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Mystic Girl?

Re: Mystic Girl?

Heh, sounds like fun :)
Re: Mystic Girl?


Re: Mystic Girl?

I must be. I'm confused here
Re: Mystic Girl?

I second what twisted said. It seemed like all games and fun until Tomato posted. Quite honestly, I don't understand what he typed.
Re: Mystic Girl?

protip: Several users on this forum seem to not like it when a newbie tries to join in poorly with an in-joke created by the oldies. If there's also incorrect spelling, thread necro and some new image macros people want an excuse to post then all the more likely that the amount of fail the newbie created will be brought to his attention. Several times.

Actually, maybe this is the reason that all of the active members actually spell correctly and don't seem to have the mental age of 13.

okay, maybe not all...
Re: Mystic Girl?

Ehm... So...
must I assume this forum is little newbie-friendly? -nobody is perfect, I do this for fun.
I can get bad rep if my spelling is incorrect? -rep, as fame, is short lived. What I really hate is having to check wordreference from time to time to look for things I cannot translate
are in-jokes restricted to senior members? -that's ok for me because sometimes I don't have any idea of what the hell you guys are talking about (yes, even after f**ng reading all the motherf**ng thread) ...but it's all about fun
anyway.... about fun and tentacles, of course... ehmmm... about fun, tentacles, and conquering the world with evil magics. (goes away from camera as he turns a voice recorder) Ehem. Asagiri-san, would you pleaasse look for something called "Mystic Girl" in the Multi-Dimensional Evil Archive Database... I think I can improve the evil-terror-magic-life stealing tentacles with that.
Re: Mystic Girl?

what a coincidence, I have no idea what you're saying even after reading your posts over and over again
Re: Mystic Girl?

It's a monoloque.
Re: Mystic Girl?

This game has not, nor ever will be finished.
Re: Mystic Girl?

what a coincidence, I have no idea what you're saying even after reading your posts over and over again

Sigh... It happens from time to time... I'll try to use just "subject+verb+complement". (Oh, dear, that's so indo-european... )

Mmmm... "Tentacles are funny"
Re: Mystic Girl?

. . .
Seriously, I cannot tell if you are trying to troll...or exhaustion is finally getting to me...
None of your posts make any coherent sense, d31r3x...
Re: Mystic Girl?

d31r3x is probably not a native english speaker.
Re: Mystic Girl?

You people suck at understanding people.
*understands him perfectly fine*