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Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)


Dec 6, 2009
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Three years ago it was discovered that monsters and mythological creatures actually existed and lived on the same planet with everyday ordinary human mortals. The governments of the world wanting to maintain peace with the fascinating creatures, chose to initiate the Monster Ambassador program. This program would enlist certain citizens to foster Monster girls in their home much like foster children or exchange families. However due to the monsters' exotic appeal and strange powers, in order to keep from the monster population exploding and over crowding the earth, it was decided that procreation with said monsters would be illegal and punishable by vasectomy and a jail sentence should anyone be discovered having mated with the monsters. Recently however, it was discovered that the monsters' libidos were far more powerful than their human counterparts' and that it was also unfair to expect them to deny their needs or right to reproduce, and the former law was abolished. However due to the fragile nature of human beings and the absurd power of the monster women, for partners health and the population, males were required to undergo a vasectomy after their third monster child birth. Humans and monsters now co-inhabit the earth in peace, with monsters taking positions in different fields and jobs just like their human neighbors.

One such corperation is Monsutameido, Inc. A corporation that caters to peoples needs (or fetishes) for housekeepers and interest in monster girls. Taking roots in Harujuku, the fashion capitol of Japan, Monsutameido provides housekeeping monsters to those who can afford them and have...... more exotic tastes. Linn Amakura, one of the leading fashion models and leaders of Gothic Lolita models in Japan, has found herself too busy too keep her apartment kept up with her paced lifestyle, and has such sent in an order to Monsutameido for some housekeepers and assistants. Which leads us to where we are now, as a delivery van packed with six monster girls pulls up to Linn's upscale apartment complex.....
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys steps off the van, taking a deep breath and adjusting her glasses. She was blushing from sitting in such a tight-packed van full of such a variety of pretty monster girls. She brushes off her dress and makes herself look presentable before stepping forward to look up at her new home.
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The next maid out behind Rhys, was Yunha. The small blue haired girl stepping out tentatively, her hands tracing along the truck walls till she was finally on the ground.

Once she had gotten off the van, she was bouncing on her feet in excitement, though her eyes didn't seem to rest on anything around her.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

For her whole trip Jaqueline Ivory has sense a really interesting scent among them than has awakened in part her reproductive instincts. All is so lively in this city, maybe we should one day ask for a guide tour around it. She said, not exactly to anyone in the delivery Van. Her words were followed by a mischievous smile and her viper like tongue get out to enjoy the scent even more. The scent of a man was so potent now than she almost could imagine so virile males at her side with theirs fertile rods at her reach, but maybe the only man in the Van was the person in charge to drive the car.

Her pink color eyes returned to a violet color after calm herself a little when the door get opened, she needed to see than all was in correct place her outfit and baggage, before take the last ones and slid her body with sensual grace softly excited to see the human in charge of them.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sommarkatze gave a long sigh, though he tried covering it up with a yawn as the van came to a stop. The trip had been uneventful, though the company around was interesting, even if they had remained relatively quiet for the most part.

The first few girls hopped off the van, and so he saw fit to get off too, stretching his legs and his back with a satisfied grunt before really taking a look around. The place looked cozy enough, enough to calm his nerves for a bit and break out a smile as he let his luggage rest on the floor.

One of the girls spoke out, clearly overexcited, though Sommar was relatively certain it wasn’t because of arriving at the place. Admittedly, the idea she mentioned was not bad by any means. “Indeed.” He exclaimed. “It would do us well to acquaintance ourselves with the surroundings.”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Cassandra had remained in the back, sticking to the dark interior for most of the trip to the apartment, her eyes closed. Though with her head head remaining stock still despite her restful and sleepy appearance, told that she wasn't really sleeping. Today, she had decided to wear her regular attire, leaving her in a dark dress with long sleeves and skirt. Feeling the van come to a halt she opened her eyes to glance out the window.

With a slight hm sound, she gave the apartment complex a curious look. She thought it was a little odd that they were hired to serve someone in such a place, but if they had the money to hire her and five others, there was probably a reason. Grabbing her bag with her clothes and her uniform as well as her umbrella, which she opened up quite brazenly inside the van before she stepped out. The umbrella and her very skin covering dress shielding her from the sun. Her indigo eyes glancing about to see who would be showing them in to their new master.

Also happy belated Canada day and an early Independence day. :)
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Much as Sigrid wanted to introduce herself to her fellow associates, the valkyrie was too busy keeping her ever loyal falcon entertained for the duration of the trip. She was never one to be cooped up for too long and when both were finally able to step outside, the eager bird took flight, looking to get a feel for her surroundings. "Just be back soon. Wouldn't want you getting lost now." She was the last out and the last to retrieve her personal items, but it wouldn't take long as she was a woman of simple means. And despite her uniform, she carried her spear in hand like a soldier going to war. Though her work was never done really.

"I doubt we'll learn anything by simply standing around, my friends. Come on now. We have a duty to perform." Not even waiting, Sigrid would walk confidently into the complex.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

As the troupe of lovely yet bizarre and fascinating maids made their way into the large apartment complex they were greeted by a warm, friendly, inviting and voluptuous with long black hair done up into a bun with golden eyes. Hello, ladies~ ❤️ You must be the maids that miss Amakura's agency sent for~ My name is Tamamo no Mae, but you can call me Tamo-chan~ Miss Amakura is so busy with her career and travel, she rarely has time to keep her place up~ I'm sure you lovelies will take a H-U-G-E load off her pretty shoulders~ Miss Amakura is up on floor 4 room 404. Please make yourselves at home and enjoy your stay~" she sang out as the maids made their ways up the stairs and up to Linn's apartment. When they got there they would find an envelope in her mailbox with 6 spare keys. It appeared she was out on business. If the maids let themselves in, they would ins that Tama was correct about Linn's living and house keeping habits. There was gothic loli clothes strung about the floor, instant lunch packages, memos.... The place needed some immediate tidying up....
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys blushes as the pretty woman approaches her and the others. She keeps her hands down at her front as she listens to Tamo-chan. Once the Tamo-chan left, Rhys lets out a sigh of relief. She grabs her bags from the van and heads up with the others and grabs her spare key. She uses it to open the door, and as it swings open, Rhys's eyes go wide in shock at the mess before them, "Wow... And here I was thinking we'd have time to settle in first."
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

As one of the first to get out the car, Jaqueline got some fun looking how the rest react to their new enviroment. Nodding to Sommar with a kind smile and as she have a long tail to take care of, she tried her best to dont cause too much problem to the others as they get inside the house.

Soon as they were looking the insides of the house, a possible human introduce herself to the group of monster girls, pollitely the snake like woman bow and share some words with the strangers who looks delicious to her eyes. Yes we are the ones than would work for Mistress Amakura. Is a pleasure to meet you Tamo-chan, it was a nice touch than you wait for us. Jaqueline said as she take some moments to enjoy the human beauty. Once we prepare ours rooms we could drink some tea so we can know more of Mistress Amakura and of you too Tamo-chan.

Once the talk with her ended and all said what they needed to her, the group get to the room than Tamo has said and found some keys which certainly for the number were for them, as Rhys she take one and wait for the Ram creature to open the room.

Of course than it was a surprise for anyone see such mess, but quickly Jaqueline get inside the room and after check what was need to do she turn to the others and bow. My name is Jaqueline Ivory and as many of you im excited with this chance than we got to live in the human world, there should be time to know us each other before start to clean here.

Certainly our Mistress will love to see all in order when she come back, we only need to take care of not throw anything than could be useful and important for her. Two persons could help me to clean and the others place the clothes in their place and prepare the memos so our Mistress could read them later. If no one is against this, lets do our best to impress her, girls.~ Said this turn to the butler... and gentleman ♥ continue giving to him a flirtatious wink with her once again suddenly pink eyes, maybe all her arousal was for this male, but it was too much for just one so she was a little confused.
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Lu smiled, the ladies around were basically a mixed bag of silly and normal, something that he was not really expecting but it was more of a pleasant surprise more than anything else. The energetic group took off, leaving him at the back of the line, though it didn’t take long before they were intercepted by an affable and attractive woman that engaged everyone in a small spiel.

… And he was indirectly addressed as a maid, at which point he could only chuckle with a bit of resignation mixed in. Granted, his face wasn’t all that masculine but he would have thought his butler attire would help along in the identification. “T-thank you miss Tamo. We’ll all do our best to help.”

The group moved fast again, leaving him to hasten his pace a bit to catch up, getting his own spare key as soon as he did. The girls wasted no time invading the unknown territory, unprepared as they were with suitable results. “… Well, Miss Tamo wasn’t lying.” He muttered as he looked at the battlefield ahead of them, though he quickly felt slightly bad for the girl they were going to serve, she must be quite busy for her to be unable to keep her home in such a state.

Just as he thought that, the serpent maid took the initiative again, a nice attitude for a battlefield such as this, he thought, she had the right idea, separating in groups to tackle different areas faster. And then she introduced himself, something that struck him as funny, considering how much time everyone had had in the carriage to introduce themselves, then again, nobody did including himself so he couldn’t really berate her for that. He could only nod as the girl flirtatiously addressed him again, causing his smile to crack up a tiny little bit, admittedly a knee jerk reaction… but he couldn’t help but to feel scared for a second there.

“I… I believe it is a good time to introduce ourselves before we go any further too. A group will survive longer in this kind of battlefield more than a bunch of strangers after all.” He said, coughing a bit with embarrassment as he noticed his own choice of words. “My name is Elam Varlowë, though you can call me Luva or Lu if any of you find my name difficult.” He said with a quick bowing of his head.

“If you don’t mind, Miss Jacqueline, I would like to help with cleaning.”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys listened to what the serpentine girls had to say, her face paling as she addressed one of them as "gentleman". Rhys blushes and tries not to make eye contact. Was her secret discovered? After a quick glance around, she realized the girl was referring to the butler. Rhys lets out a sigh of relief.

Before she could get a chance to say which of the duties she wanted to take on, Lu spoke up and suggested they all introduce each other.

"Um, h-hello Lu. My name is Rhys Lynna," Rhys says as she bows to all of the other maids, "I'd like to help in picking up and organizing all the memos."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sigrid couldn't help but admire the land ladies energy as she explained that situation with their soon to be mistress. Seems the humans have no limit to just how much pep and energy they can have, but also in how helpful they can be. "You're far, too kind Ma'am. We'll do the best we can for Lady Amakura and make sure she's happy and comfortable. It's the least we could do." She'd take her spare key and would follow the others up into their new home and she had to say it was quite a disaster.

Clothing strewn about like an unkempt child, instant food containers carelessly left about the floor and paperwork left unorganized and haphazardly lain about. This actually caused the valkyrie's eye to twitch in frustration as she saw the disaster of a home. Something inside her jus wanted to make this right. Thankfully one of her associates was quick to organize the team. So she took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts, not wanting to seem irrational in high pressure situations. "Sigrid. Sigrid Falkenrath. If you need me, I'll be organizing the paperwork and notes into something a little more manageable. Can't imagine this system of hers is that organized."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

((Combined skill of Rath, Plm and Arma/3 equal 2. Roll 2d6= 10, target number 8- they easily pass the challenge.))

Through the combined team work and dilligence of Jacqueline, Lu and Cass the piles of clothes soon cleared away to reveal a quaint tatami floor, with sketches of clothes designs, print club stickers, and plushies left behind by the mistress. They had managed to separate colors, delicates, firms, whites.... and unmentionables into appropriate baskets, and the washer and dryer were humming with life as the dirties were being cleaned.

((Combined skill of Ranger, Iggy, and Aust/3= 3 roll 2d6=10 target number 8- they easily pass the challenge.))

Sigrid, Rhys and Yuhna quickly and effectively rifle through all of Linn's loose documents. Taking the sketches, appointments, photos, and files and carefully sorting them in file holders in Linn's bedroom. As they go through the papers the also come across some steamy slash fiction stories written for some of Linn's favorite anime male leads. After a fairly decent time they have her apartment looking spotless. And within just a few moments they hear Tama proclaim, Oh~ Miss Amakura~ It's nice too see you. By the way your maids have arrived already. And might I say that they are quite the darling an colorful assortment~" W-H-A-T-!-? They're already here!? OH NO! The place is a mess! They probably think I'm a total and hopeless slob!? TAMAAAAAAAA!" she cried out in alarm as the maids and butler would hear the thunderous sound of Linn racing towards her apartment like a mad woman. Eventually the head of the apartment would arrive throwing open the door a disheveled mess only to find a perfectly clean apartment, "Huh!? Oh... Wow.. You... You already cleaned it all for me... Than you so much. I usually do 'okayish' of keeping this place cleaned up and all but I've just gotten so busy this past month. Thank you all so much~ ❤️" she thanked her new staff cutely. "Oh boy, I am just such a mess right now. Please give me a short while to get cleaned up, then we can all get acquainted with each other, okay?~" she said she stumbled off to the restroom.

((All maids get 2 favor for cleaning up the apartment.))
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yuhna had been rather silent up till now, mostly because the girl was taking the time to try to put voices to names and to shaped but featureless blobs of energy that she could 'see' thanks to her magic.

Then cleaning up had taken most of her concentration, not that she had to much trouble finding anything, she would be a terrible maid if she couldn't clean the place up after all! It was more just there was so much mess it was worrying. Once it was done she had realized she had never introduced herself to the others, and she had been about to do so when their employer came through like a hurricane, not even giving the girls a chance to respond before she was off cleaning herself up.

So finally she got the chance, with a tiny hop of excitement she said to the other maids and butler, "Nice to meet you all! I'm Yuhna, sorry for not introducing myself earlier!"

Unfortunately her enthusiasm might have been better placed if she wasn't effectively staring out into space at the time she said that, but atleast it was something.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

There were some maids than remain silent, but who were Jacqueline to judge them, maybe they were shy little cute creatures, she only need to get more warm and closer to them so they could enjoy themselves with time all was possible.

Cleaning in tactic way so all get done faster, the trio ended really fast to place all in order, so easy than the snake woman could admire the butler in action and see of what is he made. Her friendly words to guide and help the others hidding her carnal throughts. See? is not so hard if we work together~

Of course than than Jacqueline couldnt just stop cheering up her new allies on this work, cheerfully she hug each of the others five and shake theirs hands if they accept, taking her time to feel theirs bodies, some seconds more than the others on Lu, she noticed the sudden high tone voice and so she prepare herself to receive her owner, her transparent maid outfit easily got cleaned and her hormone levels werent so high, all just point than she was ready for anything.

The human come and the snake woman let her talk all what she need before bow to Linn. There is nothing to thank, Mistress~ Is our work after all and we are pleased to see you happy for our service. Jaqckeline could not stop herself to give a soft smila and blush softly as she rise her face to see such beauty lady.

As you wish Mistress. Please take all the time than you need, we will be here getting all in order and in any moment please call us, we ready to serve you when you need it ❤️ Leaving the human to get inside her room, she turn to all and tried to give them a moment to rest before get ready for what she suppose could help them to please the human.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Time went flying by, Lu did not notice when the room went from unkempt to pristine, and a smile reached his smile as he noticed their work’s having such a nice effect. “This is very pleasant to the eye if I do say so myself.”

His comment would quickly be drowned by a scream that pierced the heavens and his ear drums, as a rampaging bull came rushing upstairs in a very audible manner. He did not exactly know how to react, but his body did, reaching for his bag to grab his magnum, ultimately, he stopped himself before he actually did get his hands on the gun, and thankfully so. The door blasted open and a young, attractive girl was spotted, the young idol in the flesh who at first looked stunned and then composed herself enough to address everyone in the room.

Lu chuckled a bit with a strange mix of nervousness and happiness; he had to admit Miss Amakura was a charming young lady. No wonder people seemed to like her so much. While deep in his thoughts he almost missed the last of the maids introducing herself, the one girl most quiet out of the group until then, the impression that she was a bit of an airhead was strong, but he knew better than to comment on other people.

“Hopefully we haven’t missed our chance to greet Miss Amakura properly.” Lu wondered out loud as he placed everything in his bag back into place quietly.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Rhys smiles and looks in appreciation at a job well done. Shortly after nodding in agreement with Jacqueline's statement, he jumps in hearing the loud voice outside and begins to panic as the source of it rushes towards the room. He was relieved when it was his new beautiful mistress. He was at a loss for words as he gazes upon her beauty. He felt even stupider when she left before he could manage to say anything.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

After thirty minutes or so, Linn would step out of the restroom in a loose, light camisole top, short shorts and slippers with steam billowing out of the room from her shower. She had a mint green towel wrapped around her hair and smelled of lavender. "I'm so sorry for my rather unrefined and racous entrance and unladylike introduction, everyone. I'm afraid I break Gothic Lolita decorum more often than I would like." She said before carefully placing the towel on the table and folding it neatly an going to set down on the recliner in the room. She sat daintly, carefully and poised as expected of a gothic Lolita. She daintly crossed her legs and placed her hands on her lap before addressing the maids and butlers, "Ahem. Hello, it is very nice to meet you all. My name is Linn Amakura. But you may call me Amakura-san, or Linn-sama~ As you probably can guess by the mess you were greeted by, I am very busy. Either doing commercials, photo shoots, or fashion meets. So I rarely have time to clean my self. That is enough about me, though~ Please everyone, introduce yourselves and tell me a lil about yourselves. Than we can have dinner and tea while I come up with a List of thing that need to be done here~" she said with a smile and a bow to her new roommates.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sigrid was the first to step forward, the Valkyrie getting on one knee and her head bowed in a respectful position. She'd look up after a moment and address her lady properly. "Lady Linn, it is an honor to finally meet you. I am Sigrid Falkenrath, your loyal servant and protector. I...I..." Sigrid trailed off for a moment, her quieter side kicking in despite the energy she was feeling prior. And almost on cue, her loyal pet found herself herself outside, actually tapping it's claws on the window as if detecting her owners distress and wanting to solve it in some way. "F...forgive my pet. She just knows when I'm a little nervous. I trust her presence won't be a problem, my lady?"
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