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Monsters and Traps


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Tentacled demon:
  • Phy 60 | Int 40 | Sex 50
  • RP 6/6 | 0/5 LP
  • Tentacle grab: a successful physical attack binds the target with one stack of "Restrained"
  • Lustful breath: Caster and target both roll 5d20 and add their Sexuality. If the caster wins, the target gains Lust Points the same way that a successful attack damages Resistance. The major demon's next attack is always a critical if it connects.
Trivia:A big, red demon, with a cock so big, that few are the women (and sometimes men) who can take it. Half-a dozen tentacles sprout from his back (3 on each side), each ending in a red uncut cock; he uses them when the main dick cannot pass his victims' hole.

Demonic tapestry:
  • Phy 50
  • RP 3/3
  • Tapestry's world: Each attack of tapestry adds a stack of "Restrained" on the target, instead of inflicting damage. A character trapped in the tapestry is removed from the game until the demonic tapestry is defeated
Trivia:Cursed tapestries, with various sex scenes broided on it. If an inattentive human passes next to a blank tapestry, tentacles surge from it and try to pull them in the decoration. If they are successfully pulled in, they are stuck in a lewd scene like the other victims; while the scene looks immobile, a victim constantly feels the abuse they are depicted into, until they are brought out of the tapestry.
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Re: Monster and trap index

Tentacle beasts

Tentacle mass - underground variant:
  • PHY 40 | SEX 50
  • 4/4 RP | 0/4 LP
  • Strong grab: a successful physical attack binds the target with one stack of "Restrained"
  • Underground assault: A tentacle springs from under the target, aiming directly at their crotch. If the player's bottom is protected by a cloth, the cloth is removed. If the player does not wear bottom clothes, they can only use sex and sexual skills, unless they spend one of their turns pulling off the tentacle from their hole. Up to three "Underground assaults" can be used simulatneously on a target.
Trivia:A aggregated mass of tentacles, which grow underground near sources of stale water. Physically weak, they can however pop up from underground for devastating surprise attacks. Their grabs are also very strong.
Re: Monster and trap index

Beast men (covers Orcs, Goblins and other kind of Anthros)

Gnome packs
  • Phy X/X | Int 35 | Sex 50
  • X/X RP | 0/5 SP
X is the number of monsters in the pack.
  • Lasso: user and target both roll 5d20 and add their Physique. If the user wins, the target is "Restrained" (1 stack)
  • Smother: user and target both roll 5d20 and add their Physique. If the user wins, the target is "blinded"
Trivia:Packs of small creatures. Most of the Beast men gnomes have disproportionately huge genitals (breasts or cocks), which they love using on their targets

Beast man warrior
  • Phy 60 | Int 35 | Sex 55
  • 6/6 RP | 0/5 SP
  • No special attacks
Trivia:The enforcers of the savage tribes of beast men who roam some of the mazes. They are not very clever, and mostly prefer clubbing and raping their way towards their enemies. They are very fond of gang-raping any adventurer unlucky enough to cross the path of their patrols. If several beast men attack, the first one will keep attacking physically, while the others will try to have the player naked and/or distracted. Once the player is naked, they'll grab the player after a successful physical attack and start to fuck her.

Beast man shaman
  • Phy 40 | Int 60 | Sex 50
  • 4/4 RP | 0/5 SP
  • Hypnosis: Caster and target both roll 5d20 and add their Intelligence. If the caster wins, the target is charmed for 2 turns
  • Lust spell: Caster and target both roll 5d20 and add their Sexuality. If the caster wins, the target is horny for 2 turns
Trivia: Priests of the Beast men, the shamans are dangerous magic users, who rely on their hindering spells, in order to weaken their opponent. They are usually accompanied by Beast Men bodyguards.
Re: Monsters and Traps


Milking Slime
  • PHY 35 | INT feral | SEX 70
  • 3/3 RP | 0/7 LP
  • Gelatinous body: each effective attack allows the slime to latch on the player's body; the slime gains one stack of this effect each time he successfully lands an attack. The player cannot undo this effect.
  • Recollection: A slime can spend its turn collecting a dead slime's body, allowing him to recover 1 RP, and raise his Physique by 15.
  • Milking: Once the slime has stacked "Gelatinous body" 3 times, he starts milking its prey: the slime stops attacking, and inflicts 1 LP per turn
Trivia: Small slimes who feed on other creatures' sexual fluids. Almost inoffensive alone, they become dangerous when they travel by packs. If a slime is purple, this means he carries fertilized eggs, and wil try to breed the player during the milking.

Egg Carrier
  • PHY 35 | INT feral | SEX 80
  • 3/3 RP
  • Ambush: The fight starts with a Physique check for the player. If it fails, the player is instantly "encased" by the egg-carrier
  • Encasement: The egg-carrier jumps on a player, trying to cover them with their body. If the egg-carrier successfully hit a player with a physical attack, the player is encased by the creature. The egg-carrier gains a bonus of 20 against the encased player, and the player loses 1 RP at the start of his turn. The encased lasts until the egg-carrier is damaged by a physical attack.
  • Egg-laying: If the egg-carrier encases a player, and the player is naked, at the start of each of his turns he sends eggs inside the player's body. The DM rolls 1d10, which corresponds to the number of eggs sent inside the player.
    • 1-3 eggs: the player gains 1 LP
    • 4-6 eggs: the player gains 2 LP
    • 7-9 eggs: the player gains 3 LP
    • 10 eggs: the player gains 4 LP
Trivia: Extremely dangerous variety of slimes, which leave in sewers and marshes. They're long enough to cover an average adult, and their body is opaque and covered with egg pouches They ambush travelers, covering them of their heavy bodies, invade their orifices with tentacles and empty their egg pouches inside of them.
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Re: Monsters and Traps


  • PHY: 45 | INT: 65 | SEX: 40
  • RP: 5/5 | SP: 6/6 | LP: 4/4

  • Hypnosis: Caster and target both roll 5d20 and add their Intelligence. If the caster wins, the target is charmed for 2 turns
  • Grab: Each successful grab adds one stack of restriction on the target

Trivia: Lusty snake women that have both sets of genitals, though their cock also serves as an ovipositor to implant their eggs. They can hold up to several dozen eggs at a time, varying in size but usually around that of a chicken egg. Lamia love grabbing girls and herms more so than anything, to lay their eggs in, and if its a herm they can both lay their eggs as well as make more after milking their cocks.
Re: Monsters and Traps


Eldritch guardian (Rank A)
  • PHY: 70| INT: 40 | SEX: 50
  • RP: 8/8 | LP: 0/5

  • Deafening Roar: Every opponent must roll an INT check. If they fail, they are stunned (a stunned player cannot attack or defend from the moment they are stunned until the end of the next round.)
  • Bear Hug: Each time the character hits an opponent, and they do not restrain another opponent, the target becomes restrained
  • Multi-rape: Used against a single opponent: removes all of their clothes if they are clothed, or double the pleasure damages the opponent receive
  • Multitasking: can attack another target while raping an opponent
  • Larvae-laying: fills the recipient with small wriggling grubs. Instead of counting as a normal sex attack, the victim becomes bloated, and receives 1 LP per turn per stack. If the victim is not filled during the next turn, the number of stacks decrease by 1 each turn

Description: a strange, monstruous creature. It is humanoid in appearance, and very big, dwarfing all of the Hunters in size and thickness. Its hide is dark and thick. It has four long, muscled arms, and legs ending in digitigrad feet. Its face looked brutish. Small, red eyes in too many number surrounding a muzzle which part open like the petals of a flower, or the tentacles of an octopus, depending on the point of view. The creature has a thick penis which ends in the same kind of splitting, hollow head; it also has breasts, or what pass as breasts, the same kind of hellish mouths replacing their areolas, with tentacles escaping the opening.

Trivia: Monstruous beasts which roam the darkest corners of the world. They hunt for explorers fool enough to wander their territory, and use their bodies as host for their numerous young whom they store in their bodies until they find a human body to incubate in.