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N Building


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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The N Building is a three story tall section of classrooms built in the Edwardian style of this school and is almost identical to the L Building. The main corridor has been built on the edge of the building and is open to the court that holds the club halls. Most of the interior is decorated in a sparse fashion although several benches and plants compliment the iron railings.
Re: N Building

After waiting for questions and not getting any Art and Corax made their way to the N Building.

"This, along with the L Building is one of two buildings strictly dedicated for classes. Though after classes are complete some students do use the empty rooms for club rooms when there isn't any room in the Club Halls."
Re: N Building

Stella stumbles through the building, having felt lightheaded all day, she had decided to walk by herself to somewhere far off. With the memory of what she had done last night still burning strong in her head, she lets out a low moan as continues to slowly shuffle through the building. She hears a noise and begins to move closer to it by instinct, lurching forward one slow step at a time as she lets out another moan.

Then she smelled it, the wonderful wonderful smell of fresh food...
Re: N Building

Having checked all the other buildings Art eventually made his way to the N Building. Entering he takes out his torch and turns it on, scanning the entrance he notes nothing of importance.

"Man, I wish whoever it is would just give themselves up already," He grumbles to himself, quiet enough so that it doesn't echo around the entire floor. Art moves in further, though he is too far away for Stella to hear him as well as him not being able to hear her.
Re: N Building

Stella crouches over the dead body, a few large bite and rip marks where the student's neck used to be. She starts to attempt to bash the head open with her hands, instinct driving her to seek out the gray matter goodness that she so craved. She looks up for a second, as if hearing something, then returns to the gruesome task at hand.
Re: N Building

Art continues to wander through the building, though not finding anything so far. He is still too far away from Stella to hear her at the moment.
Re: N Building

Stella smiles as she finally manages to chip away enough from the skull to get a good grip, letting out a loud groan, she tries to wretch the top off the student's head, her hunger intensifying as she imagines the taste that would be awaiting her as soon as she succeeded.
Re: N Building

Art, now halfway up the building notices sounds coming from several floors up and so he picks up his speed as he makes his way further upwards, readying himself for just in case he finds someone, or something up there.
Re: N Building

Stella ignores most outside sounds for now, not caring much and assuming that this building was mostly empty, there was little reason for people to be here anyway. She had just happened across a student that was taking a smoke break. She starts to scoop some of the brains out from the skull, pulling it towards her mouth and eagerly starting to eat it, enjoying the taste and feeling of it going down her throat.
Re: N Building

Art makes his way up the stairs slowly, the noises now becoming quite clear as he reaches the top. However the image that greets him is anything but what he envisioned.

Art stands there, shocked and disgusted at the sight, letting go of the torch it drops to the floor and for a moment Stella's face is bathed in light, the full horror of the zombie devouring the student illuminated before going out.

Shaking from anger, Mythril slowly snakes its way across Art's arms, covering his hands as he clutches them tightly. His face is contorted in rage, Art's features an image of pure hatred as he hesitantly raises his right hand, trying his hardest not to let rage consume him.

"Monster...." Art mutters quietly, hatred and disgust echoing in his words. A light slowly expands in his hand, growing until the fireball illuminates him and the surrounding area.
Re: N Building

Stella looks up, surprised that someone was in the building, dropping the body as she tries to move away, holding one of her hands up as she blinks a few times at him, "H..hey... can't we talk this through?"

She wasn't sure what to do, and she wasn't exactly sure how this boy was making fire either, all she knew was that this was probably going to hurt, a lot. Still, she decides her bide her time, figuring that she had to wait for the perfect timing to take this guy out too...
Re: N Building

"Talk.....?" Art replies, rage now consumed him. "TALK?! I've nothing to say to a monster like you! All I need to do is end your wretched existence!" Art pulls his right arm back, the flame arcing and then he throws the fireball. Streaking past Stella it just manages to miss her face, though she'd indoubtedly feel the intense heat from it. Art gets ready to throw another one at her.
Re: N Building

Stella winces a little as the fireball streaks past her, heating her skin up briefly and causing her stench to become a little more apparent. Looking around, she decides that there was only one way to survive this encounter, and that was to act before she become a human... well, if she was even that anymore, flambe. Letting out a loud shriek, she suddenly throws herself at Art, deciding not to go for a running jump, as she worried that her legs would decide at the worst time to stop working...
Re: N Building

Art lets out a maniacal laugh as the zombie charges him, closing his right hand for a moment before unclenching it and hurling the fireball again, though this too flew past her. Hitting the same area as the previous fireball the wall explodes in a brilliant blaze of fire, shrapnel flying in all directions, a piece cutting Art's arm as it flies past Stella.

Rushing at her Art intends to meet her midway, the Mythril now covering both his arms as well as his hands, the tips of his fingers extended into very fine points.

"Yes! Meet your death head on without any regrets, zombie!" Art screams as he lunges both his hands at Stella.
Re: N Building

Maria teleports in just in time to hear Art's outburst and see him clash with Stella. Glancing briefly at the hole in the wall, the student's corpse, then at Art and his opponent, she walks over to the two combatants.

"Everything okay, Art?"
Re: N Building

Stella feels the dull pain of a few pieces of the shrapnel hitting her as well, but not enough to slow her down as she ignores the dull pain, and reaches forward, trying to grab at Art's shoulders to pin him down, realizing that in the air, it was all about momentum, and she wasn't sure she would have enough to push the boy down, "I've already met my death!"
Re: N Building

Art buckles under the weight of Stella bearing down on him, though not completely pinned she still manages to push him down enough so that his knee's are bent.

"Oh, everything is just fan-FUCKING-tastic!" Art shouts over to Maria, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I enjoy sparing with flesh-eating freaks!" Art slams his left hand over Stella's mouth while the other is trying to free himself from her grip. He would try another fireball but he didnt want to endanger Maria.
Re: N Building

Stella starts to punch at Art's face with her hands, growling at him as she does so, trying to knock the boy out, "Freak? I'm not the one shooting fireballs out of my hands!" She suddenly notices Maria, and pauses momentarily, when did she get here...?
Re: N Building

"I see. Well, I'll let you handle things then. Corax is on his way though, so you'll soon get some help."

Maria backs off to a safe distance as Corax flies in through the hole.

"Speak of the devil."

"Art, what's going on?"
Re: N Building

"At least I'm not killing people to eat!" Art retorts, his hand tightening around Stella's mouth, trying to break her jaw.

"This monster, it's the one that has been killing those students!" Art shouts at Corax. "And I plan on destroying it, one piece at a fucking time!" With that Art wraps his right hand around the zombie's neck, squeezing tightly. "DIE YOU FUCKING MONSTER!"