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More survivors?

Re: More survivors?

Regina felt a tinge of guilt in her stomach for just one second, holding up her hand to River, gesturing her to stop, "River... Look, and I'm sure you'll understand my reasons... But... A lot of us aren't like normal women... So it may be a bit strange to people that don't understand what happened to us..." she trailed off, unable to think of what to say.
Re: More survivors?

River looks quite confused by this.

"What is normal now Regina? I don't see any reason why you wouldn't get the same welcome everybody else has gotten so far. If you are so worried that someone will try to hurt you, I give you my word that I will protect you, with my life if need be." She says, deathly serious as she does so.
Re: More survivors?

Regina put a hand to her face, then took River by the shoulder gently, leading her away from Daisy and Lin "River... I don't think you know what I mean... Or why I'm attracted to you... Something happened to a lot of women after the invasion... Something that changed us... Into... Damn it, how the hell do I say this?" she wondered, as she began to bite her fingernails, letting her rifle rest on the strap that went around her shoulder.
Re: More survivors?

River let out a long sigh as she was led off.

"You pretty much admitted that you were a lesbian already, there's quite a bit of them at the Inn, though not as many as I saw at the prison..."
Re: More survivors?

Regina started to seem frustrated, "Damn it... Alright," she seemed to be talking to herself, "I was straight with you then, I can be straight now..." she looked away from River, so she couldn't see her eyes, "I'm..." she whispered, "A hermaphrodite... a lot of women here are..." she said bluntly.
Re: More survivors?

River's eyes widened spectacularly at this comment.

"Oh, you mean... Down there... With the..." She stutters out, taking a deep breath to recover from her shock before continuing. "That doesn't change anything. I promised I'd protect you if I came, and I mean that."
Re: More survivors?

Regina looked away, "Yeah... But... I suppose that means you'd never actually want to..." Regina shook her head, "Ah, who the hell was I kiddin'..."
Re: More survivors?

(Shrike you realised that Lin COULD keep up with River right? River has lv 2 running and so does Lin)
(And lets just say Lin is having a conversation with Daisy about how cool a certain game is)
Re: More survivors?

((Running, not running. She's a freerunner, she's talking about hopping buildings and stuff, not a straight sprint down the street ;) ))


"I'm sorry Regina. You know it has nothing to do with that though. Now come on, let's go." River says softly, looking at her with a concerned expression.
Re: More survivors?

Regina looked up at River, "Then what is it? For God's sake, just tell me what I'm doing wrong..." she pleaded.
Re: More survivors?

River reached over and pulled the other woman into a hug.

"Nothing. You're doing nothing wrong, it's just not something that I do..." She says sadly, trying to console the girl.
Re: More survivors?

Regina sighed sadly, "That really breaks my heart... But, alright, I won't bother you anymore..." she said with remorse, breaking away from River, and handing her weapons and ammo back to the storage girl.

Daisy walks over to Regina, "Regina!" she exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing? Come on! I thought you wanted to escort them?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Regina shook her head, "I can't fight like this, Daisy. I'm gonna stay here for a while, take a breather." she said, walking down the hall, back to the courtyard...
Re: More survivors?

Lin solved Daisy's confusion at once, that dejected tone and look. She had just got turned down by River.
Lin acted as though she did not notice it however as she turned to River.

"Well, thats one person out, what's the plan River?"
Re: More survivors?

River calls out to Regina as she walks off.

"I'm sorry..."

She waits for a second, watching her leave, before turning to Lin. "I dunno, just walk it I guess. Do you think Daisy still wants to come?"
Re: More survivors?

Regina stops in place for a second, turning around, she faces River with resolve, "River," she announces, "I've decided, I'm going to follow you, and protect you until you change your mind. I'll never leave your side, and I'll sacrifice myself if need be to unsure your safety, whether you want me to, or not." she winks with a smile, "I'm gonna be around for a while, so get used to it!" she claims with pride.

Daisy raised an eyebrow at her commander, "Why do you always over dramatize everything?" she asked with a laugh, "You're just mad she said, 'no'" she teased. Regina blushed as she said that.

Waving her hand back and forth, she continued, "I'm still going with you, not only because I'm attracted to you, but because you're my friend, and I'll never let a friend be harmed by those bastards if I can say anything about it!" she announced again, going back to the woman and grabbing her gun, strapping it around her shoulder, ready to follow River, "I'm ready to go!" she told River.

Daisy nodded, grabbing Lin around the shoulders, squeezing her close, "Me to! I wanna protect Lin! And maybe have sex with her to!" she said maliciously, but in a joking tone.
Re: More survivors?

Lin heard the statement, but even if it was a joke, she didn't really like it.
But of course, she didn't really care as she just wants to hurry this up.
Re: More survivors?

((o_O you really are going to keep trying to get her laid, aren't you? XD ))


"Wow, alright then." River says with a smile. "Guess I'm going to have to teach you to Run then, but that can wait. Let's go then."

River turns on her heel once again, heading down the street at an easy pace, weapon holstered as she watches the side of the streets for any approaching monster.
Re: More survivors?

( That, and I remembered I gave her the honorable trait, so she wouldn't want to leave River on her own anyway. ;) )

As Regina stayed closely behind River, she suddenly darted for an allyway, Daisy right on her heels, as she motioned for Lin and River to follow her, whispering what looked like, "Come on!" as quietly as possible as she took cover in the dark ally, eyes looking to the sky.
Re: More survivors?

Lin follows, yada yada yada do.
(We need monsters)
Re: More survivors?

River ducks in as well, peering up to see what was going on.