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ACT [Mr.X] Mrs. America game inspired by Jungle Girl


Tentacle God
Apr 1, 2010
Reputation score
It seems lineMarvel inspired lot more people then anyone would have thought.

For example Mr. X, who is the member of superheroinecentral had made a Ms. America game. The game is very similar to Jungle Girl, except you control Ms. America and you opponents aren't tentacles but mutants. Well some of them have tentacles but I think everyone gets what I mean. Even though it is 3D I think Mr. X did pretty good job at the graphics. Try it out folk.

Click the preview pic to get to the download.
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Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I would rather this was pre-rendered 3D... My PC is sluggish when attempting to play this.
Edit: It seems to run better from the zip than the website. Possibly due to its 3D-ness.
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Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Nice find! I actually enjoyed it a great deal, too bad it seems as though you can't actually "finish" the game. I played through twice just to end up with a number 2 in front of my score counter. It seems this is just one of those that keeps on going till you get bored, so basically all the H there is, is the three monsters and then losing to get the game over screen.

But it was smooth, with good gameplay, looked nice, and I liked the monster designs.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Well its he first game the guy made. And there are also some rumors that he didn't finish it and this is just a test.

Of course I don't know if any of the rumors are true. But anyway if the guy makes further games I think we can say that the game maker community has grown with one more talented developer.
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Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Press and hold D. Awesomeness ensues.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

And ol' Beppo can't play either...
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Maybe follow the instruction how to play it.

Its above the zip download button.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Do you have macro media flash player 10?
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Press and hold D. Awesomeness ensues.

Uh yes, she jumps and keeps hovering! How awesome!

But yes it would help if those who don't get it to work could tell what it is that's not working. When you go to the page linked on the preview image ( ), click that big yellow text , and follow the instructions.

IE. Make sure you extract the zip, as it doesn't work directly from the archive. Make sure you have Flash 10 installed. And then just click on the Game.html.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Poor old beppo's computer is too old.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

this is pretty awesome, although the 3d ness seems a bit hmm
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

It is pre-rendered, flash in an inefficient piece of shit that doesn't handle the the high resolutions most systems run at today
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Hm. So I played this, and enjoyed the rapist animations (except the bee), but found the game itself very very boring.

I did find a bug of sorts. If you score one hundred, or two hundred, or one thousand, or any number of points which should display a zero in any position other than the ones digit, it displays a blank instead. See?
I also have a couple other suggestions:
  • The hitboxes are way too small. Make 'em larger.
  • Ms. Americana's boobs, when she's bending over, should bob differently from when she's upright.
  • The bee-noise is bloody annoying.
  • Ms. Americana's moans should get progressively more, um, aroused (I guess) as she loses "heroic power".
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I dunno if this was a problem with anyone else, but ADD MORE MONSTERS. I seriously could dodge a monster, go and answer my IMs, check the forum, come back and there would be another monster on the other side of the screen. The monsters are too rare... Like, one a minute...
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

pretty cool, I've followed that website for a long while, never saw that game tho.

Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

For an actual free game, it's pretty solid. I think at some point they'll finish it and make it a pay game. Fine with me if it makes the game better.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I dunno if this was a problem with anyone else, but ADD MORE MONSTERS. I seriously could dodge a monster, go and answer my IMs, check the forum, come back and there would be another monster on the other side of the screen. The monsters are too rare... Like, one a minute...

i had this same problem when i just played the game through the website, but when i actually downloaded it and played it from there it went a lot faster
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I dunno if this was a problem with anyone else, but ADD MORE MONSTERS. I seriously could dodge a monster, go and answer my IMs, check the forum, come back and there would be another monster on the other side of the screen. The monsters are too rare... Like, one a minute...

At the start it's slow, it picks up around 25, then really gets going around 50. At least it did for me.

My only problem is that there's no end, which means it's a gauntlet, but it's TOO EASY to be a gauntlet. As mentioned before, once you learn where the hit-boxes are, you realize they're TINY and that it takes LITTLE to NO effort to avoid EVERY monster that's thrown at you.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Yeah. I seriously just got bored. Otherwise I could have played forever...