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Mysterious stranger

Re: Mysterious stranger

As Melanie's tongue graced along Jesse's sex, she felt something... Seep into her from Jesse. It made her feel powerful, it made her feel... Full. But, most of all, it made her feel, happy, as her tongue, by instinct, ran across Jesse's folds.

It was only a distant thought in Melanie's mind that Jesse wasn't pleasuring her, as she somehow felt content with pleasuring Jesse, as she continued to be filled with the strange energy. Jesse's moans and cries excited Melanie's instincts, encouraging her to pleasure her more, and more. Melanie's mind wrapped around every movement Jesse made, every sound she made, and all of the juices that leaked from her excited flower. Melanie was overwhelmed by the exstacy, only wanting Jesse to fall deeper, and deeper into bliss.

Jesse felt like she was now an observer, she began to realize she had lost all control of her body as the strange magic from Melanie's flower coursed through her veins.

"Oh God! What's happening? I feel like I'm losing consciousness, and at the same time, I feel like I want to give in completely..." she thinks to herself, goiing into a panic as she finds that she can't move her body, nor anything else, as if some other force was controlling her, "No! What's happened to me? Why can't I move?!? What's controlling me?!?" she made a mental note of Melanie's taste, and that she felt some kind of inner force within her being sucked away... Into Melanie.

"S-she's doing this?!?" she thought in surprise, but her body gave no hint, as she only pressed harder into Melanie's eccentric licks, craving more as she felt herself nearing orgasm, thought no longer having having a presence in her mind. She had been completely taken over by Melanie.

Strangely enough, Melanie felt herself nearing orgasm as well, as Jesse's shouts grew louder, and her juices flowed in greater extreme, this somehow excited Melanie greatly, as she dove in, taking in all of Jesse's love, as they both came. Melanie felt something strange as she reached her peak, she felt the strange feeling flowing into her begin to gush into her, torrents of the spectacular sensation making her happier than she's ever been in her whole life.

As the feeling slowly dissipated, Melanie slowly became aware of the world around her. Jesse was unconscious on top of her, and they were both naked inside her room.

With Jesse's wet sex in front of her, Melanie lay in the room, with the unconscious woman on top of her...
Re: Mysterious stranger

As Melanie's lips pull back from Jesse's swollen clitoris - a bit of her honey running down the curves of her chin - her dilated eyes slowly fade back into normal - a wide, wide smile on her glossy pink lips. Melanie's undone blonde hair tickles at her bare back - waking her to reality after a few moments as she looks down to the unconscious Jesse.

"O..oh no..what have I done...?" ..And even with that stupid smile on her face, Melanie was aware of her actions. Her hands ball up into fists against her own bare thigh flesh - and her eyes flutter about, before pressing a hand to Jesse's chest to make sure she was still breathing. As the little high she had from her tongue traveling every little crevace of her sex wears off, Melanie begins to look paniced..

What am I doing...? Th..there's no way I could have made her get off that hard....that she'd pass out...o..oh no, it's this infernal tattoo..... ..Melanie looks down to the sleeping Jessee, and clears her throat...

She had to leave before anything else happened. Or at least that's what the innermost part of her begged. Scrambling for her clothes as quietly as possible, Melanie shuffles into her shorts - wiping at herself with a tissue before pulling them up the rest of the way...and then quickly attempts to redress her top half - shirt barely down over her top half before she tries to shuffle out of the door...

Wh..what if i'm draining souls or something?! I..I can't..t-this isn't right..!
Re: Mysterious stranger

Jesse appeared in good health, although her eyes were wide open, and she was drooling from the mouth...

Melanie nearly leaps out of her skin when her PDA rings from her pants, checking it to make it go silent as quickly as possible, she notices she had received a message from the same sender as before...

"Did you have fun?" the sender asks.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Melanie shifts outside her door - and quickly opens her PDA - nearly toppling over as she's startled - hart already racing. Her fingertips clutch the thin black thing as she looks to the buzzing PDA....breathing heavy as she ducks behind a corner - squatting down to answer it.

Quickly clicking out a reply - Melanie's dexterous fingers pitter out a reply in a few seconds flat.

"What's..wrong with her? She's out cold..and..and drooling..what..what's going on with me? This isn't right!"

And immediately after, her thumb finds the silver button at the bottom, clicking "Send"..before staring at her PDA and waiting for a response.
Re: Mysterious stranger

It rings again, and Melanie quickly reads it.

"She'll be fine. What you've done is drained her essence, it's a great feeling, isn't it? To feel another person's emotions, love, freedom, inside you?

"You may even find her coming back for more, and you yourself will soon crave it again as well. I also recommend you try this when you feel... Particularly drained after using your new found abilities, as their essence, similar to the one you just acquired, will restore you.

"Also, try not to be too enthusiastic with your desires, as some women will react angrily to your attempts.

"Take care, and have fun with my gift to you." it finished, with the same pink heart symbol following it.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Draining people's essences..? Melanie leans back against the wall..and slumps down..realizing that her life's perversions are now in peril. What good were superpowers..if she had to drain others' souls to use them? Clicking off her PDA..Melanie scratches angrily at the heart tattoo imprinted on her bottom, teeth pushing into the flesh of her lower lip...

..I..I liked the attention..but..c..can I really do it like this? N..no way..i'd..i'd rather go back to porn and masturbation that drain other peoples' souls...

Melanie heaves a tiny sigh, pulling her PDA out again, and staring angrily at the thing...

It ..it doesn't matter if it feels good..what i'm doing is wrong..right? I..I can't have sex normally....ever...

Melanie heaves a sigh and presses her chin into one palm, eyes drifting up over the rims of her glasses to peer up towards the ceiling.


"Now what..I wonder...maybe I really should find some work.."
Re: Mysterious stranger

Melanie gives another start of surprise, as Jesse begins to move again...

As Jesse seems to recover consciousness, she looks around for her lover, searching for a second to find her sitting in the corner, unable to determine why she was there, and why she had left the bed.

"Sweetie..." she asks slowly, as Melanie's eyes couldn't help but glance over the naked woman's body, memories of the wonderful pleasures dashing through her mind, as her instincts wanted to taste her once more, "What are you doing all the way over there?" she asks, giggling a little, "Come here, I can't let ya leave until I've thanked you for... Well, the best sex I've ever had... Can I?" she asked with a smile.
Re: Mysterious stranger


"I...I can't.." Melanie responds briskly, her inner pervert lashing out at herself quite hard for turning it down..but..Jesse would just get diluted again, and she'd end up sapping more of her soul...and getting her lips stickier yet - at which reminder, she wipes her lips off on the edge of her arms - the faintest scents of sex mingling with Melanie's strawberry scent.

Still slumped against the wall, Melanie shifts one foot, and then another, in alternating rhythm, stretching out the curves of her feminine legs each time. Melanie heaves a tiny sigh, and attempts to ignore her..

"Don't you have work to get back to, y'know?" she mutters with a sigh, obviously sounding quite depressed - and perhaps a bit *too* curt..
Re: Mysterious stranger

Jesse giggles, getting off the bed, and slipping her clothes back on that she had so eagerly thrown onto the floor.

Once the woman had her body completely covered, she walked over to where Melanie was sitting, leaning down, and kissing her on the forehead. Looking her in the eyes, she whispered seductively.

"I'd love to do it again sometime." she said with a wink, as she opens her door, leaving Melanie inside her room...

Melanie couldn't help but have those words echo in her mind, both from the message, and what Jesse said,

"You may even find her coming back for more......"

"I'd love to do it again sometime."

The words echoed endlessly inside her mind, as she finally snapped out it, realizing she's still in Jesse's room, sitting in the corner.
Re: Mysterious stranger

Melanie's hand tightens into a fist at the mention of her words..mental struggle wearing on her..


She ..she seems okay...but.what happens if it happens over and over again? I can't let that happen...

Heaving a sigh, she draws in the curves of her legs towards her chest - so her breasts squish against the tips of her knees for a moment..until she realizes she's been left alone..


This isn't any fun at all...I guess superpowers *do* come at a price, huh....? I .I won't do it. I won't drain anyone else..ever.

Narrowing her eyes, Melanie rises to her feet, and moves to the bedroom door...opening it with a click...


Not until I get this person who tattooed me....I..I don't want them any more!

Huffing, she storms out of Jesse's room...arms folded underneath the swells of her breasts. She'd go check for available missions, and get stronger, and do just that...