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More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila continues onward to the path. She looks to the bodies with much dread. She takes a sighing breath to calm herself, then taps her gun to her hip. She knows she is ready for anything as she keeps an eye out for anything else that may be of use to her, or for any dangers lurking out in the open to hide in one of the yards.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila reaches the freeway soon, it's in really bad shape, almost impassible with cars, some of them on fire. Even the on and off ramps are in bad shape, in places it looks like it'd be easier to get across by jumping the fence on either side then using the actual road. Lila can see on the other side, a nice middle-class neighborhood was mostly intact, though if she was closer she might see more damage. Overall it seemed alot like the one she lived in, so it probably had more of the same that she just saw. On the other hand, it was impossible to tell what was to the North or South over all the wrecked cars, so going either way would be a shot in the dark, so to speak.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks over into the distance to this town. She frowns a bit, finding it harder and harder to navigate, the heat of the fire causing her to sweat a little on her forehead. Lila manages to crawl under a few cars, just to see the town from a closer perspective.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila's small frame made it easier then would be expected to hide. It was actually pretty easy to get a good view of everything, on the freeway atleast, from down below the cars. She could see piles of debris in either direction, including a few that looked like they might be of use. One was a pile of what looked like hunting equipment, though no rifle was in sight, and the other was a small stack of three gas cans. However, both had what looked to be a few dead bodies nearby, so perhaps it was best to avoid them.

As for the town that Lila was scoping out itself, it seemed deserted, and actually sort of debris free. It was certainly in better shapen then Lila's neighborhood, as far as the small girl could tell. No movement, and no sounds came from any direction.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila moves through the cars, picking up some hunting equipment. It may be of some use to her later on. She picks up all she can on her way through the cars. She goes into the town, oddly finding calmness in it.

Lila nods. "I think I must relax here... I was travelling a bit farther on foot than I do on my scooter..." She frowns, resting next to a house's doorstep, taking a breather. She closes her eyes.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

There was some rifle ammo, as well as canned goods, and a skinning knife, but Lila could not find the gun. Still, everything might be usefull later, worth taking for sure. The girl was moving quite fast, while hanging around loose loot was generally a bad idea, she moved on quick enough to avoid any bad consequences.

Lila also managed to cross the bit of open ground before the suburb without incident. It was good she sat down to take a break, though, as she wouldn't be able to keep up such a speed indefinitely. Most of the doors on these houses were ripped off, it seemed, but that was the only damage... quite strange. However, the small girl came up at one that was totally intact on the outside, as luck would have it. However, as she sat down to take a breather, she became aware of someone elses labored breathing, quite close to her. It sounded like something, right behind her through the wall, inside the house. It was rather creepy sounding, like a stalker laying in wait.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila moves her head up at the sound. It sent chills down her spine. She kept her gun gripped to her side. She moves up then, opens the door curiously, hoping the labored breathing was something other than she thought. She kept her gun at the ready.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The door opened silently, revealing a dark hallway into the heart of the mid-sized suburban home. It was quite trashed, all the pictures were on the wall, some loose papers here and there, and an open suitcase spilled halfway down. However, the was a wall between here and the breathing still. To the girl's right was the living room, trashed but empty, and to the left, where the breathing was coming from, was a wall and another shut door, right past the point of breathing. Lila thought she heard the breathing change, but it was slight, if that.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila begins to move slowly toward the door and the wall. She puts both hands on the handle of her gun, then stops in place as she hears the slight breathing change. She gulps a little, then raises her gun, staying in place for a bit.... waiting.... she then lowers her guard after a while.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The breathing continues as is, though to a nervious girl, it might sound like it gets louder in its never ending pounding. It doesn't move, maybe it doesn't know Lila is there, or maybe it does, and is just waiting. If it does, it seems conent to wait the short woman out.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila frowns softly, then moves to the door, opening it with the barrel of the gun through the crack at the door. She glares cutely, her cheeks slightly flush as she is ready. Her heart pounds as she looks to see who is breathing inside.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

She can't see anything, because whatever is off to the side it seems. It tenses, she can hear it, but doesn't jump, at first. After waiting two seconds, hoping Lila would have just gone through the door, it gets impatient and just jumps with a violent scream, hitting her hand and knocking the gun out onto the ground. The monster is vaugly humaniod, but with strange joints, letting it walk on all fours down low, almost like a crab. It can clearly leap very powerfully, as her arms were battered against the far wall when it tried to jump on her. Fortunately, it smacked up against the wall too, causing it to have to recover for a moment before attacking her again.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

As Lila moved forward, she flies back helplessly against the wall, knocking her gun from her hand. With a squeak, she lands on her hands and knees. She looks back, hoping to dodge by rolling to the side, hoping to evade before the monster catches her. She eyes her gun.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

There is not much room to manuever in the narrow confines of the house, the monster easily jumps on Lila and holds her face down, though she still has the chance to struggle or fight back, as it will take a moment for it to pin her totally.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila squeaks, fighting back as she tries to move in the hold. Her body seems soft, her clothes made of a very soft silk. She pants heavily, trying to struggle out of the monster's grip, twisting her body to try to reach her gun.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila only succeeds in getting onto her back, the monster is way too strong for a small person such as herself to fight hand to hand. It pressed down, Lila can feel its arousal pressing between her legs as it snarls right in her face, rubbing slightly against her. It's teasing at this point, knowing the girl is at its mercy.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila tries to arch, the only thing she can do at this point. With clenched teeth, she feels his member press up against her panties under her skirt. "GHN.... Hhhh.... What is it doing...." She looks to it in the eyes if it has any, squinting an eye as her short slim body tenses up.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The monster looks intently back into Lila's eyes, its face quite human looking. It lets out a noise that almost sounds like a laugh as it savors her terror. One hand comes up and grabs both of the girl's by the wrists, trying to force them behind her to complete the hold as its other wripps at her outermost layer of clothing.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila is arched up, making her bust that much more apparent. She pants heavily as her heart races. She yells out cutely as her shirt is ripped at, leaving her black bra under her white shreds. Her skirt also ripped a bit to reveal her gray panties.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The monster squirms around on top of Lila, rubbing itself on her sensitive areas. It hisses right in her face, trying to bring up some more terror, it loves it when its victims are scared.

After taunting the girl for a few moments, it would use its knee to move aside her panties, pressing its super-hard rod right up to her entrance, poking her before going inside. It liked to look Lila right in the eye, as if looking into her mind as it was atop her.