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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

There isn't a demon queen, unless you mean Persephone. Then that's just one of the things you can call her.

To say she owned territory might be implying she was running an even somewhat unified regiment. Not at all. There are some demons just about everywhere. They're very good at hiding and doing demon stuff right next to humans.

Anubis and Pharoah aren't currently fighting. They did fight, long ago. Anubis won out and become ruler supreme. But because of how hard it is to kill something powerful, Pharoah was instead sealed away, and Anubis treated to the same fate by the bunnies later on in her life. She's been awoken now, and is currently seeking the fairest butt in the land.
To be clear, the Pharaoh is the one currently awake right?

Also how is the standard of living in the desert when compared to it's neighbors?

And how 'regular' are tomb robbers human or otherwise that venture into the desert?
Nope, Anubis. The Desert doesn't really have neighbors. It's half of the entire island, a former kingdom, ruined by war and too much manipulation of threads. So, compared to the other half? Pretty shitty.

They're rare. People who venture out into strict mamono territory usually don't return.
Looks like I'm a bit late to the party. Is the lore here still on-going?

If so, what's the situation on construct-based mamono, like Automatons and Living Dolls?
Yup, this game has been running for a long time, such that the remaining players are pretty long standing.

The most popular usage of construct-based mamono are the golems created by the Magi (reference this post for info about them), but powerful weavers also may create them, depending upon skill and who's doing it.
I think I might be the only player remaining from the first wave at this point. And holy shit, has it been almost ten years already?
Yeah, going at the 1 week post rate that I have been makes it not seem so much when you look at the story at large. I've been getting faster though, since I often have more free time thanks to less school issues.
Speaking of which, about how far along into the generalized storyline is the roleplay, would you say? Another way to phrase that might be to ask if there's still slots open to new players at this point.

I might have prospects for a scheming Magi-made doll then, else you had other interests for a non-NPC role you'd be itching to see filled instead?
You can join, the story is about to have a major event when the angels invade Undine's Temple. Before that, it just had minor in-fights. Though I suppose Jezebel's invasion being pushed back was it's own major event of sorts. It was to be handled by a handful of players, all who disappeared one day. So it was handled off-screen.
Meanwhile my character just passed all these events by without even noticing.
All this is happening in the south. He's currently in the northern/middle of the Island/continent.

(Calling it an island was wrong, and a name I made on the fly. It's massive enough to be a continent.)
Huh. So he missed out on the excitement for the time being... Until it starts moving up.
In that case, I'll have a character posted soon!

Will we be likely to be setting up anything OOC beforehand, or am I to be jumping in with both feet here? I'll have some long-term IC goals already hashed out for soon after introductions, unless any are given.

As fair warning, I can take time to respond, but my posts are often wordy. You won't see any one-liners with me.
I often prefer if there's a lot of GM-Player communication. So the more we talk, the better. And it's a lot better if you ping me via discord or steam, since I will respond quicker and it's better for conversation.

PM me for details on such.