Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)



Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The thin, soot and sludge covered girl shivers as she looks up to Liz.

" s-saved me... Th...thank you L-Liz... I owe you my life in return."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Realizing the girl was probably not used to doing anything unless commanded, Liz stood up and gently steered the girl to the sink, "Get cleaned up and we'll talk, whats your name" the assassin asked as she got a big handful of the gel and began working the poor girls shoulders.


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The girl blushes through the filth on her face as she shoulders were washed thoroughly.

" n-name is Tezhek..."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

"Tezhek huh? So I can assume that your from here then. What did you do to wind up down there?" Liz asks, further cleaning the probably terrified girl.


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The girl flushes deeply as she was asked what she did to end up down in the furnace organism.

"I...I d-don't want t-to talk about it..."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

"fair enough" Liz said cheerfully, the bathing was nearing completion and thankfully the girl wasn't too shy. "How would you like to leave this place, forever?" she asked, slowly turning her around.


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The girl looked towards Liz.

"L-leave...? Y-you mean like this r-room?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz stared into her eyes, "I'm not from here Tez, There's a whole other world on the surface" she said, pointing up. "I will take you with me, away from this place where you can start over if you want, But yes or no I'll need your help to get back out"


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The girl cringed as she tried to grasp the concept of the outside world.

"Y-you m-mean Upper Dolvehk?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz sighs, "Imagine a place where everything is made of metal and plastic, no living machines, or pods, or slimes. and when you look up you can actually see the sky. My home." the assassin says brightly.


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

The girl snickers and starts giggling softly.

"You're crazy. This is all there is. And what is plaz tick?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

"think so huh" Liz says, "Help me out and I will personally show you what I'm talking about, first we need to get equipment, running around nude isn't gonna help us any"


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Tezhek blushes as she nuzzles closer towards Liz.

"W-we could m-make th-the best of th-this situation..."

The girl's bush deepens as she leans in to kiss Liz on the lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz is a little taken aback by the girls sudden advance but assumed that after her shitty time down in the furnace room that it wouldn't be a bad idea. Meeting her lips as her arms drew Tez closer, her tongue slipping into her mouth and finding the other girls, dancing around it as a light moan was drawn from her by the contact with another willing woman...


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Tezhek held the passionate embrace as long as she could, thoroughly enjoying it as the girls' tongues danced with each other. She then breaks the embrace and looks into Liz's eyes lustfully.

"What do you want me to do now mistress?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

"Mistress!? Just shutup and enjoy yourself." Liz said quietly before kissing her again and bringing her down to the floor, her hands finding the girls breasts and gently massaging the soft globes as their bodies entwined and Liz started to kiss her way down Tez's neck slowly...


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Tez blushes as she is told to enjoy herself.

" s-saved my life... Th-that means I owe you my life... I... am yours..."

She softly returns the embrace as Liz kisses her, and can't help but let out a loud, lewd moan as her breasts were gently massaged, her skin sensitive from all the whipping she had endured as a slave.

"P-P-PLEASE!! Be gentle..."

She pants heavily and lets out lewd moans as her neck was kissed passionately.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz lightens her touch a little before slowly kissing her way lower, her tongue drawing small circles as she worked her way down the Tez's mound, her tongue finally and very gently slipping into the girls petals...


Tentacle God
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Tez starts sweating and moaning louder as Liz worked her way down her front. She lets out a loud cry of pleasure as Liz's tongue connected with her labia. At that moment, a slender, sickly, pale man enters the room dressed in nothing but an old, torn and worn-out robe.

"What's going on in here?!"

As he gazes upon the sweaty girls making love to each other, he blushes and politely averts his gaze as he backs out of the room closing the door slowly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll just be going now..."

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Re: Never Look Back (Courage Wolf)

Liz ignored the man and continued working Tez, judging by his reaction this was either normal. or he was too shy to act at that moment which was fine, Acting normal would get her farther then violence would right now and the assassin was enjoying herself...