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Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][105]} {[Stamina:][133-3=130/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Being Raped (By Were Tiger)

Nadia felt a rush of energy wash over her but that rush soon turned to a rush of pleasure as well as she was pushed against the wall of the side of the room you could stand on and she felt the tiger's hardened member enter her womanhood from behind, the tiger was thrusting hard and fast into her. Its member throbbing inside. The tiger's scratchy and wet tongue, licking the back of her neck.
Kraken's Special Ability "Paralysis": Will remain 4/5 turns yet.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Give In} {Try To Escape Rape} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia groans
Thoughts: Dammit I can't let this happen
Action: Try to escape rape
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][105]} {[Stamina:][130/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free

Nadia feels the tiger thrust into her harder and faster and timing it just right she was able to slip away while he thrusted out of her and he ended up thrusting into the wall and groaning in pain. As well as soon as she escaped his grasp she felt the Kraken's tentacles try to grasp her legs but she escaped before it could grasp her. Though still in the dangerous room.

Were Tiger, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Kraken, Large Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

{Wait} {Run} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia begins to sprint towards exit in zig zag pattern.
Action: Run zig zaggy
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][105]} {[Stamina:][130/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Soaking Wet)

Nadia zig zags through the water and successfully moves around the tentacles and the grasp of the now frustrated were tiger to find herself in another room, soaking wet from the water within that last room but luckly not raped by the Kraken or its were tiger room companion. Though upon scanning around in the new room, there was nothing she could spot of any interest.
Another Mother Fucking Empty Room (LOL)

{Wait} {Move On)}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

(I am not going to bother with character thing right now)
Action: Move on
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][105]} {[Stamina:][130/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Free (Soaking Wet)

Nadia moves on to the next room to find it seems rather empty too, but possibly something she is missing.

{Wait} {Move On} {Examine Room}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia decides to
action: wait
in hopes of drying herself off.
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][105]} {[Stamina:][130+17=147/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap/Dryer)

Nadia waits to dry off some but finds herself triggering a trap, the next thing she knows is that she has some kind of device around her womanhood and ass, almost as some kind of panty cuff. It held tight but soon as she touched it to try to remove it, it started to vibrate. In turn, it vibrates her womanhood, her ass and all around her lower half. It wasn't bound to any wall, though it attached by coming out of the wall, it detached from the wall and remained as if it was a pair of her panties. Though constantly vibrating and she knew eventually this would wear her down.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia is not in the mood for this, she tries to break free of it.
Action: read!
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Level 2
Experience: 161/250
{[Health:][105]} {[Stamina:][147-6=141/158]}

{Two Pieces Of The Map}
Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap/Dryer)

Nadia tries her hardest to break the panty vibrator but she can't get a good grasp on the thing to break free of it, everytime she gets a good grip it hits a certain spot that makes her body shiver and she loses the strong grip on it.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Nadia "Mouse" Lav'wil [Diagasvesle]

Nadia continues to try to break free.