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Monster suggestions

Re: Monster suggestions

Pussy Hugger: Small creature with several nubs and tendrils that can be used to cause torturous like stimulation on a female's clitoris and with thousands of tiny little cilia that stimulate when latch on. Quick, mobile, but small and weak, until they get attached. While some monsters subdue with toxins, these subdue at being naturally scarily good at what they do..until they plant eggs at the end of their torture.

Venus Girl Traps : Stationary plants - not terribly frightening, but able to camouflage in their surroundings. Snatch up a girl and pull her into the pinkish center where they're tortured...and ready her with pollen. Can work with impregnate or not impregnate......the thing just could need "watered"...

These two are definitely interesting, although we already have a crab like hugger, I suppose adding another wouldn't hurt! :D

And the plant is definitely being implemented, I had already made several plants, similar to that one. ;)
Re: Monster suggestions

The water-related aspect of the game could involve both the zoo and the sewer.

Based on a penguin-A disgusting greaseball with flippers. It has a sleek body which is covered in some sort of liquid which it secretes from its skin. This causes grappling rolls to go down for the penguin but increases pleasure/orgasm. As well, it slides across the ground very quickly. They often travel in packs.

Based on a lion- Based on a lion- A large ferocious feline with hooked claws and an enormous amount of hair on its head. When grappled, players take a penalty to trying to attack the beast. To add, the thing has good grappling skills.

Based on a lizard- Large serpent-like creature with legs. It has a long tongues containing a mild poison and anesthetic to slow the girl's reaction time giving a minus to dexterity. Its long tail is used as a phallic reproductive organ. Much like an alligator or crocodile it runs much faster than one would expect it to.
Re: Monster suggestions

Enemy: Little Slurper
Special Attack: Trapping, lactation drug through tongue
Abilities: Stealing valuables, luring girls, sexual torture
A strange dark colored creature barely hip height but with a powerful prehensile tongue nearly four feet in length. This little guy has no arms and large feet as it scurries around, and a long black tongue. It runs on two feet, it's three toed design two pointing forward and one back, each toe nearly a foot long and capable of grabbing or manipulating objects to a degree. It's cute, inquisitive appearance makes it seem rather friendly and harmless, with its large, cute eyes.

Further Info:
Though appearances can be deceiving, this creature is, indeed, practically harmless when out on its own, even in groups. It takes advantage of its cute and innocent looks to approach women only to steal from them or lure them into its traps, or it may sometimes use previously obtained objects as bait for its traps.

The creature itself cannot capture or hold its prey, and is not smart enough to design its own traps or tools to restrain women. However, it joins in a symbiotic relationship with other, more powerful creatures, drawing new victims in and feeding on the captives with the other creatures.

These creatures will breed with each other instead of with women, using their special skill to feed off of women instead.

Threat Level:
Variable. Zero threat on its own, but a huge danger when paired with other creatures, even able to coordinate attacks to a degree by calling out to its allies.

Recovering Captives:
The hardest part of recovery is that these critters will ensure that their allies will be active and ready to react to any attempt to rescue a victim.

When on their own with a captive, the captive may even easily escape on their own, the greatest danger is in the slurper trying to follow the victim and lure her into another trap.

Special warnings:
The Little Slurper was given its name due to the way it feeds on women. Unlike most of the creatures that use breeding to feed, the slurper force-feeds women a magic laced lactation inducer, tainting its victim in a way that their own body drains their spirit and releases it through their milk, which the slurper feeds off of.

This effect, even when purged through magical means, treated medically, or given time to leave a girl's system, will remain for duration. Smaller doses (such as administered during an attack) are unlikely to cause any trouble, however larger doses (such as from many attackers, or over a prolonged period, as would happen while captured) may cause difficulty performing even mundane actions for the victim due to extreme breast growth.

Most common known ally:
Ringlock Fungus (post upcoming for this creature)
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Re: Monster suggestions

(Gruelsome Loli deaths!!!!)
Name: Loricas
Apperance: Human child look alikes! They are lots of girls with few guys. Which is why the girls lure and capture grown human females for the guys to knock up while they are free to look for food etc. They cannot speak human language but they can act like a human child with little or no difficulty. They are very weak but fast and cunning, some are actually dressed in clothes which means they held intelligence close to humans.
Tactics/Attacks: Already looking like human childs, almost the only way to tell the difference is that their eyes grow bright yellow, while the males eyes grow red. By themselves they will run away but in a group they will tie you up or overwhelm you. Larger groups can take on 2 to 4 girls. Sometimes they might even lure you into ambushes or traps. If your storm their base however you are sure to find food or junk to help you out.
Re: Monster suggestions

Mousey- A creature with an astounding sense of smell. Though be it small, the gift it "thrusts" upon you is great. It is covered in grey fur and has the ability to slowly dig its way through wood if they're left alone in packs. As such, they hole up in old homes and bring their unfortunate victims there as well. Because of its small size, it seems to have developed or been created with small tendrils on its underbelly. This allows it to stick to the clothing of its victim. As such, the creature only tries to expose the essentials of the female it is attacking.
Re: Monster suggestions

Mousey- A creature with an astounding sense of smell. Though be it small, the gift it "thrusts" upon you is great. It is covered in grey fur and has the ability to slowly dig its way through wood if they're left alone in packs. As such, they hole up in old homes and bring their unfortunate victims there as well. Because of its small size, it seems to have developed or been created with small tendrils on its underbelly. This allows it to stick to the clothing of its victim. As such, the creature only tries to expose the essentials of the female it is attacking.

A nice addition to the zoo, thank ye!
Re: Monster suggestions

Too intelligent, besides, if the males were the ones who impregnate, that'd be child pron, and that's bad.
Re: Monster suggestions

But I want gruelsome loli deaths!!!

On to the 2nd monster...
Name: Lashers
Appearance: They are about the size of a rabbit, but they look like anteaters. They have a VERY long needle like tongue that can inject a VERY effective aphrodisiac into their victim. If they need to get violent, their long claws will prove dangerous.
Tactics/Attacks: Usually alone, they like dark, cramp places, they don't usually attack unless approached. When approached, their needle like tongue is sent out to inject the victim with such a powerful aphrodisiac they almost orgasm immidiately, and continues to look for pleasure without a sense of self. If their victim is alone, they might try to mate with them, but otherwise they are likey to flee while their 'attacker' is weak with orgasm.
Detailed effects of the aphrodisiac: Since the tongue is a needle, it can pierce through skin and get the aphrodisiac to be directly injected into your blood stream. Once that happens the victim will experience a huge orgasm due to the sudden overload of pleasure, most will fall to the ground unless they have a high will check. The aphrodisiac once spread to the brain will cause the victim to lose sense of self and mindlessly look for pleasure whether from someone/thing or by themselves. The aphrodisiac also makes the victim very sensitive, even being touched on the shoulders will send a shiver down the victim's spine.
Re: Monster suggestions

Name: Futa Symbiosis
Appearance: A parasitic worm usually less than two feet in length. In the middle are three small but long and surprisingly powerful tendrils. One end is a penis, while the other usually hidden half ends in long fleshy hairs.
A living Futa Symbiosis is often found firmly attached to a woman's pelvis, it's fleshy hair half inserted up into the uterus, the penis end pointing out. The penis half can be shrunk and flaccid or engorged and erect, depending on the host and symbiosis's mood.
Its colouration usually matches the host's, though odd diets or other factors can cause exceptions.

Tactics: A benign tentacle monster, it lives only to feed off the it's host and reproduce. It's fleshy hairs line the host's uterine wall and fallopian tubes, feeding off the nutrients the host would provide a fetus, and tapping into the hosts neural system. The host can feel everything the parasite does.
While the parasite itself is harmless, it is the host that becomes dangerous. The parasite generates hormones and a constant psychic attack, improving the host's physical abilities and driving her to seduce or rape other women, in search of new hosts for the creature's eggs. The Futa Symbiosis can only produce for laying about one egg a month, but it likes to keep it's host constantly busy.
An egg hatches three days after implantation, and the new parasite grows undetected for four more days before erupting orgasmically from the host's vagina.

DO NOT FORCEFULLY REMOVE THE PARASITE FROM THE HOST. The creature's vitals are attached to the host's uterus. Tearing will cause massive internal trauma, likely causing sterility and possibly death. Instead, the creature can be forced to consume nutrients faster than the host can provide by extended erections and multiple ejaculations. Making the creature cum thirty or more times in less than twenty-four hours will cause the creature to expire from exhaustion.
If raping the woman and the parasite are not an option, the creature only has a life span of six months to three years.
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Re: Monster suggestions

A lurker posteh! Le gasp!
Re: Monster suggestions

It's an interesting idea, but it birthing took several days, then a single woman would be pregnant for a really long time in RL. And, all monsters are able to generate another seed to implant in a woman very quickly, able to impregnate several women in no time at all.

Gave me an idea for another type of monster though, much appreciated.
Re: Monster suggestions

Name: Boob-bees
Appearance: Drones and the Prince resemble bishounen men with a white fluffy mane, antenna, black compound eyes, a pair of insect-like wings, and the yellow and black bars colouration of bees. The prince can be easily identified as while drones have black hair, the Prince's is gold. A queen has the appearance of a pregnant woman with identical non-human traits.

Tactics: Their diet consists of human breast milk. A drone's or prince's "honey" is a potent aphrodisiac that also causes human women to lactate. While the queen and prince remain hidden with a few guards, most drones of the hive wander in search of food in pairs or alone, raping any women they find then sucking their breasts dry while raping them again.
Drones occasionally bring victims back to the hive instead discarding them after feeding. While the queen can feed off the cum of her drones, a growing prince doesn't. He drinks milk and requires more than his mother can produce.
A fully grown prince will take a captured human female away to set up a new hive. His semen becomes a powerful mutagenic elixir, causing one women to transform into a Boob-bee queen. He will act as a spare drone while the new queen produces the first generation of drones, then die.

While any Boob-bee can learn, drones are singularly minded, driven only to serve the hive. Only the Queen or Prince can be reasoned with, and the only thing that can be negotiated is what position you are going to be raped in.

A hive can grow to include 60 drones in less than a year. Most don't get much bigger than this.
Boob-bees fight by combining basic martial arts and wrestling with their limited flight and hovering and heightened senses. They're not much stronger than humans; only the Queen or Prince can be said to posses super-human strength.
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Re: Monster suggestions

Name: Those Mother Fucking Dickitoes
Appearance: It looks like a mosquito, but has no wings. Instead of the stinger the real insect uses to suck blood, TMFD has a large penis.

Tactics: Despite lacking wings, the creature is somehow still capable of flight, and does so silently. Because of it's small size, it is very difficult to see. This creature lives for one reason. To inject it's seed into a vagina. Unlike other rape monsters, this ones neither drains essence, nor impregnates. However, it's semen is a powerful aphrodisiac and mind control drug.
The creature undergoes asexual reproduction when it watches it's victim rape another woman. It has a life span of ten days.
Re: Monster suggestions

Someone else can figure out the stats and stuff, but this seemed like a good way to trap women underwater ;)

Re: Monster suggestions

Jelly fish idea accepted!

Likely going to use stats similar to the slime, so this will be easy to implement! :D
Re: Monster suggestions

Hehe, I get this odd, satisfying feeling, knowing I just signed someone's Rape Warrant :3
Re: Monster suggestions

I guess it's about time I made a suggestion. I think a good monster would be the female harpy. A monster that would be like the futa and have a level of human intelligence. It would capture women after defeating them in battle or something along those lines. Once captured and taken to some kind of nest the woman would be forced to feed the harpy sexual energy . There would be a possibility of reasoning with the harpy, I guess.