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Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"You spoil me Jaqueline. To offer me so much. " She'd approach the her fellow maid and give her a gentle peck on the cheek. "We're gonna be good friends, I can tell already." But there would be time for them to indulge that later. She'd wiggle her way into position and give Yunha a few tentative licks of her own. Course, she couldn't ignore the offer that came from Jaqueline. She always seemed to know just what to say and when to say it.

"Jaqueline, you just do whatever feels right and I won't hold it against you. We all trust each other here and I know that you'll make the right choice." She gave a teasing wink as she focused back on her efforts of getting the ice maid cleaned and "purified". Her efforts would be on the gentle side, tongue and fingers working to tease the best possible reaction. Of course, she couldn't ignore the feeling that was creeping along her own sensitive place, the snake woman having gone ahead with her little scheme. The valkyrie wouldn't reject or oppose her in any way. She was in a good mood and a little snake tail around her leg and playing with her cunt wouldn't be an issue.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yunha was fairly sure she was somewhere near heaven at this point. First a new sensation penetrating her down below, playing at her lower lips and feeling a hundred times better then the few times she had used her fingers. Then it had stopped, but she had been so focused on trying to do best with Sommar, which for her was a task that required a fair bit of concentration considering what she was up against, that she had missed Jaqueline and Sigrid's conversation. So the sudden renewed assault on her flower, and the new one on her rear entrance caught her offguard and caused her to tip forward a bit, taking in alot more of Luv then she was planning to.

Pulling off him for a moment she moaned and stuttered, "Ahh....please be careful b-back there...its really sensitive," It was somewhat obvious from the tone of her voice that she was more worried about being overloaded with pleasure before she got to the next stage. Seemingly in an attempt to take some of her focus off the incredible feeling she bobbed forward again, working on Luv some more, the inexperienced girl trying and due to timidness, failing to get to far down Luv's shaft unless she got a bit of assistance.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

With the situation unfolding so naturally and without any input of his own, Sommar could only help but to sigh quietly, Admittedly, Yunha wasn’t doing an impressive job, but it really didn’t matter, the stimulus was there, as Yunha would be able to tell from Sommarkatze’s manhood engorging ever so slightly and twitching in her lips.

It was nice to see that the whole group… barring one, was becoming acquaintance with each other without a single hitch. Of course, he had his own desires welling up from deep within his heart, but he quickly silenced the thoughts, he had been chosen to become Yunha’s partner, whatever desire he had was secondary at the moment since he had a task at hand…

Though he had to admit, the scene in front of him was awakening his own instincts, mating with all three girls seemed so enticing and within reach.

“Miss Yunha… if you feel comfortable you could try going deeper?” He asked tentatively, realizing he was developing a need that Yunha had not yet completely fulfilled. He used the precious seconds of distraction to put a lid on his thoughts for the time being.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The enjoyment for such small show of affect in Sigrid's kiss encourage the echidna's attempts to make this her second family. Her handsgrope on Yuhna's rear and rub the back checks as she smile to the valkirye. whatever i feel Sigrid? Hmhm, then after clean our friend i could show my gratitude, as a token of our friendship. Jaqueline said with soft cute giggles showing who will be her target meanwhile Luv start to thrust on the small maid.

Her pace licking and rubbing at Yuhna's back soon cause effect on the snow princess, the hips of so inocent girl were starting to react in delight and she could notice the love nectar start to wet the crotch too as also was happening with Sigrid privates. Her tail in kind touch vibrate slowly acting as a living toy to prepare the valkirye to be penetrated soon, but first they should calm so young and worried maid. Dont need to fear, Miss Yuhna... We will just do only the needed to make you ready for your first time, no pain and just happiness will be once Mister Luv get inside you~ With this said Jaqueline will continue pleasuring both girls as she decide to help Yuhna pushing her the needed in each of the ice girl attempts so in that way she gets each time deep inside her mouth that huge phallus
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yuhna wouldn't say anything in reaction to the both Luv andn Jaqueline's comments, other then to let out a few muffled moans from the snake girls playing. She would try to react to the dragon butler's request though, and moved a bit furthur down a few times, before coming back up for air and saying, "E-Eeeh, I....I think if you two g-go farther I'll...Ahh" It was becoming rather obvious if Sigrid and Jaqueline kept playing with her now, she'd likely climax.

The task on Jaqueline's hands was not just pleasure the young maid, but make her enjoy as much as possible her first time. That is why feeling the move of the hips and how much Yuhna press at her holes Jaqueline can get an idea of when to stop and restart her little game. "Cum? Oh no Miss Yuhna, we will stop and make it fall until we can restart cleaning you again." The echidan said ready to stop as she said and then continue after a moment has passed

"A little one on one bonding will do us some good, Jaqueline." Gonna have to come up with a nickname or something for her if the two were going to be much closer. Wouldn't hurt. Course, that'd come later. For now she had to wory about the tingling feeling in her own cunt, the snake woman having quite the desired effect on the valkyrie. But she wasn't te priority of the moment. It was Yunha."Oh lets not torture the poor thing. Let her feel feel something amazing sooner rather than later." She'd pause for a moment despite her words, unsure if Jaqueline would be upset if she took her own course.

The girls talked among themselves, quite obviously enjoying the bonding time they were sharing at the moment. Sommarkatze was no exception, petting Yunha's head gently as he resisted the urge to plunge his member all the way, which was something he was slowly finding harder and harder to do. Suddenly, the smaller girl started quivering, quickly worrying the dragon child a bit before Yunha herself made it clear what was going on. He smiled,
"I'm inclined to agree with miss Sigrid. I do not believe miss Yunha will have a bad time if you allow her high."

Happily Jaqueline nod and kiss back Sigrid in her cheek, showing than they would mostly share each other after end with Yuhna. The echidna had her plan based in her childhood and what the people do in traditions. But she was here to share cultures so when all talked of let all be more calmed for the poor Yuhna she sigh and smile showing than she was not mad or anything. Very well, lets do it at your way Miss Sigrid. What do you have in mind to make Miss Yuhna relieved in bliss? She ask ready to let another take the leadership

"Oh? Leaving this to me? Well, if you ask me, we should just put all our effort into getting her off. She's close enough, and I know just the right place to go. Find the most sensitive spot and go to town." Sigrid took the initiative and dove her tongue deep into Yunha's snatch, aiming to find her sweet spot while also finding her clit and playing with the sensitive nub. For one like her, she had a feeling she'd be quite unuse to the sensation and it was the perfect spot to target

Yunha would eep again as Sigrid made a dedicated attempt to get her over the edge apparently, but the two hadn't been going at her boguht her just enough space to avoid climaxing before she could shift herself, trying to move away from Sigrid well saying, "H-Hey! I...I don't want to end y-yet!"

Hmhm, as you wish Miss Yuhna, then lets focus on make you sattle a little Mister Luv~ Said this Jaqueline move to the front and take Luv's hand making three fingers act as a dick. Repeat after me Miss Yuhna. Said this her tail leave a little to pleasure the valkirye. Coiling some of it around Yuhna so her moves could make Yuhna move as her by thrust in said fingers and pennis. Her mouth still free said. think in the warm between your legs and try to share that feeling with Mister Luv, let me guide you. SAID THIS HER MOVES AND HOW SUCK AND LICK WERE TEACHED TO Yuhna, also placing the remain free hand of the dragon over Yuhna head so the dragon help when the time come

The serpent that was apparently okay with letting the valkyria take charge of the situation quickly moved to lead Yunha's actions. Sommar didn't mind, is growing desire to reach his own high was something he couldn't ignore any more. With as gentle a move as he could he would push Yunha's head down trying to tell her to go a bit further down his shafts as he let another sigh out, keeping his breathing controlled. "If you would be so kind, miss Yunha.." he muttered gingerly, not really used to voicing his desires out loud.

Yunha would react with a muffled sound of suprise when Luv grabbed her head nad pushed his shaft back into her mouth. The ice girl taking a moment to get her bearings but as Sommar gave his low comment and she'd focus again, beginning her bobbing motions again and she'd try to move her tongue a bit, the inexperienced moves probably not helping much, but atleast they couldn't make things 'worse'.

Looking than her attempt passed unnoticed by Yuhna, made Jaqueline stop and look close to detect what could she do to help in this critical moment. "You are doing it right Miss Yuhna, relax and just enjoy the taste dont care of all just try to make it get each time deep inside you and try to lick it when its not folly inside" Jaqueline said whispering at Yuhna's ear her attemps clear to give some security. "Let Mister Luv guide you and help you too. Both must work and enjoy this moment." Said this she wait to see if both could connect and Yuhna find her inner slut

It was curious seeing someone else enjoy this much pleasure. Even if it was that someone's first time. Sigrid was able to wiggle her way out of the situation to gve the couple as much room as possible. However, that did not stop herfrom joining Jaqueline on the ice girls side. She'd stand close, even snuggling up against the snake woman. "You're a good coach. I can only imagine the things you'll teach her. And the fun we'll have while she's busy."

Sommar would restrain himself as much as possible, while still leading Yunha's movements along his shaft, keeping the pace steady, if perhaps faster than before. "Miss Yunha, it's my humble recommendation that you should also use your tongue."

A chuckle came from his mouth as he watched not just Yunha but Jacqueline and Sigrid flirting a bit in the background, the bath seemed like a total success... except for the absence of the ram girl. A tinge of regret pulled at Sommar's heart as he made a mental note to make some effort in allowing Rhys in on the activities they were holding. As a fellow peer Sommar wanted to improve everyone's relationship, since the closer they were the better they would work together.

But it wasn't the time to think about that, Sommar shook his head lightly to clear his thoughts, allowing himself to feel Yunha's little mouth on his shaft. He could feel his desire welling up, he was close to releasing.

Yunha would let herself be egged on more by Jaqueline and Luv's comments, when the ice girl would come up for air she'd give testing licks to the tip of Sommar's member, and then dive back down, getting farther and farther now that she was getting some encouragement. As she worked more and came up for air again she'd start getting a more confident with her tongue, evidently finally getting the hang of things.

Finally Jaqueline blush thanks to the valkirye's flirting, taking a moment to rest of her effort to help the ice maiden, the snake girl give a peek again on the valkirye's cheek as a teasing to hide what she have for her. "Im sure than you are skilled or even more than me in that field, Miss Sigrid, i cant wait to share some blissful moments with you~" Turning back to Yuhna, her tail still coiled around the small torso started to rub the ice maiden's chest as also Jaqueline's hand do with Yuhna's back." Just a little more, please try your best to hold all the love nectar than Mister Luv will place in your mouth" Said this, Jaqueline was ready to catch any drop than escape using her hands.

"I aim to please, Lady Jaqueline. I aim to please." The valkyrie would giggle as the snake girl gave her another kiss. She was loving this group more and more. Just a shame the others couldn't get involved. She could only imagine what wonderful things her mistress could do. "But this is her moment, and I won't hog the light." Sigrid stepped back and crossed her arms, just under her breasts. She'd simply step back and let things finish their due course, the valkyrie knowing that the echidna was dedicated to aiding her apprentice

Sommar stiffened up, more to avoid hurting Yunha than anything else, as he felt the heat that was welling up inside him rush up. The dragon child grunted, releasing his lust indie Yunha's mouth, the girl would quickly grow surprised at the quantity that almost threatened to drown her. Sommar quickly released the girl's head, allowing her to escape that fate if she decided to and only observed until he was spent. "Miss Yunha, that was great." He exclaimed with another quiet sigh, caressing her cheek with his hand.

Yunha would feel Luv stiffen up, but she wasn't able to piece together what it was going to mean until it was too late. Her body would jerk in suprise, but the first panicked motion was before Sommar could remove his hands from her head. As a result she'd get a mouthfull of seed slamming into the back of her throat. Her body reacting naturally to sudden liquid with no real way to spit it out, and also trying somewhat follow the earlier advise to hold all of it she could, Yunha swallowed a good amount of the the salty first jet, but as more kept coming and Luv release his grip on her Yunha would fail to keep up enough hold onto all of it, some slipping from the corners of her mouth and before Luv finished the small girl would pull off him, letting some of the seed spray into the air and either on Yunha's face, or Jaqueline's hands, After the torrent ended she'd say, "Ahh...thank you Mr. Luv. I'll be better next time!"

And just like that, the loveing couple finished, the dragon child giving the ice princess quite a mouthfull to consume. Poor thing couldn't even handle every last drop and seemed to leave plenty for Jaqueline. The spray did take her by surprise and thankfully she was back just enough to see it. Of course, a more devious though crossed her mind. "He could sire alot of heirs with that much seed..."

Looking how a young onw like Yuhna finally was close to the maturity and earn her first drink of a male, was just so lovely at Jaqueline's eyes what made the serpend kind warm and wet her privates. The taste of such potent seed faling at her hans was so alluring, but she control herself to speak to her new family. Excelent work Miss Yuhna, with the time and practice you will get an expert on this in so early age. Now... do you want to drink more of would you share it with the two of us? She ask turning to Sigrid, still holding all the jizz at her hands , once decide this, she will let Yuhna rest a little but not enough so the ice princess remain wet warm and ready for Luv. Very well, now you are ready for Mister Luv's love, i will guide you at the start, but you must enjoy every instant from now on.

Should they continue? Sommar wondered for a moment, Yunha seemed tired after just that much so he wasn't entirely sure. In the end it depended on the Yuki Ohna. "If miss Yunha is satisfied we could perhaps leave the main act for later, nobody is in a hurry. But if miss Yunha feels she's ready to continue I will reply in kind."

Yunha would look over what Jaqueline had managed to collect, and was suprised there was so much for what she had missed, but she'd shift a little bit and say to Jaqueline, "Ahh...um... I think I'm good for now," The girl licked a bit of seed still on her face beside her mouth, "And umm, I think it might be better to try this again at a later time, it'll give Jaqueline and Sigrid more time to show me what to do..."

With that the bath would come to a close, the excess lust would be dealt with quickly, and the girls plus Luv would set pout, redressed and squeaky clean...probably.
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Of course, Miss Yuhna. You can come and practice with any of us, so you get ready when the time come. The echidna said when Yuhna wish said to give to this the time needed, Jaqueline could only be proud by looking how the young little maid is growing into a beautiful woman, she just hope to be there to look when that moment happen.

With Yuhna's choice made, the little gathering in the bathroom was close to end. But there was still something between hands than Jaqueline must handle and that was the remains of Luv's cum, slithering closer to the valkirye, she sare the loot with a lustful smile. Let me share with you not only this drink, but also ours culture and future happiness as friends, Miss Sigrid~ Said this she let the Valkirye have the first drink and then Jaqueline take the rest, not passing it out her mouth as she take Sigrid's shoulders and she attempt to give to the valkirye a deep kiss, so theirs mouths could coat each other in so delicious spicy cream, the small remains in her hands will soak a little the back of the warrior girl when the serpent one hug her closer to enjoy her nude body, coiling then her tail to rub Sigrid legs and lower torso.

Giving some moments to the Valkirye to enjoy the scales at her body, Jaqueline will uncoil around her and then move to dry the remain of water of such warm bath and then just dress a towel around her seductive torso and another in her Navy long hair. With her tail out of water she slide out giving a wink to Rhys and her mistress as she point to the bathroom inviting both to get inside as the rest leave to theirs rooms where the serpent girl will dress for the night, a black nightie almost transparent than Luv and the rest could enjoy to see and touch when the bed time come.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

As the serpent woman would step out of the bath with steam billowing out from the door, she would find a rather flustered and bothered Lynn, standing not far from the restroom door, blushing a deep crimson and fidgeting with her hands, "Uhm... Th-thank you, Miss Jacqueline. I-it sound like you all e-enjoyed your b-b-bath... Uhm... Rhyes, i-if you would like some privacy, I can wait. Also I had already had my shower, so I g-g-good for tonight. When you are all done, you can sort out sleeping arrangements for yourselves. I am going to fix myself a milk tea before heading to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow, okay?"

In the morning, when all would wake, they would hear the shower running and if one listened closely, they would be able to heat Lynn moaning and sighing in the shower, it would seem that she was rather worked up from the group bath the maids and butler had partook in the previous night. After a short while, Lynn would step out of the bathroom in a towel, "G-good morning, everyone. Can someone prepare breakfast for all of us while go get dressed and ready for the photo-shoot this afternoon?" She said going to her room, the sounds of rustling, clothes being sorted through, and boxes being opened being heard by all. Shortly after Lynn would come out dressed in an elaborate Victorian gothic lolita style dress with several frills, the buttons being in shape of skulls, cross shaped cuff links, black shiny loafer style shoes, white thigh high socks, a white ascot scarf around her neck and black head dress style cap.

"Okay, I have a photo shoot, interview and meet and greet at the Gothic Loli fashion fair at The Grand Mall this afternoon. I will likely be there for the majority of the day. After that I have to meet with Fumiko Yazakuri, the fashion designer for an ad shoot. It'll likely take the rest of the day to go through. So I will be relying on Luv and Miss Sigrid for security detail, I may also need another to come with to act as attendant and help me stay on top of appointments. The rest of you I need to focus on having dinner ready, cleaning the apartment and holding down the fort while I'm gone. The next day I should have free for whatever. Also Miss Tama informed upon renting the place, that there was a door in the place stuck lock, and shouldn't be tampered with without sufficient or justifiable reason. If you have any questions, please let me know before I leave, as I will be busy all day I am afraid."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The snake girl take the mistress words as compliments, meanwhile her hand softly hold the ends of the towel between her ample breasts what reveal her cleavage a little more of what any expect. Of course Mistress, each of us relax and made strong bonds than will help us to serve you~ Please sleep well and call for us if you need something. Said this she move to look the rooms, not really interested in dress herself until she found the correct space where she and who decide to warm her would have the best rest. Found the place she went for her luggage, taking the minimal cautions to dont be spot dreasing her nightie, then she went to look for the futon and placed it ready for the rest, then taking her toothbrush to prepare herself to cuddlesleep.


Night Event

Rhys had just returned from her bath. She had already changed into a set of long blue flannel, striped pajama pants and button up shirt. She enters the room, her hair still a bit moist from having just dried off. She looks around and looks for where she would be sleeping. As Rhys looks for a place to rest, the ram noticed a bed already made in the floor of a room, the spare futon given by the mistress all set and ready for her to use. As Rhys get inside the room, Jaqueline get inside behind her with a glass of water and her toothbrush, dressing only a nearly transparent nightie of a dark color
Rhys blushes deeply as he turns around and gazes upon Jaqueline's nude figure through the transparent nightie, "Oh... H-Hi J-Jaqueline..."

The dragon child butler entered the room quietly as well, looking light on the clothing with a perhaps comically normal t-shirt and shorts in comparison to the much more formal butler uniform he donned. He stopped as he noticed the smaller sheep girl already inside, as well as Jacqueline. He was a bit curious, wondering where had the girl gone when everyone else was taking a bath, but it wasn't his place to ask. He simply smiled, bowing his head as he greeted them. "Miss Rhys, Miss Jacqueline." Perhaps it was worth noting that he didn't seem affected by Jacqueline's see-through, though that might have be obvious when considering what everyone did in the bathroom a few minutes ago.

"Hi Miss Rhys, do you enjoy your bath?" Jaqueline said taking a moment to drink some of the water and place the glass half filled now in a safe place if she need it later, as also the toothbrush. "Welcome Mister Luv, i already prepared our bed, can i sleep in the middle? So both can hug and warm me better in the night." The echidna ask as her body slide close Rhys tryint to take the ram's arm and invite it to sit on the futon.

Rhys maintains his blush as he nods, "Yes, I enjoyed my bath miss Jaqueline," He is easily guided onto the futon, not putting up any resistance, remembering the agreement he made with them.
"I have no objections." Replied Sommar matter-o-factly as he followed with light steps, moving to the opposite side of the futon to sit as well, thinking nothing of Jacqueline's behavior, or Rhys's shy demeanor.

The Echidna tried to get confortable, but her hand pass close the ram's hair and make her focus more on the little maid, hugging the maid as she cuddle placing her breasts behind Rhys back. "Your hair is still wet, Miss Rhys... if you sleep like this it will be a mess in the morning, let me help you a little~ Oh... is so soft and warm, Miss Rhys you are just so cute and i like your scent, there is something familiar on it~" The echidna said whispering at Rhys's ear and then looks for a towel and a brush taking her time to dry and then try to make a feminine comb on her coworker. Rhys moans and coos as she was stroked and petted by the echidna and blushes as her hair is brushed and dried.

Sommar, on his end, quietly slipped into the futon, taking in on the comfortable place he was resting in. How much time had it been since he slept on something as comfy? Last time was definitely... on his last mission... He frowned for a second before he turned to the side, intending to rest while waiting for the girls to take their place. Luv moving and resting close her was easily noticed by his virile scent, Jaqueline cant wait to rest at his arms, but she wanted to help her fellow maid so both were ready to sleep as peacefully the echidna let them. "Hmhm, see? you are even more cute now, Miss Rhys... In the morning i will help your feminine inner beauty to shine even more, all the human males would not stop to get hard by looking you~" Jaqueline said between giggles, making Rhys turn to her to see the ram better and then helping it to get inside the futon with her huging her, pressing her luscious body on the little being... meanwhile her tail start to rub at Luv's legs trying to enjoy to cuddle at both of them. "If you arent sattled yet you can take me when you need it Mister's Luv, but we must do it in silence so all can rest~" She said after turn to the male a little, pretty much the dragon kind only need to move a little her clothes to have access to her thig walls.

Luv could feel her fresh skin and scales, her soft breath softly increasing when his hands come to touch her, cooes acepting their carnal retribution. The echidna press a little more on Rhys as she bend her lower part closer so Luv could choice any of her holes. Easily her clothes were moved aside what help soon to the manly creature to press ahead, as his member press and get soon inside Jaqueline muff herself with her hand. "Uhm good~ i cant wait to sleep all the night with so huge thing inside..." Jaqueline mutter to herself, but having Rhys ear so close than the ram creature could heard easily how her muffed gasps and lustful sounds wanted escape of her when she press deep inside the manly rod so she could sleep with it inside and let Luv fuck her more meanwhile they rest. Rhys's face was glowing red as she was forced to listen to the lewd activities between the two of them

As the minutes passed, the echidna's tail coil around Luv a little more and as this happen she needed to hug thigh closer the ram girl. "So warm~ Both are so warm~" Jaqueline mutter as she start to try to fall sleep, showing than echidnas try to sleep like this or with many partners in bed, maybe a racial tradition or just personal for her.

A thought crossed the dragon child's lust elated mind as he started moving, slowly to keep the sound to a minimum. What an... interesting tradition... his hand moved a bit past Jacqueline, however, as he tried reminding himself they were not alone. A young sheep girl was there as well, and one way or another, he felt like they were neglecting her. even if she seemed to prefer seclusion somehow, she agreed to help warm Jacqueline as she slept, so she must have been trying to overcome that surely. He surrounded Rhys with his large hand, and gently pulled her towards them, to realize the hug he was thinking of a few minutes ago. Sadly, or not, for the Rhys, he would hardly stop his own libido, as he continued fucking the sleeping serpent slowly... He was no where near close to coming this time, given the very small and gentle moves, but he figured the act alone should clear his mind by the time he needed to wake up.

Rhys flushes deeply as he is pulled into the embrace, one of the two of them feeling something small poke at them. As Rhys get closer thanks to Luv's help. Jaqueline mostly sleep ugs more the ram maid as a teddybear, her hand by mistake getting inside Rhys pants where she found so strange object, her skilled fingers, rubbing at it instinctively as she mumble and smile maybe dreaming something

Rhys's eyes go wide as he flushes blight red, "Oh~<3!"Sommar was a bit surprised at the sounds that reached his ears, not expecting to hear Rhys's voice, let alone moans coming from her. He tried thinking clearly, but drowsyness, and supressing his instincts were keeping him from doing so... though his mind formed the mental image of the girl quietly relieving herself besides them... Perhaps he might be of hep to her as well? He grabbed of Rhys's hip carefully rubbing her butt gently as he continued using Jacqueline to relieve himself, trying to be of any help to the sheep girl. Rhys moans from the attention, squirming as they assisted in pleasuring them

The moves of the echidna's hips and hand increased in quality, pressing and trying to make the ram wet the pijama on it. The pleasure earned by being so kind penetrated move her point of her tail to slide down Rhys's pants, her weak moans getting closer at Rhys ear and her theet close to press on Rhys ear too.


After such interesting night, Jaqueline awake still having the awesome feeling of Luv's dick inside her softly wet honeyhole, as both of them helped her to remain warm in the futon, she was completely filled with energy to start the day, so early in the dawn she start to prepare herself and looks to be one of the first to receive their Mistress once the human ended to prepare herself, the maid was a little dissapointed than the human still dont trust completely on them to make them help her to get dressed or wash her body, but maybe with the time this change.

Good Morning Lynn-sama! The echidna answer and would help to prepare the brakfast unless someone else decide to take this work from her, after all she was open for any wish of their new family. But once the works were prepare for this day, she noticed than seh needed to make some changes now than she know most of the maids working, she has already noticed how good Rhys was cooking and both Sigrid as also Luv have well builded bodies... meanwhile Yuhna was a great student, so basicaly she could trust on the blind girl more than ussually someone would do.

If all are fine with let me be Mistress's attendant, im completely sure than Miss Yuhna would do a great job having all under control in the appartment.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Varlöwe stirred as he felt Jacqueline waking up, feeling rested enough as he focused on calming his raging hard on back to normal size. “Good morning Miss Jacqueline, Miss Rhys.” He muttered, careful not to make too much noise, before he moved to his belongings grabbing his butler outfit to ready himself for the day.

His ears would easily pick up on the sounds of their master, and as always, Sommar kept silent as he finished, joining Jacqueline and everyone else who made it in the morning greeting, with a stiff bow. The topics moved fast, but Sommar quickly archived each, deciding not to volunteer himself for cuisine, since his specialty in that area was combat field gastronomy. Probably something the others might have a few problems with on the visual side of things.

“That outfit compliments your form greatly, Amakura-san” He exclaimed truthfully, unable to keep himself from praising their master’s look, which he had to admit made his heart beat and pump slightly higher than normal. No wonder Lynn was an idol in the eyes of the humans, even a monster like himself could feel inspiration welling up within him from her looks alone.

Though all that did not distract the dragon as Lynn finished explaining everything that needed to be done for the day, his curiosity grew a bit as he thought of a question, which he was not sure was completely appropriate or not. “Excuse my curiosity, Amakura-san, I was wondering if I could learn the nature of what’s behind that door… I’m… not particularly fond of potential dangers to my peers or yourself.”
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

In the other room, Yunha slept fairly soundly, though she did hear some....unusual noises through the walls, which she attributed to either poor building design or ghosts. This just made her hug Sigrid a bit, as they shared a bed, to drive away fears of both. The next morning she was up bright and early, mostly because it took her a fair bit of time to get herself dressed in the morning. She made it intime to hear something a bit strange coming from the shower, but she didn't draw any conclusion from it. When Lynn asked about breakfast, she would pop her hand up and say, "I'll cook breakfast! And I can look after the apartment. I've got where most of the cleaning items are mapped out in my head now."
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sigrid didn't mind keeping Yunha comfortable that night. In fact, she almost insisted after all the fun they had. Any noises the smaller maid might have heard was shushed away by the valkyrie, who dealt with spirits of all kind in her primary profession. The next morning came all too quickly and Sigrid was up, her loyal pet with her as she made preparations for the day. She was already dressed and was actually sharpening her spear as Lady Lynn spoke. Seems the lady had a full day ahead of her and it was up to the valkyrie and the butler to provide security for the various events. Sigrid went through the events in her head, doing her best to figure what events might have the biggest threat, if any. The photo shoot and interview should be fine, but the meet and greet would have lots of people and if Lynn was as high profile as Sigrid though, there would be a great deal of people there. A good chance for something to happen. The meeting and ad shoot however seemed on the level, so really, it was only one event that'd be of concern.

"My spear is ready, Lady Lynn. I just hope your fans will be on the level today so I won't have to use it."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Most of the time, my fans are good and don't pose much of a problem save the pushy ones who try to cut line for autographs. Though there are crazies out there, and people obsessed with celeb culture. Such is the nature of pop culture, I'm afraid. But like I said, security has very rarely had to step in." Lynn said as Sigrid chimed in, "I'm sure you'll make something fantastic for us, Yuhna! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have prepared for us when we get back."I really don't know, Sommar-kun. It was locked when I arrived, and miss Tamo. She just told me never to open it."

As Jacqueline, Lynn and Sigrid arrived on the bottom floor, they were greeted by a chauffeur awaiting for them at the door. "Miss Lynn and company, the limo is ready and waiting for you. Please step this way." He said as he lead them to the stretched limo parked outside waiting for its guest.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"I understand, miss. As I said, I'll do my best and make sure these...crazies you speak of won't come within a country mile of you." She banged her free hand against her chest to signify her resolve as they walked, the Valkyrie more then eager to prove herself today to her boss. She was certain this was the reason she was put on this earth and with her faithful pet on her shoulder, she'll have little reason to worry about letting her natural shyness overcome her in a public setting. Plus, she was with people she could trust, so that buffer helped as well.

Though she was very much surprised at the fact that she'd be allowed to ride in the same vehicle. Weren't bodyguards suppose to be just behind? Or was she getting things mixed up. Either way, she wouldn't complain .
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

There was not time to loss, the echidna rub the back of Yuhna to show her support before let all on charge to the blind maid.

It was then when she let their mistress give the rest of intructions to them before the car come. Of course than such kind driver would receive the kind and maybe lusty apreciation from the snake maid, who bow the enough to show some of her hidden skin, act followed she help their mistress to place all the needed inside the car, trying to start working in her tasks
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The driver blushed a bit before quickly averting his gaze from Jacqueline's bosoms and shutting the door behind her and Sigrid and getting into the drivers side of the limo and driving off to the photoshoot. If Soma inquired Tama about the stuck door she would simply rap on his head lightly before winking and sticking her tongue out at him replying, "Curiosity kills more than cat monsters, Soma-kun~" before going stone faced and finishing, "Seriously. Just leave it alone. Its magically sealed anyway, and only a super strong spell crafter or troll or other super strong mobster will be able to open it. Besides do I come off as the type of person who would recklessly or needlessly endanger their tenants?" She finished shooing him back up to the apartment.

Meanwhile, the cab ride would go smoothly and Sigrid and Jacqueline could make small talk with each other, Lynn, the driver or all of them. Otherwise, it would go on to be a rather uneventful trip. When they arrived they would see quite a few people lined outside the convention center already. People having booked out nearby hotels, fashion enthusiasts, magazine photographers, artists, and clothing designers all wanting to Lynn and other models to endorse their products and fawn over their favorite performers up close.
When they exited they would be met by a woman in a business suit and sunglasses, "Ah! Miss Amakura! I'm glad you're finally here! My name is Ms.Smith! On behalf of the Japanese government and the Interspecies Cultural Exchange program, I want to let you and your staff know we are very serious about protecting citizens and keeping peace between humans and monsters! As a precaution I have my own MON squad set up in the area. Hopefully we won't need to take action, but you never know... Hehehe..."

If any of the party looked closely they would notice a very tall and well endowed ogre with blonde hair and another model with black sclera hinting she wasn't what she seemed....

"Oh thank you very much Smith-san. But I trust Jacqueline and Sigrid to keep me safe. But your help is certainly appreciated. Now if you could show me to the models chamber I would be most grateful. I've got to get ready for the show~"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yunha waited till the others departed, just incase the mistress ended up doubling back with something extra she needed done. Once they had left though she let out a small sigh. The girl running over how she would have to work to get everything cleaned up and cooked, and not entirely liking how the schedule would work out. Then Sommar returned and she hit on an idea, "Ahh, Mr. Luv! Do you have plans for what to do till they return? If you don't do you think you can help me with cleaning? I am a bit slower then others for obvious reasons annd I might need a bit of help if I want to get food started on time as well."
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Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Varlöwe couldn’t have expected Tama’s replay in the slightest, looking quite baffled, and even a little hurt as she tapped his head, though he quickly got rid of the latter feeling as he nodded in understanding. “I apologize for asking then. Thanks for your time.” He bowed politely at her before simply retreating to the apartment, with his tail between his legs proverbially speaking.

The master, the serpent sex friend and the Valkyrie bodyguard were gone. A feeling of emptiness welled up in his heart as he figured his assistance wasn’t needed for the day, after all, it seemed as Lynn’s current activities were already all planned. He sighed, figuring out that he could at least try doing something around the ho-

The tiny voice intercepted his thoughts and brought them crashing down as he realized the snow girl was still in the house. The emptiness disappeared as the dragon kin nodded at Yunha. “I had no specific plans.” He smiled as he patted the blind girl gently. “I’ll take care of cleaning then, miss Yunha can ask for my help if you need anything.”
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The reaction on the human couldnt end to make the echidna make a small smirk in answer, nothing like make the day of the others more shinning with her presence. Done this, she take her time to make her long body fit inside the car without bother the others in a feminine fashion.

Part of the travel she was focused to learn what she needs for her next work and most of it looking the city and the good looking guys and girls than she manage to see. I cant stop to see all this glorious city... Lynn-sama. So full of life and places to meet, maybe someday we could meet your favorite places~ Said this Jaqueline calm herself the enough to read what an assistant must do, it should be an important job in someone so famous like her mistress.

Once the car reach the place, it take to the echidna time to react with so many models being so close, the scent of such virile humans was too much to pass by halt.

Uhm... Thanks for trust in us Mistress and is a pleasure to meet you Lady Smith, lets work together to make this event a success. Adding her words with a bow, she then turn her attention to the MON one acting as another model, she was somehow a little jealouse, the idea to dress such cute clothes and be so close to all the humans made her whimper a little before try to stay close Lynn to dont lost her of sight
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Great! I can help with some of the cleaning, but the food I want to cook will need a fair bit of preparation, and I don't want to try to rush either," Yunha would say with a bounce, then she would blindly grab at Sommar's hand or wrist and start to pull him toward the cleaning closet, "Now lets get started!"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sigrid would remain silent for most of the ride, simple keeping her bird occupied and whispering to it in her native tongue. "It's ok, dear. You'll be able to feel the breeze under your wings soon. Patience." It was a strange sounding tongue to outsiders, but her companion understood all too well. Thankfully the trip wouldn't be terribly long and the team would arrive at their destination and be met with a very well dressed woman who spoke to their mistress directly. Seemed the woman was associated with the Government and some exchange program or another. So in Sigrid's eyes, an ally and a friend at least on some level. "Thank you, Lady Lynn for your vote of confidence in our handling of this mission. And we very much welcome the aid, Ms. Smith from you and your associates. As you said, hopefully things will be calm and we'll have little need for violence. This sort of event seems fairly harmless to me, to be honest. "