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Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Ms. Smith pushed her glasses up on her face before smiling and nodding at the Valkyrie, "Of course. We take monster and human relations very seriously. If a monster were to harm such a prominent public figure like Ms. Amakura it would be an utter and absolute PR nightmare! Though were not signaling monsters out in particular. Humans are just as obsessed with celeb culture ad can do something reckless and dangerous just as easily. Normal convention security can't handle an out of control monster however. Which is why MON squad is here." She said as they made their way to the model rooms. Once there the black eyed model would speak, "As this event is cross species it makes it easier for me and Tion here to blend in and be on the front lines." She said gesturing towards the ogress, "Yep. Doppels hair makes a good way to disarm threats and as an ogress I have greater strength for take downs. Though the real issue is exiting when a crowd could be an obstruction if an emergency arrived; and the meet and greet where someone could get a lil too zealous." Tion replied.

"That is why we also have Manako up on an nearby building scoping things out. Zombiina is also assisting the regular security of the center." Smith replied to the conversation, which was all in hushed tones to keep from alerting the other models in the room.
"Oh! Dear... Do you really think that all that is really necessary? It seems a bit extreme for this sort of event. I mean it i-isnt a political gathering or the likes..." Lynn replied sounding a lil startled at the exact level of security the event had garnished.
"Eh... probably not... But we have to be prepared for anything, especially with monsters involved." Smith replied to Lynn's question.

"I see... I guess you are right, but I just think maximum security isn't called for a fashion show..." She paused for a moment before blushing a deep crimson hue before looking Sigrid, Tion, Doppel and Jacqueline, "Uhm.... Ladies.... Do you think you could cover me while I change? I'm still a lil bit insecure about.... certain parts of me."
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Meanwhile back at the apartment

Yunha finished putting together her planned dinner for everyone. The beef dish she was cooking was really useful for when work needed to be done too as it mostly just stewed on its own for the better part of three hours. With it cooking away, she'd head back out to see how Sommar was doing, ""Mr. Luv, do you need any help?"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Giving to the agent time to explain their plan, what would be mostly not used in this event. Jaqueline nods before look around in the room for a blanket. The best would be let Miss Smith do her work and we focus on the event, Mistress. Certainly, the event would end without any complication.

The Echidna said first smiling turning to the human, as she place the blanket in place, so Lynn could be covered as she change of clothes. Then she turn to the Sigrid giving a nod. Let's do our best. Her words sharing a full trust on her coworker who was in charge of their protection now, of course than the serpent girl would do her best too to have all in order, but the valkirye was without doubt the best to get in action if any non human goes wild in the event.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Again, let me just say that I appreciate the experience that you and your squad bring to the table and I really hope we don't have to put their skills to use. If I may be so bold to say, I agree with my mistress in saying the detail is a little much. But I'm but a humble servant of the gods and a servant to my mistress, so I cannot speak too much ill of things. I must simply protect her the best I can, as per my oath." The valkyrie said her piece, almost missing that her mistress was changing and that Jaquelin was assisting her in covering her shame.

"F...forgive me, Lady Lynn!" She'd almost jump to assist Jaqueline, just hearing out what she had to say. "Lets, Jaqueline. Lets. This is our first big job, but we should do great." She too spoke with a measure of trust for her companion, knowing he serpent would do her best to keep the mistress safe while the valkyrie struck out against any foe.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The dragon butler went ahead to perform his tasks to the letter, trying to put as much attention to detail as possible, though there were one or two places he couldn’t reach comfortably, hopefully nobody would notice… but of course, it would bother him for as long as cleaning was assigned to him.

“How bothersome…” He muttered as he looked at the problematic corner that stood between him and complete apartament-wise satur- cleaning. Thankfully, a small voice brought him back from his mental distancing as Yunha approached him, the dragon-kin patted the girl in the head without thinking, though he immediately flinched and stopped with a bit of a nervous cough as soon as he caught himself.

“I believe not, is your task going well, miss Yunha?” He inquired back… all while wrestling with the urge to keep patting the younger girl some more, his hand hovering over her head, shivering as he struggled to fully retrieve it from within Yunha’s personal space.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Ah... Th-thank you both... You think after all this time I would have gotten adjusted and comfortable with this... 'thing', by now... Its not that anyone discriminates or anything against it. But I just can't help but to still be... Embarrassed by it, you know?" Lynn said rather shy and insecure about her extra parts as the two maids helped her to change into her new outfit, a . "Well, so far all is quiet on the western front. I haven't gotten any reports from Zombiina or Manako. So well just have to keep our eyes peeled." Smith said at Sygrid and Jacqueline's response. "Oh! Ms. Amakura! That outfit is simply the C-U-T-E-S-T-!~" Tion sang out as she saw Lynn's new wardrobe. "I can see why you're so popular!" "Hehehe... Well its simply not enough to wear an outfit. You also have to embody the idea and theme of goth loli. You have to show the proper decorum and manners. It can be rather stressful to act like a cute lil doll when its the furthest thing from how you feel, but thank you for the compliment Miss Tion. Well, everyone. The show is about to start. Wish me luck~" "Alright, Ms Amakura. Break a leg! ERM, well, n-not literally of course! Hehehe..." Smith cheerfully encouraged Lynn as she would fall in line with the other models heading out to the runway.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Super back at the apartment joint post
Yunha blushed a little bit at the patting, though she didn't actually say anything against it. "Ahh, well that is going, and yes, I have an hour or two before I need to worry about the food again."

She couldn't see Sommar's hand hovering near her head, and the girl didn't seem to be intent on moving away, and was still blushing a bit. "So umm, we have a bit of time to do stuff, like learn more about eachother or something..."
The dragon mustered his will for the arduous task of not petting the girl, given he still wasn't sure if doing so again would upset her or not... at the same time, his concentration on keping his manhood down and calm eroded a bit. Causing a noticeable tent on his pants which he didn't really notice himself.

"Getting acquaintanced with each other is something I can agree with. It's always better when peers can trust each other." He nodded, though looking slightly thoughtful, which the girl wouldn't really see. "Though I'm rather embarrassed to admit I'm not certain where we could start from... h-how about Miss Yuhna?"
Yunha picked up the smell that Sommar's erection was putting out, though she didn't manage to equate the smell with anything due to her unfamiliarity with it. So instead of reacting she just shifted a bit on her feet and said. "Okay then, I'm from a family of maids and butlers. Though usually we work for masters and mistresses in more alphine environments. Its so warm around here."
"I figured Miss Yunha was not from this region, yeah. Is your body holding okay with this temperature?" Sommar asked, finally able to retract his hand from its position right over Yunha's head. "My birthplace is not far from here, and due to my nature, I suppose I can handle warmth with ease... Now I find myself wondering if there could be a way to help Miss Yunha get used to the temperature here without as many difficulties."
Yunha seemed to think about it for a few moments, unsure as to how Sommar could help her. Then she remembered how warm Sommar had been. "Umm well, you were pretty warm...So maybe we could just sit on a char and I can sit up against you maybe..." Yunha said that very nervously the girl blushing rather furiously.
Sommar's head tilted to the side slightly, giving the idea a thought before nodding in agreement. "Perhaps that could work, yes." Of course, he had not exactly realized yet his will had faltered slightly, leaving a half erect mast between his legs when he found and sat on one wide, comfortable chair. "Well, Miss Yunha, I am ready to help, whenever you feel prepared."
Yunha took a few moments to figure out where Sommar had sat, and his choice of a chair caused her to pause for a moment longer, her hands patting along Sommar and the chair as she tried to figure if there was space for her to sit beside him. There wasn't, so the smaller girl just dropped onto Sommar's lap. Though she was currently to far forward on his legs to feel his erection yet. "Ahh, Mr. Luv is warm already."
Yunha was definitely light, at the very least where Sommar was concerned, as he relaxed on the chair somewhat, slightly unsure of what to do next. Was this enough as it was? He couldn't tell... but there was one thing he noticed as soon as he looked down at Yunha... Well, he closed his eyes for a moment, exerting his will over his loins, so that the tent he was pitching would quietly come down.

"Miss Yuhna is comfortably cool as well. It's a pleasant feeling." Sommar replied, allowing himself to break into a small, but noticeable smile at the simple feeling of coexisting with a peer peacefully.
Hmm, Yunha was definately feeling a bit warm, but it wasn't enoguh yet that it would help her adjust to the temperatures around here. So slowly she wiggled back along Sommar's legs. Until she was sitting in his lap with her back pressed against his chest. "Hmm, maybe this will be enough."
The dragon kin was enjoying the situation considerably, patting Yunha's head a bit more without realizing as he let her adjust her position, "Is Miss Yunha comfortable?" He asked, as he instinctively started rubbing the girl's hair gently... until he finally noticed what he was doing, his hand freezing on the spot on the realization.
"Mmmm." Yuhna hummed under her breath as Sommar petted her head. The girl was perfectly fine with the touch and didn't comment negatively about it. Though when he stopped she said. "Yes, though...I-I don't mind if you keep patting me... Though umm, can you wrap an arm around me too, so I'll get even warmer?"
Sommarkatze couldn't help but to smile as he was given permission to pat the girl, doing so immediately, yet gently as she kept talking. "If it helps Miss Yunha." He replied, unable to hide a bit of jollyness in his voice, as his left arm moved around the slender girl, wrapping around her with care and firmness of the dragon kin's restrained strenght.
It definately felt warm now that she was wrapped in half a hug and being patted on the head. Yunha was so enraptured by what she was feeling that she didn't notice in her obi had loosened in her wiggling. As a result her clothes had slipped a bit, and the loose position they had fallen into would leave her breasts uncovered if Sommar looked down at her.
Sommar definitely felt the cool bodily temperature of the younger girl as he hugged her as carefully as he could, as he could swear if he used any more strenght on her body he'd probably break her. The fear and the pleasant feeling mixed together in his head for an oddly relaxing exercise... Though he'd break free from his proverbial mental zen garden as he felt something brush against his arm, looking down to find the girl's perky breasts revealed, was that Yunha's doing?

He couldn't tell, though Yunha looked like she didn't mind at all... Perhaps it really was done on purpose? Was this also to help her body get used to the temperature? Whatever the case, he didn't comment, instead continuing to rub her head gently.
Yunha continued to fail to notice her clothes, which were fighting a losing battle with gravity as they slowly slipped off her shoulders and pooled around her waist. The warmth she was feeling overridding her normal feeling. Instead Yunha almost seemed to cuddle into the dragonman more. Then Sommar would hear a very quiet, almost squeeked out. "U-Umm, maybe you should take off your shirt, I'm sure your skin is even warmer then your clothes..."
"My shirt?" Sommarkatze asked, very slightly surprised. Though given the situation, this still would be bound to help the smaller girl after all. He shrugged mentally, following the suggestion and within seconds, he was shirtless, and holding the topless girl in his arm. He didn't really think much of it as he resumed petting the little girl gently.

"We'll continue for as long as Miss Yunha feels comfortable, I take it." He pondered out loud, for the girl to hear and hopefully answer, though he was simply merely looking for a verbal confirmation, as he could tell from the girl's smile that she didn't seem uncomfortable in the least.
Yunha was definately comfortable, the girl grabbing Sommar's arms and wrapping them around her again. The smaller girls breasts being pressed against his arms. "Ya, we have atleast an hour before I need to worry about the food, and we got everything cleaned. So umm, if Mr. Luv wants, then maybe we could do something more?" Yunha sounded a bit hopeful and she wiggled against Sommar's waist again.
"Something more?" Sommar asked, not following Yunha's suggestion for the briefest of seconds until she started wiggling against him again, he took a slow, deep breath, and exhaled just as slowly, and quietly groped the girl's breast with his hand. Gingerly putting just slightly more strenght than before. "If Miss Yunha wishes to." He replied quietly, his free right hand brushing gently against the girl's tummy as it snaked its way down, stopping where her clothes still covered her skin.
Yunha let out a mix of a sigh and an eep when Sommar groaped her breast. The smaller monster girl flushing at the contact as the dragonman played over her skin with his hands. "Ahh, I think its working Mr. Luv. I am feeling warm now. Though maybe there is a way to feel warmer?" She wasn't lying, she was feeling warm now indeed, and Sommar might be able to notice she was growing rather aroused at everything. Though it seemed she was trying to fish for Sommar to make the suggestion of where to go next.
"Ah, so it is." Sommar replied, slipping his hand under the girl's clothes as she asked for suggestions. "I believe there are, though I'm not certain if Miss Yunha is willing to try." He cupped her breast, fondling it lightly, acting on instinct as he detected the girl's arousal. He remained composed, though, keeping himself from moving too fast, letting the smaller girl be the one to decide what happened or not.
"I'm interested." Yunha said eagerly. The girl wiggling more as Sommar fondled her breast and played uner her remaining clothes. The girl apparently dressed traditionally, as she wasn't wearing panties. "Though umm, I'm think I'll need your help to know what to do. I'm still kinda inexperienced..."
Yunha would feel Sommar's fingers move farther down, rubbing against her slit coyly, Sommarkatze looking down at the girl to gauge her reaction. Though down below, Yunha would feel her small rump being poked, as the dragon kin's manhood hardened. "I will lead, if Miss Yunha is fine with that."
Yunha wiggled more, and let out a small moan as Sommar rubbed against her entrance. Then she felt something poking against her, and she let out a small 'eep' again, before settling and saying. "Y-Yes, please." The ice girl blushing from even saying that much, though her head was nodding rather eagerly.
Sommar waited the best part of one second after Yunha's approval, for him to lift her lithe body with his arm, disrobing his lower body with deft sleight of hand. Replacing the light girl on his lap, she'd definitely feel the warmth from his manhood poking out between her legs as Sommar slid a finger over her young slit. "Is Miss Yunha ready?"
Yunha ended up 'eeping' as she was lifted up and Sommar disrobed in record time. The snow woman's own clothes slipped off at the sudden movement as well, and when she landed back on Sommar's legs she was as naked as he was. The feeling the member pressing up against her thighs made her give out another moan as the girl flushed more, and wiggled against the feeling. "I'm ready. P-Please be gentle."
"Understood." Sommar replied, spreading the girl's lower lips, lining up his manhood with her entrance, before he started pushing lightly, prodding at her caefully. He stopped just as he pushed the tip in, waiting to see the girl's reaction to decide if he should continue or not.
Yunha readied herself for what was going to come as Sommar lined himself up, and when he poked in just a bit she let out another 'eep.' The girl's parents had kept her from having an encounter before this, so she was still a virgin, and Sommar would likely realize that as he hit a barrier just as he stopped. After a few moments, Yunha nodded her head, not trusting her voice at the moment as she signaled the dragonman to continue.
There was a small tinge of surprise as Sommar felt the barrier on the girl, making him realize that he was about to do something that couldn't be undone. He felt twice as excited as worried about that fact as he eased his grip on the girl to allow gravity to take course, letting Yunha slide down his shaft until he had hilted inside of her. "Are you okay?" He whispered into her ear, petting the girl regardless to keep her calm.
Yunha's hymen stalled up her drop for just a moment, before the ice woman let out a pained noise as her barrier was broke and she fell down the entirety of Sommar's shaft. "J-Just give me a moment." Yunha got out as she adjusted to the dragonman's size. It took her nearly a minute before she finally responded again, this time by wiggling her but a bit as she lifted up and dropped back down. The girl's movements were weak though, and probably wouldn't pleasure either of them much unless Sommar helped.
Sommar had to put his mind into controlling himself, as Yunha's tight body threatened to rob him of his ability to think entirely. And he remained meditating all the time Yunha worked up the courage to move a bit by herself. Which immediately caused Sommar to worry about the small girl pushing herself more than necessary.

He figured he'd better help her, and so he grabbed of the girl's hips, stopping the girl before he started moving, with slightly wider moves than what Yunha was doing. Trying to be as gentle as he could as he pumped into he little hole.
Yunha moaned as Sommar pumped into her. The woman relinquishing almost all control over to the larger dragonman. "A-ahh, i-its so warm..." The girl stuttered out, her body tightening around Sommar's shaft as she reacted to his movements. Her own movements were limited to some small wiggling, as she was very unsure what to do to make it feel better for Sommar.
The dragon kin was trying his hardest to keep a comfortable pace for the girl, but he was finding it hard to completely defeat his instincts into submission. He started pumping faster and faster, until their skin started slapping against each other. Without warning he stood up, carrying Yunha with him, making sure his manhood did not leave her hole as he walked to the nearest wall, to let Yunha lean onto it as he started pounding away at her.
Yunha let out quiet moans and pants as Sommar pumped into her, but when she was suddenly lifted into the air she could only 'eep' once more. The feeling of walking across the room to the wall well still having Sommar holding himself inside her. "A-Ahh, wh-what are w-w..." Yunha was cut off when she was leaned against the wall, and Sommar powered into her with even more furiosity. The girl's moaning grew in pitch, and she tightened around Sommar again, it looked like the girl wouldn't last to much longer before she atleast hit her first orgasm.
A wave of relief hit Sommarkatze as he heard the girl's moans of pleasure as they fucked, she wasn't feeling pain in the slightest despite his sudden composure loss. One of his arms surrounded the girl's slender body, while the other moved to her pussy, his hand seeking to find the girl's clit to stimulate her even further.
Yunha let out a cry when Sommar touched her clit. The small girl almost immediatly orgasming from the new sensation and clenching around the dragonman's member. Her body seemed to remain eager, wrapping her legs around Sommar's hips even as she could do little more then moan and pant under Luv's ministrations. Though one thing would happen, the girl started to lose her control over her powers to an extent, and very quickly she began to chill in Sommar's grip, the wall she was getting pushed against even getting a bit of frost on it.
The dragon would slow down almost to a crawl at the clear indication that the snow girl had reached her high. he was nowhere near his own, however, even despite the spasmic tightness Yunha's body was generating. He didn't mind at all, given this all was for the girl in the first place...

He started wondering, if this had really been okay for a moment, but a new sensation kept his mind from wandering off, a strange new, slightly painful sensation reached his member. The girl was stealing the heat all around her, giving off an impressive coldness that took the dragon kin by surprise. It was nowhere near enough to actually hurt him, but the sensation was curious, not exactly uncomfortable... "I-is miss Yunha okay?" He asked sheepishly, still holding the girl in place.
Yunha started to recover, though it took her a bit before she could actually start speaking. "A-Ahhh...Yes, t-t-that felt great." Yunha said, cold still permeating around and inside her. "Though umm...Y-You didn't finish..." Yunha added, blushing very heavily. "U-U-Umm, is there a-a-a-anything I c-can do to h-help you t-there?"
Sommarkatze's face actually blushed for a second, his heart warming up to the girl as she got concerned with him in that way. It was definitely cute and kind from her, to which she'd immediately feel a slight response, his manhood twitching inside her. "W-well..." The dragon racked his brain at her question, trying to think of what to suggest her, though he was slightly at a loss as to what exactly to say... Though at the very least he could tell tightness alone wasn't cutting it for some reason...

Then again... this other sensation... "Miss Yunha could... umm... perhaps experiment with her womanhood?" He asked nervously... plenty certain he was being too vague to be understood...
"Mmmm" Yunha half muttered and half moaned as she felt Sommar twitch inside her. Though then she considered Sommar's request. "U-Umm... Well I can try." It was becoming increasingly obvious that Yunha didn't actually realize her powers were acting up. Though her tongue poped out from her lips as she concentrated in her attempts to figure out something. Then her insides rolled a bit, pressing and milking at Sommar's member. Yunha really was lacking in the prowess of her more experienced monster kin, but she was trying.
Well, the girl's efforts were commendable... but it didn't exactly feel like enough by itself... Sommarkatze was having an interesting time nonetheless, as the cold sensation was actually helping the girl somewhat, as strange as it felt, it was pleasurable enough, was this the power of the yuki onna? If so, he was impressed. "Miss Yunha, t-that feels... interesting..." He muttered with a bit of embarrassment from being out of words for what he was feeling.

Whatever the case... he started pumping slightly faster again, taken by his renewed urges to find pleasure as well. "It feels good..."
As Sommar began to push back into her, Yunha slowly started to get better, her movements more sure as her nature started to assert itself over her inexperience. The cold of her inside seemed to change, rather then just being cold, it almost seemed a teasing cold. Just enough to be noticable but not enough to be painful or uncomfortable.

Her inner walls also began to experiment a bit more, switching between various motions as more intinctual knowledge kicked in, the movements focusing on driving her partner's pleasure higher then most human women could hope to achieve.
The girls reproductive instincts had surely woken up, the every single move, twitch and spasm, Sommar was feeling, though it wasn't something as skillful as Jacqueline's by any means, Yunha was actually managing to get Sommar excited just the same. He started picking up his pace while his hand started playing with her clit once more. A sort of reptilian pride persuading him to try and bring the girl to another climax yet again, as if trying to pay her back for her cute, mindful service in his dick.
Yunha lost control for a moment when Sommar touched her clit again. The girl's movements hitching and her power flaring for just a second before she recovered. It seemed for now her instincts werent' going to improve much more, but her effort was only growing. Yunha desperately wanting to bring Sommar to climax as well, hoping that she could atleast compete with the other girls that lived in the apartment.
Sommar didn't exactly want to say out loud that the girl's technique was still a bit lacking, and he wouldn't do so lest he wanted to crush her efforts to please him... which he didn't want.

Then again, the mix of her efforts and the coldness was actually doing the trick. He slowly, but surely was getting close to his own high, but managed to keep his movements in check, to allow more time for the girl to experiment.
Yunha continued her efforts, the girl managing to just reach the top of her natural instincts. Still experience, but now the skills were there atleast. Her insides double there efforts, and the teasing of her cold became more refined. Her hips also started to get in on the action, even though the position made it hard she pushed back against Sommar's thrusts, driving him deeper into her and letting her insides squeeze and rub against more of him.

Her voice was long lost by now, and Sommar could feel her insides tightning once more, the yuki-onna's second climax came.
Sommar panted, impressed with the sudden improvement in her efforts taking him by surprise by surprise to the point he was close to coming himself, her second climax pushed him over the edge, however, and the dragon grunted as he pushed deep into the girl's sex. A stream of thick, warm ropes of white spunk coated her insides, Sommar trying to impregnate the young girl out of instinct before he recovered himself, letting out a sigh born out of pleasure as he loosened his grip on the girl's hips, retrieving his manhood from within inside her. "Miss Yuhna, that was most impressive," he muttered to the girl, finding it in him to pat her gently as he did.
Calming down from her orgasm, Yunha let herself bask in the warmth she was currently feeling. "T-Thank you Mr. Luv. I'm glad I was good, because i-it felt amazing for me." Cuddling in to Sommar again, she let herself get her breath back, before looking over at where they were. "W-We might need to clean things again. O-Or atleast spray some air freshener..."
"I believe that falls under the tasks I chose, miss Yunha, perhaps miss Yunha should prioritize cleaning herself before the others return?" Sommarkatze asked, quite casual about the whole ordeal, though he had to admit, he was feeling quite happy about the fact that he'd stolen a girl's virginity. Well, he wouldn't gloat about it, and instead patted the girl some more before urging her along with light pats. "Worry not, I will take care of the situation here."

With that Yunha would half redress herself as she headed for the bath to get herself cleaned up before the food needed tending again and the others came back.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Giving all the help than she culd to help her mistress to dress as remain cover, the words from Lynn soon call Jaqueline's attention to turn the enugh to see what hidden secret her Mistress preffer to hide for all. The vision of a well endowed femenine penis made her blush a little by the sudden arousal earned by that discovery. We understand what is be a little different of the rest, Mistress. Let us know warm my heart and... we will hide your beautiful secret. said in wishpers

Jaqueline then smile and tried to resist lost herself in her thoughts, so she could place some of her attention n the agents and her partner. Heard than two of them havent given any information was a little worrisome, maybe the two were just busy or eating... who know really as the maids dont know them out of see them some minutes ago, the only thing than the echidna could do was dont place any extra worries on her mistress.

No doubt than Lynn-sama's natural beauty make this dress shine~ We will remain close and alert, Mistress, so you can be calmed and focused. Jaqueline first said to all before turn to Lynn and place the final touch than the futa loli could need before leave.

Once Lynn leave them, there was too much to do, basicaly all focused in have all thenes looking the performance in control, Jaqueline could face any non human if was needed... yet she was clearly more a lover than a guard, if were possible the rest could solve any issue before she needs to cuddle and hold in passion any foe.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"What Jaquelin said. We're all a little different and we have nothing to hide or be afraid of! And neither should you, mistress. You're a lovely young woman and it would be a shame to hide you body in any way. But I've said enough. I'm but a humble servant of the gods and of you. I'll say no more..."The valkyrie feels she may have said more than she was suppose to and went back to focusing on the task of protecting the mistress and her modesty. No use encouraging her to be so flagrant. Of course, she'd pay extra attention when the real professionals arrived and began updating them on the situation, but also showering the mistress with praise. Guess these government types weren't as uptight as she thought they would be. Guess you learn something new everyday in this business.

"If I may be so bold, I agree with our friends and Jaquelin once again. You look quite lovely, mistress. A diamond in the rough, I think is the phrase that comes to mind. But you do have a show to do, so I won't keep you. Maybe the gods shine their radiance down upon you." Assuming their was little else to be done in terms of preparation, the valkyrie would also join her fellow maid in her protection duty, feeling her skill as a warrior might help in the event of a crisis. Her animal companion would also flutter back in, landing on Sigrids shoulder. "Hello girl. Come to keep an eye on mama?"The bird nodded in response, quite able to understand the valkyrie.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

As Lynn would head down to the runway to join the other monsters, Tion and Doppel would try to make small talk with the other monsters awaiting for their mistress's show to finish and for her to return. "So. Sygrid and Jacqueline, how long have you two been serving Miss Amakura? And is it just the two of you? It must be harrowing to keep up with the demands and schedule of a celebrity huh?" The oni would ask as she would munch away on some sweet treats she had stashed away. "I imagine there would be more than them if they're here at the show, Tion. Otherwise who would watch the house?" Doppel said as she sat idly twirling her hair "Are you adjusting to life in the human world well enough? It can be kind of difficult at first."

Meanwhile a human male would finally make his way into the crowd of spectacators, being accompanied by mermaid, slime and and arachnae. "Hurry up Darling-kun! The show is about to start!" The mermaid cried out as she would find a seat a few rows back from the stage, "We're coming, Mero-chan! Save a spot for us!" The slime girl cried out followed by the human male and the arachnae. Soon enough the show would start with the first few models coming down the runway. The first one appeared to be a vampire with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a bat themed black and white ensemble. There were camera flashes all about, the sound of applause ringing through the arena... along with some catcalls and whistles by some more... unruly spectators. The Mermaid would tug on the male human's arm and point to a zombie escorting an otaku with a camera out of the building, "Smith-san. I caught a perv trying to snap candid shots of the models and am hauling his ass out of the show." She would wave to the male and mermaid before unceremoniously booting the perv out the door.

Next up came an Alice, which looked like a small girl with a darker, more elaborate version of the titular characters dress from the novel. She had a cheshire cat and white rabbit plushie with her. While many of the elder men weren't into apparent pedophilia, she did get quite a warm reception from fashion editors and designers. The third model would be a cat girl, whose ears stood out proudly from her hair, and was wearing a revealing, frilly maid outift with a cat bell and collar around her neck. Finally Lynn would be getting ready to make her debut on the runway... But at this time, a rumble would be felt through out the area and the building. "An earthquake!?" The mermaid would cry out in a hushed tone to keep from causing a panic.

Meanwhile a massive humanoid figure would make her way down the street, causing tremors to be felt through out. Eventually the cyclops, the one Smith-san had identified as Manacko would look back over her shoulder to immediately pale and sweat drop as she saw the giantess approach the building. "A- A GIANTESS!? S-STOP! STOP OR I'LL SHOOT!" She cried out in alarm as she would point her rifle at the giant woman. "I don't think so." the gaintess would boom out as she would reach down and pluck the cyclops up and dump her firearm on the street below before stuffing her into a trash can. The cyclops would pop out of the garbage to com to her cooleagues in the arena. "SMITH-SAN! Everyone! We've got a giant problem!" At that moment the giantess would reach over to the buidling and rip the lower cieling off! The crowd would go into a wild panic! People running and screaming all over the place. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING ME!" Zombiina cried out in shock, "TION! DOPPEL! GET YOUR BUTTS DOWN HERE, PRONTO!" Then the next thing anybody would know, the giantess would reach down and stuff Lynn into her loin cloth. "AAAAAAAAH!"


Meanwhile back at the apartment, Soma and Yuka would be cuddling up close after the bit of lovemaking in between the chores they had been dealing with only to be woken up by a news report on the television, "A disaster has struck here in the convention center as a giant monster woman has attacked the building and has seemingly abducted the famed fashion designer Lynn Amakura! We still have no clue yet to the woman's demands, but authorities seemed to be overwhelmed by the sheer size of the perpetrator! We'll keep you covered as new details emerge!"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Yunho hadn't been expecting to nap, but she had, and it was lucky the news woke her up when it did. Stirring on Sommar's lap, the short monster girl looked at the TV, and very quickly snapped awake when she saw what it was reporting. "Ohh no! What were the other girl's doing down there?!" Turning a bit she shook Sommar's shoulders. "Mr. Luv wake up! We need to go help Amakaru-sama!"
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Once all was just tos start, Jaqueline and Sigrid got themselves in middle of a talk with two members of the MON squad. Of course than the echidna give them some space to express all theirs questions before giggle softly as she smile. Yes, we are more than just us serving Miss Lynn.

We may had started just yesterday serving Miss Lynn, still i think is a great job. There is a lot to do each day and we can handle it working together.
Jaqueline words were interrupted by the start of the show, her eyes shinning in amusement by how beautiful the models look, dont caring the gender at all.

Few was her attention to the mermaid and rest of monster girls with the common man, the place was filled with things to see to focus more of a minute in a single thing, it was minutes later when all looks to get baddly spoiled, the possible earthquake made the snake woman get worried by Lynn as also a little hysteric, she was not sure what she would do after get close her Mistress, maybe get a safe place until all get calmed or get out the building. Her worries just get increased when a scary event happened, a giant woman just rip part of the building and no matter who get in middle her huge hands went direct to take Lynn as a hostage.

We must try to do something too, Miss Sigrid but what should we do? Jaqueline ask, as she try to get something as a plan for her own self, soon going close the Giant woman to try to persuade her if the MON squad or Sigrid come with a better plan.

[Wait until Sigrid move]
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sommarkatze woke up from the urgency in Yunha’s voice, quickly getting to his feet as he tried to pick up what the situation was if he could, though he could only gather what few words the girl spoke to him as she attempted to shake him. “Prepare yourself.” He quickly replied, looking at the TV screen for a brief moment as he dressed himself. He slithered toward his bag, quietly grabbing his revolver, slight hesitation on his face as he holstered it and waited for the small snow girl to reach him so they could leave.

Then again… was the place too far? Hopefully not, if they had to go there running…
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Serving the lady has been interesting to say the very least. She's quite the busy woman. It's a wonder she was able to handle all this without our help. And thankfully her landlady is equally accommodating." Sigrid said with a confident smile as her bird companion sat on her shoulder. It seemed like the day was going to go off without a hitch and they'd be home by supper. But the valkyrie couldn't be any more wrong.

What started out as an otherwise good and relaxing day just had to be crashed by he largest and rudest interruption she could think of. And here she thought the Oni from their companion group was the biggest monster girl out there. Guess the valkyrie was wrong on that point. But the interruption would have been tolerable had the damn giant not kidnapped their mistress. Now this situation got all too real. "Damnit. This wasn't suppose to happen." She quickly spoke to her falcon "Keep her distracted girl. Fly around her, peck at her where you can. Slow her down. If she's anything like the jotuns back home, than this might be over sooner than we think. Jaqueline, stick with the MON squad and do whatever they tell you. I'm going after that bitch." Not even waiting for a response, the warrior woman and her animal companion took off, the valkyrie drawing her weapon as she pursued, the falcon going to work as well.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sigrid's cunning Roll(2d6)+0:

Giantess Cunning Roll(3d6)+0:

Success! GIantess is tied up for four rounds going "SHOO BIRD SHOO!"

Sigrid's Luck Roll(2d6)+0:
Total:9 vs TN 8: Success!, The giant is not using the hand she is holding Linn in to shoo the bird.

Sigrid's Athletics Roll(5d6)+0:
Total:12 vs TN 12 Success! (Just barely)

While Sigrid's falcon would peck at the Giantess' face, tits, back, neck and belly; causing the giant woman to stop in her place and wave her hand around like crazy trying to chase the winged pest away from her, Linn would dash up and race along the rooftops till she would eventually get up to a building nearby the giantess giving her a decent vantage point to attack. Meanwhile Zombiina would run up to the group of monsters they had seen earlier, "SUU! We'd hate to drag you and the others into this, but we already know you can go all HOOGE! Hopefully, we won't have to resort to that, but be ready just in case, okay!?" "SUUU!" The slime girl called out in agreement while Zombiina ran off to contact the rest of her team, "Manago, the giant seems to be distracted right now. See if you can get to where you can set up a shot, try not to hit the human! Tion, Doppel! You two see if you can find some wire, like high grade construction wire and set up a trip wire some ways down the road in case Manago can't get a shot!" At that time Somma and Yuhna would pull up to the currently wrecked convention center in the midst of all the chaos and see a giant sized woman carrying Linn of in the opposite direction, though currently trying to shoo a certain bird away from her face...
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"Ohh no! That doesn't sound good, what's happening Somma?" Yuhna couldn't see what was going on, being blind after all, but she could hear the chaos. With how much sounds were going on though her limited secondary vision was almost completely useless.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

The dragon frowned at the destruction, holding tightly of Yunha's smaller hand as he walked forward. "Just lik the news said, miss Yunha. Our mistress is in the hands of a giant. For now, just come with me." Sommarkatze said said, moving forward to try and find any of the others Jacqueline or Sigrid, desperately.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

Sigrid moving to try to buy some time, the Echidna tried to be close to MON squad and heard than they needed civilians in their plan was not giving them any trustworthy points, but who know and that young slime girl was really powerful to have her in count for whatever plan they have.

With the big pet bird making the giant lost sight of her surroundings, Jaqueline rush as the snakefolk than she is to summon a small creature than could secrete some substance at the front area of their foe, so this could slip and the snake woman then could use her luscious seductive body to stop the fall of her Mistress... then she may hug her and rub to calm, but just if the plan works.

Of course as large and good looking than she is, soon any of her work pals will notice her.
Re: Monsutāmeido (Monster Maids)

"That's right, keep at it! Keep harassing her!"The valkyrie was quite pleased with the results thus far and she herself was following as close as she could on foot. She'd take every opportunity to reach a higher vantage and would actually attempt to reach the roof tops in an effort to get a better shot at the giant's face. Maybe if she took some damage there, it'd be enough to get her to stop and allow the others to catch up and assist. All she needed was a good opportunity to hit her with her spear either with a direct attack or a well aimed throw. Given her origins and interest in combat, she was quite capable of either.