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ACT [nekonomeme] Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ

Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

@ StiffSponge and HangerDanger
Not trying to get into a fight or anything, but isn't your husband/wifely bickering considered FLAMMING? I think I read in the rules somewhere that Flamming was a big no no...Then again, I could be wrong.

As towards the game, Looks interesting. Where can I download the latest installment? Is it on the blog, or is it on DLsite?
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

On point A: Nope my perception of what rape is for something that is just an H game has nothing to do with my perception of it in real life...if YOU have trouble distinguishing a game from a real life than you are in need of some help...

On point B: Well i thought that rapists avoided that kind of stuff as that carries a large risk of a girl actully bitting the dick off a rapist,lol...

On point C: When you mentioned "full rape",i thought that you meant actual sex animation(not grappling)...

On point D: Who uses a term NOOB and then thinks he's smart???
And why the hell do you act like i've done something to offend you directly???

Now i won't say that i'm right in everything i said,since everyone makes some mistakes from time to time,and i made a mistake of missunderstooding what you wrote,but you are ready to get angry at someone just over something like that!!!...What are you a kid or something???

c'mon guys we are here to give illegal downloads and jerk off, not fighting over the definition of rape.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

c'mon guys we are here to give illegal downloads and jerk off, not fighting over the definition of rape.

You sir have just made my day with that remark.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

c'mon guys we are here to give illegal downloads and jerk off, not fighting over the definition of rape.

Well you're right...It wasn't my intention of starting a fight,but i just could not ignore that guy acting like that for no obvious reason...Anyway my response to his post wasn't really me fighting with him or anything,i just explained him that i missunderstood him and that's all...That was the last of what i intended to say on the subject and i kind of already forgot about it(even if that guy says something about it in the future,i'll just ignore it as that discussion is over as far as i'm concerned)...

That aside i'm really looking forward to the next update for this game...I can't wait to see what new content will be put into it...
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Another update to the blog today at least...added more animations to the ceiling creeper.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

New demo is up on the blog.

Some new enemies but I am stuck at the place where you have to flip the switches. I can't seem to find the keyboard key to flip those switches. Perhaps it is the en dof the demon but don't know.

Anyway, it is becoming a really interesting game.

Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

when I try to unpack I get archive is corrupt. I've tried downloading it 3 times now.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

I had no problems at all. Sorry Kagami =/

New enemy and new animations for old enemies.

Now a rape animation with the squid boss. Changed the close whip attack to a grapple and rape. Has a cum animation.

Ceiling hanger now has a bit of a rape animation before sucking her in. No cum animation.

New enemy is a mummy. Has a single and double team. Single is a simple bear hug looking move, double looks like a bear hug with front penetration. Didn't seem to have a cum animation.

Also a new mechanical trap in the mummy area where the fake switch is that will grapple you and have it's way with you. Does have a cum animation.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

New demo is up on the blog.

Some new enemies but I am stuck at the place where you have to flip the switches. I can't seem to find the keyboard key to flip those switches. Perhaps it is the en dof the demon but don't know.

Anyway, it is becoming a really interesting game.


Press 'up' on your keyboard to flip switches.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

the end is the yellow gate ?
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Can someone quickly re-up to a different host? Mediafire's down

..aaaand just as I post that it comes back up. Motherfucker!
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

the end is the yellow gate ?

Yes, apparently you cannot go further for now.

Overall we have a nice H-platformer with neat sprite-art, good controls and dynamics and really good animations (apart from the "H" ones, even the "reloading weapons" are really good, with the nice touch of the shotgun reloading, which is done shot by shot).

If I had to make a criticism is that, as of now, it is really easy: enemies are slow, few and weak, there are no traps, pitfall or slopes.
The overall challenge is far from Kurovadis and in the end you play more for the "H" than for the "platformer".

Still, the quality is really high.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

What about those masher things?

Also my only criticism so far is that when you reach 00 health whilst in an animation with an enemy. You have to kill the game and reopen it to do any thing after that point.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

What about those masher things?

Ok... ONE trap... :D. But nothing like the tentacle pit of Kurovadis or the rape-chamber of Mecha-Musume.

Also my only criticism so far is that when you reach 00 health whilst in an animation with an enemy. You have to kill the game and reopen it to do any thing after that point.

Yes, still the game is still "beta" so this has to be expected.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Ok... ONE trap... :D. But nothing like the tentacle pit of Kurovadis or the rape-chamber of Mecha-Musume.

Yes, still the game is still "beta" so this has to be expected.

Two: there is the dildotrap.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

I had no problems at all. Sorry Kagami =/

New enemy and new animations for old enemies.

Now a rape animation with the squid boss. Changed the close whip attack to a grapple and rape. Has a cum animation.

Ceiling hanger now has a bit of a rape animation before sucking her in. No cum animation.

New enemy is a mummy. Has a single and double team. Single is a simple bear hug looking move, double looks like a bear hug with front penetration. Didn't seem to have a cum animation.

Also a new mechanical trap in the mummy area where the fake switch is that will grapple you and have it's way with you. Does have a cum animation.

...crys... I restarted in safe mode and tried again.. it worked that means I have something on my pc again...
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Two: there is the dildotrap.

Since you have to willingly activate and fall into it (in fact it does not capture you if you do not step back in the center of it) I'd call it more a "bonus" for us loyal followers :D
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

If you press Start and Select at the same time, you go back to the title screen. Do that if you encounter the stuck in an enemy animation while at 00 HP glitch.

Start and Select being whatever keyboard/controller buttons you have mapped to Start and Back. By default it's Tab and Space.