. Great, locked, and these are definitely too bulky to be lugging around with me. Wonder if there's something in any of the trucks I could use to pry them open with?

She searches the trucks for anything she could use, particularly a prying instrument. If she finds one, she tries to pry open one of the crates. If she doesn't, she slowly and carefully heads down the alley towards the guards' corpses, checking everywhere for signs of an ambush. If she makes it to the bodies, she searches them for supplies.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The drivers all had a military grade side arm and enough ammo to take down a medium sized threat. The weapons seemed unused, but did have a bit of dirt on them from sitting on the side of the road for a short time. Overall, nothing to get excited about, Sam had better weapons of her own already.

The search of the trucks' cabs was more fruitful. They were mostly empty, containing just a radio and in one case a large soft drink container, almost empty, down by the pedals of one cab was a set of keys, no doubt for the crates. Better then a pry bar. Sam could now easily see what was inside all the crates, though if the first was any indication, she'd get more questions then anything from them. It was actually a covert freezer inside, unpowered now but still pretty cold. A large biohazard symbol was on the top. Perhaps opening the actual casing of the container would be dangerous. On the other hand, even mundane objects such as used needles had to be marked, so there was also the possibility there was no danger at all fromt he contents.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam sighed as her search for ammunition proved fruitless. Let's hope the trucks have something more useful in them...well, what have we here? The key looked to be exactly the right size for the locks on the crates. Well, well, well, let's see if it's the right tool for the job.

A freezer? In a crate? Marked with the mark of death, eh? What could be inside...? Could be used needles, can't use those. Could be an organ for transplant, won't do me much good. Maybe this company was involved in bio-war testing, and there's some virus in there, which is no good for me. Sam shook her head as she replaced the lid and locked the crate. "Opening it would just satisfy my curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, I'm not gonna let it get me too." She did, however, hold on to the keys. "I'll keep these, in case someone needs whatever's in there."

She then checks the keyring for a key that would fit in the ignition, and then tries (unsuccessfully, most likely) to start the truck with the crates in it. Failing that, she moves down the alley towards the guards' bodies, constantly checking every direction as she moves towards them...and that dead spider.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

There was absolutely no response from the engine, a distinct key had fit the hole, but the front ends of the trucks were pretty badly beat up. Still, not even any sparks, a bit anti-climatic.

Moving down the ally past the immoveable trucks, Sam spied that these guy had had rifles much like her own, though an improved version. Same type of ammo, so that was good. The giant spider corpse only meters away suggested that even with good weapons, Sam shouldn't let her guard down. Working in this area, she could smell the dead husks of more of the things around here somewhere, so perhaps these people had actually put up a good fight.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam tried to turn the key again when the first time failed to produce any noticeable results. That's strange. Even if the car's wrecked, it should still at least turn over. The Sergeant sighs as she returns the ring to her pocket. "That's probably for the best, anyway. Roads don't look very drivable." She then starts down the alley.

Heh, I knew brass was holding out on us, she thought, as she spied the rifle. Still, I'm more comfortable with mine than one I know nothing about. Ammo's the same, though. Leaving the rifles on the ground, she gathers as much ammo for hers as she can reasonably carry. "What's that smell? Smells like...death, mixed with ass. Oh, right, the spider." Sam pokes at the corpse with her machine gun, then inhales deeper. "Smells like there are more corpses around here. Hopefully, these guys got them all, but still. Shouldn't dally." Getting an idea, Sam quickly checks the guards for identification, hoping to find something that would make identifying the men easier once she got out of here. She then curses as she realizes she forgot to check the drivers for IDs. She hustles back down the alley towards the trucks to grab identification for them. Once that's done, she returns to walking in her original direction.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The men, even the drivers, are all carrying several different IDs, surprisingly. Not all have all the same ones, but each form is found on atleast three people. The first Sam discovers is a company ID for some "Maxwell Group". Nothing standing out, though it had the same symbol as the trucks did. The next discoveries were more important, pointing to this first set being only a cover story. Among various military IDs, Sam also found a few for the NID, the National Intelligence Directorate. While that government department was most famously known for spy operations, referenced constatly in action movies and techno-thrillers, they also handled other duties, such as police work on the national level or security for the executive branch. Whatever was going on here ran deep, that's for sure.

As Sam finishes up her search and prepares to leave the area, a loud howl sounds throughout the area. The noise is rather close, probably just down the road and the source only obscured from Sam's view by various debris and perhaps the corner of a building. Shortly after the warning, sounds of mad trashing and feet stomping could be heard, as well as a high pitched squeel could be heard. While the sound remained at a constant distance, it still sounded like the most dangerous thing Sam had faced, and now she didn't have a squad for backup!
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Maxwell Group, eh? Must be the name of the corporation. Wait...National Intelligence Directorate? What the hell are nids doing here?

Sam's musings are rudely interrupted by a loud, terrifying commotion from just down the road. Her thoughts race as she assesses the situation. Large, loud. Means it's not worried about other predators. Don't think I have the firepower to take it. Should run. Her sit-rep took five seconds at most, before the soldier bravely turned her tail and fled. She ducked into an alley ((if she can find one running east-west)) to give her more cover from sight, in case whatever made the racket decided to round the corner. Once she is clear of the alley, she'll turn back south ((her original direction, I assume)) and continue running as fast as she could until the situation changed.

If there are no convenient east-west alleys, she'll run south until she finds one, then run through it. If, while running through the alley, the monster sounds like it is tracking her movements (e.g. it is moving towards the end of the alley she is sprinting towards) she will exit the alley and turn to face the noise, machine gun out while sidestepping/backpedaling more towards the center of the road. Of course, she will occasionally check around her to make sure she's not going to run into/trip over anything.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(Your directions are right. Also, you failed the stealth check by 1 point, poor you :()

Sam's plan was sound, expcet for one small problem. The monster settled down at the exact moment she chose to run, meaning it heard her heavy footfalls as soon as they began. The solider had just found a nice side passage to run down when the beast let out a mighty roar, then the chase was on.

Sam only made it halfway down the ally before she heard the thing land on a nearby rooftop, still out of view, but dangerously close. Whatever this thing was it could jump like nothing she'd ever ecountered. Just running would not get Sam out of harm's way.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

((1 point, eh? Ain't that a bitch.))

SHIT. The beast was on her trail, and it was fast. Really fast. Running wouldn't get her out of this, time to switch to plan B: shoot it until it died (incidentally, that was also plans C through X). She just needed to get somewhere she could see the monster; she continued sprinting down the alley, readying her machine gun in anticipation, hoping she could get to open ground before whatever it was decided to attack.

Assuming she makes it, she will run to the center of the road and turn in the direction she last heard the beast. She will keep alert, and fire at the beast as soon as it gives her a clear shot at it.