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More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila silences at the hiss, taking deep breaths as the monster rubbed on her slickening panties. She then widens her eyes as her entrance is thrusted into, yelling out as she arches her back. Her slim form hilted as her thighs clench their muscles. Her eye pupils quiver as she looks back at his stare.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

After drawing some perverse pleasure from watching Lila squirm, the monster started pounding. It was very strong, and knew it, going out of his way to be rough with the small girl. Being able to keep his prey pinned with one hand, the monster used his other to alternate between fondling Lila's chest or rough up up her hair. Sometimes he'd even caress her face gently, in a mock loving way, to contrast with his never ending ravishing of the girl's lower half.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila is helpless against the powerful monster slamming on her hips. She desperately yells out with each thrust as her body tenses up completely. Her head tipped back on the floor as her breasts are fondled. Her face seems warm with flush as her eyes water. Her dark blue hair ruffled in the giant's other hand. Her hips splash slightly with prejuices as the monster nearly sprains her wide-ish yet slim hips.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila is being brought to her peak, she'll orgasm soon whether she wants to or not. The monster can feel this, he's pretty close as well, his cock is twitching inside his prey. He slows just a bit, being a bit more skillful with his thrusts instead of just overpowering the small woman. He wants to cum at the same time. Before long, his efforts pay off, Lila is forced to orgasm right as his sticky seed sprays out, filling her insides with cum.

The poor girl loses alot of her strength, but is still awake. The monster falls on top of her, also tired from the effort of ravishing her, but he's still in control. He keeps a good grip on Lila, making sure she doesn't try to escape as he catches his breath, preparing to try and releave himself in her another time.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila yelps out with each thrust, her breasts heaving as she takes heavy breaths, unable to control the stimulations. As soon as the monster switches to painstakingly tease her into it more and more, she orgasms harshly, her entire body flooding with sensations. "KYA.... AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHN!!!!!!!" She tenses her slim tummy as she is cummed into. She pants heavily as she looks to the determination in the monster. Her own eyes hues as she lost a lot of strength to feebly fight back with. Her cheeks neon red with blushing.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The monster recovered faster, smiling at Lila then laying perfectly on top of her. It rubs her lovingly as it starts to roughly hump into the small girl once more. It wasn't as hard as before, but he had used up alot of energy. The cum from both of them sloshed around as his hard rod speared Lila again and again.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila whimpers as she tips her head up, her hair a spikyish mess as she is thrusted in gently, her body moving sensually with each motion, her plump breasts moving back and forth in the motions, her hips in hypertension.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila can slowly start to feel herself drifting towards unconsciousness. It did not seem like the monster would stop ravishing her anytime soon. He keep his steady humping, grunting a bit from exersion. It made sure to hold down the girl's arms, so she couldn't fight back, even though she hadn't done much of that, the monster was not one to let his guard down.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila pants heavily, fighting off her mind shutting down from the sensations. The beast overcompatible with her smaller body. Her tummy tenses more and more. She then falls out after wondering how she can survive this long. Her mind completely knocked out.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila wakes up in a pool of sex fluids, both her own and the monster's. The creature is no longer above her, it's nowhere to be found. However, her body feels so used it might as well be, her pussy is sore and her joints ache. On the bright side, though, all of her things were still around her, within easy reach. Nothing besides her dignity was missing.

The house was now quiet, the telltale sign from before that she wasn't alone was not longer here. Lila could take her time recovering and search the house now, but no doubt it was now closer to sunset, and new concerns now. There was no telling how long she'd been out.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila slowly gets up, panting heavily as she looks around. She gets herself dressed as she moves for her weapon. She looks out of the window, surprised at how late it is. "Hnn... If I go back now, I might meet up with that thing again..." She rubs on her breast and hip, squinting an eye as she slowly recovers. She looks around the house in search for clues as to how to get out of here.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The house was pretty standard, though trashed. The bed room was the worst, everything was on the floor, including the bedding, with a few stains of waht looked to be blood. The kitchen was bad too, the table was knocked over and a knife set on the floor. Might make a nice melee weapon for the small girl, though.

The rest of the house was better, besides the site of Lila's earlier struggle. It was a pretty comfortable suburban house for a family of four, no sign of the occupants or how the monster had gotten in. The front door was open slightly, probably how it got out. It wasn't broken, just open, so it could be resecured.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila procures the knife as she surveys the area. It takes several hours to try to find anything of use. She then looks to the creaked door. She grips on the knife in readiness. She slowly approaches it, then opens it carefully, looking out of the house.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Outside is pitch black, the street lights aren't coming on this night. The house was illuminated by a small fire in the fireplace, something that was easy to miss in the scuffle earlier. While hardly the best cover, this house might have to do if Lila didn't want to brave the trip to seek a better place. At the very least, the house could be secured somewhat, if needed, but if Lila was found out, it wouldn't stay that way.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks up at the moon. "Observation.wav...." She looks around, not one to seek cover too often, as if the house had that one creature in, she definitely would be someone to 'come home' to, so to speak. She slips outside of the house, following her previous trail past the town. She'd keep a sharp eye out for any creatures though.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Eyes could adjust to the darkness, after awhile, but it was still hard to navigate. Lila could travel the road with ease, compared to another route, but would be exposed with little way to see if something silent was coming at her, and plenty of chances for something to see her. Her other option was to go through the back yards, where there was more cover, but more things to bump into, and the going would be slower. No telling if monsters were hiding that way, either.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks left and right to the houses, then feels like she is being watched. She looks behind her, then to the corner to a back yard. "I must hide out there. I am open to anymore monsters that may have their way with me here." She slips quickly to the yards, feeling the soft grass. She is quick in her yard when she first moved to a house of her own. Surely she'd be able to climb a tree or something if she met with any dangers.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Alot of the yards had fences, but not entirely enclosed. It was nice cover for sticking to the sides and the shadows, avoiding most of the people's items they had in their backyards. However, the layouts were haphazard, and Lila still had to be careful. She could just go where they took her, which was down the block, or perhaps aim for any of the other three houses around. They all looked the same in the dark, so the girl would have to check out each closely.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila decides to go to where the yards took her. She frowns slightly as the col air is eaily mistaken for someone or something being near her. She shifts her eyes around, looking for anything to duck under to keep moving.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

It doesn't take long, in the grand scheme of things, for Lila to cross the block. Zigging and zagging, she encounters nothing through the first three yards. She reaches another suburban street, more clear then the last, abandoned cars parked here and there, and random debris in the yards, but nothing to hint at any danger. In the darkness she can't see much, and it's getting harder to hear, the wind is picking up. As she prepares to move on, the wind actually starts to howl, whipping through something or other that gives it the most chilling quality.