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Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Sore)

As Nadia leaves she can hear them saying good bye and good luck to her but it doesn't take long to change the mood as she enters the next room she sees something in the corner, straining her eyes she can see that its a bunch of tentacles attached to a circular body with a single eye. However, the thing doesn't seem to notice her yet.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia chokes back a scream.
Action: makes a adrenaline pumped run towards the door.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Sore)

Tentacle Monster, Large Class, Level 1 {[Health:][105]}
As Nadia went dashing to the door her legs were whipped by one of the tentacles, causing her to trip but soon as the tentacles came back to grab her she was already rolling out of the way and dodging their grasp. The monster had completely been alert now and was coming towards Nadia, tentacles flying everywhere.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia continued to run for her life.
(lazy right now.)
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Sore)

As soon as Nadia gets into the next room and out of the tentacle's grasp she comes upon a man wearing a white robe, hood covering his face. "It wouldn't be wise to go through the water m'lady. The guardian sleeps in there." The man who seemed to be a monk pointed to the water, the room from every inche even part she was in and he was, had some water, though the water they were in was just ankle deep, step a few more feet and you'd be swiming in deep water.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia talked:
What do you mean?
Action to to main,.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Sore)

The man pointed to a big shadow in the water that seemed to not be moving, sleeping maybe. "The Guardian sleeps in the waters. He guards this room and the waters. If you tread through this water too much you may wake him. You do not wish to wake the guardian." Though the only way out of this room on to another exit was through the water, so even if she didn't wish to disturb it, she'd have to risk it to escape this room. "Everyone in the dungeons call him the guardian."

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia shudders to herself.
Dialogue: "I have no choice but to continue forward. By the way what is your name my friend?" Nadia asked.
Action: Move slowly in hopes of not disturbing the guardian, if it is disturbed begin to run towards the exit.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Sore)

The man lowered his hood with a smile, "I'm known as Tiger around these parts." He said as his face started to distort. He ripped the robe off as his body started to change and transform. Though when he removed the robe, she was shocked to find that he was completely nude underneath. She started to move slow enough through the water while the man was busy transforming but as she got near the exit, the were tiger let out a loud roar and underneath Nadia she felt the waters shift and almost like a heavy current wave she was forced back onto the ground near the were tiger. A few tentacles rising up above the water.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia mentally groaned.
Action: Run
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][158-5=153/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (By Kraken)

It wasn't long that she could see the man turning full out into a were tiger, it let out a roar as itt went to lunge for Nadia it seemed as if the current washed it back to the ground as well but before Nadia could escape the room she felt a tentacle of the Kraken wrap around her leg and she felt a small sting from the tentacle. Then she felt anothe tentacle around her other leg and the same sting. It didn't take long for her to assume it was some kind of paralysis as she felt a tingling feeling from her legs.
Kraken's Special Ability "Paralysis": success

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia screams and tries to thrash.

Try to escape pin.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][153-5=148/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (losing energy very slowly)

Nadia was able to break free out of the Kraken's grasp but it wasn't long before she felt her legs seeming as if her energy was being taken away still, only could assume that its effects were remaining with her. THe were tiger seemed to remain on the ground where it could stand whether the water scared him or the 'guardian' did, was unsure. Though it made no lunge for Nadia but the Kraken was far from done with her.
Kraken's Special Ability "Paralysis": Will remain 0/5 turns yet.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia ignored that feeling and continued to run.
Action: Run
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][148-5=143/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (losing energy very slowly)

Nadia felt something grasp her foot and she turned back, thinking it to be the kraken to find the were tiger had finally moved from his perch but as soon as she saw she escaped his grasp. Though she went for the exit, the Kraken was able to block her way as it tried to grab her and the were tiger tried to grasp her again but both seemed to not be able to keep up with her, even though they were able to thwart her escape.
Kraken's Special Ability "Paralysis": Will remain 1/5 turns yet.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Keep running.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][143-5=138/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (By Kraken)

Nadia goes running but she feels the tiger tug at her foot once more but slip its grasp from her, it seemed to be weaker in the water or at least, not as mobile. Though the Kraken was full well and within a few seconds of tugging to get free from the were tiger, she felt a tentacle wrap around her waist as well as two around her ankles. She was tugged under water for a split second and she could see the huge monster of a creature under the water before its tentacles brought her back above water, almost as if it was just getting a glance at what it caught before it went back to holding it.
Kraken's Special Ability "Paralysis": Will remain 2/5 turns yet.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia screams in fright and
Action: tries to escape pin.
She also yells to the were-tiger "Free me and I'll let you have your way with me." Shuddering as she said this.

Nadia did this because her thoughts were panic stricken. *Nadia has a deep seated fears of tentacles, snakes, and slimes.*
Last edited:
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][93/105]} {[Stamina:][138-5=133/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Pinned (By Were Tiger)

Nadia struggles against the grip of the Kraken but almost as soon as she was, she saw the were tiger look at her and stare, almost as if it was deciding if it was worth going against the sea creature. Though it doesn't look like he wass oging to budge, he leapt towards her and gripped her, not fighting the creature though but she was able to break free with the sudden splash of the water shocking the Kraken. She felt the hardening member of the tiger against her backside but not any action to use it on her...yet.
Kraken's Special Ability "Paralysis": Will remain 3/5 turns yet.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia gasped:
Dialogue: "Thank you, err you don't intend to collect on my promise do you?"
Action: Wait