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Naturally supernatural

Re: Naturally supernatural

As Mina takes her own baggy clothes off, she looked a little confused, "Um... A-alright..." something seemed to be on her mind after Melissa mentioned a hand job as she takes all her clothes off, and slipped into the shower with Mina.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa flips on the spray, warm water trickling down both their bodies as she resumes stroking Mina's penis. She hugs Mina with her other arm, holding her from behind and nibbling on her neck.

"Mmm... you know, you taste really good..."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina, although blushing, seemed distracted by something as Melissa's hand coursed around her shaft, "M-Melissa... I-I feel strange..."

Then, Mina seemed to snap. Turning on Melissa, her eyes looked like they were hypnotized, as Mina's hands grabbed at Melissa's ass, somehow managing to lift her so her pussy is above Mina's throbbing cock.

Ramming her shaft between Melissa's folds, she began bouncing her up and down, making her ride her long, hard cock as Melissa felt shocked from the strong, familiar pleasure.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa is too surprised at this, and enjoying the result too much, to put up more than a token protest...

"Aah, ohhh, Mina, please, be, gentle..."

She hugs Mina tighter, the shower-water running in trickles down between their breasts, letting her do most of the work.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa bucked her legs in shock every time Mina rammed her cock deep inside her walls. Their breasts were pressed onto each other, rubbing slightly as the futa girl fucked Melissa like a wild animal, her essence slowly being drained from her, filling Mina with her wonderful spirit.

Melissa's moans were replaced with shouts as she quickly found herself nearing orgasm as Mina's cock worked quickly, and expertly inside her, "M-Melissa!" Mina shouted, "Oh, god, you feel so good!" she announced lustfully.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa's sight was going fuzzy around the edges... not that she cared right now, with her chin lying on Mina's shoulder as she hung onto Mina.

"Aaah, ohgod, ohgod yes YES YES..."

Wrapping her legs around Mina, and writhing within her grasp, is about all she can contribute as she hits her peak, yelling to the ceiling as she spasms in ecstasy.
Re: Naturally supernatural

As Melissa drenches Mina's cock with her juices, Mina releases her warm seed inside Melissa once more, as Melissa feels herself filled once more with the comforting warm liquid.

Surprisingly, Mina's cock softens, gradually pulling out of Melissa's sex, her white cum pouring out of her, and going down the drain.

Melissa felt tired, greatly drained of emotion, as Mina set her back down, and shut the water off, as it began to grow cold. Turning back to Melissa, she kissed her deeply, pulling back to say in a thankful tone, "I feel... Full, happy... Thank you, Melissa..." she says with a smile, then her eyes lock with Melissa, looking at her, almost with passion, "You've been so nice to me... I... I think I love you..." she admits happily, hopping out of the shower, and putting her baggy clothes back on, with her cock no longer showing under them. She finally seemed satisfied, which is a good thing, because Melissa felt really worn after cumming twice!
Re: Naturally supernatural

Lying there, with the shower rinsing trickles of semen off her body, is about all Melissa feels like doing, after Mina sets her down. The kiss she receives after that, however, brings her focus back to the here-and-now.

"Eheh... you're... not the only one... falling in love..."

Melissa abruptly clears her throat, towelling herself off before once more dressing, looking away with her face red.

"Ehrm. A-anyways, we should pack up some stuff to take along. I-I guess, if you can, um, control yourself... I don't need to tell them."
Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina happily nodded, "Yes! I'll help you, what do we need?" she asked, her voice suggesting that Mina held her in high regard, willing do to anything she asks.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa walks back to the bedroom, talking as she goes.

"Let's see... for each of us, a change of clothes, some food, and some water; I've only got the one flashlight, unfortunately, so we'll need the battery charger... um, first-aid stuff, my rifle, as much ammo as we can carry... and, um..."

She pauses as she looks at the vibrator, lubricant, and condoms, still on the floor from earlier.

"I guess we can take those, too. Oh - this will be your backpack, so make sure it's comfortable to carry - not too full. I only want to make one trip, from here to my car, so we'll be carrying things in our arms too. If you can think of something else to take, say so... I, um, don't think we'll be back anytime soon."

Melissa begins gathering items, packing them into the backpacks or piling them up.

(Cargo: 2x clothes, 4x food rations (half fresh, half survival), 1x flashlight, 1x first-aid kit, 1x .22 LR rifle, a box of .22 ammunition, sex toys, a battery recharger (recharges flashlight/vibrator batteries), a laptop computer)
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Re: Naturally supernatural

Mina carried everything that wouldn't fit in Melissa's pack for her, as she didn't seem to have enough strength to do it herself, as the pair walked out of the apartment room, going down the steps, to the car.

As Mina loaded her pack into the back seat, and got the passenger side with Melissa, she looked over to her with a happy face, "Melissa, I'm very happy I met you. You've been so nice to me, I'll do anything you ask." she commits with no regret.

(Just like Toxic shock's, "Dixie", you can take Mina along with you on missions and looting runs in place of other players, Mina is specialized in unarmed combat, and first aid.)
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa lets out a sigh of relief as she lets her pack fall in the back of her car, then sits - almost falls - into the driver's seat.

"I... um... thank you. I think other people would've done much the same thing, though..."

She starts the car, heading towards Apple Inn, trying not to think of all the bits of personal history and potentially useful gear she's leaving behind.
Re: Naturally supernatural

As Melissa drove to the hotel, not much conversation was exchanged between the two, as after about a minute, they already found themselves at the hotel.

Upon parking in the parking lot, both girls got out of the car, taking their bags with them, slipping them onto their shoulders.

Walking down to the entrance to the only lit building they had seen, Melissa didn't have to knock, as the door slid open as they both neared it, the woman that opened in gesturing for them to come inside.

"You two lovers? We've been getting a lot of same sex couples, recently..." she stated as the two walked in, Mina blushing when she was accused of being Melissa's lover.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa echoes Mina's blush at the question, but squares her shoulders and tries to answer without seeming embarrassed.

"Er, um, yeah. Since the monsters are, um, killing off all the men, though, it kinda makes sense, doesn't it? Ah... thank you for letting us in. I'm Melissa, and this is Mina."
Re: Naturally supernatural

The woman shrugs, "Yeah, I suppose it does make sense... Oh, my name's Sandra, nice to see ya." she said with a slight greeting gesture of her hand.

She went over to a large set of keys hanging on the wall, taking one, then handing it to Melissa, "Here ya go," she said, gesturing with the key.

After taking the key, the two proceeded up the stairs, to the room marked by the number on the key.

Opening the door, it looked like any other hotel room, as Mina quickly strode in, setting her pack on the floor, and begging Melissa to come in by gesturing with her hands,

"Come on! You look tired!" she observed, "It's time for a good night's rest!" she stated gleefully.
Re: Naturally supernatural

"Okay, okay, here I come, such energy so late at night..."

Melissa makes her way to bed, stripping down to her underwear as she slides under the covers - pajamas having been among the items she'd left behind.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Despite having her own underwear, Mina just takes all of her clothes off, then gets in bed next to Melissa slowly, her cock getting hard again as she crawls under the sheets next to her.

Melissa could feel the bare cock poke her, as Mina moves closes, wrapping her arm around Melissa, smiling at her as she snuggles in as close as she can, while her lower body is kept at a distance due to the intruding phallus.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa, for her own part, merely cuddles closer to Mina, letting out a sigh as their body heat warms the bed up.
Re: Naturally supernatural

The two quickly fall asleep, and the next morning, Mina was as horny as ever.

Melissa awoke the very next morning, feeling better after having so much sex with Mina, as she felt a tugging on her panties. Looking over, Mina apparently wanted to fuck her again.

Mina was blushing as she tugged at Melissa's panties, "M-Melissa..." she stuttered, blushing greatly, "I... I want to make love to you again..." she asks, as politely as she could, her phallus poking Melissa's thigh, as if it was begging as well.
Re: Naturally supernatural

Melissa smiles at Mina across the pillow, feeling much more up to her boundless sex drive given the night's rest.

"So... did you want to do it right here, or should we go to the bathroom and do it in the shower stall ag-mmph..."

...as Mina abruptly silences Melissa with her lips. With this answer, Mel fumbles off her bra, leaving her panties to Mina's eager fingers.

(Did you want to skip ahead and bring the oversexed twosome into the present, RJ?)