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Natalia (Aztlan)


Dec 6, 2009
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Natalia arrived at the door of a massive and ominous looking castle. It was hundreds of feet tall, built of obsidian black stone, with no windows anywhere to be seen to let light into it's halls less they had torches or candles to light the path; and to any and all observers, even if they didn't have any magical affinity or attunement, would feel an aura of overwhelming evil coming from it, it was not a place where many would wander off to on their accord. However this was where all leads from the people she had talked to lead to the kidnapped women being, so this had to be the right place. Even odder though, was the strange fact that there was NO security on outside proximity or perimeter. And she seriously had to wonder why? If she ventured forth to test the door, even more alarmin she would find it unlocked, meaning that they either forgot or were expecting her....... When she would finally head into the castle she would find herself in a medium sized room with a door on the south and east side.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia looked around the room for any oddities. She saw nothing in the room, and now she must make a decisions. "South or east" Natalia thought to herself. After a very brief moment of thinking Natalia opened and walked through the door that lead east.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

As Natalia would crack open the eastern, door she would see a short wide hall way that would go down a little ways before curving off to the south shortly and the continue off to the east. It was dimly lit by crude made torches adorning the stone walls. Down at the end of the hall, Natalia would see what looked like a tiger-woman hybrid, She had a skimpy two piece Outfit, blue hair, a blue tiger striped tail and ears, she had athletic tape wrapped around her ankles, feet and forearms, and her fingers were tipped with nasty looking claws. She would have to walk slowly and quietly if she wanted to get by without accident.

(Sneak Check)
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia thought to herself, "I don't know how she would react to seeing me, so I might as well sneak pass her." Natalia then started her sneak down into the end of the hall, hoping not to be noticed by the tiger women.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia Roll(1d20)+0: 15,+0 Total:15 vs TN 15 success

Natalia would slowly creep down the hallway until she came within a few feet of the bend, before pressing herself closely and securely against the wall quietly. She would stay there silently awaiting for the woman to turn around when she would quickly dash around the tiger like woman. She would make her way down the rest of the path until coming to a large bronze door.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia glad she made it pass the girl without conflict now was in front of a door. She looked up at the door, she noticed it was made of metal. She opened the door, and looked inside.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

As Natalia would slowly push the door open she would come upon a large open room with a single brown chess in the middle. She would also notice, if she chose to look around the room, another set of doors on te southern wall of the room.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia looked at the rooms. Once she noticed the chest she smiled. She thought "well this could have something good in it." She walked over to the chest and opened it.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

As Natalia opens the chest she would find a small red bottle nestled inside. The bottle held a glowing, pulsating red liquid inside. It was very ornate and well crafted with gold guilded lining. The chest was mostly empty aside from that. She was now free to either explore the rest of the room or head on out to th rest of the floor.

Natalia has found a minor life potion.
 She can drink this to restore 2HP.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia put the potion in her bag, "this will come in handy" she thought. Now she thought about her options, look through the room or go to the next room. She decided she'd got to the rest of the floor. Natalia walked to the door and opened them to continue on.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

As Natalia would open up the southern doors, she would come across another short path, this one branching off in to the left and right. The left path if she chose to go down it would widen a bit before eventually breaking off into another fork. The right path would lead down a long southward passage breaking off to the left halfway through and at the bottom.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

Natalia decided to go down the left path. When she made it to the fork she had to decide a direction. After a quick look at each hall she decided to go the right path of the fork.
Re: Natalia (Aztlan)

As Natalia would make her way down the left path as she would approach the area where it widened out, she would hear the soft pitter patter of foot falls. As she made her way down the southern fork, she would see a feminine and feline looking shadow dancing along the walls from the flickering torch light. She would have to proceed stealthily and cautiously to avoid any unwanted confrontation with the source of the shadow.