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More survivors?

Re: More survivors?

Freyda blinked at River, folding her arms, and then pacing slowly back and forth in front of her.

"Would you say..." she began, "That they might be sexually aggressive? These hermaphrodites?" she asked, casting a side glance at River.
Re: More survivors?


"Not really, no. Like I said, I slept overnight in the same bed as one, and I didn't even know. She was rather blunt about her feelings for me, but she never acted on them. I was quite specific about not being on the market, as it were, and the worst she did was semi-grope me in her sleep, which is a lot better than some men I know. Is there something you're not telling me Freyda? These seem like awfully specific questions..."
Re: More survivors?

Freyda's gaze over the corner of her eye did not dissipate, it stayed locked on River, the evil red eyes felt as if they could pierce her like an arrow.

"I believe that this large group of hermaphrodites may be transformed humans, monsters that simply desire us to join them so they can use our essence as nourishment, as all these monsters have been known to do."
Re: More survivors?

(Whoa going a bit too far there RJ.)
(Now I wish I was in the conversation, and you still ignored Lin's question about her sister.)
Re: More survivors?

( She doesn't have to tell her, there's a notice about Rin's disappearance near a 7-11 on the mission board. )

( Besides, Freyda is telling River her thoughts on the situation, as a large group of hermaphrodites wanting an Inn full of woman to come over strikes her as suspicious behavior )
Re: More survivors?

(but calling them monsters just didn't sit well with me lol, and Lin WOULD ask since she would rather get infomation from a person before checking the board.)
Re: More survivors?

River twitches at Freyda's comment, frowning just a little.

"If they're as monstrous as you say, how is it that I wasn't raped when I was sleeping? I was alone, out of my armour, without weapons, and completely unaware, there would have been no better time for it. I think they have something good going on over there, and it wold be for the best in the long run if we didn't try to split the resources we have between two groups."
Re: More survivors?

Freyda sighed, thinking for a moment as she looked at some of the lame paintings that were displayed about the room, before turning back to River.

"I don't hear lie in your voice..." she stated, "Very well, I'll ask my lady to consider it. Thank you, River. We all appreciate your continued assistance." she thanked River, making a polite bow as she began to head for the exit door, walking past Jesse.

Jesse looked over to River after Freyda had left.

"Hermaphrodites?" she asked, sounding intrigued, "Was it weird to be in bed with one?" Blinking with curiosity, Jesse was eager to hear the rest of River's story.
Re: More survivors?

River chuckled a little before answering.

"It didn't seem like it at the time, but it's a little creepy now, yeah. I honestly couldn't tell any difference, even after she told me. Did I miss anything around here last night?"
Re: More survivors?

Jesse shook her head,

"Hmm, no, not much, although Amy has called for people to check out the Zoo, she said some weird things are happening over there." she claimed, putting a hand to her chin, "Hm... You ever wonder what it'd be like to have sex with one of those hermaphrodites?" she asked without looking at River, her eyes fixed on the ceiling, "I think it'd be weird... But, you never know unless you try, right?" she said with a giggle.
Re: More survivors?

River shifts in her seat, turning completly sideways and staring up at the ceiling as well, letting out a long sigh.

"It's true, you never know until you try." She says slowly, completely avoiding Jesse's actual question. She slides out of the chair and heads back towards her room, giving the other woman a wave on her way out. "I think... I'm going to take a day or two off, spend some time in the Inn..."
Re: More survivors?

( This isn't a sign that you're going to leave me... Is it? :( )

( Seriously, I'd have to kill a kitten if you left along with loli... )

( I'm very serial, super serial, you have no idea how violent I can get, I'm a bloody dinosaur. )

Jesse jumped as River began to walk away, then waved back,

"Oh! Alright, sweetie. Remember, I'll always be here to talk to whenever you need some company, okay, sweetie?" she asked with a warm smile.
Re: More survivors?

(Yeah, I am sure she WANTS some COMPANY)
Re: More survivors?

((Don't worry, I'm still playing. I'm just going to try out training around the house, since that is the only way I have noticed anybody increase a skill, short of Emily's handgun boost ;) Anyways, back to the public threads I guess))