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N Building

Re: N Building

Stella bites down on the hand on her mouth, grunting as she decides that if Art was going to resort to deadly force, she would respond in kind. She starts to bring her claws down on the boy's body, trying to rip him to shreds, for now ignoring the other interlopers, she would deal with them later, for now, the one on the ground was the biggest threat...
Re: N Building

Corax nods at Art's explanation, and sprints full pelt at the two. Feeling with his mind for the metal in Stella's body, and taking hold of it, he slams into her with his mind and body simultaneously to knock her off Art.
Re: N Building

Art winces as Stella claws at him, his shirt front getting torn to pieces and as well as his chest being lightly cut all over. Art merely laughs as she tries to bite down on his hand, the Mythril stopping her bites from affecting him.

"Thanks," Art calls to Corax as he slams Stella off him, though he quickly recovers and charges at the zombie again, screaming madly as he raises his hands again, aiming to decapitate her.
Re: N Building

Stella winces at both her teeth being relatively ineffective and being slammed into the wall. Even through her numbed senses she was starting to feel the pain, she takes a look at the window, then at Art charging her, then hurtles towards the window, trying to slam through it and land outside the window, knowing whatever pain she would feel going out that window would probably be a lot less than what she would experience is she stayed.
Re: N Building

"Oh no you don't, where the fuck do you think you're going?" Art shouts at Stella as she make a beeline for the window, he skids mid-run and changes direction, fully intending of jumping out of the window after her if he needs to.
Re: N Building

The other side of the window becomes obscured as a thick coat of metal forms over it.

"Sorry, the balcony's closed."
Re: N Building

Stella veered off the path to the window, instead of going through it, she grunts to herself, This... is actually going to hurt. She slams shoulder-first into the drywall instead, barreling out into the open through that hole instead, and instantly thinking to herself, Well, that wasn't the best of my ideas...
Re: N Building

Art laughs as he jumps out of the wall after Stella, holding his arms out a burst of blue-white light disperses from his body, glowing for a second before fading away. The next second the ground directly below him and Stella opens up forming a pit, the ground itself has also been softened as well. Art, not wanting to fall into the pit with the zombie blasts the wall directly behind him with a fireball, the force is enough to push him just out of the area of the pit though as he lands he can feel several of his ribs break.
Re: N Building

Art waited in silence for his mother's arrival, wincing every-so-often as he moves, his broken ribs hurting.

It was about thirty minutes after he phoned that a helicopter flew in and landed some way away from the building. Coming up to him was Art's mother and several of her nurses.

"What the hell happened to you?" She says to her son, scanning him over once before laying her hands on his stomach. Her hands glowed white-blue for a moment as Art's cuts healed up on their own and his ribs fixed themselves. She then moves a hand up to the cut on Art's arm and heals that too.

"Oh, nothing serious. Just caught the bastard that was killing the students, and let it escape." Art says bitterly, hating himself for allowing Stella to live.

"So, you say it was a zombie? And that it said that it was a student in this school? Interesting..."
Arts mother trails off for a moment, the thought of a valuable test subject here at this school is almost too much for her to bear. "Anyway," She starts as she snaps out of her daydream. "Lead me to the body."

"Right," Art enters the building with his mother and the nurses following behind and they walk in silence until they get to the scene. It was far worse than Art had thought. The body lay strewn across the floor, blood pooling around it, the students skull top laying on the floor and in pieces as well as chunks of brain here and there. With difficulty Art and the rest of them clean up the mess, another nurse bringing up a gurney and a body. Art helps one of the nurses put the body in the bag, getting blood down his front in the process. Eventually they all manage to clean up the area so that there is physical signs of any student being murdered here.

"Well, thats seems to be everything," Arts mother says as she snaps off her surgical gloves. "We'll leave the rest to you." She bids her son good bye as her and her nurses leave the building and then the school itself in their helicopter.

Art lets out a sigh and slumps against the wall. While his physical wounds are healed he is still angry about allowing the zombie to escape. Though, hopefully everything will be peaceful now he thinks to himself remembering the promise he said to the monster.

Despite that though, Art's rage is still unabated. Letting out a scream he slams his fist into the wall. Then, without warning he storms out of the building, and towards the courtyard.
Re: N Building

Anyone who came by the N Building would notice nothing wrong with it. Any sign of a battle having broken out in it was gone, as if someone had sent in a legion of carpenters to fix the place whilst everyone was asleep.
Re: N Building

Simon needed to come into N Building to deliver a coursework assignment. He rarely actually gave it to the teachers personally, but as long as the work turned up on their desks they were normally happy. Simon would check the grades latter, and on the rare occasion he wasn't happy with a result, his modified assignment would turn up soon enough. If it wasn't for the physical, workshop and arts classes, he would have the highest average in the school. He was classified under special needs, which pretty much meant being left alone and given some space. Gossamer Falls had been the first school to recognise that.

He stopped outside N Building for a moment. Though he wasn't sure why. He found himself looking up directly at the spot the wall had been broken out last night. There was nothing there to catch his eye, but none the less he found himself looking, and trying to figure out what his shadow felt was relevant about it. After a moment he resigned and moved on to the office to leave the assignment. If the shadow couldn't be a little more specific with it's whisperings there wasn't much he could do. None the less he had the feeling that he might have missed something lately.
Re: N Building

Having left the nurses office, the disguised demoness had made her way to the back of the N building, and was now running against the wall, looking around casually as she went by, looking for any signs of the described redhead. Her crimson sash flowed in the wind behind her, though her hair, with its spiked flower styling around each ear, somehow remained in shape. She was muttering a few words in her harsh native tongue, but they seemed to mean little, even to Mîrchell, who blinked, and shook her head, stopping the muttering. There was fun to be had, if only she could find this cretin that had been abusing the students in her stead.
Re: N Building

"Hey, where's your uniform?" A young energetic sounding female voice calls from above. "Don't you like it?"

Looking to the source of the sound Mirchelle would easily spot a young girl perfectly matching the description she'd received. Wild and slightly fiery copper hair, with a lower school uniform that looked as if it may well have been dragged through some trees earlier. Perched half way up the second story wall quite deftly hanging on some of the decorative parts of the Edwardian masonry. She leans down a little, back to the wall with her arms out back to hold on. Smiling as her bright golden eyes look down on Michelle strangely.
Re: N Building

Michelle skidded to a halt, tearing up a small chunk from the grass as she dug her red boots into the ground. Whipping around to stare, a grin spread over her face as she saw the girl. Perfect. Still, she couldn't get up there without transforming, which was too risky right now. Instead, the tall albino cricked her head to one side, grinning broadly, and beckoned with one hand, eyes flashing menacingly. "No, I do not. Instead, I am wearing my normal clothes. Come down here, now girl. We have much to discuss, things to do. Fun things, I'm sure!" she said in her best honey-laced tones, failing a little due to the broad grin plastered across her features. She looked exactly like that she intended to make into her victim.
Re: N Building

"Huh? But I'm fine up here." The girl replies looking rather unconvinced. Stopping to stare at Michelle quizzically for a moment, before seemingly deciding to come down anyway. She releases her grip and drops to the distance to the ground, landing smoothly and without difficulty. She walks over to Michelle unconcerned by any apparent malice. "Fun?" She says, one eyebrow raised as she crooked her head to one side, now having to look up to Michelle instead. 'This ones strange...'
Re: N Building

Michelle's face twitched as the girl didn't immediately obey her order, a little pulse of bright red crossing her eyes. This, however, faded as the girl dropped down, and the grin returned to the demoness' face. "Yes, fun. Lot's of fun. Not sure who for though." she began, laying a powerful hand on the girls shoulder, and guiding her back to the wall. "Now, I heard some tell that you were having some play time by yourself earlier, no? You ripped a girls clothes off, and beat her in the woods, then punched a bigger boy in the face a while ago, didn't you? Is there anything else you've done? I must say, I would like to share in your fun, but first you need to tell me everything you've done with the other students. If you don't, then how will I be able to think up new ways of having fun, hmm?" she continued in her sweetest voice, maintaining a powerful grip on the smaller girls shoulder, preventing her from running away should she choose to try.
Re: N Building

The girl's face twists into a light frown as Michelle lays a hand on her shoulder and guides her back, but doesn't resist. Looking to the hand, and then back up at the tall albino sideways. "Ehhhh? I just wanted a uniform too, and Clare didn't want to share. She even said she had another one spare, so I borrowed this one. She messed it up a bit trying to keep it though. And yeah, I surprised that other boy good." She says, her childish answer sounding genuine if strange. She stops to think for a moment, calmly looking back at Michelle with an almost defiant expression, before totally ignoring the rest of Michelle's question and instead answering with one of her own. "Why are you white?"
Re: N Building

Mîrchell blinked a few times, and scowled down at the girl beneath her. "You borrowed her uniform? How nice. Don't be worrying, she's fine, and yes, she has another one, so no harm done. I see you hit the boy very well, so well done for that, and... Why am I white?" she finished, looking bemusedly at her hands for a second, then down at the girls own skin. "I'm white... Because that's how I've always been? Tell me, where do you come from, and answer the rest of my question, while my patience still resists, little...?" she continued, eyeing the girl in a new light. She certainly didn't seem normal. Perhaps she was insane? Insane people could be fun, given the right nudge. But first, she had to find out some more information about her. She now knew that she had beaten and tore the clothes from Clare, but didn't seem to have raped her, though perhaps the taking of the uniform would count for burglary...

On the outside, Michelle just looked confused, squeezing the girls shoulder a little more as she looked down inquisitively.
Re: N Building

"Mmm, ok. I've not really done much else. I only just got here this morning." She answers, though starting to look a little tired of answering questions for the tall pale stranger. "My name's ɐzzǝɐɹǝs. lǝısǝɥʇɐsǝxʞɐʌ-lǝɐxıɥn-ɐsıɹɐx-ɐzzǝɐɹǝs." She says, her words suddenly taking on a very different sound. Sharp, harsh and very familiar to Mirchell. "What's your name?"

((Playing with ways to mask text there. I might stop if it proves too annoying or pointless.))
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