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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Minx shook her head, although she started to pet the back of Aya's head, "No... I can feel her summoning me... We must go." she told Aya, moving slightly in a fashion that she hoped would encourage her to get off the bed, "Don't mind your clothes, you won't be needing them for this..."
Re: Need to feed

Feeling the woman's petting coming to an end and feeling the woman moving slightly Aya decided not to fight it, she would get up and face Rose and hope for the best. Aya opened her eyes as she got her arms off of Minx, then broke away and sat up on the bed. Aya then got up from her spot, getting off of Minx's nice bed. Aya didn't bother with her clothing, Minx was right, she wouldn't be needing them for this.

Standing in the room with Minx Aya waited for the woman to lead her out to Rose, as she did Aya did say something to the woman.
" I will do my best Minx... I will make sure that what you did teach me doesn't go to waste... "
Re: Need to feed

Minx giggled evilly, "Don't worry, child! If you fail, you can still enjoy a life of endless pleasures as a sexual slave!" she laughed, as she quickly started to lead Aya out of her love scented room, "It won't be so bad... Hm, hm, hm." she giggled.

After they'd gone a ways down the hallway, Aya and Minx reached the end of the hallway, which possessed a single double door, looking more magnificent than any of the other doors she had seen. "Go on inside, I'll get the others. In the meantime, why don't you take the time to get to know your opponent? And when all Succubi are present to watch, you two may begin..." she said with anticipation.
Re: Need to feed

Aya simply followed Minx out of the room and down the hall, not saying anything when Minx said Aya would enjoy a life as a sexual slave. Really, Aya wondered if the goddess would even allow Aya to become enslaved to someone. Aya always thought that the goddess sort of owned her, in a sense. Putting the thoughts away when her and Minx reached the magnificent door Aya nodded when Minx told her to go inside while she got everyone. Then, the albino walked over to the door, ready to open it and go inside.
Re: Need to feed

As soon as Aya went inside the magnificent looking door, she saw Rose, with her red, curly hair, and a curvy body shape, enough to drive Aya insane with lust, standing in front of a large mirror, looking at herself...

Aya was in a room that seemed meant for only the highest of royalty, that even put her own mother's room to shame. A large, heart shaped bed, big enough to accommodate a dozen people, was at the center of attention, asides from Rose herself. It's blankets were red, it's sheets were red, and the pillows had a background of green, with a single, large, red rose depicted into the cloth. The whole bed itself was encased by opened curtains, that were meant to close at the user's discretion.

The walls of the room were of a similar depiction of the pillows. The background being green, except for the wallpaper, there were many vines along the art, with roses growing among them, only serving to give even more glory to Rose's name.

Rose looked at Aya through the reflection in the mirror, and smiled evilly. "Ah... You've come..." she giggled seductively, "What a fool, you are, challenging me like this. Although, you will be giving my girl's a rather good show. It's not everyday they get to see a disciple of the Goddess reduced to a mere slave, after all." she laughed.
Re: Need to feed

Looking at Rose was driving her crazy, Aya looked away from the woman's body so she could focus on something other then sex. Rose was beautiful, her body was amazing, simply looking at her turned Aya on. The only person Aya could think of who looked better was the goddess herself. Thinking of the goddess, Aya wondered if she thought she stood a chance. The albino wanted to call out to the goddess, if the woman gave her some reassurance then Aya would feel a lot better going into this. Aya decided to do just that then, using her special connection she called out to her master, badly wanting some reassurance and encouragement.

' Milady... You have faith in me don't you? You believe in me, right? '

Before the goddess could respond to her Aya spoke to Rose, her voice actually sounding confident.

" I'm not going to lose to you Rose. Minx has taught me what I needed to know. I'm going to prove myself worthy of being the chosen! "

Even thought she had her doubts because of what Minx had said Aya did feel that she could do this, Minx had gotten her points across and taught Aya what she needed to learn. She would dominate, she would love Rose, as if she was Bianca or someone else who greatly mattered to Aya. The albino would be passionate and love every moment of the sex, she wouldn't just use simply stimulation. The albino was determined to defeat Rose, she wasn't going to let this woman walk over her. She was going to prove herself worthy of being the chosen.
Re: Need to feed

( Oh, I forgot to ask. If Aya does lose she won't become a slave permanently right? )
Re: Need to feed

Aya heard the Goddess, seemingly happily responding to her plea.

I have hope, my child, hope that my decision of choosing you to be my daughter in this wretched world, was not misplaced...

Rose laughed, and turned to Aya with a wide, seductive grin, "Minx is a relic now! She couldn't even compare to me! I just had her make you a little more experienced than a little rat of a child before I played with you. You never stood a chance, girl. But, don't let that stop you from trying! Let the fire of passion burn in your heart, so that I might find the thrill of putting it out!"

Rose then giggled, and placed her hands on her own breasts, squeezing them a little, and rubbing them in front of Aya, further getting Aya excited over Rose's sexually powerful body, "I'm going to have you drink my milk, and once you do, there'll be no limit to the sexual pleasures you will feel. You will fuck until your body cannot move, and you will cum until you faint. All before you become my servant... Beneath me, where you rightfully belong..." she laughed with valor, taunting Aya.
Re: Need to feed

Daughter. Aya was the goddesses daughter. Aya hadn't liked the idea at first when her mother called her that, but thinking about it now, out of the billions of people he goddess could of chosen, she had chosen Aya. It was a real honor. The goddess, she loved her just as much as her other mother did. This filled Aya with emotion, the albino felt a tear begin to weld in her left eye from hearing the goddess calling her her daughter. Aya began to respond to what the goddess said, calling to her mother through their special connection, ignoring Rose for the moment as she wiped the tear away from her eye and she made a sniffle type sound.

' I won't let you down mother. I will put Rose in her place. I love you mother... Thank you so much, for everything... '

After Aya spoke to the goddess she turned her attention to Rose, crossing her arms and frowning at the woman, looking more then annoyed with her. Aya was rather annoyed with what Rose had said, this woman, it seemed all that mattered to her was power and how much of it she could get. She wanted to make Aya herself a slave as a sign of power, she wanted everyone working under her and serving her.

In a determined and passionate voice Aya spoke to Rose.
" Power is all that matters to you, isn't it Rose? I doubt the goddess or serving her really matters to you, all you care about is how much power you can get, how many people you can get under you. " Aya paused before continuing. " I'm going to put you in your place now Rose. I'm not waiting for Minx to gather everyone, we're doing this right now. I'm going to teach you a lesson that you will never forget."

Aya shut her eyes and took in a deep breath. As she did she focused on something, a feeling she had been learning about. The feeling she had been feeling for Bianca the first time they had sex, that feeling the goddess had been feeling for her those times that had sex. The feeling Minx had been teaching her about. That love and passion, Aya focused on it and let it overtake her. Then, Aya opened her eyes. Her red eyes, then seemed to glow. They were filled with passion, love, and lust for Rose now, and nothing more. Her mouth made a smile, a perverted smile, one that matched what her eyes showed. In this state Aya began to walk over to Rose, showing no fear or hesitation. She was ready, she was going to dominate Rose as she made love to her. Aya got close to Rose, and soon would be able to wrestle the woman into a submissive position and make love to her. Aya didn't care what the woman did or said, she would not stop.
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Re: Need to feed

"Honor your lover! Fool!" Aya heard the Goddess shout in her mind.

As Aya went for Rose, seeking to overtake her, Rose growled in annoyance, and Aya found Rose's hand firmly placed on her face, holding her back. "Annoying child!" she spat, as Aya could feel Rose channeling essence in order to hold her back, "All that matters to me is pleasure! Only thing is, for a Succubus, I needed power before I could have everyone and everything bow before me, and beg to pleasure me! I honored tradition, I made Minx cum until she fell unconscious before all of my sisters! I'm insulted to see you attempt to break this honored practice, and prevent my sisters from getting the pleasure of watching me fuck you."

Aya suddenly felt herself get pushed, so much that she fell back, and landed on her rump. "Stupid child! Your passion is blunt, and without heart! With no respect for your sexual partner, I'll never see you as anything more than a spoiled child!"

At those words, the door leading out suddenly opened, for Minx, followed by all of the succubi, including some Aya had not seen before... All of them stunningly beautiful...

Once Minx saw Aya on her rump, and Rose seeming to have been interrupted, she asked, "What is the meaning of this?"

Rose looked to her, while her face still pointed at Aya, "This little child tried to rape me, to engage in sex with me before our sisters gathered for the event."

Minx looked to Aya, "Chosen! Why would you be so dishonorable?" she asked, feeling betrayed.

A blond Succubus with long, straight hair in the back of the group chuckled, talking with her apparent friend, "She just mindlessly tried to fuck Rose? Hah, maybe she was right about the kid. Just a sex fiend."

More talking, from an unknown member of the group hidden in the crowd, "How boring... Well, I suppose even milady Goddess makes mistakes."

"Is there still going to be a session of lust? I sure hope so... I hope I didn't get dragged away from my partner for nothing! She almost made me cum this time!"

Rose spoke to the crowd of her sisters who gathered due to Minx rounding them up, "I apologize for calling you for such a hopeless... human..." she said the term as if insulting Aya by calling her a human. "But, rest assured, this session has not been called off! And once I'm done with her, I hope you'll all have some fun, with the Goddess' own chosen!" she said, and the Succubi in the group smiled, and some even cheered at the mention of Rose literally, "feeding" her to all of those Succubi, as their eyes looked upon Aya, as if she were some kind of meal...