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More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(I just realized how much trouble Lila will have withstanding the EMP, but it'll probably add to the story rather then take away from it)

Lila was quite lucky. Due to the circumstances of her previous life, she not only had better information about what was going on when the monster attacked, but she was also better prepared. Her basement was quite the shelter. No one disturbed her throughout the day and into the early afternoon. She was well equiped to keep tabs on what was going on outside via computer links and had more then enough supplies to last a week, more if she was careful with it.

However, around four, the ground started shaking, much like it would in one the area's frequent quakes. Lila's basement could withstand it, but for some reason the electronics started to flicker and die. Lila herself started to feel ill, and colapsed to the ground, blacking out for a few minutes.

Upon waking up, Lila's basement was dark. She still did not feel all that good, but the discomfort was only at the level of mild annoyance, rather than anything that would actually slow her down. Despite the shaking, nothing had physically fallen over, off a shelf, or otherwise broken in that manner, but most of her electronics around here were offline.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

(Since she is made to be completely human, she is no longer a robot. The EMP won't affect her, but she still would be in trouble.)

Lila wakes up, dizzy from the shaking in her sleep. "Hnn... I don't feel so good, error.wav..." She moves to the side, trying to see in the dark as she pulls up to her PC terminal nearby. She switches it off and on. "Hmmmngh! I need to find out if this threat is gone..." She then returns to the television in the bedroom part of the basement, switching it on and off. "Nothing is working... I must find out what is going on." She rubs her eyes as she tries to move back up the stairs to her commons area. The air condition up here felt eery compared to the air down in the basement. Opening her front door, she aims to try to be quick, checking her power box for any damage.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

(Oh, the bio was a bit confusing. Well, a random object knocked her out, but didn't cause damage, or something, that always works.)

Lila's upstairs was significantly worse off then the basement. Many objects had fallen off the tables, their stands, or mounts on the wall. Nothing critical requring her attention, however.

The street outside was pretty much how it would look on a normal weekday, when everyone was at work, no cars, save the one crashed into a row of shrubs at the corner with its front smashed in. To the West Lila could see the city, it was on fire, glowing orange, and the sky scrapers were visibly damaged. She was far enough away, though, that the chaos was not affecting her right now.

Around the side of the house was the electrical connection. It did not look damaged, and even opening up the coverings would reveal all was as it should be. As she was checking, Lila noticed how distinct the lack of activity around her was, the enviroment was dead silent and none of her neighbors were out checking on anything.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila moves her crimson eyes side to side after figuring out that nothing is wrong with the power box. She then takes a slow step back, then sidles with her house, looking to the flaming city. "Hnn... This place has turned unfortunate. I better go get my technology and leave here...." She moves back into the house, leaving the door unlocked, since her town seems deserted anyway. She goes on her way to the basement to gather some small items she would find useful if she had moved to another part of the world.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila could not carry all that much without some sort of vehicle, or even much with her without atleast a bag. She had ample time to gather up any container for what she wanted to bring with her now, but it was painfully obvious she'd have to leave alot behind.

Just as Lila was finishing her thoughts, she heard a loud thud from upstairs. Something breached the front door and was no looking around through her living room!
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila manages to pick up a good size, yet still handlable container. She then feels an anomaly in her heart. She knows it is fear, but never before has she felt this much fear at the sound coming from upstairs. "Shock.wav. What was that?" She looks around, then tries to hide in the closet in her bedroom area of her basement, looking up with a sense of dread in her eyes, gulping quietly.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Despite her somewhat panicy attitude, Lila avoids making too much noise as she hides. The intruder continues to search around upstairs, making noise knocking things over or just stepping on things. She can hear what room it is in as it moves, first the living room, then past the stairs, then over to the kitchen, then around to one side of the house, then back to the kitchen, and so on. She doesn't hear the door at the top of the stairs open, which is good, the intruder does not know she's downstairs. Infact, judging from the laid back attitude the sounds exhibited, Lila could perhaps even get the jump on the intruder, if she didn't want to wait for it to pass.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks up as she waits and waits. It is like a pest up there. Only a bigger more threatening pest. She figures that she would have no choice if it weren't going to leave the commons area. She looks to her bedside from the gaps of her closet doors, finding a defense weapon, an old pistol, which is good for Lila's small frame. She then moves up, then creaks the basement door open to see who or what it is.
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Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

(Ah, sorry, that weapon is overruled. I already have a weapons chart, and yes it does include a laser, but there's only one, and its a pretty bulky laser rifle. While I did originally give it to someone, that someone did drop out, and therefore there is a chance for you to encounter it later.)
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

(What can Lila defend her 3'11" form with though?)
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

(You can have a normal pistol around, and melee will go as normal as height doesn't factor in, unless you'd really like me to factor in a penalty)
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila does not much make noise as she creeps up top. The house creeks under the stress, hiding what noise she does make when coupled with the sound of shifting objects the intruder is making. As the small girl opens the door, she gets a clear view of the backside of a masisve, man-sized spider. The thing is bigger then she is! Fortunately, it's attention is focused on a pile of books that have fallen over off a hanging bookshelf, one leg is lazily flipping through the random papers. It is competely unaware of Lila behind it.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila takes a look at the monster. She then looks for where its heart should be. At least to her knowledge. She raises the pistol with both hands slowly and silently, then attempts to shoot it unawares.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

(Sneak attack bonus)

Lila is able to line up a shot and fire right into the core of the monster, wounding it seriously. It screams, as much as a spider can, and thrashes about, knocking even more stuff over in the trashed upstairs of Lila's house. It isn't finished just yet, however, but Lila has more then ample time to line up another shot to end it. The spider knows this, and tries to scurry away, it is up to Lila to show mercy or not.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila is not one for mercy, despite her usual personality, but also knowing the spider will be less than thankful to her if she showed any. She readies her aim as the spider scurries around, looking to it. This time, she has slightly more difficulty with the moving target. She fires another bullet, aiming for his core again.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The injured spider is no match for Lila and her pistol. With a final cry and a bit of a wet squish the spider dies and falls flat on the floor before the short girl. The house is dead silent afterwards.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila comes up to look at the spider, frowning a little. "There is no other option.... I must leave Clover Grove..." She looks around for anymore threats, then attempts to walk out of her house, looking over the horizon as she goes.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Outside the house all was still still, only the wind greeted Lila. Whatever happened to knock Lila out earlier seemed to have stunned the whole world, and it was slow to reawaken. Her street was only moderately littered, as she'd previously noted. The small woman had a few choices as to which way to head. Right down the street, towards the main road of this neighborhood, then into the South side of the city, the industrial area full of deserted areas safe from monsters, left towards less dense residential areas and eventually into the hills, tens of miles away, or choose to go down a nearby T-intersection to the freeway a few blocks away.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looked through her options mentally. She is very critical when she thinks. She remembers even giving herself headaches a long time ago. She doesn't have headache spells anymore though. She looks to the T-Section. "It is quicker if I go through there... But it is rather dangerous...." She then looks down to the gun in her hand next to her hip. She nods. "The quicker, the better."

She decides to brave what might lurk in the most dangerous of the two paths, gripping on her gun.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

There was more debris this way, two or more burnt out cars per block, as far as Lila could tell. There were a few bodies by the cars too, and luggage, lots of luggage. However, the yards and things were clear, at least back this far from the freeway. Lila could avoid the things or search them, however she pleased, though who knew if anything was lurking in the shadows or houses.