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Natalie (Tassadar)

Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie, locked as she is between the pools and her children, is unable to avoid the slime, and so has her lower body engulfed by it almost instantly. Within moments, her moans of pleasure fill the dank cavern as the slime starts flowing into her, and she almost regrets it as it flows away from her, apparently satisfied.

Her womb now full of whatever the slime had left inside of her, Natalie only groans, blushing in her after glow. After a moment she tries to get herself and her imps moving again, however, hopefully before the slime comes back for seconds.

(All ahead full. IE: All move up 2.)
Last edited:
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Picking herself up after the assault, Natalie finds it hard to walk fast. The goo left on her skin is slippery, and only the hands of her imp-children behind and in front keep her upright at times. Still, she presses on, and gradually the goo wears away.

The blue slime wobbles back and forth, then seems to lean in the group's direction as it steadies.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 20/100, Pregnant: 2 turns

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (middle)
  • Imp 2 (top)
  • Imp 3 (bottom)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Finding that the goo has worn itself off, Natalie tries to pick up the pace and get away from the slime.

(All up, right, up. Unless my movement is still slowed, in which case up, left.)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Natalie's march towards the exit is interrupted by a strangled "Gwak!" coming from behind her. Looking back, she sees the rearmost of her imp-children, totally engulfed in the blue slime. He's struggling, but not making any progress... then he vanishes in a cloud of multicolored smoke, which forms a bubble within the slime until it lets it pop out.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 20/100, Pregnant: 1 turn

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (bottom)
  • Imp 2 (top)
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

Knowing that there was nothing she could do for her imp child, Natalie turned and led her surviving children through the doorway.
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)

(Yes, I did do up a "new" slime sprite - that's why I started updating - and now you get to see it. Ph33r my l33t sprite-mixing skillz!)

Outpacing the slime as it oozes after her little band, Natalie finds herself sitting down in the middle of the tunnel, her belly fluttering in a familiar fashion.

Unlike before, however, what comes out is not solid in any way, so it's practically effortless. The blue ooze that spills out gradually coalesces into a blob, and after Natalie passes the last of the slime, it rises up, forming a head and breasts that mimic Natalie's own. It looks curiously at Natalie, just like her baby imps did.

The next cavern is, like the previous two, seemingly made of flesh. Also like the previous two, there are blobs of coloured slime sliding to and fro. What is different is the large green blob in front of the exit.

Character Stats
  • Natalie: Corruption 20/100

Characters To Move
  • Natalie
  • Imp 1 (top)
  • Imp 2 (bottom)
  • Blue Slime
Re: Natalie (Tassadar)


Finding the birth of the slime surprisingly easy, Natalie looked at her newest "child" with as much interest as it did with her. It looked almost like her, and she reached to touch it, trying to figure out what it was made of, as her imps look on, equally as curious as to the nature of their new sibling.

The slime blob seemed to take the wrong idea from her touch, however, as it promptly shuffled forward, preparing to give her much the same treatment as its father had.

(Blue Slime attacks Natalie. No other actions.)