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ACT [ MOSABOX ] [ モサボックス ] Samurai Sacrament / サムライ・さくらメント RE155385 RJ155385

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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Hmm, great demo. This looks very promising but for the love of all that is good how do you get the gun thing?! It's the only thing in the game I can't do so far. The turret just keeps on firing right at me, blocking gets me knocked off the platform, and the platforms around it are either moving or timed to fall. I got nothing.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

What about it is ass backwards? The controls are tight and it rewards being good at videogames.

Well...so long as you're equally skilled at playing on a keyboard as well. I, for one, would have preferred a controller option but alas. Perhaps its just me, but I find that using a keyboard anytime lends itself to clunkiness.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Well...so long as you're equally skilled at playing on a keyboard as well. I, for one, would have preferred a controller option but alas. Perhaps its just me, but I find that using a keyboard anytime lends itself to clunkiness.

Welcome to PC gaming.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Welcome to PC gaming.

i mean yeah, keyboards probably aren't going to compete with controllers, which are literally things designed for the purpose of 1. housing buttons and 2. being held by human (male) hands.

keyboards do have over 1000% of the buttons a controller does, to be fair. so they have that advantage.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

You have to destroy the alarm thingy on the ceiling to the right of the door all the way on the right side the room (with the left side being the huge orange door). Go in security door, fight two doggystyle cavemen, press button, exit security room back into hallway, go to left, giant orange door is opened.

At the start, a pop-up of your sword comes up. Looks very Megaman. Guarantee you'll be able to use other weapons.

Cool thanks
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Actually seeing the file he post
DL Pass[mosabox]
Sound like the Demo was out (I don't know because the page for download taking too long to respond)
So anyone downloaded it yet ?
If you do so can you upload in the new host like mega ?
Thanks !
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Yeap, demo is out. Played till the first boss, quite sweet though i needs
1) Female voice. xD
2) Do something bout imba turrets.

Some controls i found, other than basic attack jump and dash
Dash + attack = dash attack! surprise~
dash + down = guard
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

You know the last like 4 pages of the thread have been people discussing the demo, right?
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Actually seeing the file he post
DL Pass[mosabox]
Sound like the Demo was out (I don't know because the page for download taking too long to respond)
So anyone downloaded it yet ?
If you do so can you upload in the new host like mega ?
Thanks !

If your ISP has problems with getuploader, using proxies can easily ignore them.

Making links the creator can't track is bad. Specially when he's already giving it out for free.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Nothing new, but I'm dumping some more stuff I found browsing all his 23 pages of blogposts

Random, but worth looking at:


Now the more interesting parts, some CG previews:




And yes, I'm a little impatient >.<

EDIT: Forgot to mention, there are 2 more demos on his blog but nothing interesting in itself, they are really small and theres no new content in them
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I've gotta say I think the dev would appreciate it if you guys weren't posting his art stuff outside his blog. I'm sure they want to know how many people are looking at their work and not posting all his stuff here gives people incentive to check the blog for a bit. The OP has plenty of spoiler to get people interested in the project already. The most common complaint I see from Jap devs is that people are posting their art/links outside their blog and I totally understand why it'd be obnoxious.
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Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I've gotta say I think the dev would appreciate it if you guys weren't posting his art stuff outside his blog. I'm sure they want to know how many people are looking at their work and not posting all his stuff here gives people incentive to check the blog for a bit. The OP has plenty of spoiler to get people interested in the project already. The most common complaint I see from Jap devs is that people are posting their art/links outside their blog and I totally understand why it'd be obnoxious.

Meh I'm not of that mentality in the slightest but I do respect their wishes.

I think any and all exposure is good exposure so long as the true source is also credited and linked to and limiting them to only link to the blog and not allowing the demo to get out there by whatever means curtails some of that potential exposure. I believe them being nit picky in that respect harms them more than helps their cause.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Meh I'm not of that mentality in the slightest but I do respect their wishes.

I think any and all exposure is good exposure so long as the true source is also credited and linked to and limiting them to only link to the blog and not allowing the demo to get out there by whatever means curtails some of that potential exposure. I believe them being nit picky in that respect harms them more than helps their cause.

Agree completely.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

I've gotta say I think the dev would appreciate it if you guys weren't posting his art stuff outside his blog. I'm sure they want to know how many people are looking at their work and not posting all his stuff here gives people incentive to check the blog for a bit. The OP has plenty of spoiler to get people interested in the project already. The most common complaint I see from Jap devs is that people are posting their art/links outside their blog and I totally understand why it'd be obnoxious.

Dude, this forum is a dump for download links, no point in worrying about reputation...

If these were new stuff from the blog I'd agree, he deserves the hits on his blog
But this is stuff I had to dig through all 23 blogpages for, most people wouldn't even bother looking through all of them, let alone suspect any more content to show up over such a large time-period of posts

I don't want to give myself any credit but I think the only thing dumping this stuff might cause is people getting even more interested into the game, the CG in the demo was rather underrepresented and I think a lot of people would appreciate more samples before buying the game
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

Dude, this forum is a dump for download links, no point in worrying about reputation...

If these were new stuff from the blog I'd agree, he deserves the hits on his blog
But this is stuff I had to dig through all 23 blogpages for, most people wouldn't even bother looking through all of them, let alone suspect any more content to show up over such a large time-period of posts

I don't want to give myself any credit but I think the only thing dumping this stuff might cause is people getting even more interested into the game, the CG in the demo was rather underrepresented and I think a lot of people would appreciate more samples before buying the game

Agreed, not to mention that if you've got a crappy connection JP sites take forever to load, whereas ULMF loads like a champ.
Re: Samurai Sacrament (Act)

The demo was updated and is now 17.3 MB big. Gonna check it out right now.


A mainmenu was added, as well as gallery mode for CG and sprite animations.
No CG's were added
Level design and abilities were changed.
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