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Mar 7, 2010
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Ilentia is a smaller nation neighbouring both Valance and Tervinan. It has so far remained neutral during he conflict between the two great powers and has tried at several opportunities to broker a peace deal between the warring nations. So far, their efforts have been fruitless. As the destruction and loss of life continues and threatens only to spread to the other surrounding nations, a plan was put into action to uncover the truth behind the conflict and to find a way to settle it with minimal loss of life. Myya fond herself hand picked for the group due to her knowledge and growing talent for enchantment. She has been tasked to work with two others to uncover what they can about the rumours surrounding Tervinan's abduction of magic users. Their travels have brought them to the city of Avalis, a bustling metropolis and one of the most reliant on the new magical energy. The sights are quite unlike anything she has seen before, towering buildings, street lamps and signs glowing the neon hues of pure magical energy. Even transport is handled by magical machines, providing the populace a fast and reliable way to travel around their great city. Avalis is very much a city embracing the future.

Myya's two companions, Faith and Havrin have secured them accommodation in a smaller inn on the outskirts of town from where they plan to begin their investigation. They have two rooms between them, with Faith Sharing a room with Myaa while Havrin, the only male of the three using the other room. After getting settled in the three convene in the girl's room to organise a plan of action.

“I think it would be best to seek out any magic organisations in the city, they would likely have the best idea of what was going on if these disappearances are more than just rumours,” Havrin, a fairly wiry sorcerer, suggested.

“They might be in on it though. It'd be better to see what else we can get out of this rumour mill. There has to be some form of black market going on, they'd likely have more accurate information and less reason to hide any of it.” Faith replied, the soldier of the group and at times the least worried about subtlety.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya was impressed, to say the least, at how the city worked. The lights and sights surprised her, dazzling her. Honestly she didn't like it that much, sure it was nice to look at... but it didn't really seem like a place that one could call home. She was glad at least, that the inn they were renting was small and extravagant. She hoped that they could finish this mission soon, and maybe go someplace smaller, a nice village, or something. She was worried about the rumors of the magic user abduction, figuring something sinister was probably at work. Still, she couldn't worry too much about the city, they had work to do.

She listened carefully to both Faith and Havrin, they both made good points. she wasn't sure if they could trust the rumor mill, but she wasn't sure if they could trust any magic organizations either. Rumor mills could be wrong, but they often weren't out to actively deceive you. Although wary of the black market as well, sometimes that was the only way to get the supplies they needed.

She makes a decision, telling them. "I'm wary of the black market, as we all are, likely. However, I think scrounging for rumors might be a better idea at the moment, especially about which organizations we can trust. Rumors can be inaccurate, but they often aren't out to actively deceive you. If we go to the wrong place or are too obvious in our dealings, it's possible we may alert the exact people we don't want to. We don't know who to trust here, so it may be best to go with the ones we have an expectation on how trustworthy they are. However, we will have to stay as quiet about this as possible."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

"She makes a good point, at least if we collect the rumours first we might have some idea of who is involved and have a starting point. I mean I'd kind of just like to bust into one of the power plants and find out for myself but they have those things guarded like a military base. I don't much fancy my peashooter against one of those vehicles they have sitting outside either." Faith laments, clearly wishing this was less of a stealthy mission.

"Rumours will only get us so far, but I guess it's possible the guilds here might be part of the problem. We probably don't want to jump in too deep until we know how far this kidnapping is a problem to begin with. I don't exactly want to find out first hand." Havrin sighs, casting a glance out of the window. "All this magic has my hair on end anyway. it's not natural."

"We've got a few hours before dark. We could have a look around or make an early start on the rumour mill. There are a couple well known bars in town that might be good places to start. Classy places for the most part. Probably means I'll have to wear a dress, ergh." Faith groaned, flopping back on the floor. She was dressed in fairly simple pants and a shirt and the redhead had already lamented about feeling strange out of her uniform for so long.

"Well if you need to then i suggest you do so, we have a budget for the mission, I'm sure it an be written off as an expense." Havrin smiled, shaking his head a little. "if you need to pick something up as well Myya I can meet up with you both later. I should make sure we have a good stock of supplies here."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya gave a bit of thought to what might be the best way to go about gathering rumors. As much as she didn't like the city, she considered the amount magical energy abnormal, she did still like the thought of going shopping and getting something nice to wear. Havrin had already suggested picking up supplies, and she figured that if she got into a confrontation, Faith might be a bit more useful to have as a more frontline combatant. Working out a few of the details she makes her plan... besides, it'd be fun to tease Faith about her having to wear a dress.

Myya nods to the two as the discuss the plans. "Alright then, here's the plan. Me and Faith will go around to look for rumors, we'll check out some of the more classy places. Harvin, since you suggested it, I would like you to pick us up the supplies we'll need. I'll leave you to your discretion as for the exact things you think we'll need or will be useful. While you are out, I want you to see what you can overhear, or can hear from the merchants. Don't seem too inquisitive, but more the curious traveler, try speaking mostly to other patrons or shopowers themselves. Do your best not to draw any suspicions, if you're buying something hard to explain, say it's for a boss, a traveler heading through town, and you don't know what he wants it for either, or something along those lines. If that makes sense." She says, finishing as she starts to lose track of what her plan was, seeming a little ditsy towards the end. She knew Harvin was smart enough though, he's understand what she meant.

"Alright, both of you got it? Then we should meet later tonight, back at the inn. Around oh..." She gives a time, shortly after the sun has set. "If we're not all there within twenty minutes, then we're to take it as there being a problem, and should proceed with caution."

What are the extents of Myya's magical skills?
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

"So I get to do all the work while you too go out and have fun then?" Havrin chuckles with a wave of his hand, clearly not really that worried about it. "I'll be careful, it's not like I'm going to be stockpiling weapons or anything. I'll just say I'm planning to explore the forest around town, that's enough of a reason for medical supplies and things. Besides it won't be hard to hide my magic in this city, I doubt anyone could sense an individual with all this background noise."

"Get on and had some money over then, I want to get my part done as soon as I can." Faith states, as she sits back up, sighing softly. She catches the pouch of money that Havrin throws to her, slipping it inside a pocket.

"Don't spend it all on booze now will you."

"You just worry about yourself." Faith huffs.

Havrin chuckles again and turns to Myya, giving her a nod at the arrangements. "I'll be sure I'm back, I don't think it'll take me all that long to get what I need but I'll see what I can dig up."

Faith meanwhile pats Myya on the shoulder and makes for the door, grabbing her jacket on the way out. "Come along then Myya, lets go see what they have in the market district."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya watches the two joke around, enjoying at least that they can keep an upbeat demeanor. This mission was important likely, but it wouldn't do if they were super serious all the time. She allows herself a small smile as she thinks about what type of dress she might pick out, figuring ahead of time she'll go with something simple. They then discards those thoughts, mostly because she can't really plan ahead of time for something like that.

Faith and Havrin now having finished up, she smiles as she leaves with Faith. "Yes yes...let's go take a look. And Havrin, even if you think you'll be back, you never know what might happen, and besides, it's more for us, in case we run into the wrong crowd." She says, feeling that even with his confidence, he should know that if someone is missing, something has probably gone very wrong.


When Myya arrives at the market district, she had been thinking about a dress the entire length of time while walking and chatting with Faith. However, her eyes fall on something and again all her previous plans are tossed out, as she finds herself loving it, buying it up. It would be the dress she's wearing in her picture.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Havrin gave a wave and another assurance that he'd be careful as the girls left. Myya hadn't know the pair very long but she knew well enough that they could get a job done. They wouldn't have all been trusted with such an important task if that wasn't the case.


The market was extravagant beyond anything Myya could have imagined from her homeland. Stalls and shops filled with all kinds of clothing, trinkets, and the latest jewelry and perfumes. Everything was almost too much to process as Faith and Myya scoured the streets for somewhere they thought they might acquire dresses for the evenings activities. It was easy to get distracted and the pair found themselves accosted by overeager merchants too many times to count. Eventually a few bruised toes let them continue in relative peace.

When Myya points out the dress she wants Faith is happy to try to find something in the store as well while Myya is getting fitted. By the time Myya has her dress, Faith has a large bag with her and seems eager to leave the store altogether. Apparently she had fond something quickly while Myya was distracted, slightly prolonging her inevitable teasing.

"Glad that's done with. I can't believe some of the fashions that are popular here. Either this magic is getting to their eyes or I'm just really out of touch." Faith huffs, walking slowly along the streets as she took in the sights. "Still, I'm surprised just how much this place seems to have flourished since they started harnessing magic like this. A few years ago it wasn't much more than just another city. It's a little scary don't you think?"

She muses for a little, shaking her head as she smiles to Myya. "So, want to go get changed and see what kinds of stories we can hear? I'm wondering what they pass as a drink here as well." She chuckles a little before trying to reassure Myya. "Don't worry, I'll behave, I know my limits."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya nods towards Havrin as he leaves, knowing well enough he could trust him.


Myya had expected extravagance, but this was far beyond what she could have imagined. Even considering everything, she was flabbergasted at the sheer, well, size of it. It was all sort of a daze before she found her dress and went to try it on. When she finally has it and finds faith, she's a little sad to find she can't tease her about it, at least until later. She laughs when Faith mentions how... what was a kind term... eccentric, perhaps, some of the dresses were.

"Yes, I know what you mean...especially about how they're harnessing magic. It is a bit scary, I just get the feeling that magic shouldn't be harnessed like this...it seems like it's... I'm not sure, it just doesn't seem right to use it for every day mundane things..."

Myya nods as Faith suggests finally getting changed and seeing what type of stories they can hear. "Yes, I believe we should." She chuckles. "And yes, I know I can trust you to behave." she says when Faith tried to reassure her.

Putting on her dress and a small little innocent smile, she met with Faith as they tried out a few of the more classy places, deciding that it was likely that two girls might attract a little attention at least, even maybe her small little knowing smile might help.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

The evening continued fairly uneventfully, at least as fa as their mission went. The bars provided a wealth of small talk and some fun, but there wasn't much talk about the disappearances or about the sudden ability to harness so much magic for a city. As time drew on and the appointed meeting time drew closer, things started to pick up in the city, more and more people moving out to the streets to enjoy the extended day that the unnatural lighting allowed.

Faith had apparently chosen an older style of dress, much more akin to the balls and social functions of Ilentia than the hustle and bustle that accompanied the bars here. The low cut red dress complimented her figure nicely, and had already attracted some attention, much to the busty woman's chagrin. At least she had managed to sate her curiosity after only one drink in one of the first places they visited, though they had received countless offers of more.

A few more promising rumours started to appear, but there wasn't much to really follow up. The disappearances had been continuing for a good while, further back then they had heard from their own intelligence. There were some rumours pointing to Valance abducting promising casters for their own army. Others pointed out the local magic guilds and schools being involved.

It came time to return to meet up with Havrin, so the pair started to leave the bar they had been in, having to wave off a couple of guys that had been trying to get them to stay. Though they had dealt with this a couple times so far, these two seemed less inclined to let them leave. One of them reaching out and grabbing Faith's arm none too gently.

"Hey, we haven't been wasting our time here with you. I don't think it'd be a very wise move for you to leave now. We might not be so kind to you, it'd be a shame for anyone to get hurt." The gruff looking man tells them, balling his free hand at his side. The other man moving to keep Myya from running off anywhere.

Faith flicked a glance to Myya to make sure she was okay, before tilting her head a little. Myya could guess that Faith was happy enough to get into a brawl but she apparently wanted to give Myya a chance to act first, or at least to approve her suggested course of action.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya was a little disappointed at the results of the rumors, but what could she expect. Maybe they'd have better luck elsewhere though. The small chat was nice enough, and she tried to avoid all the attention she was getting, which she somewhat enjoyed...but she wasn't here for that. She got to tease Faith a little about the dress at least, though she didn't for long. She tried a drink herself, just a little sip, before deciding she wasn't really a fan. Sadly, it seems the best rumor they got was that it was possible that the local magic guilds and schools could possibly be involved.

As it was getting time to leave, she was quite unhappy to see that they'd attracted more attention than she was hoping for. These guys were idiots. She looked around, seeing who else was there. She looks sternly at the man standing in her way, she noticed the look from Faith, and was about to give her the go ahead to kick the ass of these guys when she decided maybe they weren't so drunk they couldn't listen to reason. "You guys don't want to do this, do you? Why don't you think about it a little, I'm sure you're smart enough to know this will go badly for you in any way you decide to take it, except for walking away. My friend right then." She nods towards Faith. "Is quite well trained and would love to get in a brawl with both of you. And from what I can tell, it would be easy enough to call for help, perhaps they wouldn't get here right away...but I doubt you'd be able to do what you wanted before someone got here." She said, hoping she might be able to talk them down with a quick mix of diplomacy, reason, and bluffing...after all, she might just get someone worse if she called for help, and she herself was quite frail...

Should the men not listen to her, she'd give Faith the all clear to start.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Knowledge is Power Activates
Social Check - 16 - passed by 44


The man in front of Myya casts his eyes between her and Faith as she speaks up. A few of the surrounding patrons seemed to have perked up that something was going on, though none of them immediately made any moves. the extra attention seemed to unsettle the man all the same, and he turned to his friend who still had Faith's arm.

"Hey, lets just drop it, it's not worth it." he moves out of Myya's way and his friend drops Faith's arm after grumbling a little.

"Fine, consider yourselves lucky. You better hope I don't see you again." The other man growls, glaring at Faith.

"I know, such a shame I didn't get to mop the floor with you. Well, have fun guys." Faith waves before taking Myya's hand firmly and leading her out of the establishment before anything else could happen. The men didn't follow and no one else decided to give them any trouble. They made their way quickly back towards the inn they had been staying at, the streets seeming to get more and more packed as the night drew closer. Everything about this city seemed to be backwards, in most places the numbers on the street at night would thin and not increase.

Thankfully the pair made it back to the inn with no further problems and even found Havrin waiting for them at a table in the bar area. He gives a low whistle, chuckling to himself as Faith finally remembers to let go of Myya's hand.

"Must admit I didn't think you'd dress up so nicely Faith. Good to see you got back though, things really do seem to get busy around here. Find anything out?"

Faith grumbles at Havrin's comment and leaves Myya with Havrin as she goes to the bar, presumably to get a drink after the close call of the evening.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya allows herself a small smile as the men back off, trying to save face as they mutter their warnings about not coming back or seeing them again. She gives a little giggle as Faith grabs her hand, escorting her out and through the packed streets. She found it quite odd honestly, how could people be backing the streets this much at night, was this really some sort of nightlife or something? She decided not to spend much time thinking about it and before she knew it they arrived back at the inn.

She again smiles slightly as Havrin teases Faith a little on getting dressed up, blushing a little as she also just realized she'd been holding Faith's hand the entire way there. She goes over to sit at the table, nodding to Havrin as Faith goes to get herself a drink as she goes over some of the smaller details, nothing important as she doesn't want to be overheard.

She mentions quietly that the best thing they got is rumors that the mage schools might actually be in on it, and she also mentions the brief close call they had. "And what about you?" She asks, finishing. "Did you find anything out? That we can discuss here, of course."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

"Nothing much. Got a few names and a few fingers pointed at the local guilds like you." Havrin explains quietly, nodding a little at Myya's report. "Otherwise there's been a good amount of skilled labour moving into the city, mostly to work in the power plants and other buildings that handle the new technology. Most of them get accommodation provided for them on site as well so they don't get out too much. When they do it tends to be under some form of supervision. I'm guessing they don't want any secrets getting out." He explains quietly.

"I've got a couple names of popular venues for the military and the technicians. We could try going to one of them and seeing if we can get anywhere. Though I don't know how far we'd be able to get without... well potentially having the same problems." He rubs the back of his head as he chuckles softly, "I know Faith probably already wants to hit something."

"Otherwise, we can check out one of the guilds, but I don't think we'd get away without being seen as casters, which might lead to it's own issues. Or I've got the names of a few 'specialist traders' who might have some more dirt. Nothing really concrete or without risk unfortunately."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya listens closely as Havrin explains what he has. Not much more than her sadly, but enough so that he has at least something they can follow up on. As long as they always had some sort of lead, it would probably be good. They just had to keep moving forward while staying as under the radar as they could.

She pondered momentarily the meaning of skilled workers. It sounded fishy, and she already didn't trust this new power. It likely was they didn't want their secrets getting out... but what secrets? Perhaps there was more than met the eye here. She filed that away for later consideration, perhaps it might be related to the current investigation, but not at this time.

Listening to Havrin continue to rattle off ideas was fine for now, she considered the military and tech venues. She did agree that they might not be able to talk much, but perhaps a few drinks and a pretty lady to impress might make for a loose tongue, but right now Faith was probably done for the night, they'd consider that option again for tomorrow. Thinking about the guilds, she agrees that it would be unlikely they could get away without being identified as mages, and that would be unwise to reveal themselves as such.

She thought about the last option, she didn't like the way he said 'specialist traders', wincing a bit at the word, and wasn't sure if she even wanted to deal with those types of people...however, at the moment they might have the most useful information, but they would have to be careful.

"That...last option. It makes me sick to my stomach, but that might be our best shot right now, but all of us would have to go, for safety. We can try those venues tomorrow, if nothing pans out."
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Havrin gave a weary smile as he listened to Myya work out what she wanted to do. "I hadn't much liked the idea myself but unfortunately rats are the best way to find other rats in a place like this."

He taps his fingers on the table glancing Myya up and down, before turning an eye to Faith. "I reckon your dress isn't so bad for general travel but I think Faith might want to change. I sorted the supplies out in my room, you might want to take a little something for protection. I also got my hands on some medical supplies if you think you might need them. I'm a little surprised just how easy it is to get a hold of things here, despite all the potential issues with this power the people at least seem to have plenty of medicine and weapons. Probably another good reason to keep our profiles low."

As Havrin finishes Faith can be heard making a rather loud comment about how all the drinks in the city tasted like something you'd rather not imagine anyone finding out the taste of.

"Do you want to tell her or shall I?" Havrin offers with a roll of his eyes, tough he still manages a smile.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya nods. "Yes, so it seems." She said in reply to Havrin "Rats seem like our best bet...let's hope we manage to keep our calm while dealing with them..." she said in a sigh.

She smiles to herself a bit as she sees Havrin glancing at her, even though she knows he's just examining her dress. "Yes, I have a feeling she'd like something with armor, honestly." Myya says with a small chuckle to herself. "Is it really? That's...not to odd I suppose, and I'm certainly not complaining. And yes, it certainly would be good to keep a low profile, having an easy time getting a hold of what we need is certainly useful, however. Alright, let's head up to your room, and see what you have." She said. "And you can tell her, I'm going to see if I can do something with my outfit real quick."

Leaving Havrin to talk to faith, Myya heads up to the room, examining her dress as she thinks of something that might just make her a bit safer.

Can Myya enchant her dress to count as armored to reduce damage by one?
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

(She could cast a protection spell on it which would work for the first strike. Short post since I really need to finish the basic magic system. >_>)

"Sure, I'll meet you up there with her." Havrin nods before moving off to try and placate Faith with the promise of getting to punch someone soon.

In the room there were a variety of supplies, mostly food and general goods that would come in handy. Most notably there were a few small blades and a firearm, along with a trio of small boxes baring the universal symbol for medicine. Most other supplies that she could want are available as well.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Myya takes some time to cast one of the first enchantments she'd learned. Imbuing her dress with protection magic, so that she would be protected should she be attacked. The magical resonance from it might make it more difficult for her to cast, but being injured would make it even harder. She figured she might eventually learn better ways to deal with the strain of the enchantment, but for now figured protection was the best, after all, she could just get rid of it later if need be.

After that she met with Faith and Havrin in his room, looking over the supplies again, deciding she should probably keep a small blade tucked away in her dress, just for safety's sake, before turning to the other two. "Okay, let's have a recap, where are we, and what do we know?"
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

The dress glowed briefly with the power of Myya's magic before the light subsided, leaving her dress looking perfectly normal. It would take a keen sense of magic to notice the enchantment without actually striking the dress with enough force to do damage. She could already feel the magical energies around her making it a little harder to focus her own power, but the effect wasn't strong enough that it should prove too problematic.

Faith and Havrin were waiting, chatting idly about how they were going to go about approaching the traders. Faith had changed back into her more usual attire and was impatiently tapping the hilt of the blade at her waist.

"As far as we know," Havrin began, "the magic guilds have some involvement in the disappearances of the magic users and that there. We have some leads but nothing concrete yet. We'd planned to hit the bars frequented by the military and the techs involved with the power plants in hopes of getting some more solid evidence. In the mean time we're going to be trying to meet with some dealers I came across who trade within the black market. I can't guarantee that we'll find anything useful out but it's likely to be better than nothing at all."

"And maybe we'll get to kick some heads in before the nights out." Faith adds, with a smile to Myya.
Re: Myya(The64bitbot)

Smiling a little to herself, Myya always feels a bit happy when she manages a bit of magic just right. She nods to herself, gathering a few extra supplies and making sure she has everything as she returns to Faith and Havrin.

She listens again to the recap, a good summary of their position, which wasn't that great yet. They so far only had rumors to work off of, and probably would yet for a while. She couldn't quite see how she was going to figure this one out yet, but generally you never could.

She gives a small giggle at Faith's addition. "Yes, maybe, though I think kicking some heads in might draw unwanted attention, though it may be inevitable, I suppose. Regardless, I think that's everything, I guess we should head out then? Havrin, you lead the way, since you know where we're going."