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Jungle Girl
Jun 26, 2017
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Monster Ambassador

We recently released the third expansion of our new game, Monster Ambassador! Introducing the very first taste of the overarching plot in the monster world;

Game Summary:
What's your preference? Slime girls? Manly minotaurs? ...Tentacles? All can be found in Monster Ambassador, as you traverse the region making friends with monster species of all kinds.

• Play as male or female, bi, gay or straight-- be who you want and see what you like
• 6 monsters [12 monster variations]
• Traditional RPG battle system
• Special Friendship Scenes (ifyouknowwhatImean) for each monster variant
• Befriend monsters in a variety of ways (give gifts, talk them up, complete quests)

In Development:
• More monsters!! Always.
• Animated Special Friendship Scenes
• Additional in-battle spells
• More dialogue, more quests, more dating-sim elements
• Plotlines and boss fights
• PC / Mac builds for those browsers that hate WebGL
• More effects, music & sound effects

The Team:
Kiwi & Melon are the two-person team behind Monster Ambassador. Kiwi handles coding, Melon handles Special Friendship Scenes & most character portraits, and we split the rest of the art between us.

We're a small team, but very dedicated to listening to player feedback and returning what you want to see!
For example, while animation wasn't originally a priority, you should be seeing it before too long; your feedback has been heard and we will deliver!

Game Previews:



Support Us:

Patrons get access to:
• extra uncensored art
• polls on what will get put into the game next
• cheat codes
• extra development updates
• and lots of gratitude from Kiwi and Melon! Join the MA team today!
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Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

What's with the font change. Wasn't the ULMF default font good enough for you?

Also, it's episode 2 as in "A completely separate game from episode 1" or, as the newgrounds one says, v0.2.2 which is just an early version of the game and not an actual "second episode"? Your wording is confusing.

By the way. "Special Friendship Scenes"? Really don't think you need to "censor" here.
Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

You're right, default reigns supreme. I changed it back so we don't have to look at alternative scumfont.

Episode 2, as in, "There are new characters and plot" but also version 0.2.2 as in "We've released twice and done a couple patches this time around, but the game isn't finished yet. With each episode we're also working in the new features we want."
Step 2.
Version 2.
Hopefully that alleviates some confusion. No one else has been overly concerned about this yet so we'll probably keep using the word 'Episode', even if it feels incorrect in certain aspects.

As for 'Special Friendship Scenes', don't worry! I'm not censoring, I just call them that because I can. If it bothers you, just change it to the words you like in your head.
Some of my recommendations:
-Extremely Personal Fitness Scenes.
-The Bangin' Scenes
-The Naked
-Fruit's n' Toots Scenes

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Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

Can we download the game somewhere?
Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

PC / Mac builds are something we have in development, and should be up soon; there was just a problem with bug-testing initially in them and we haven't found a new computer that will run a PC build yet. Melon's PC is small and tired and I think we ask too much of it sometimes.
Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

Episode 2, as in, "There are new characters and plot" but also version 0.2.2 as in "We've released twice and done a couple patches this time around, but the game isn't finished yet. With each episode we're also working in the new features we want."
Step 2.
Version 2.
Hopefully that alleviates some confusion. No one else has been overly concerned about this yet so we'll probably keep using the word 'Episode', even if it feels incorrect in certain aspects.

If I have to be honest, no, that won't alleviate any confusion for any people who see it announced. Really. When you go around and release "Episode 3", people who played "Episode 2" will find that, hey, it's all the same stuff with something new on top instead of, as the separation of "episodes" kinda means "different stuff" in a sense. Which means you are intentionally misleading people.

As for 'Special Friendship Scenes', don't worry! I'm not censoring, I just call them that because I can.

They technically are sex scenes, and calling them otherwise won't really change what they are. Emphasis on "technically" because from what little I've seen they do have sex, but are barely scenes at all.

Now that I've actually seen your game in action, I can say how it is... so bland and simple, at least what I've bothered to play. I wonder how it'd look with better art?
Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

New version is up! Play an all-new mini-game!
Re: Monster Ambassador: RPG/ Dating Sim

If I have to be honest, no, that won't alleviate any confusion for any people who see it announced. Really. When you go around and release "Episode 3", people who played "Episode 2" will find that, hey, it's all the same stuff with something new on top instead of, as the separation of "episodes" kinda means "different stuff" in a sense. Which means you are intentionally misleading people.

This is actually a good point. However intentional or not, mislabeling new releases gives people the wrong expectation and then you get the entire fiasco of having to explain your reasoning to people who work by the universal definition.

They technically are sex scenes, and calling them otherwise won't really change what they are. Emphasis on "technically" because from what little I've seen they do have sex, but are barely scenes at all.

Now that I've actually seen your game in action, I can say how it is... so bland and simple, at least what I've bothered to play. I wonder how it'd look with better art?

I have to echo these points, although I want to say that point and click games are perhaps the most uninspired and lazy games to develop regardless. To the developer, it might shock you to know that the reason Breeding Season and other similarly-successful (popularity-wise, not gonna invite a discussion on actual completion) "point and click" games were successful was from the art direction rather than any real "unique" mechanics or "story".

The art is just "meh" with an emphasis on the "eh" as in "how does it look?" "eh..." like the person answering is the doctor come to tell you that the strange growth on your lower back isn't cancer, but it is something just as concerning. I have to echo the position of "what might it be with better art?" Also, the "sex scenes" aren't that interesting, and I feel like a bit of dialogue would go a long ways to making it seem like there is something going on.

The game just feels like someone slapped something together real quick to get noticed and is now hoping their bare minimum will be enough to get big. The Monster Girl genre is over-saturated as it is, so a game like this that strays too far from the established formula (man/boy goes on adventure/mission/etc, monster girls like rape, fight ensues, loss means rape, etc), has mediocre art, and just doesn't seem to have a lot of effort into it is more likely to be ignored.