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MWO Emily Patterson


Nov 10, 2008
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The Bell finally landed at Pett, and she got off with her equipment in tow. As she looked around she could see a Captain waving her over towards the side of the landing pad.

(Sorry almost forgot I hadn't finished yours)
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Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Knowing her tan beret was secure in place, the RCR cap badge showing her roots before CSOR. She glanced around the airfield, the one that had not so long ago been abandoned. Frowning she walked up to the captain, dropped her duffel bag at her feet, and came to swift attention, a crisp salute snapping into place.

"Sir... mind explaining why Pett's opened the airfield again?" she asked.

The CF had flown her here directly, which was unusual enough, but she had not gotten any orders save 'get on the plane'. Something was stirring. She wondered what tricks Ottawa was pulling out of its sleeve this time.

((any questions about Pett itself, feel free to ask))
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

With a salute that you would expect from someone who's been sharing a seat with his ass his whole life.

He sighs, "To be honest with you Master Warrant Officer Patterson, I was hoping you knew. All I can tell you is some blasted American has taken over my office. Maybe now that your here we'll be able to get some answers from him, at least he let me use his vehicle to pick you up in."

With that he turns and heads towards a black HMMWV, with a driver waiting next to it.

(I'm sure I'll think of something on Pett eventually, but nothing now. I would like to know how to address a MWO, though. As I doubt you refer to warrants by the title Mr/Mrs like we do.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Cocking an eyebrow, Emily followed the officer. An American here? And why would he be able to take over a Canadian officer's office here in Pett. It didn't make sense, but Emily had learned long ago to roll with the punches.

The military always threw weird shit at you.

((MWOs are usually in a position of sergeant major, either for a company or a regiment. While during the game she will be a Regimental Sergeant Major (called RSM or just Sergeant Major, despite holding the MWO rank), here in the prologue she's just a company sergeant major, so CSM by those in her company, sergeant major by others. Or just ma'am.

Normal warrants are just called Warrant))
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

After a short drive over to the garrison area, they get out and after a short walk. The captain stops and knocks at an office door, which is quickly opened by a rather bored looking American major.

"Ah good she's here, come in sergeant major. We have lots to talk about." He says moving aside so she can go in. After she enters he turns to the captain, "Alright captain give us about an hour to discuss things and you should be able to have your office back. That's all." With that he closes the door in his face.

(Got it, you wouldn't think our ranks would be that different. They are though. You'd be a 1stSGT here, sergeant major being an even higher rank. Warrant officers being a completely different group themselves. Plus I just realized that you're divided into regiments, where as we're in brigades. AGHghggh. Dang brain exploded...again.)
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Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Emily stood at attention, but as she had removed her beret upon entering the building, she did not salute.

"Why am I here sir?" she asked, careful to hold the impatience out of her voice. She was annoyed, but she'd played around in stupid military politics long enough not to let it show.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

The major looks at her after closing the door. "All right first of all Sergeant Major relax. I'm Major Bowie you don't know me, but I already know you. At least the military stuff that is." He says going to take a seat behind the desk.

"Go ahead and take a seat. You're here because I picked you to be my right hand woman. I've been tsked with creating a black ops CT unit for NATO forces. You're file was pretty impressive, so I picked you, along with several others. Hopefully it won't take long for them to get here, as I'm starting to go bonkers waiting. Go ahead and ask your questions, I'm sure you have plenty. The sooner we get that out of the way, the sooner we can give the good captain his office back."
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Emily raised an eyebrow. She relaxed and took the offered seat. Running fingers through her hair she met her new CO's eyes. "So I'm the RSM of this new unit? Can I get the files on the others that are coming in? Also, I'm assuming that the base of operations is here in Pett. Why else would you bring me here? I also have plenty of other smaller administrative questions that I'm sure can be answered with some basic joining instructions," she said, running off her small spiel.

She leaned back and looked over the major, wondering what kind of commander he was, and how much power he expected to wield. Special Ops though. He could be quite impressive.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

He sits and stares at her, during her spiel, as if he could blow her up with his mind. Shaking his head, "Sorry bout that, I have a tendency to stare at people. You'll get used to it."

He grabs a couple files and hands them over, "Those are the people they're giving us. You're the only one they let me handpick, but they all look pretty good to me. I've sent orders for all of them to report here. Though when they'll arrive who knows."
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Emily peaked at the various files. Most of them were being pulled from active duty it seemed. A little strange. As she piled the files neatly to the side she leaned back in the chair and met her new officer's stare. At least he wasn't intimidated; she liked that.

"Will it be up to me to find accommodations sir? Or have those been provided for us already? I think there should be some rooms in L-101 or L-103 for us. Those shacks aren't too bad," she said.

She glanced at her watch for a moment before looking back at the captain.

"Also sir, is there a no later timing that they'll be here by, so that I can organize a parade or something for you to inspect the troops," Emily continued.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

"That's actually why I took over this office, we're being set up with some new space a little ways away from the normal areas. Mainly for security purposes, I'm just waiting for them to call and say we can move over that way."

He grabs a handful of paperwork from the desk and puts it in his briefcase, then grabs his pistol belt and puts that on. After double checking his pistol he says.

"There isn't a no later by date, as most of them are probably in the field right now. So they'll be arriving somewhat peacemeal. It's okay though I have my ways of finding out what kind of people they all are. I'm not too much for all the pomp and whatnot, but if you want to arrange that when they get here that's fine."
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

"Sounds good... I'll get on to accomandations than sir. Is there anything else you need of me at the moment?... oh and what are we called anyway?" Emily said, standing up and coming to attention as she prepared to leave the office.

((do we have a name for our outfit yet? JTF something or other....))
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

"Nothing I can't do myself. When you finish getting the accomadations prepared we'll head over to the new HQ and check it out. Just meet me at the HMMWV. I haven't really come up with a name yet, and they haven't assigned any code words or anything. So till they do we'll just call ourselves, The Devils Brigade. Not quite a brigade, but we are mainly a Canadian-American unit so it fits." As he says that he grabs his briefcase and heads for the door.

(Works till we come up with something better.)
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Emily chuckled slightly at the name. Whatever the official designation would be, Devil's Brigade seemed to fit. The dirty brutal fighters of wars past would look down upon these new warriors, and Emily wondered... what kind of hell would they be sent into.

"I'll see you tomorrow sir. I assume they have somewhere for you to stay..." Emily finished off, as she opened the door for her superior.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

"Yeah I've already got some sleeping place set up, see you in the morning by the HMMWV, Sergeant Major." he puts on his black beret and heads off to find the captain from earlier to return his office.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Emily held back a smile at the sight of a black beret. Though she had worked alongside American's before, it always made her smile to see them wearing black.

Some days she missed her old green, but she shrugged and left the office. She had a few hours of paperwork ahead of her before she went home.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

(I hate the stupid black beret myself, I preferred my maroon beret.)

The paperwork gets taken care of without a hitch, and you head home for the rest of the night.


The next morning you arrive and spot Major Bowie by the HMMWV, as he said he would be.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

Emily walked up to him, and stopped just short of snapping a salute or coming to attention. She had read in the paperwork last night how the organization was to act as if they were out in the field all the time. Sniper checks.

She liked it actually.

"Morning sir. We just waiting for the arrivals?" she asked, looking around the crappy little runway that she had only referred to as the "abandoned airfield". Funny how a little money from someone who actually gives a shit about their military lets Canada do something for a change.
Re: MWO Emily Patterson

He looks up with the same bored expression as yesterday, setting down a small wad of what looks like modeling clay.

"Yeah, I got word this morning that the three from overseas are going to be arriving here any time now. We have another one coming in on a little after that. You obviously read through everything, so any questions while we wait?"

(All right we'll move over to the Pett thread now so that everyone can arrive and we can get back on track.)