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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Ever since I read it, I've been a fan of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia. And about a week ago, I wondered what a roleplay based off of it would be like. The gist of the roleplay would mainly be about you(Aren't you special?) having been put on a ship, for reasons that are your own, that's headed for an uncharted island, in medieval times. The island is occupied by all of the monsters of the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, as well as some more additions, should I get creative, or someone makes a great suggestion.

Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG


-is a yes
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

Watches speculatively

Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

I'm interested in this. /Alucard

Anyway, a couple of questions. 1) Would this be a freeform RP? 2) As someone else pointed out, the Encyclopedia monsters are a little bit weighted towards hunting guys. Would this be open to female characters, too?
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

I'm interested yes. But also seconding the question in Janna's post.
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

It would be relatively freeform. Since most of the monster girls can often end your life, or make it ever-lasting with continuous sex, you're always gonna have a way out.

Rules regarding the 'relative' freeform are the common norm within' roleplays, things like godmodding are a no-no. It just has to be within' reason, that's all. Things like what equipment your character has when him/her lands on the island, what their disposition is, and why they were on the boat on the first place, that's all up to you.

(However, this excludes different races, except for discreet half-breeds. Things like small scales on the body, a relatives house-safe tail, or special eyes are fine. Like a human, but "Special")


I'd be more than willing to make a change or two, and involve the monster's perversion to spread to females as well, since it's very likely that a female would be hired among the crew to investigate the island. That, and I don't want to just kill of the ladies. :(

Women are allowed, and can be raped right next to the men.
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Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

I wonder what it would be like, being a traveler, or working some sort of trade. Seeing if you could get the girls to agree to have their way without keeping you, so you can continue on and try to trade things between cultures. What levels of sentience there are and such. Sort of a missionary who tries to bring the people together peacefully but realizes these girls do give into temptation.

Hmmm... a man can only dream
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

So the women can be raped too. Interesting.

Well, slime girls and such are easy to have rape women.
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

A man can also roleplay his dream, Toxic, my sweet.

Well, I suppose interest is obvious, definitely more than I expected(none). I suppose I'll get crankin' on a half-decent story to set apart from the constant rape, or escape from rape.

Until then, would you kindly post any suggestions for what you'd like to see?
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Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

Of course going to be sex and rape, lots of it. Mainly because you're all going to be on an island filled with girl-monsters that are intent on raping you silly! :p

C'mon, now, there's gotta be something you'd like to see? Like an ability to possibly capture, and keep some of the monster girls as pets? Could possibly even make it like 'Tentacle Rancher' in those regards, (except with monster girls;)).

Until(if) Nunu makes the sub-forum, please speak your mind if you'd like to see something special added.
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

Monster Girl Rancher Fuck Year! :D *Shot, didn't really have anything to add, goes to sleep*
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

C'mon, now, there's gotta be something you'd like to see? Like an ability to possibly capture, and keep some of the monster girls as pets? Could possibly even make it like 'Tentacle Rancher' in those regards, (except with monster girls;)).


Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

There won't... Be any pokeballs...

There'll be rape, and friendly(rapist) monsters that might end up following(keeping) you, but no Pokeballs.

On another topic, Real Life seems to be stealing Nunu's internets in some manner. I wonder if ol' Aika would help me make a Monster Girl Island?


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Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

PM him and ask, sometimes he misses these.

As for if I'm thinking of joining ....

We'll have to see how much free time I'll have left with upcoming events.
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

Hehehe, don't worry about having to join fast. The rules for joining will be the same as with my last project, for those people that may have had something going on at the time, and would have been interested.

It'll be fairly relaxed, so even if you can't post for like a week, no pressure.
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

o well, let me try be serious...

i cant. About the ability to possibly capture i will love it, also how much realistic will be the game(the character will need to find food,etc?), which kind of weapons can be permited?i want to se birth but im sure than will be.
Re: Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG

Birth would be more inclined to any people who play as females, as some monsters would first, "Fertilize" an egg with a man's semen, and then implant it inside a woman. Other than that, the Harpies will lay eggs! :D

The game will maintain a degree of realism, as there are a few monsters who might use food as bait to draw in hungry hunters, to capture and reap them.

The kind of weapons allowed will be restricted to Medieval times, swords, crossbows, the like. As long as it's not something outrageous.

Dual swords = fine

Dual bastard swords(Think, Cloud's weapon of choice, times 2) = No, sir.