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Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The door to the cooler let out a loud squeeky noise as it opened, breaking the relaxed atmosphere, but fortunately there was still nothing to be afraid of. In fact, the sight in side might have been cause for celebration, if Sam had someone to share it with. The store must have just gotten a shipment, because it was full. Massive shelves all full of massive rolls of meat, all kinds. On a few racks near the door where loafs of long bread. If Sam was feeling up to it, she could go borrow a knife from out front and cut the food to make a sandwhich, or just eat it as is. The mustard and mayo were probably out front, too, but there were some fresh onions, peppers, and the like in the storage room for some veggies.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Haha, jackpot! The soldier grinned from ear to ear at the bounty before her. Clapping her hands together, she began planning for her next move. "Let's see, I should make myself something to eat now, and take some of this stuff with me. It's still cool in here, but without power that won't last."

That decided, the short-haired girl set about making a sandwich out of various fresh meats and vegetables, using almost everything available. She grabbed a knife from the front, then made a makeshift sheath for it out of the paper used to wrap the meat in and some tape (assuming there's tape out front. There should be, I think. Been a long time since I've been in a deli.) While eating her sandwich, she checked the office for anything of interest. After she had finished, Sam would then investigate both the men's and women's restrooms, checking for anything that could be useful. She would be very surprised when, after idly flipping the handle on the sink, water flowed freely from the faucet.

Once that was done, she grabbed as much preserved meat, cheese, vegetables and bread as she could carry, making sure to individually wrap everything in some sort of protection. Hopefully there was some sort of cloth bag to carry it all in, otherwise she'd stick with a paper or plastic bag.

Feeling full and refreshed, the soldier grabbed her gear and cautiously made her way back to the entrance. She wouldn't be staying here tonight, that meat might be rotting come morning, and would attract far too many predators either way. Checking for any hostiles along the way, the sergeant made her way over to the print shop.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The sandwhich was really good, fresh from the deli food was always the best, and being in the middle of the breakdown of civilization didn't change that. Sam was able to munch on it and enjoy the food to its fullest as she checked the shop. Nothing strange was inside, the office was neat and orderly, but had nothing of real value, assumeing cash was now worthless for the duration of the crisis. The bathrooms were pretty clean too, but once again, nothing of value, unless Sam could think of some amazing use for cleaning supplies. One might assume there would be first aid supplies here, but aside from two boxes of bandaids, one small and one large, plus a small bottle of antiseptic lotion, near the front, incase someone got cut chopping meat.

The solider was able to take her time, and gather the supplies she liked, without being disturbed. Outside the street was getting dark, the street lights would not be coming on tonight. Fortunately there didn't seem to be anything out and about right now, and the print show was quite close. The front windows weren't all that big, but Sam could see that it was clear inside. She could make a quick dash and hope nothing saw her, then easily look out without being seen.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The soldier added the band-aids and antiseptic gel to her supplies before stepping out of the deli. She took a long, silent look up and down the street, on the rooftops, everywhere, making sure there were no more monsters stalking her. Satisfied that she was alone, Sam hurried over to the print shop, pausing at the door to get a better look inside. When she fails to spot any threats lurking inside, she'll open the door, rifle at the ready, and enter.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Despite it only being a short run it was very intense. In the fading light, Sam had a hard time seeing where she was going, it was hard not to trip over anything, and even harder to watch out for anything waiting to jump her. However, the solider made it inside the next building without anything unfortunate happening. It was just as deserted as before outside, the interior much like that of the deli, and similarly dead.

Various supplies were strewn around the floor, it looked liked there'd been a minor struggle at one point. There was some blood, but it seemed old, it was dry. The hall in the back was just like in the other shop, but there was a chair pressed up against the door to the bathroom.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Upon spotting the blood, the soldier immediately had second and third thoughts about taking shelter here; unfortunately, there were no other options, so she pressed on. The chair used to wedge the bathroom door closed made her pause. I don't think the monsters are intelligent or worried enough to do that; well, as long as it holds, I should be alright here. Continuing her investigation, she looked around for an interior room with no windows with a door that opened inwards.

Should such a room exist, she would carefully, weapon at the ready, enter.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The door opposite and down one from the bathroom fit the description of a good hiding spot, it was an office that was utterly strewn with various papers. However, as Sam moved to investigate she heard noises from the blocked door. Banging, and growls, vaugly humanish. Whatever it was seemed unaware of the solider, but the noises were no less frightening, or at the very least annoying. The other rooms were clear, not big enough to hide an enemy in, so this was really the only problem. The storeroom was utterly trashed, but a rack had been already pushed against the backdoor, securing it.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Not bad for the first day of the end of the world, Sam thought to herself as she surveyed the ransacked office. Now I just- she immediately whirled around, weapon at the ready as a series of bangs and groans came from the bathroom. Whatever was in there didn't sound like it knew she was there...but did she really want to sleep here with...it?

Could always go in there and kill it, the girl thought, but shooting it would draw the attention of anything else around. Not sure I could take it in CCQ, especially not if it's another one of those... *shudder* things.

Instead, Sam walked into the office, and looked around for something heavy nearby, like a chair or couch, or a bookcase, or a file cabinet even, anything she could slide over to blockade the door without making too much noise.

Assuming she spots something, she'll close and lock the door behind her, then drag the heavy object over to block off the door. That done, she'll settle down for the night, and set to cleaning the bullets she found earlier that morning.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Two filing cabinets would do a decent job of barricading a door, more so if Sam stuffed some of the papers back inside them. There were enough to add a few pounds to the weight of the metal boxes. The desk could be moved, but only with making alot of noise, and using alot of effort to move things around. Still, it wasn't too hard to keep the door secured as the solider reinforced it, the more Sam listened, the more it sounded like whatever it was was trapped in a stall.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

The short-haired girl set about maneuvering the filing cabinets over in front of the door as quietly as she could, not concerned about hurrying. Once they were in place, she then loaded as much paper into them as she could manage, starting at the bottom.

Once Sam had barricaded herself in the room, she got as comfortable as she could, making a bed out of whatever materials were at hand before unbuttoning her shirt and unwrapping her chest, setting the fabric aside. After putting her somewhat tighter shirt back on and buttoning it halfway, the soldier retrieved the bullets she'd gathered earlier that day....

Has it not even been a day? She stared at the small pile of ammunition, reflecting. Yeah, just this morning I was bitching about command to Sanchez...and he's dead now. Sanchez, Perkins, Duchegne, Roberts, Alton.... Pictures of her squad-mates flashed through her mind as she recalled each of their names, the face of each man and woman bringing a pang of sorrow. I never imagined it would end like this. Fuck, who could have? Fighting back tears, Sam smiled grimly. Got no choice, do I? Gotta keep moving, get to Zack, and get the hell out of here.

Her resolve somewhat reinforced, Sam starts cleaning the ammo she recovered that morning, hoping she wouldn't need it, knowing that hope as futile. Once that is done, she'll hunker down for the night and go to sleep, feet against the file cabinets blocking the door, rifle in her hands across her chest, machine gun an arm length's away.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Focusing on other things helped Sam drown out the racket from elsewhere in the building. She finished her cleaning quickly and efficiently, retiring to the makeshift bed. It'd be an uncomfortable night, but soliders had had worse. At the lease she had four close walls and a nice roof over her head. Mushing papers around her head as she settled in worked as earmuffs, sort of, and helped further drown out the noise.

Sam dozed in and out all throughout the night. It was hard to tell time in the room, but one time she got the vauge impression that it was morning. Nothing had changed, there were still dull noises coming from the bathrooms, but now she felt somewhat refreshed, and ready to go.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

It may have been morning. It kinda felt like it. Deciding she'd had enough rest to continue, Sam began preparing for the day, re-wrapping her chest, pulling papers out from the cabinets, and carefully moving them out of the way.

Damn, that thing's still going at it? Maybe I should head in there, at least to put it out of its misery, the soldier mused grimly. Shaking her head, she picked up her machine gun, stowing it over her shoulder, and grabbed her rifle as well as the rest of her supplies. Slowly, carefully, she opened the door leading to the hall a little, letting her eyes adjust to the morning light.

Once her eyes no longer hurt from the light, she'll open the door the rest of the way, and enter the hall, rifle at the ready, sweeping first left, then right. Probably unnecessary, but better safe than sorry.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

Sam could feel the events of the day before taking their toll on her body. As she started to move her barricade out of the way her muscles ached slightly. Fortunately, the light in the hall wasn't too bright, there was alot of shade in the city, and she was about in the middle of the building as it was. Still, the time she took was valuable in regaining her senses and mentally preparing for the long day ahead.

The building was clear, and the street as well, from what Sam could see. As she stood closer, the bangings coming from the bathroom almost sounded a bit weaker then the day before, and certainly a little less directed. Whatever was making it was also still clearly unaware of the solider's presence.
Re: Mommy's Girl (The Alpacalypse)

(Apparently just sitting here hoping my writer's block will go away isn't working, so I'll just have to force my way through it. Sorry for taking so long.)

Sam grimaced a bit as her muscles squealed from their exertions the day prior. Once more, she thought of dealing with whatever was inside the bathroom, and once more she rejected the idea. After a moment weighing the merits of moving the shelves away from the back door and exiting that way, Sam decided to leave the same way she'd entered.

Rifle at the ready and machine gun over her shoulder, the soldier will cautiously enter the front area, making sure there's nothing out and about, either here, the streets, or the shops across from her, before leaving through the front door.