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Mysterious stranger

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Melanie had thought that was the end, her makeshift defenses could only do so much as the strong, powerful monsters destroyed the gun emplacements she had made, then making their way slowly towards her, as she knew there was no way she could stop them now...

With the moonlight barely coming through the window of the school, she could barely make out the black creature, as it hopped on top of her, many arms coming out and pinning her limbs to the ground as many more tore away at her clothes, exposing her breasts and pussy.

The monster on top of her gradually slid it's cock out of it's black body. As it became erect, Melanie saw that the sheer size of it would likely tear her in half, and she almost felt like it did, as it violently rammed itself inside of her, stretching her walls to an unbelievable extent as both the pain, and pleasure of it's cock inside her made her shriek loudly into the dark room.

The creature began to quickly prod it's cock back and forth, deep inside her pussy, her outer skin stretching as it kept trying to go deeper than her body would allow. Overwhelming pleasure on top of pain made her feel like she was going to snap, as a small pool of blood mixed with her sex juices was leaking out of her pussy, both substances lubricating it's cock as it drove her madly towards the blissful feeling of her orgasm quickly.

Ignoring the rape, ignoring the pain, ignoring the sadness of her doom, she felt submerged in exstacy, as she came better than she ever did before. She felt like reaching her peak like this was the best moment of her life, as her cum joined the mixed puddle by her ass as it leaked from her pussy.

The monster came shortly after, and she felt something strange as it did so. She felt like it was somehow sucking the very life from her, her body began to grow numb as the feeling grew stronger, losing feeling in every part of her body as she felt drained by the monster's cock inside her sex as it launched an ungodly amount of spunk inside her flower, causing her belly to inflate just to make room for the large amount of cum filling her womb as her senses faded to black...


She felt trapped in darkness, as if she found herself trapped in some inescapable void, being suffocated by some unknown evil.

Until, she awoke with a start, finding herself in quite a different place.

She was laying in the bed of what appeared to be a hotel, and aside from some cramps in her legs and body, she hardly felt like she thought she would after such a brutal rape.

Not being able to make out her current situation, she went for the bathroom, still feeling dirty as she thought about all of that cum that went inside her. Wanting to wash it out, she took her clothes off in front of the mirror, and noticed something interesting on her butt, a pink tattoo of a heart that she never remembered being there before.

Something rang from inside her strange new pants that must have been placed on her during her sleep, checking to see what it was, it was some kind of PDA, and someone sent a message to it...

Checking it, the message said, "I have given you a special gift, you know have magical abilities that allow you to disobey the norm of humanity, and you will continue to grow stronger, with time.

"Should you ever be feeling weak from using your new powers, draw upon others by stimulating them sexually, and their essence will become your own. Have fun.

Following that last part, there was an image placed that Melanie recognized as the heart symbol on her butt. There was no doubt that this stranger must have been the one who planted the symbol on her...

Following the days after her strange rescue, she silently learned how to control her new abilities, all while learning about the Director and what she expected Melanie to do. Melanie soon learned she had the ability to simply will living things to stop all movement just by the process of a mere thought.

After many days, Melanie had gotten so curious, that she couldn't contain herself any longer, wanting to talk to people in the hotel, as well as a great many other things, she decided what she was going to do...
Re: Mysterious stranger



Melanie murmurs out as she looks to the tattered scraps of her clothing. The elegantly braided locks of thick blonde hair that she had sported that day had came undone through all of her struggles - short, layered hair reaching down to mid-shoulders. Her sapphire blue eyes peer out through her bent glasses - the thin, one -piece lolita dress ripped in places to bare milky-white flesh - though oddly, not a scar was left on her body. As she steps into one of the provisioned little showers, stripping her shredded clothing, and letting the water beat down against her tired body, her hands wrap around her hourglass waist, in a self-embrace...


I can't believe i'm really here..and..this tattoo. And that message...draw upon the essence of others? I..I can't do things like that! I ..I mean...you..you don't just ask people to..


Days pass, and time filters by - giving Melanie some time to sew together a t-shirt, and a loose little pair of booty shorts from bits of spare fabric that were left lying around - the rounded curves of her developed little tushy dangling out tantalizingly underneath the hem of the fabric. It wasn't horribly covering, but it'd have to do for now, until she could get over the memories that her favorite dress carried. She'd spent days practicing her newfound "magic" - and like any self-respecting geek dipped into their fantasy, she enjoyed it quite a good bit.

With great power, comes responsibility , though. Any geek knew that, too..

Bare feet patter through the hallways as she shuffles through - the obvious lack of a bra noted by the motion of her chest through the thin lavender fabric that held her chest back - the shirt a bit too short - so it dangles off the front of her body thanks to the size of her breasts.

Though, first things first. Drawing out her PDA from the butt pocket of her shorts, Melanie attempts to send a text to her mysterious savior. "Who are you..?" and tries to hit "send", before tucking it back into her shorts once more, shuffling her way downstairs.


"Um, excuse me...I'm new here....my name's Melanie...I....I'd like to y-you know..use my powers to..he..help people here. But..I..I'm not sure where I should start.." Melanie mutters in that same little feather-soft voice as she speaks to a woman behind a counter...

I ..I don't know. I..I'm kind of like a superhero now..?
Re: Mysterious stranger

The woman smiles up at Melanie,

"Hello there, sweetie! Name's Jesse!" she says happily as she reaches to Melanie, pulling her close as Jesse kisses her on both cheeks. Whether that was just friendly, or suggestive, Melanie didn't know.

"So, you're an Inspired, huh?" she asks with a happy tone, sitting back down at her counter, "I think it's so amazing, being able to use magical powers like that, I'm so jealous!" she admits with a bright smile.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Of course, Melanie wasn't quite used to Jesse's type of greeting. As she gets two tastes of Melanie's soft skin - her cheeks flutter a faint tint of pink , glasses dangling low on the edge of her nostrils. With her lips dangling open for a moment, Melanie clears her throat, and pulls her hands from the butt pockets of her shorts - letting them dangle at her sides..


"It..It's not that cool, it's not like I can fly or anything, but..I..I mean, I can do things to help people so I probably should? I ..I mean, I used to play a lot of video games so I'm actually not a bad shot with a pistol...ahaha..."

Melanie's head drifts down for a moment, letting a few bladed blonde bangs dangle in front of her eyes.


"I mean, i'll..get better with practice right? But..I..I won't do any good just hiding away forever, will I..?"

Melanie sways one bare leg slowly back and forth along the carpeted floor beneath her bashfully, folding her arms behind the curve of her hourglass waist.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Jesse giggles at Melanie,

"Sweetie, if you feel you don't want to leave, you can always stay here and keep me company!" she says with a seductive wink.
Re: Mysterious stranger


"R..really?" Melanie's eyes light up at the comment - though her skills of reading other people's advances weren't the greatest. Her fingernails fiddle with the waistline of her short little booty shorts as her eyes meet Jesse's through the thin frames of her glasses..teeth lightly bearing into the glossy pink flesh off her lower lips.

Letting her hand settle against her thighs - Melanie exhales softly.


"K-keep you company? It..it is kind of..slow and quiet around here.."

Melanie murmurs a bit obliviously, hands tracing a few idle little patterns along the inside of her own thighs...
Re: Mysterious stranger

Although Jesse had a gentle look on her face, inside, she was jumping for joy.

"Jackpot! And she's cute, to!"


Jesse giggles, "Well, sweetie, I've got good news for you! I love having fun! And I can make you..." her eyes glinted with sexual suggestion, "Very happy." she said with the biggest, warmest smile she could muster.
Re: Mysterious stranger



Melanie's lower lip quivers slightly at the promises - and even a naive giirl at this point understood what was going on. Was it ..really okay? To just..give into her desires like this?

...It *was* the first time someone had really approached her like this after all. Nervous little gestures translate in the way her thumbs settle underneath the waistline of her little booty shorts....That same pink flush consuming her cheeks at this point - and thick locks of bladed blonde hair hanging unevenly over her eyes - barely aware at this point. She could feel her heart thumping against her chest....

AND a tingling sensation between her legs....
Re: Mysterious stranger

Seeing Melanie like this, Jesse tried her best to keep her smile a warm one, and not a triumphant one.

"I've got you!" she happily thought to herself.


Jesse asked sympathetically, "Sweetie, are you feeling alright? You look a little flustered." Getting up from her seat, she walked to Melanie, wrapping her arm around the girl's shoulders, "You want to come to my room, sweetie? You seem excited, I'll help you relax..." she coos, eyes never leaving Melanie's face as her warm smile seems to comfort Melanie greatly.
Re: Mysterious stranger


"I..I think so. Oh..you ..you have your own room?" Mel mutters, sapphire blue eyes locked against hers as she latches an arm around her petite shoulders. Little resistance is given to the girl's sudden motions - in fact, she'd feel Melanie shift her hips back so the two toned humps of her hips press against her thigh - body angled slightly against hers...

From the slowly deepening blush on Melanie's cheeks, it wouldn't be hard to see that her thoughts were unwholesome - Melanie's closet pervert manifested by such brazen advances. snap

Melanie's shorts snap against the curves of her form as she shifts her fingertips suddenly - an embarrassed little squeak ebbing from those kissable little pink lips..


O..oh man..i'm not even wearing any underwear....
Re: Mysterious stranger

Jesse smiles at Melanie,

"Why, of course I have my own room, silly! Come on, I'll show you..." she said, leading her out of the room, and into the lobby. From there, Jesse takes Melanie up the stairs, holding her the whole way, slightly rubbing her hand up and down the woman's arm in a comforting manner.

As they reached Jesse's room, Jesse opened the door for Melanie, gesturing her to go inside, "Come on in, sweetie. Make yourself comfortable." she said in a comforting tone, as if her voice itself was meant to massage Melanie's ears and mind.

Jesse's room looked neat, and clean. There wasn't a spec of dirt or dust to be found. And, unlike Melanie's room, there were decorations about the room that almost said, "Welcome home!" Many of the decorations had a green tint to them, and the artistic design seemed based around plants and flowers. There was even a vase with a rose in it on the nightstand.
Re: Mysterious stranger

One delicate hand reaches up to rub at her own cheek - as if she could massage the blush out as Jesse directs her upstairs and into her room, curious little blue eyes drinking in her surroundings.

Melanie shuffles over to the bed - and presses her shortie-clad bottom down, the friction of her movement peeling them off her hips just an inch or two to show a few bits of her milky-white bottom flesh.


"It..it's really nice in here," she mutters, as her bare, lavender-painted toenails create little circles on the carpet beneath her feet, one free hand twirling a few locks of golden blonde around the curves of her fingers..
Re: Mysterious stranger

After sitting down next to Melanie, Jesse quickly glances at the beautiful white skin slightly exposed, then returns her gaze to Melanie,

"Sweetie, you look a little tense, mind if I..?" she trails off, putting both her hands on Melanie's shoulders, massaging them gently, and expertly, as if Jesse had years of experience with this kind of thing.

Melanie couldn't help but feel relaxed as Jesse soothed her shoulders. And after some time, she asks, "Could you... Take your shirt off? So I can rub your back?" she asks, her eyes never leaving Melanie's face, smiling at her, soothing her with not only her hands, but with her voice and smile as well.
Re: Mysterious stranger


"U..uhn..you're..really good at this...." Melanie's head droops, bangs consuming her eyes for a moment as those fingertips press into her slightly tensed shoulders..lips pursing open to heave a relaxed sigh.

At the mention of removing her shirt, Melanie's eyes slowly drift to the side - that pink flush renewing on her cheeks as she reaches down..peeling her shirt inside-out as it comes to just below the rounded curves of her breasts - and hesitating for a moment - she slowly peels her shirt off completely - lifting her arms above her head to let her bare , full orbs flounce free of her shirt - each supple little orb a little more than a handful...at least from what it looked.

Completely relaxed, and now without a stitch of resistance, she murmurs..

"Uhm...l-like this? Should I lay down...?" The little tinges of nervousness could be seen translating into the little idle patterns of her dainty little toes...obviously ready to let the pretty girl seducing her readjust her as she sees fit....
Re: Mysterious stranger

Jesse whispered to Melanie in a passionate voice,

"Yes..." she said, her breath crawling along Melanie's skin, sending shivers throughout her entire body.

Jesse gently took Melanie by the waist, making a gentle pull at the direction she wanted her to go, as Jesse had her lay, face down on the bed. Jesse mounted her from behind, and began to gently run her hands up and down Melanie's bare back, almost as if worshiping her body, caressing it, making sure she doesn't leave a single spot untouched as Melanie's body went limp under Jesse's wonderful, soft hands.

Jesse leaned forward, her hands gracing back to Melanie's shoulders as she whispered in the girl's ear, her warm breath breezing along her face, "Melanie... You're so beautiful..." Taking a bite at her ear, Jesse's tone became lustful, "I want you..." she whispered intentionally, lowering her head, kissing Melanie along her neck.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Melanie can feel the goosebumps ripple up along the curves of her body as Jesse's voice trickles against the back of her neck - her bare feet pressing lightly into the sheets and crumpling them up slightly. Her bare breasts pancake against the sheets beneath her - partially concealed by the odd angle...and of course, Melanie can't quite deal with Jesse's talented hands against her flesh.

Her body relaxes into the sheets - legs drifting out slightly wider as her hands travel along Melanie's bare flesh - the bits of grape scent on her body strongly scentable with her this close...And as Jesse's lips move against her ear -- a soft tremble runs up her spine - which Jesse feels in a shift of Melanie's hips.

...The kisses at her neck felt too good now with her flesh relaxed...she was melting against Jesse's hands..and she could feel her nipples poking against the sheets beneath her.


"I..I...I..." Melanie's lips tremble out as she feels the warmth of Jesse's body against her own..and..moving in the only gesture of invitation Melanie can like this...she shifts her legs a bit wider - pants peeling down an inch or two further down her thighs - two rounded little bottom cheeks left showing - and the little heart print on her butt just visible over the horizon of her shorts...
Re: Mysterious stranger

Out of Melanie's sight, Jesse couldn't help but have a malicious smile stretch across her face, as she removed her own top, then unmounted Melanie to take her pants and panties off.

Now naked, she moved back to Melanie, gently flipping her over, mounting her again, with her ass pointed towards Melanie, she removed her pants, the delightful scent of her pussy reaching Jesse's nostrils.

Jesse was slightly dumbfounded when she took in the girl's scent, "... She smells... Different from other women..." she thought, a smile stretching across her face at the development, "How exciting! I wonder what she tastes like..."

Jesse looked back to Melanie, her face was mixed with seduction, and the familiar motherly look that she had come to feel comfort from, "You're already wet... Tell me how much you want me to pleasure you, sweetie..." she whispered seductively.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Jesse would most definately find a lack of panties as she peeled off Melanie's shorts - leaving her barren, hairless nether lips free for..the staring at . And with a gentle nudge, Melanie, now naked, rolls over onto her back, bare chest rising and falling with each heated breath. And Melanie did smell different indeed...*especially * the scent drifting up between her legs.

Melanie's head shifts to the side as Jesse notes her wetness - teeth digging softly into the pink flesh of her lower lip, and hands grasping lightly at the sheets as her thighs shift open invitingly...pink lips already shimmering with the faintest bit of liquid.

Melanie can feel her chest heaving.


What if I ..end up stealing her essence? W..wait..who cares..I..I'm so horny...

"U..until we pass out.." Melanie whispers out through trembling lips.....tongue moving up to try to taste along the inside of Jesse's thigh....leaving the faintest little trail of saliva where her tongue meets.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Taking the note of interest, Jesse rears her flower to Melanie's face, positioning it so Melanie can freely explore her depths with her tongue, as Jesse dips her own tongue into the woman's nether region.

As soon as Jesse licks her, she's surprised at the wonderful taste of cherries that fill her mouth, and as she absorbs some of Melanie's love juice into her system, she feels strange. Her own pussy begins to grow extremely wet, and she finds herself giving in, contrary to how she made Melanie give in, as she licks the fluids, drinking them heartily.

Little did Jesse know, that Melanie's love juice was transformed into an aphrodisiac. As Jesse looked back to Melanie, the slightly dominant, motherly look was gone, replaced by a helpless, desperate girl's face.

"Oh god... I'm so hot..." she whispered, almost pleading to Melanie.

Melanie began to feel Jesse... Resonate with her somehow, as if she was feeling Jesse's life, her soul, vibrate. She felt her instincts telling her to lick Jesse's pussy, to make her scream in exstacy, as if Melanie could only find joy in the woman's pleasures, as if making Jesse cum was the only thing she would ever want...
Re: Mysterious stranger

Melanie squeals as Jesse's tongue contacts with her netherlips - getting a taste of her ..flavored nectar - thighs quivering as they press against either side of her ears. Though..her eyes go wide as she watches Jesse's flower begin to weep down the front of her tummy in front of her eyes. A little shudder runs up through Melanie's small frame as she pushes Jesse down slightly..disallowing her access to her own moist slit....and Melanie's tongue scrapes along the inside of her thigh...before fluttering along her bare slit...tongue slicing a line up her netherlips.

A faint little whimper emits from Melanie's lips as ...her body consumes her... one hand slipping around the front of her legs as two fingers feel along her tummy..and then down her pelvic bone - stopping at the base of her slit...and teasing her labia. Mel had watched..more than enough pornography in her life time to know how these things went - and Jesse would soon feel her hot little tongue fluttering against her clitoris....


Wh..what's going on...what am I doing...why am I like this..is..is this right? I..I don't know..it has to be....