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Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][95]}

Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap)

Nanami starts to leave the room when she feels her foot sink a bit and the tile under her foot shifts down. The next thing she hears is a small buzzing sound and almost instantly upon looking down she felt clamps restrain her feet and a small vibrator rose out straight up and went directly into her vagina, vibrating around inside of her. The sudden penetration makes her let off a small gasp of pleasure.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Nanami squeels in surprise at the trap ensnareing her. A small moan escapes her lips as she is penetrated.

"Any other time I'd b be all over this, but not here and not now."

She attempts to muscle her way out of the trap.
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][95-10=85/95]}

Status: Still Trapped (Sexual Trap)

Nanami tries to muscle her way out of the trap but she fails to escape out of the trap, the vibrator inside of her was still thrashing around wildly and making her womanhood start to get wet and hot over the constant thrashing, vibrating and rotating of the vibrator.

{Wait} {Try To Break Free Again}
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Nanami continues to struggle to get away from the vibrator.
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][85/95]}

Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Nanami tries her hardest to break free from the vibrator and with enough effort she finds herself still feeling the vibrator rub against her clit but she's about to break free and with alittle movement she could unhook her ankles with ease. Feeling accomplished breaking free of this trap.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

After freeing herself fr4om the very fun but irritating trap, she decides to rest a moment.

Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][85/95]}

Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][58]}
Nanami takes a deep breath, but her breath is cut off fast as she hears a loud splashing from behind her. She swings around to see a rather big pile of slime. Though as soon as she is watching it, it moves up into a rather big slime ball, slowly moving towards her.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Tired of running, Nanami attacks the creature viciously.
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][85/95]}

Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][58]}
Nanami's vicious attack upon the creature seemed to be fruitless, the creature had been taking each kick or punch as if it wasn't anything. It seemed to be literally absorbing the impacts into its body, her punchs and kicks just goign inside the blob's body. The blob's body seemed to lash out towards Nanami trying to get a grip of her wrists. She could feel its body grasp around her wrists but the blob seemed to slip off her wrists.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Surprised the blob could withstand her assault, Nanami redoubled her efforts on destroying the slime.
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][85/95]}

Status: Pinned (Nearly Full Strength)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][58-20=38]}
Nanami's fury of blows sent the blob splashing its slime around a bit, seemingly hurting it, but she wasn't as sure when the blob reformed and gripped her wrists tightly. Not allowing her hands to slip away one bit, its body was cold but warm almost all at once. As well as it seemed to massage her hands some, in a soothing manner.

{Wait} {Try To Escape Pin} {Attack}
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Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Nanami sensed that she was able to injure the slimy beast, yet was discouraged the she was unable to avoid it's disgusting grasp.

She attempts to break free of the creatures hold.
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][60/65]} {[Stamina:][85/95]}

Status: Free (Nearly Full Strength)

Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][38]}
Nanami's struggles were strong and fast as she ripped her fists free from the blob, the blob's body seemed to splash everywhere but in the end. It reformed but this time Nanami's hands were outside the body and free to strike or if she wished, to let her feet do the running.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Nanami Quindlen [greatone]

Nanami grunts and continues the attack, hoping to finish the thing off.