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Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

As Sam ran down the ally towards a clearing in an attempt to get a good firing angle on her pursuer, he luck ran out. She'd almost made it out, but in an instant where she was looking forward to avoid rubble, the thing pounced. It landed square on Sam's back, knocking her down hard enough to make her see stars, her gun skidding across the dirty ground a few feet away. Claws dug in through her uniform, sharp pricks, but not unbearably painful, yet. The monster reared up in a victory growl as Sam had a few vital seconds to think before it would tear into her properly.

(Before you ask, you don't really have a good look at it yet, but four sets of claws are dug in, two on Sam's back and two on the back of her legs. You'll probably get a good look/description next post, but if you need to write it in to your own post just send me a message)
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

((Shouldn't be necessary, I have a pretty good idea of what it looks like already. Aside from that, I don't think I'll need to include a description in my post.))

"AGH! FUCK!" Sam was lucky she'd been running with her jaw clenched, as the force of the impact would've caused her to bite her tongue otherwise. Still, the blow almost knocked the wind from her; worse, it had sent her machine gun far out of her reach, and her rifle was now pinned on her back between her and her assailant. Ah, shit, she thought, before realizing whatever was on her back had left her arms free, and that it wasn't immediately biting at her. The former indicated a lack of planning, while the latter indicated it wasn't intent on eating her. Combined they meant...? Either way, she had to get out from under the thing.

Assuming she has a knife, it would probably be in a hip sheath. If this assumption is correct, she will pull out her knife, and immediately jam it into the side of the thing's stomach, while simultaneously rolling into the blow, hopefully shoving the beast off her back. She will then attempt to roll on top of the creature, pinning it under her. (Either an escape attempt, or, if possible, a grapple attempt.)

If she does not have a knife, she will try the same maneuver, except using her fist instead of her knife. Backhand it in the stomach, roll into the blow, hopefully ending up on top of it. Hopefully.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(Hmmm, you have the best stats for dealing with this monster. Still not going well for you though x.x)

The monster seemed happy to have captured some prey, it took the time to lean down and howl right in Sam's ear in victory before acting further. This gave the solider time to get her knife, but as she brought it up the monster slammed a arm, complete with human-like hand, down on her wrist, grabbing hold and pinning it to the ground. Quickly its other hand grabbed her other wrist, pinning both arms to the ground before howling again, though this time in mixed triumph and annoyance. The monster pressed in close, and Sam could feel something poking into her backside from its lower regions...
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

((Yeah, but even if I had the best possible stats for this encounter I could, I'd still need to get some lucky rolls. Oh well, let's just hope the dice gods are with me.))

"RRRRAAAAAAAAaaaaagh!" What would surely have been a ferocious and intimidating battle cry turned into a cry of frustration and despair as the creature pinned Sam's hands to the ground. Shit, it's strong. This is bad. Sam winced as the creature howled right next to her ear; then she felt something prodding at her ass. The hell is that? Is that its...? It is, isn't it. Oh, fucking hell, could this day be any more fucked up? Big ass monster, blue balls of explodey shit, now a rape monster? I mean, what the fuck? On top of that, Sam felt disappointment. In fact, she could not feel more disappointment at anything else, ever again, than she felt at that moment for the military's utter lack of instruction with regards to self-defense against rape-monster attacks. Looked like she was going to have to improvise. Again.

Sam decided that the creature was too strong to overpower; she'd have to outwit it somehow, or at least get into a position where her superior firepower could be put to use. As it was now, the monster had the upper hand. Sam decided to bide her time and lay still, preparing for the beast to give her an opportunity to make it pay.

(Sam performs the "Prepare" action, in case that wasn't obvious.)
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(The monster got a critical success, even with the prepare bonus x.x)

Not resisting turned out to be about the worst thing Sam could have done. This monster actually had human-like hands, it quickly used them to grab on to the soliders arms and bring them around behind her back, pinning them there as it leaned forward to press in more. It howled loudly in her ears as it gloated in victory, the bulge continued to rub through her clothes around her butt crack.

(You still have the prepare bonus for escaping the submission hold next turn)
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

((Oh shit, I completely forgot that I hadn't posted an action. Also, damn you dice gods!))

All right, fuck this. The soldier had had enough of this damn creature out-grappling her, howling right in her fucking ear, and just being a jerk. Grunting and straining with all her might, Sam tried to force the creature to give her enough space to roll onto her side. Hopefully from there she could bring her rifle to bear against the monster; at least it wouldn't be able to bring its own weapon to bear against her.

(Escape grapple.)
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Despite the factors working in Sam's favor, such as taking the time to position properly and remaning calm, she had a surprisingly hard time break out of the monster's death hold. Infact, in the end she had to resort to just brute strength, the monster shrugged off her first attempts at a carefully planned escape. She got free enough to move around, but it kept one hand firmly clasped on her right wrist. It tried to pin her down again, but failed, though the struggle was quickly sapping Sam's strength. One could only hope the monster was getting tired as well, though there was no way for Sam to tell.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Her options were two; either try and break the creature's hold completely, or try and kill (or at least wound) it now with bullets. Sam knew she'd lose more energy breaking free, and it didn't seem like the monster was even affected by any fatigue. And even then, should she kill it after breaking free, she'd probably be too tired to do much more than walk to her house, her exhaustion making her vulnerable to whatever else lurked in the city.

No, Samantha had only one choice, although being shoe-horned into it didn't detract from the sheer joy she'd feel once she'd riddled this bastard with enough holes for it to be eligible for sainthood.

Sure, her right hand was pinned, but that meant the monster's range of motion was limited. Sam grabbed at the trigger on her rifle, not enough of a grip to do anything more than point it in the critter's general direction and throw bullets at it. "Alright asshole, hope you like the taste of lead!" Sam shouted as the air was filled with the cacophony of dozens of metal bees singing a symphony of bloodlust.

(Action: Fire at monster on full-auto, yell, write purple prose)
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam epicly grabs the machine gun and twirls to catch the monster off guard. Still, in her panicy state, she almost misses, even at point blank range. Fortunately her first five round burst cuts the beast clean in half from crotch to crown before it can knock the gun from her hands again. A neat spray of red hits the wall behind it, leaving the near exausted woman panting on the ground.

(The aim roll was 47 vs 46 :D)
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

((Heeheehee! I know you can't see it, but I am totally doing my "I just soloed a monster that has thus far wrecked everyone else" dance. Funnily enough, it's also my "I just won the lottery" dance, my "I just avoided getting struck by lightning" dance, and my "I can't believe the fools are signing it" dance, among others. And the best part, I beat it by 1! Count it, ONE! :D))

Sam lay still for a moment, breathing heavily, as the monster collapsed with a pair of "thud"s. Though it could have gone much, much worse, she was still fairly tired from the fight; after a moment to catch her breath, she sat up to look at what remained of the creature. It looks...human. Well, sorta, with the jacked-up legs and fucked-up face. Could this thing have been human at some point? Sam takes a closer look, before something clicks in her tired mind. This corpse looks like one of the corpses that attacked my squad earlier! Well, they probably weren't corpses when they attacked, but it's definitely the same sort of critter. That means there's even more of these things out there. Though, I guess that's not surprising.

As Sam sat and thought about it for a few seconds, something else that had been buzzing through her head, like an annoying fly, finally jumped to the front of her thoughts and bit her. Wait, why would I care if this thing liked the taste of lead? "I don't care at all, fuck you monster!" She spoke aloud her answer to her mental question, picked up and sheathed her knife, then rose to her feet. Giving the corpse a kick in the side (the outside of its side, rather) for good measure, she turns around and scans the area for her machine gun. Once she spies it, she'll pick it up and check to make sure it wasn't damaged in the fall. She'll then check the rest of her equipment for damage before turning back south and resuming her trek.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam's equipment got off without any real damage, though there was a scratch on the black paint at one part, would have made it an epic prop for a movie. The area was still, the fight had amazingly not alerted any other monsters. Only the wind made noise as the soldier left the battlesite.

Sam was almost to the edge of the city grid, a wall of buildings was ahead rather then the scattered warehouses, open lots, and desert patches. The streets in view were covered in debris, burnt out cars, bodies, and random trash. Maybe something useful, but it'd take some searching. The last few meters did not have cover, but once among the cars, Sam would be somewhat safe, though there might be ambushers in wait.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

((By the by, what time of day is it?))

Sam knew she was running out of time; she'd already wasted far too much of it with idle curiosity (and an epic monster fight, but that's neither here nor there). Bearing that in mind, searching the area for anything valuable would take far too long, and the rewards would probably not be worth it. Trying to hide among the cars was also too risky; who knows what was laying in wait, and if something attacked her in the close confines, she wouldn't be able to shoot them before they got to her.

As it was, with the battle high starting to wear off, her arms and legs felt too sore to put up much resistance against a determined child, let alone another monster like the last. No, Sam determined, my best option is to keep to the open, keep a clear view of my surroundings as much as I can. She kept moving past the debris, sidestepping a few bodies, and kept away from the cars. She turned at the intersection in the direction her home was, and kept walking, rifle slung over her shoulder and machine gun at the ready.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(Around 6 or so, IDR the exact time, but you've got about 45 minutes before the sun goes down)

The city was strangly quiet as Sam started into it, walking down the silent streets. She was vaugly aware that there were more creatures here, she just felt like she was being watched... somehow... As she got deeper in, a few blocks, the silence gave way to a wierd ambient noise, almost like humming, or strange clicking. It came mostly from the back passages, not the main streets like the soldier was walking on, but it quietly echoed out to reach Sam's ears nonetheless.

Should the solider change her mind about her current tactic, there were plenty of places to take cover, such as the office buildings themselves, or subway stations. It also might be wise to start looking for a place to hole up for the night, but Sam had a few more blocks to traverse before it became needed.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam didn't want to admit it, but there was no way she was reaching her house tonight. Finally, she could fool herself no longer. It'll be dark soon. I need to find shelter, there's no way I can continue in the dark. The soldier turned her attentions to the buildings around her, seeking one that would be easy to fortify quickly. If she can't find one in the immediate area, she'll keep walking in the same direction, remaining in the open, gun at the ready. When she does find a suitable building (if she does), she'll close the door behind her, wedge something under the handle or barricade it with something, just to give her warning if something enters after her. She'll then perform a sweep of the building, to make sure there's nothing in there already.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The medium-rise buildings didn't look like good prospects for fortifying, and while there were subway stations, they probably wouldn't well either, and would be very dark without power. There were one or two storefronts within the buildings, that'd probably be Sam's best bet, though she could try the other's if she really wanted to. As it was, she had her choice of a deli or a print shop nearby to search and perhaps hide in for the night.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Let's see, deli or print shop? Deli will be full of meat. Meat actually sounds pretty good about now. The soldier's stomach rumbled at the thought of food, but she was determined to check the place thoroughly before indulging her hunger. As she entered, she first looked for something to place in front of the door, either as an easily-removed barricade, or as something to make noise when the door was opened.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Upon getting closer, Sam noticed that one of the display windows was shattered, making a door barricade ineffective, though of course if anything actually saw her in there, they'd have broken through either way. A bit upsetting, but looking back, the store rooms and office had a heavy metal door that looked like it had a heavy lock, the solider might be able to hide in there. The place really stunk, some of the food having been tossed to the floor throughout the day, and it was starting to go bad, though a few rolls of meat still looked preserved in their wrappings.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Okay, so trying to rig up something to make noise if the door is opened won't work, since the window's completely trashed. Hopefully, this place isn't so large that something will be able to sneak up on me while I'm searching the back rooms. She ignored the preserved meat, and, less successfully, the stench of rotting meat while she walked further into the building. She would then sweep the back rooms, searching for anything alive, before going any further.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

There were five rooms, two the same size on the left, an office in one, janitors closit in the other. On the right was a double room, for storage. It had massive cooling units, powered down from the disaster, but the residual cold was keeping the stuff fresh. Lastly, at the very back, were two restrooms, one for men and one for women. Between these was a small back door, with a latch. It had a window, but also a small pull down curtain to block the view. Fortunately, as with all the rooms, there were no monsters out back right now either. This would make a nice hiding spot, for awhile.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The first thing Sam did after making sure the rooms were clear and there were no immediate threats out back was close the curtain on the back door. She then locked the door, before allowing herself to relax slightly. Deciding that the first thing that needed doing was finding something to eat, the soldier headed over to the coolers, hoping to find some fresh meat, maybe even bread and condiments.