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More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks to where the area is more clear. Finally, she is able to move forward without any of the previous difficulties. She does block herself from the wind with her arm, finding a new setback despite the debris.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila was getting into more built up areas. Up ahead was a small rise, with a few abandoned cars right at the top for cover. She didn't know what was over the other side, could be nothing, could be monsters. To either side of the road leading up were thick hedges. She could climb that way, but it'd be back to slow going, and potentially getting her clothes caught and jabbed with thorns.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks around. She doesn't want to be in any real dangers. If she were around cars, then most likely there would be monsters searching for the occupants. She has nothing left do do but go through the hedges, hoping she is small enough.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila's small form does work to her advantage. She slips though with alot less trouble then most people would have had. She still gets pricked by thorns and branches though, but as long as she shields her eyes it is but a minor annoyance.

At first, Lila cannot see much in the increased darkness. To her side the hill continues, and it becomes obvious that the hill is actual a somewhat raised roadway. Major roads have that done sometimes. Unfortunately, this means Lila can't look over it to see what is on the other side. As it is, she can hardly see infront of her as she bumbles along the bushes. To her other side are more houses, like before, and in roughly the same condition.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila keeps moving, keeping her crimson eyes from being pricked on. The thorns scratching at her sof pale body. She begins to move toward the hilly roadway.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks roughed up after the short climb, but overall is in decent shape. In the dark, and keeping a low profile, Lila was quite stealthy as she got up on the roadway. Unfortunately, this also meant she couldn't see very well. What she could see looked to be a large mall complex with several outbuildings and a mostly empty parking lot. A major find, no doubt, but Lila couldn't know if it was safe untill she made it over there.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila keeps the lookout at the shape of the mall. Finally relieved after such crawling. It was the lesser of two evils but it was definitely uncomfortable. She decides to walk onwards toward the direction of the mall.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

As she passed one of the outbuildings, Lila noticed tracks coming out of it, clearly non-human. The building was silent, but a quick glance showed it was utterly trashed inside, backing up that there may have been something inside that had left. It looked to be a resturant of some kind, though the unlit sign was too dar to read, and the smell from inside was more of decay then of any recognizable brand.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila looks to the building, widening her eyes slightly. She decides to walk slowly. She looks to the outbuilding as she approaches. Whatever was in there, it seems to be gone now. She goes into the outbuilding.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Various food items, as well as some trash, was smeared across the floor. This was the kitchen area, though it looked more like a disaster area now. Looking past the serving line showed that the rest of the resturant wasn't in much better shape. It was doubtful anything of value was here, though it was hard to tell with the mess. Looking for something specifically might have it turn up, but it wasn't exactly the most desireable place to be rooting around in.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila seems disinterested in all of the garbage. The place seemed to have a stench to it. She tries to move through the kitchen area for an exit. Her crimson eyes ever wary of any dangers.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

The area smelled horrible, but forunately, thanks to Lila's watchful eyes, the trip through was worth it. She spied the resturants first aid kits, clean and white, still mounted on the wall. Next to it, perhaps the only items not on the floor, were three bottles of water, just sitting there undisturbed. An amazing find from an otherwise worthless building. Another exit was right next to these, looking out on the still empty parking lot.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila decides to take the few bottles of water, just in case. You can never know when you may be thirsty. She then heads over to the exit right next to them. She looks around in the parking lot. Slowly Lila begins walking toward the middle.
Re: More then Meets the Eye (Lila M-3210)

Lila was soon at the main entrance to the mall. She could see past the wall made of glass that held the doors, but not past a small bench. The interior was not lit. What she could see wasn't a good sign, many pieces of rubble were strewn across the small part of the concorse she could see. Lila could faintly make out two doors, one on either side, the kind that would lead to back storage areas. The one on the right was open slightly. A cold wind blew from behind as Lila stood outside.